Make Dynamic / Kinematic Switch work
Add static starting shape
Make more shapes
Allow rotation
Touch controls
Keyboard Controls
Gamepad Controls
Cursor icon https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/blob/latest/examples/window/window_settings.rs
Shape borders
Padlock item
Only drag one shape at once
Good fullscreen mode
Time speeds up to check for contracts
Check for contacts instantly, only show timer when a contact is detected
Prevent shapes from getting stuck in each other
Handle touch cancelled events
Keyboard / mousewheel rotation should snap
Better tutorial
Tutorial text should not fade
Use icons instead of text in tutorial
Reduce mass of dragged object
Remove collision detection system
Change padlock system
Use new logo and icon
Infinite mode should let you build upon previous shapes
The bottom should be a pool of water!
Save Function
Share a seed
Automatically load last save / game
Should be able to drag a shape with stuff on it
Performance profiling
Prettier countdown timer
Shapes should have rounded corners
Prettier colors
Different shape print options
Take a screenshot after finishing level
Infinite mode should remember where you got to
Walls should change color when you collide
Better flicking action
Undo button - goes back to just before the last piece you picked up
Show buttons in challenge complete screen
Gallery Screen
Real share button
Shared image should be smaller
Walls should move with the screen size
Device Motion
Better loading screen
Win detection
Campaign mode
Infinite mode
Stats tracking
Speedrun mode
Multiple Levels
WASM deploy
Logo, Icon, etc
Big refactor
Menu icons + hover
End of level - see percentage of tallest tower, next level, share, retry
Show height in top right corner
Use joints instead of dragging
Make locking
Spirit level