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Vue Router Contributing Guide

Hi! I'm really excited that you are interested in contributing to Vue Router. Before submitting your contribution, please make sure to take a moment and read through the following guidelines:

Issue Reporting Guidelines

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Check out a topic branch from a base branch, e.g. main, and merge back against that branch.

  • If adding a new feature:

    • Add accompanying test case.
    • Provide a convincing reason to add this feature. Ideally, you should open a suggestion issue first and have it approved before working on it.
  • If fixing bug:

    • If you are resolving a particular issue, add (fix #xxxx[,#xxxx]) (#xxxx is the issue id) in your PR title for a better release log, e.g. update entities encoding/decoding (fix #3899).
    • Provide a detailed description of the bug in the PR. Live demo preferred.
    • Add appropriate test coverage if applicable. You can check the coverage of your code addition by running pnpm test --coverage.
  • It's OK to have multiple small commits as you work on the PR - GitHub can automatically squash them before merging.

  • Make sure tests pass!

  • Commit messages must follow the commit message convention so that the changelog can be automatically generated. Commit messages are automatically validated before commit (by invoking Git Hooks via simple-git-hooks).

  • No need to worry about code style as long as you have installed the dev dependencies - modified files are automatically formatted with Prettier on commit (by invoking Git Hooks via simple-git-hooks).

Development Setup

You will need Node.js version 10+, and Pnpm.

After cloning the repo, run:

pnpm install # install the dependencies of the project

A high-level overview of tools used:


pnpm build

The build script builds vue-router

pnpm play

The play script starts a playground project located at playground/, allowing you to test things on a browser.

pnpm play

pnpm test

The pnpm test script runs all checks:

  • Typings: test:types
  • Linting: test:lint
  • Unit tests: test:unit
  • Building: build
# run all tests
$ pnpm test

# run unit tests in watch mode
$ pnpm test:unit --watch

Project Structure

Vue Router source code can be found in the src directory:

  • src/history: history implementations that are instantiable with create*History(). This folder contains code related to using the History API.
  • src/matcher: RouteMatcher implementation. Contains the code that transforms paths like /users/:id into regexps and handles the transformation of locations like { name: 'UserDetail', params: { id: '2' } } to strings. It contains path ranking logic and the part of dynamic routing that concerns matching URLs in the correct order.
  • src/utils: contains small utility functions used across other router
  • src/router: contains the router creation, navigation execution, matcher use, and history implementation. It runs navigation guards.
  • src/location: helpers related to route location and URLs
  • src/encoding: helpers related to URL encoding
  • src/errors: different internal and external errors with their messages
  • src/index contains all public APIs as exports.
  • src/types: contains global types used across multiple router sections.

Contributing Tests

Unit tests are located inside __tests__. Consult the Vitest docs and existing test cases for how to write new test specs. Here are some additional guidelines:

  • Use the minimal API needed for a test case. For example, if a test can be written without involving the reactivity system or a component, it should be written so. This limits the test's exposure to changes in unrelated parts and makes it more stable.
  • Use the minimal API needed for a test case. For example, if a test concerns the router-link component, don't create a router instance, mock the required properties instead.
  • Write a unit test whenever possible
  • If a test is specific to a browser, create an e2e (end-to-end) test and make sure to indicate it on the test

Contributing Docs

All the documentation files can be found in packages/docs. It contains the English markdown files while translation(s) are stored in their corresponding <lang> sub-folder(s):

  • zh: Chinese translation.

Besides that, the .vitepress sub-folder contains the config and theme, including the i18n information.

Contributing to the English docs is the same as contributing to the source code. You can create a pull request to our GitHub repo. However, if you would like to contribute to the translations, there are two options and some extra steps to follow:

Translate in a <lang> sub-folder and host it on our official repo

If you want to start translating the docs in a new language:

  1. Create the corresponding <lang> sub-folder for your translation.
  2. Modify the i18n configuration in the .vitepress sub-folder.
  3. Translate the docs and run the doc site to self-test locally.
  4. Create a checkpoint for your language by running pnpm run docs:translation:update <lang> [<commit>]. A checkpoint is the hash and date of the latest commit when you do the translation. The checkpoint information is stored in the status file packages/docs/.vitepress/translation-status.json. It's crucial for long-term maintenance since all the further translation sync-ups are based on their previous checkpoints. Usually, you can skip the commit argument because the default value is main.
  5. Commit all the changes and create a pull request to our GitHub repo.

We will have a paragraph at the top of each translation page that shows the translation status. That way, users can quickly determine if the translation is up-to-date or lags behind the English version.

Speaking of the up-to-date translation, we also need good long-term maintenance for every language. If you want to update an existing translation:

  1. See what translation you need to sync up with the original docs. There are two popular ways:
    1. Via the GitHub Compare page, only see the changes in packages/docs/* from the checkpoint hash to main branch. You can find the checkpoint hash for your language via the translation status file packages/docs/.vitepress/translation-status.json. The compare page can be directly opened with the hash as part of the URL, e.g.
    2. Via a local command: pnpm run docs:translation:compare <lang> [<commit>].
  2. Create your own branch and start the translation update, following the previous comparison.
  3. Create a checkpoint for your language by running pnpm run docs:translation:update <lang> [<commit>].
  4. Commit all the changes and create a pull request to our GitHub repo.

Self-host the translation

You can also host the translation on your own. To create one, fork our GitHub repo and change the content and site config in packages/docs. To long-term maintain it, we highly recommend a similar way that we do above for our officially hosted translations:

  • Ensure you maintain the checkpoint properly. Also, ensure the translation status is well-displayed on the top of each translation page.
  • Utilize the diff result between the latest official repository and your own checkpoint to guide your translation.

Tip: you can add the official repo as a remote to your forked repo. This way, you can still run pnpm run docs:translation:update <lang> [<commit>] and npm run docs:translation:compare <lang> [<commit>] to get the checkpoint and diff result:

# prepare the upstream remote
git remote add upstream [email protected]:vuejs/router.git
git fetch upstream main

# set the checkpoint
pnpm run docs:translation:update <lang> upstream/main

# get the diff result
pnpm run docs:translation:compare <lang> upstream/main


Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to Vue Router!