import math,string,itertools,fractions,heapq,collections,re,array,bisect,random class PowerOfThreeEasy: def ableToGet(self, x, y): while(x>0 or y>0): if (x%3+y%3!=1) pass else: return "Impossible" x/=3 y/=3 return "Possible" # BEGIN KAWIGIEDIT TESTING # Generated by KawigiEdit-pf 2.3.0 import sys import time def KawigiEdit_RunTest(testNum, p0, p1, hasAnswer, p2): sys.stdout.write(str("Test ") + str(testNum) + str(": [") + str(p0) + str(",") + str(p1)) print(str("]")) obj = PowerOfThreeEasy() startTime = time.clock() answer = obj.ableToGet(p0, p1) endTime = time.clock() res = True print(str("Time: ") + str((endTime - startTime)) + str(" seconds")) if (hasAnswer): print(str("Desired answer:")) print(str("\t") + str("\"") + str(p2) + str("\"")) print(str("Your answer:")) print(str("\t") + str("\"") + str(answer) + str("\"")) if (hasAnswer): res = answer == p2 if (not res): print(str("DOESN'T MATCH!!!!")) elif ((endTime - startTime) >= 2): print(str("FAIL the timeout")) res = False elif (hasAnswer): print(str("Match :-)")) else: print(str("OK, but is it right?")) print(str("")) return res all_right = True tests_disabled = False # ----- test 0 ----- disabled = False p0 = 1 p1 = 3 p2 = "Possible" all_right = (disabled or KawigiEdit_RunTest(0, p0, p1, True, p2) ) and all_right tests_disabled = tests_disabled or disabled # ------------------ # ----- test 1 ----- disabled = False p0 = 1 p1 = 1 p2 = "Impossible" all_right = (disabled or KawigiEdit_RunTest(1, p0, p1, True, p2) ) and all_right tests_disabled = tests_disabled or disabled # ------------------ # ----- test 2 ----- disabled = False p0 = 3 p1 = 0 p2 = "Impossible" all_right = (disabled or KawigiEdit_RunTest(2, p0, p1, True, p2) ) and all_right tests_disabled = tests_disabled or disabled # ------------------ # ----- test 3 ----- disabled = False p0 = 1 p1 = 9 p2 = "Impossible" all_right = (disabled or KawigiEdit_RunTest(3, p0, p1, True, p2) ) and all_right tests_disabled = tests_disabled or disabled # ------------------ # ----- test 4 ----- disabled = False p0 = 3 p1 = 10 p2 = "Possible" all_right = (disabled or KawigiEdit_RunTest(4, p0, p1, True, p2) ) and all_right tests_disabled = tests_disabled or disabled # ------------------ # ----- test 5 ----- disabled = False p0 = 1093 p1 = 2187 p2 = "Possible" all_right = (disabled or KawigiEdit_RunTest(5, p0, p1, True, p2) ) and all_right tests_disabled = tests_disabled or disabled # ------------------ # ----- test 6 ----- disabled = False p0 = 0 p1 = 0 p2 = "Possible" all_right = (disabled or KawigiEdit_RunTest(6, p0, p1, True, p2) ) and all_right tests_disabled = tests_disabled or disabled # ------------------ if (all_right): if (tests_disabled): print(str("You're a stud (but some test cases were disabled)!")) else: print(str("You're a stud (at least on given cases)!")) else: print(str("Some of the test cases had errors.")) # END KAWIGIEDIT TESTING #Powered by KawigiEdit-pf 2.3.0!