A set of zabbix UserParameter scripts and production ready monitoring templates for linux systems.
- this project ist originated on: https://github.com/scoopex/zabbix-agent-extensions
- the ci is implemented with github actions (creating packages, docker images and testing)
- docker images of a zabbix agent can be obtained at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/scoopex666/zabbix-agent-with-agent-extensions
This package provides the following capabilities:
- linux standard monitoring using the standard items provided by the zabbix-agent
- monitor memory behavior
- monitor important servcies: smtp, ssh, cron
- swap usage
- 5min system load
- monitor dmesg for bad behavior of the system
- monitor the maximum and minimum of processes
- automatic discovery
- filesystems: inode and space measures
(the amount of discovered filesystems can be limited by a configuration file on the monitored host) - network interfaces: packets and transferrates per second
- storage devices: operations per second (the amount of discovered devices can be limited by a configuration file on the monitored host)
- network interfaces: packets and transferrates per second
- filesystems: inode and space measures
- number of processes
- monitor ICMP ping
- monitor the MTA mailqueue
- monitor NFS operations/retransmits
- apache monitoring:
(enable /server-status for localhost clients, https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_status.html)
- Check Apache Server-Status (Readers, Writers - alert if to many slots are in use)
- Loadbalancer check
- Monitor Mod JK backend status
- elasticsearch node and cluster monitoring (needs elasticsearch and es_stats_zabbix Python modules)
- redis Monitoring (needs redis Python module)
- NGINX Monitoring (enable /basic_status only for localhost clients, https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_stub_status_module.html)
- generic discovery (put json snippets to /var/run/zabbix-generic-discovery/ITEMNAME.json i.e. with puppet and get a combined discovery value)
- monitor puppet state (execution statistics, disabled state, ...)
- linux software raid state
- check quality of ntp sync behavior
- check for required reboot
- monitor open file descriptors
- Configurable autodiscovery of block devices
- Monitor performance havior of discovered block devices
- Configurable autodisovery of real disk devices
- Check smart state of disks and gather statistics
- Discover network devices and monitor performance and error behavior
- Zabbix agent version
- Monitor springboot servers
- beta, monitoring is still rudimentary
- contributions are very welcome
Almost all measures are integrated in graphs which are displayed on the various host screens.
The project inlcudes various zabbix templates for relase 5.2.
Note: There are also 2.2 and 3.0 templates, but they are outdated because we do not support them anymore. Probably these outdated templates might be a good starting point for your own environment.
A quick is provided by the following files:
- custom-os-linux
- custom-os-linux-hardware
- custom-os-puppet
- custom-service-apache
- custom-service-cups
- custom-service-elasticsearch-cluster
- custom-service-elasticsearch-node
- custom-service-nginx
- custom-service-nginx-logstats
- custom-service-redis
- custom-service-varnish
- custom-service-springboot
- custom-os-kubernetes-node
For development, debugging and contribution, please have a look for the development document.
- Install the zabbix-agent according to the description at zabbix download page
- Download a package suitable for your distribution using the releases section
(or build your own package as described in development document) - Configure the most important configuration values for your zabbix agent
- "Server=..." and/or "ServerActive=..."
- "Hostname=" - your hostname
- Install the distribution package of the zabbix-agent-extensions using the package management utils or a configuration management systems
This adds a include statement for /usr/share/zabbix-agent-extensions/include.d and restart the zabbix agent automatically.
rpm -Uvh zabbix-agent-extensions-<release number>.noarch.rpm dpkg -i zabbix-agent-extensions-<release number>.noarch.rpm
This procedure deploy zabbix agents on all worker nodes of your kubernetes cluster and provides autodiscovery for all nodes It is based on the offical image.
- Make zabbix available to the deployed agent, i.e. by deploying a zabbix proxy in k8s
- Import template custom-os-kubernetes-node.xml
- Define a automatic discovery:
- Configuration -> Actions -> "Autoregistration actions"
- Add conditions:
- "Host metadata contains kubernetes-node"
- "Proxy equals infra-app-dev"
- Add operations:
- "Add host"
- "Add to host groups: [DEVELOPMENT]"
- "Link to templates: Custom - OS - Kubernetes Node"
- Configure deployment
- Download kubernetes yaml file
- Adapt the file to your own needs, see environment variables
- Configure
- Configure
- Configure the version of the image check dockerhub
- Apply deployment
kubectl apply -f zabbix-agent-daemonset-kubernetes.yaml kubectl describe -n infra-zabbix-agent daemonsets.apps zabbix-agent kubectl logs -n infra-zabbix-agent zabbix-agent-8n4ss -f
- Open Zabbix web frontend
- Create a host
- Configuration -> Hosts -> Create host
- Add the name ds "Host name" efined in the first step of this section
- Define a agent interface with the correct fully qualified hostname and the ip address
- Open "Configuration" => "Templates"
- Press button "Import"
- Activate Linux template
- Load "zabbix_templates/5.2/Custom - OS - Linux.xml" (also works for higher versions)
- Open template "Custom - OS - Linux" and modify the default values defined in the macros (if neccessary)
- Devices
- {$DISK_HIGH_READ_IOPS_LIMIT} : alert limit for read iops/sec
- {$DISK_HIGH_WRITE_IOPS_LIMIT} : alert limit for read iops/sec
- {$DISK_IOPS_LIMIT_MEASURES} : how many measures need to be above the configured limits before alerting
- Filesystems
- {$DISK_USAGE_ABOVE_1TB_MINFREE_GBYTES} : how many gigagbytes should be free for filesystem above 1TB
- {$DISK_USAGE_PERCENT_ALARM} : send alarm for filesystems below 1 TB on prcentage
- {$DISK_USAGE_PERCENT_WARN} : send warning for filesystems below 1 TB on prcentage
- {$MAXIMUM_NUMBER_RETRANSMISSIONS} : how many nfs retransmissions are ok on every measurement cycle
- {$MAX_NTP_OFFSET_MS} : the maximum offset limit in milliseconds
- {$MIN_NTP_SERVER_COUNT} : how many good ntp sources should be avaiilable, it is istrongly recommended to change the default to 2
- {$MONITOR_LOAD_WARNING_MULT} : a multiplicator with the number of cpus for load monitoring
- {$MONITOR_TIMEOUT} : amount of time to complain if hosts does not provide values anymore
- Devices
- Assign template "Custom - OS - Linux" to the desired hosts and modify the default values to host specific settings
- Activate Apache template
- Load "zabbix_templates/*/Custom - Service - Apache.xml"
- Open template "Custom - Service - Apache" and modify the default values defined in the macros
- Assign template "Custom - Service - Apache" to the desired hosts and modify the default values to host specific settings
- Activate and configure other templates
- Check the function
- Have a look at Monitoring -> Hosts -> Latest data
- Check: "Show items without data"
- Check: "Show details"
- Press "Apply"
- Check dashboards at Monitoring -> Hosts -> Dashboards
- Have a look at Monitoring -> Hosts -> Latest data
- Configure disk device discovery
- Create files:
(if the file does not exist, the default is used)
- /etc/zabbix/item_zabbix_device_discovery.json
- /etc/zabbix/item_zabbix_discovery_filesystems.json
- /etc/zabbix/item_zabbix_device_discovery.json
- Add content to include/exclude devices
(what it does: include all devices and hardware models, after that filter out all devices and models which match to one of the python regexes)/usr/bin/zabbix_discovery_devices --help /usr/bin/zabbix_discovery_filesystems --help
- Test
zabbix_agentd -t "vfs.dev.discovery" /usr/bin/zabbix_discovery_devices --config /etc/zabbix/item_zabbix_discovery_devices.json --debug zabbix_agentd -t "vfs.fs.discovery" /usr/bin/zabbix_discovery_filesystems --config /etc/zabbix/item_zabbix_discovery_filesystems.json --debug
- Create files:
(if the file does not exist, the default is used)
- Configure generic discovery
- Decide to use a appname consiting of the following characters: a-zA-Z0-9. (Alphanumeric and dot characters)
- Add file snippes to /var/run/zabbix-generic-discovery/ which look like -.json
{ "{#FOOOO}":"fooservice", "{#BAR}":"footype" },
- Test the disovery by
zabbix_agentd -t "generic.discovery[appname]"
Additional authors are very welcome - just submit your patches as pull requests.
- Marc Schoechlin [email protected]
- Marc Schoechlin [email protected] (not active anymore)
- Marc Schoechlin [email protected] (not active anymore)
This software is licensed by GPLv2 - review file "LICENSE"