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GitHub Manager

  • Fast integration with GitHub without any caching
  • Highly configurable. A lot of sorting settings
  • Syncable history of recently opened repos

There are two main commands: Open GitHub Repository... and Open Cloned GitHub Repository.... Both are using sync-ignored setting: path to directory where all your cloned repositories live (more below). The first command uses integration with your GitHub account and lists all remote and cloned repos (I call it remote command). Here is an example:

Github Manager open-repository-command

Here, repository entries that have folder icon are cloned and available offline. If you select one of them, new VSCode window with repository will be opened.

Repos that have globe icon, are obviously not cloned. If you select one of them, repo will be cloned to your default clone directory.

Cloned repos that are not listed as your GitHub repo have different octokit icon:

Github Manager foreign repos

Note 1: It uses repo scope with authentication, but only to read list of your private repos.

Note 2: This extension won't detect repos names, they will just appear on bottom. If you know that some of your repositories were renamed (or their ownership were changed) use rename-repos's script to update origins.

Note 3: This is the fastest way to search and/or clone your repositories. I highly recommend to bind it to some key and use whenever you create new repo or want to search for old repo.

Note 4 (rare case): if you have repos with the same origin, (perhaps you duplicated cloned directory repository), only first (random) one will be shown as yours and another one will be shown as foreign. It's recommended to remove duplicated directories in these cases.

When cloning repository, if its' size is over 50 MB, you will see this dialog:

Github Manager big repository shallow clone suggestion

Also, you have 3 buttons to the right of title (Select repository to open). Select desired repository with arrow keys (it's not possible with mouse) and click the icon:

  • Folder icon: to reveal cloned repo in Explorer/Finder
  • Globe icon: to open repo on GitHub

And there is one global button, that toggles visibility of forks, that have 3 states: visible (default), only or hidden.

But your primary command will be Open Cloned GitHub Repository... as it is fast and doesn't require internet connection. It is like the command above, but display only all cloned repos (those with globe icon). I highly recommend to bind it to some key.

You can even use this extension freely without authentication (or even forcefully disable authentication via setting).

  • This extension is similar to Project Manager extension, but the latter is a more comprehensive extension for working with git dirs (tags, bookmarks and so on...)

Open Location

Extension always tries to reuse empty windows. But if windows isn't empty (have tabs or opened workspace), folder will be opened in new window by default.

You change this via setting githubManager.whereToOpen to ask(after), so whenever windows is not empty extension will ask you where to open the directory:

Github Manager asks where to open repository

Source of Truth

  • This extension uses git.defaultCloneDirectory underneath from which it gets cloned repos, it is sync-ignored by default. However you don't need to specify the path manually, just use the button from error notification.


Here is how we apply sorting for repository entries.

Recently Opened

Recently opened repos will appear on top for all commands. You can disable it by setting githubManager.boostRecentlyOpened to false

For Cloned

For commands that have cloned in title, we apply sorting by count of respos of owner and then by name of repo. In other words, repos of owner that have most repos will appear on top.

For Remote

For commands that don't have cloned in title, we apply sorting according to githubManager.onlineRepos.sortBy setting. We don't apply sorting for repos that you don't have access.

Command Arguments

  • Every open command:
    • owner to display repos only from that user (but note, that user still can be ignored)
    • showForks Initial state of toggle forks visibility button. Can be: false (default), true or "only"
  • For githubManager.openGithubRepository: notClonedOnly: true to display only not-cloned repos

Example for keybindings.json:

    "key": "<someKey>",
    "command": "githubManager.openGithubRepository",
    "args": {
        "notClonedOnly": true,
        "owner": "some-crap",
        "showForks": "only"

It would show only forked not-cloned repos that you have access to (perhaps collaborator).

Comparison to GitHub Repositories

GitHub Repositories might be better for simple text editing, as it opens your repository instantly, without using clone. Also with this extension you don't need to worry about pushing/pulling anything, as you work with your repository "online".

Also, there is GitHub Codespaces for cloud development, which might become more convenient for your day-to-day workflow.

Other Similar Extensions

  • GitHub Repository Manager - similar idea but with side-panel, instead of Quick Pick. Less configurable, uses different API for fetching repos. Shows local repositories that have changes.

Open at GitHub

This is a command for opening current cloned repository at GitHub, in multi-root workspaces you have to select folder (cloned GitHub repo).

This command receives arguments: path, remoteName (defaults to origin)

About the Icon

Initially I wanted to use GitHub icon with Project Manager icon background, however I presume I can't use it in my "products". So I picked repo-push Octicon

Other Ideas

I didn't find use cases for them, however if you need something, please open an issue:

  • custom repository render template? (I don't really need it)
  • allow other remoteName (defaults to origin) (From which origin extract repository url)