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Advent of Code 2024 Solutions in Swift


Daily programming puzzles at Advent of Code, by Eric Wastl. This is a small example starter project for building Advent of Code solutions.

Notes to solutions for 2024:


This template is provided by, which itself is based on on the swift-aoc-starter-example provided by Apple.

Major changes from the forkeed template

  • Swift 6 (Have fun with Sendable Types)
  • Swift Testing instead of XCTest


The challenges assume three files (replace 00 with the day of the challenge).

  • Sources/Data/day00.txt: the input data provided for the challenge
  • Sources/Day00.swift: the code to solve the challenge
  • Tests/Day00Tests.swift: any unit tests that you want to include

The Package contains a plug-in to generate these files:

To start a new day's challenge, cd to the root directory of the package and run

swift package --allow-writing-to-package-directory new-day <day-number>

which will create the three files for the day. It may look like a lot to type, but if your shell is correctly set up, history and auto-completien will make this easier.

Alternatively, if you don't want to use the plugin make a copy of these files, updating 00 to the day number.

In either case, you will need to add the solution to the list of available solutions:

// Add each new day implementation to this array:
let allChallenges: [any AdventDay] = [
-  Day00()
+  Day00(),
+  Day01(),

Then implement part 1 and 2. The AdventOfCode.swift file controls which challenge is run with swift run. Add your new type to its allChallenges array. By default it runs the most recent challenge.

The AdventOfCode.swift file controls which day's challenge is run with swift run. By default that runs the most recent challenge in the package.

To supply command line arguments use swift run AdventOfCode. For example, swift run -c release AdventOfCode --benchmark 3 builds the binary with full optimizations, and benchmarks the challenge for day 3.

Linting and Formatting

I`m trying out 2 space indents, so watch out for that!

I use Swiftformat so this works for me:

swiftformat .


Advent of Code solutions in Swift for 2024






