Releases: 2KAbhishek/tdo.nvim
Fuzzy Tab Completions
Fuzzy Tab Completion
added support for tab file completions in the 2.0 release:
tdo.nvim builds on top of the completion feature by adding fuzzy completion support in the 1.3 release:
You can use it to quickly switch between tasks or projects.
:Tdo <tab>
to try it out
Note: you will need to be on tdo 2.0 and tdo.nvim 1.3 to use this feature.
What's Changed
- Implement fuzzy completion by @2KAbhishek in #6
- Issue raised by @0xricksanchez in #5
Full Changelog: 1.2...1.3
Multi file support
tdo.nvim 1.2: Multiple files support
This is to support the new feature in tdo 1.9 where it can return multiple files for Tdo note-name
- feat: add support for multiple files
What's Changed
Breaking Change
- feat!:
has been changed toTdoTodos
and has a bug fix, you should be able to see all your incomplete todos easily not!
Please update your configs if you are using
New Contributors
Thanks a lot for the contribution @markis
Full Changelog: 1.0...1.1
tdo.nvim 1.0
This is the first release of tdo.nvim.
tdo.nvim integrates tdo into your neovim workflow to make managing notes and todos super simple and fast.
Full Changelog: