With release of Anjay 3.0, the library's license terms have changed. Please make sure that you have reviewed it before updating to the new major release. Previous versions of Anjay remain with the old, Apache 2.0 license.
Anjay is a C library that aims to be the reference implementation of the OMA Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (LwM2M) device management protocol. It eases development of fully-featured LwM2M client applications by taking care of protocol details, allowing the user to focus on device-specific aspects.
The project has been created and is actively maintained by AVSystem.
- Supported features
- About OMA LwM2M
- Quickstart guide
- Embedded operating systems ports
- Raspberry Pi client
- Java bindings
- License
- Contributing
This version includes full support for OMA LwM2M TS 1.1 features. Some features, such as support for EST, SMS binding or HSM's are available commercially.
LwM2M Bootstrap Interface:
- Request
- Discover
- Read
- Write
- Delete
- Finish
LwM2M Client Registration Interface:
- Register
- Update
- De-register
LwM2M Device Management and Service Enablement Interface:
- Discover
- Read
- Read-Composite
- Write
- Write-Composite
- Execute
- Write-Attributes
- Create
- Delete
- Send
LwM2M Information Reporting Interface:
- Observe
- Observe-Composite
- Cancel Observation
- Cancel Observation-Composite
- Notify
LwM2M Security modes:
- DTLS with Certificates (if supported by backend TLS library)
- DTLS with PSK (if supported by backend TLS library)
- NoSec mode
Supported TLS backends:
- mbed TLS
- OpenSSL
- tinydtls
Supported platforms:
- any Unix-like operating system, such as Linux (including Android), macOS and BSD family
- Microsoft Windows (preliminary support, see README.Windows.md for details)
- any embedded platform (e.g. FreeRTOS, ThreadX) with lwIP networking stack
- porting is possible for any other platform that has ISO C99 compiler available, see Porting guide for non-POSIX platforms for details
- preimplemented integration layer for Arm Mbed OS and an example client based on it are available
- example client based on Zephyr OS is available
CoAP data formats:
- Plain Text
- Opaque
- LwM2M JSON (output only)
CoAP BLOCK transfers (for transferring data that does not fit in a single UDP packet):
- Block1 (sending / receiving requests)
- Block2 (sending responses)
Pre-implemented LwM2M Objects:
- Access Control
- Security
- Server
- Firmware Update
- IPSO single and three-axis sensor objects
- LwM2M Gateway
Stream-oriented persistence API
OMA LwM2M is a remote device management and telemetry protocol designed to conserve network resources. It is especially suitable for constrained wireless devices, where network communication is a major factor affecting battery life. LwM2M features secure (DTLS-encrypted) methods of remote bootstrapping, configuration and notifications over UDP or SMS.
More details about OMA LwM2M: Brief introduction to LwM2M
- C compiler with C99 support,
- avs_commons - included in the repository as a subproject,
- If DTLS support is enabled, at least one of:
- Optional dependencies (required for tests):
- CMake 3.6+ - non-mandatory, but preferred build system,
- C++ compiler with C++11 support,
- Python 3.5+,
- pybind11 - included in the repository as a subproject,
- scan-build - for static analysis,
- Optional dependencies (required for building documentation - more information in "Contributing" section):
sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake libmbedtls-dev zlib1g-dev
# EPEL is required for mbedtls-devel and cmake3
sudo yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install -y which git make cmake3 mbedtls-devel gcc gcc-c++ zlib-devel
macOS Sierra or later, with Homebrew
brew install cmake mbedtls openssl
In order to run integration tests or nsh_lwm2m
server, some additional Python
modules are required. To install them, you can use requirements.txt
file by
running the following command:
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
For initial development and testing of LwM2M clients, we recommend using the Coiote IoT Device Management where you can use the basic LwM2M server functionality for free.
After setting up an account and adding the device entry, you can compile Anjay demo client and connect it to the platform by running:
git clone https://github.com/AVSystem/Anjay.git \
&& cd Anjay \
&& git submodule update --init \
&& cmake . \
&& make -j \
&& ./output/bin/demo --endpoint-name $(hostname) --server-uri coap://eu.iot.avsystem.cloud:5683
NOTE: On some older systems like CentOS 7, you may need to use cmake3
instead of cmake
NOTE: We strongly recommend replacing $(hostname)
with some actual unique hostname. Please see the documentation for information on preferred endpoint name formats. Note that with the Coiote IoT Device Management platform, you will need to enter the endpoint name into the server UI first.
First, make sure all necessary submodules are downloaded and up-to-date:
git submodule update --init
After that, you have several options to compile the library.
The preferred way of building Anjay is to use CMake.
By default demo client compiles with DTLS enabled and uses mbedtls
as a DTLS provider,
but you may choose other DTLS backends currently supported by setting DTLS_BACKEND
a CMake invocation to one of the following DTLS backends: openssl
, mbedtls
or tinydtls
cmake . -DDTLS_BACKEND="mbedtls" && make -j
Or, if a lack of security (not recommended) is what you need for some reason:
cmake . -DDTLS_BACKEND="" && make -j
Compiled executables, including demo client, can be found in output/bin subdirectory.
For a detailed guide on configuring and compiling the project (including cross-compiling), see Compiling client applications.
To start the demo client:
# uses plain CoAP
./output/bin/demo --endpoint-name $(hostname) --server-uri coap://eu.iot.avsystem.cloud:5683
# uses DTLS in PSK mode, with PSK identity "foo" and secret key "bar" (hex-encoded)
./output/bin/demo --endpoint-name $(hostname) --server-uri coaps://eu.iot.avsystem.cloud:5684 --security-mode psk --identity 666f6f --key 626172
NOTE: When establishing a DTLS connection, the URI MUST use "coaps://". In NoSec mode (default), the URI MUST use "coap://".
Alternatively, you may use any other build system. You will need to:
- Prepare your
files.- Comments in
will guide you about the meaning of various settings. - You may use one of the directories from
as a starting point. SeeREADME.md
inside that directory for details. You may even set one of the subdirectories there as an include path directly in your compiler if you do not need any customizations.
- Comments in
- Configure your build system so that:
- At least all
files fromsrc
directories are preserved, with the directory structure intact.- It is also safe to merge contents of all
directories into one. Mergingsrc
directories should be safe, too, but is not explicitly supported.
- It is also safe to merge contents of all
- All
files insidesrc
, or any of their direct or indirect subdirectories are compiled. deps/avs_commons/src
directories are included in the header search path when compilingavs_commons
directories are included in the header search path when compilingavs_coap
directories are included in the header search path when compiling Anjay.include_public
directories, or copies of them (possibly merged into one directory) are included in the header search path when compiling dependent application code.
- At least all
Below is an example of a simplistic build process, that builds all of avs_commons, avs_coap and Anjay from a Unix-like shell:
# configuration
cp -r example_configs/linux_lwm2m10 config
# you may want to edit the files in the "config" directory before continuing
# compilation
cc -Iconfig -Iinclude_public -Ideps/avs_coap/include_public -Ideps/avs_commons/include_public -Isrc -Ideps/avs_coap/src -Ideps/avs_commons/src -c $(find src deps/avs_coap/src deps/avs_commons/src -name '*.c')
ar rcs libanjay.a *.o
# installation
cp libanjay.a /usr/local/lib/
cp -r include_public/avsystem /usr/local/include/
cp -r deps/avs_coap/include_public/avsystem /usr/local/include/
cp -r deps/avs_commons/include_public/avsystem /usr/local/include/
cp -r config/* /usr/local/include/
For some cases you may find it comfortable to use Docker image. In this case, the only dependency is Docker, which you can install with your favorite package manager. If Docker is already installed, you can clone the repo and build the Docker image:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/AVSystem/Anjay.git
cd Anjay
docker build --no-cache --tag anjay .
Then, you can launch the built image and run the demo client:
docker run -it anjay
./output/bin/demo -e $(hostname) -u coap://eu.iot.avsystem.cloud:5683
If you want to use Anjay on Mbed OS, Zephyr OS, FreeRTOS, Azure RTOS or ESP-IDF check our demo applications available in other repositories:
- Anjay-mbedos-client (uses Anjay-mbedos integration layer)
- Anjay-zephyr-client (uses Anjay-zephyr integration layer)
- Anjay-freertos-client
- Anjay-stm32-azurertos-client
- Anjay-esp32-client (uses Anjay-esp-idf integration layer)
- Anjay-pico-client (uses FreeRTOS Kernel)
LwM2M Client for Raspberry Pi, with a feature allowing for implementing LwM2M Objects in Python, is available in Svetovid-raspberry-client repository.
Maven Central repository contains anjay-java and anjay-android artifacts which allow to use Anjay in Java applications.
In case of using anjay-java
, check Anjay-java repository for details how to compile the native library. This step isn't required if you want to use anjay-android
in your Android application.
See LICENSE file.
Anjay LwM2M library comes with the option of full commercial support, provided by AVSystem.
The list of features available commercially is available here.
If you're interested in LwM2M Server, be sure to check out the Coiote IoT Device Management platform by AVSystem. It also includes the interoperability test module that you can use to test your LwM2M client implementation. Our automated tests and testing scenarios enable you to quickly check how interoperable your device is with LwM2M.
Contributions are welcome! See our contributing guide.
Make sure, both Doxygen and Sphinx are installed on your system, then type:
cmake . && make doc
the documentation will be available under output/doc/doxygen
and output/doc/sphinx