This repository contains solutions to Leetcode problems. It will be updated regularly(Daily/Weekly). The primary reason for this repository is because I believe the best way to solve these problems is by dividing them into topics, each topic into difficulties, and solving at least one problem within each difficulty(quality > quantity). Such repositories are hard to find on the internet; this is the first one most likely. Therefore, I will gradually build this place to make it easier for beginners to learn algorithms by solving problems on leetcode by topics.
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Currently maintained by
Mahmoud Harmouch
Basic understanding of the core language. If you are new to python, I highly recommend checking out the free learning material I compiled in the awesome-python
python -c "import this" | grep Simple
Simple is better than complex.
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
283. | Move Zeroes |
O(n). The right pointer does not visit the same element twice. | O(1). All operations are made in-place. |
1. | Two Sum |
O(n logn). because of Timsort | O(n). n is the length of the tmp List. |
977. | Squares of a Sorted Array |
O(n). A linear scan, n is the length of the results List | O(n). n is the length of the results List. |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
167. | Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted |
O(n). The right and left pointers do not visit the same element twice. | O(1). All operations are made in-place. |
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
1. | Two Sum |
O(n). One for loop, hashmap lookup ~ O(1) | O(n). Hash Table. |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
12. | Integer to Roman |
O(k). k: length of the hash table. | O(n). n: length of the hash table + list. |
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
144. | Recursive Preorder Traversal |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(log n) ~ height/depth of the tree. |
144. | Iterative Preorder Traversal |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(log n) ~ height/depth of the tree. |
144. | Morris Traversal |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(1). |
94. | Iterative Inorder Traversal |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(n), n number of nodes. |
94. | Recursive Inorder Traversal |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(log n) ~ height/depth of the tree. |
145 | Iterative Postorder Traversal |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(n), n number of nodes. |
145. | Recursive Postorder Traversal |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(log n) ~ height/depth of the tree. |
637. | Iterative Average of Levels in Binary Tree |
O(n), n number of nodes. | O(n), n number of nodes. |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
102. | Level Order Traversal |
O(n). | O(n) |
102. | Recursive Level Order Traversal |
O(n). | O(logn) |
103. | Iterative Zigzag Level Order Traversal |
O(n). | O(n) |
103. | Recursive Zigzag Level Order Traversal |
O(n). | O(logn) |
116. | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node |
O(n). | O(1) by using pointers |
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
744. | Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
704. | Iterative Binary Search |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
704. | Recursive Binary Search |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(log n). log n: The length of the binary tree. |
278. | Iterative First Bad Version |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
278. | Recursive First Bad Version |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(log n). log n: The length of the binary tree. |
35. | Iterative Search Insert Position |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
35. | Recursive Search Insert Position |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(log n). log n: The length of the binary tree. |
69. | Sqrt(x) |
O(log n). n: given number. | O(1). pointers. |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
153. | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
162. | Find Peak Element |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
729. | My Calendar I |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
154. | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II |
O(log n). n: length of the list. | O(1). pointers. |
4. | Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
O(log(min(m,n))). m, n: length of both arrays. | O(1). Operations are made in place. |
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
14. | Longest Common Prefix |
O(n), n is the length of the array. | O(1). constant length of the prefix. |
14. | Reorder Data in Log Files |
O(m n logn). because of Timsort. m the for the comparison between two keys. | O(m n) to keep the keys for the log. |
205. | Isomorphic Strings |
O(n), n: length of the input string. | O(1), because the number of ASCII chars is constant, man ascii |
205. | Is Subsequence |
O(n). | O(1). |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
49. | Group Anagrams |
O(N K log K), N is the length of strs, and K is the maximum length of a string in strs. | O(N K), N strings, K is the maximum length of a string in strs. |
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
206. | Iterative Reverse Linked List |
O(n), n denotes the size of the linked list. | O(1), Operations are made in-place. |
206. | Recursive Reverse Linked List |
O(n), n denotes the size of the linked list. | O(n), n denotes the size of the linked list. |
206. | Stack Iterative Reverse Linked List |
O(n), n denotes the size of the linked list. | O(n), n denotes the size of the linked list. |
21. | Iterative Merge Two Sorted Lists |
O(n), n denotes the size of a linked list. | O(n), n denotes the size of a linked list. |
21. | Recursive Merge Two Sorted Lists |
O(n), n denotes the size of a linked list. | O(n), n denotes the size of a linked list. |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
2. | Add Two Numbers |
O(max(m,n)) where m and n represents the length of l1 and l2 respectively. | O(max(m,n)) The length of the new list is at most max(m,n)+1. |
143. | Reorder List |
O(n), n denotes the size of the linked list. | O(1). |
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
1480. | Running Sum of 1d Array |
O(n), n is the length of the array. | O(1). Operations are made in place. |
724. | Find Pivot Index |
O(n), n is the length of the array. | O(1). Operations are made in place. |
# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
240. | Search a 2D Matrix II |
O(m+n), m, n are the number of columns and rows in the array. | O(1). Operations are made in place. |
378. | Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix |
O(m+n), m, n are the number of columns and rows in the array. | O(1). Operations are made in place. |
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# | Problem Statement | Notes | Solution | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
858. | Mirror Reflection |
O(1). | O(1). |
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