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Contribution Guide

Setting up your local development environment

Add the Wasm target

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Install cargo-make

cargo install cargo-make

You can use the following command to list all available tasks for Yew:

cargo make --list-all-steps

The most important tasks are outlined below.


To run all tests, use the following command:

cargo make test-flow

Browser tests

cargo make test will automatically download Geckodriver to a temporary location if it isn't in the PATH.

Because Geckodriver looks for firefox in the path, if you use FireFox Developer Edition, you may get an error, because Developer Editions binary is called firefox-developer-edition. To fix this, either install the standard version of Firefox or symlink firefox to firefox-developer-edition.

Fetch service tests

The tests for the fetch service require a local httpbin server. If you have Docker installed, cargo make test will automatically run httpbin in a container for you.

Alternatively, you can set the HTTPBIN_URL environment variable to the URL you wish to run tests against.

Macro tests

When adding or updating tests, please make sure to update the appropriate stderr file, which you can find here for the html! macro. These files ensure that macro compilation errors are correct and easy to understand. These errors can change with each release of the compiler, so they should be generated with the Rust version 1.56 (because some tests make use of const generics which were stabilized in that version).

To update or generate a new stderr file you can run cargo make test-overwrite in the yew-macro directory.


The following command checks the code using Rustfmt and Clippy:

cargo make lint

To automatically fix formatting issues, run cargo +nightly fmt first.


js-framework-benchmark is used as a benchmark for the framework as a whole. Simply clone bakape/js-framework-benchmark and follow the repository's README.

Writing APIs

When building new APIs, think about what it would be like to use them. Would this API cause confusing and hard to pin error messages? Would this API integrate well with other APIs? Is it intuitive to use this API?

Below, you can find some useful guidance and best practices on how to write APIs. These are only guidelines and while they are helpful and should be followed where possible, in some cases, it may not be possible to do so.


The source code of our website ( is in the website directory. Most of the times, edits can be done in markdown.

website/ has more detailed instructions.