Daily programming puzzles at Advent of Code, by Eric Wastl. This is a small example starter project for building Advent of Code solutions.
- Day1: Historian Hysteria
- Day2: Red-Nosed Reports
- Day3: Mull it Over
- Day4: Ceres Search
- Day5: Print Queue
- Day6: Guard Gallivant
- Day7: Bridge Repair
- Day8: Resonant Collinearity
- Day9: Disk Fragmenter
- Day10: Hoof It
- Day11: Plutonian Pebbles
- Day12: Garden Groups
- Day13: Claw Contraption
- Day14: Restroom Redoubt
- Day15: Warehouse Woes
- Day18: RAM Run
- Day19: Linen Layout
- Day20: Race Condition
- Day22: Monkey Market
This template is provided by https://github.com/Abizern/aoc-swift-starter, which itself is based on on the swift-aoc-starter-example provided by Apple.
- Swift 6 (Have fun with Sendable Types)
- Swift Testing instead of XCTest
The challenges assume three files (replace 00 with the day of the challenge).
: the input data provided for the challengeSources/Day00.swift
: the code to solve the challengeTests/Day00Tests.swift
: any unit tests that you want to include
The Package contains a plug-in to generate these files:
To start a new day's challenge, cd
to the root directory of the package and run
swift package --allow-writing-to-package-directory new-day <day-number>
which will create the three files for the day. It may look like a lot to type, but if your shell is correctly set up, history and auto-completien will make this easier.
Alternatively, if you don't want to use the plugin make a copy of these files, updating 00 to the day number.
In either case, you will need to add the solution to the list of available solutions:
// Add each new day implementation to this array:
let allChallenges: [any AdventDay] = [
- Day00()
+ Day00(),
+ Day01(),
Then implement part 1 and 2. The AdventOfCode.swift
file controls which challenge
is run with swift run
. Add your new type to its allChallenges
array. By default
it runs the most recent challenge.
The AdventOfCode.swift
file controls which day's challenge is run
with swift run
. By default that runs the most recent challenge in the package.
To supply command line arguments use swift run AdventOfCode
. For example,
swift run -c release AdventOfCode --benchmark 3
builds the binary with full
optimizations, and benchmarks the challenge for day 3.
I`m trying out 2 space indents, so watch out for that!
I use Swiftformat so this works for me:
swiftformat .