Releases: veraPDF/veraPDF-library
veraPDF 1.10 Release
Version 1.10 (November 30, 2017)
PDF Parser:
- fixed retrieval of glyph widths from PS and CFF font programs (multiple issues);
- optimized creation and cleanup of temporary files; and
- optimized parsing of text-related data in PDF documents (up to 3 times faster for PDF documents with primarily text content).
Conformance Checker:
- fixed checks on the presence of SMask, NeedApperane keys in case of invalid value types;
- fixed ByteRange check of digital signatures in case of incrementally updated files;
- fixed Unicode checks in PDF/A-1A validation for Type1 and Type3 fonts;
- fixed inheritance of /FT entry in Widget annotations; and
- fixed role map retrieval in case of remapping standard structure types.
Policy Checker:
- fixed Schematron warnings in Policy checks; and
- fixed issue with access to temp reports from Schematron stylesheets on some systems and in case of Java 9.
Application enhancements:
- fixed various issues caused by Java 9, particularly a problem in the start up scripts; and
- fixed access to PDF resources in case of veraPDF integration into web applications.
veraPDF 1.8 Release
Version 1.8 (August 9, 2017)
PDF parser:
- fixed PS-specific issues in pasting embedded CMaps, ToUnicode maps and PS Type1 fonts;
- implemented the protection against (invalid) loops in PDF tree structures;
- fixed parsing of CIDSet and CharSet and their comparison with the glyph collection in the embedded font subset (PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3);
- implemented support for CalCMYK colour space as specified in ISO 3200-1; and
- fixed initialization and inheritance of graphics state for tiling patterns, Type3 fonts and form XObjects.
Conformance checker:
- implemented check for glyph width consistence in case of Type3 fonts;
- implemented check for the Private Unicode Area use in Level A conformance;
- implemented validation of transfer functions in Halftone dictionaries (PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3);
- added validation of MIME type value for embedded files (PDF/A-3);
- refactored the validation model to check for presence of certain keys, even if they refer to empty arrays/collections;
- fixed misspelled predefined CMap names for GBK2K-H and GBK2K-V;
- fixed validation of UTF8 encoding for role map names (PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3); and
- fixed detection of references to Associated files from marked content sequences (PDF/A-3)
Feature report generation and policy checker:
- added new features to the report:
- PDF Version;
- form field names and values; and
- page labels.
Application enhancements:
- implemented automatic configuration of veraPDF feature report by a custom Policy profile;
- implemented workaround for the veraPDF GUI appearance on high resolution screens;
- fixed problems with spaces if full JRE path used on Windows; and
- fixed problems handling spaces in installer path.
- implemented automatic generation of PREFORMA test reports; and
- both greenfield anb PDF Box versions now built and packaged from a single branch
Test corpus:
- fixed veraPDF test files to comply with PDFA TechNote 0010; and
- fixed outlines Count value to comply with ISO 32000-1
veraPDF 1.6 Release
Version 1.6 (June 6, 2017)
Desktop Applications:
- GUI and CLI now capable of checking for updated version of the software.
Conformance Checker:
Updated validation logic to comply with Technical Working Group resolutions:
- color spaces are validated now when specified in the content stream;
- a CMap may refer only to predefined CMaps in the ‘usecmap’ operator; and
- OpenType causes an ‘unsupported font type’ error in PDF/A-1 validation.
Other conformance checker fixes and improvements:
- fixed calculation of glyph widths for embedded CFF fonts in some special cases;
- fixed validation of digital signature ByteRange array;
- fixed recursive links of color spaces;
- fixed validation of spaces in the indirect object header;
- fixed Crypt filter handling;
- fixed misprint in ‘Lbl’ structure tag; and
- added support for glyphs with CIDs > 65535 (with an appropriate validation. error)
Policy checker:
- fixed feature extraction from encrypted documents.
Test corpus:
- added new test corpus for the Technical Working Group resolutions;
- fixed test file for digital signature validation; and
- fixed test files for Extension Schema definitions in XMP.
veraPDF 1.4 Release
Version 1.4 (April 20, 2017)
Conformance Checker:
- significant optimisation of performance in the greenfield PDF parser
- fixed parsing of embedded PS Type1 fonts
- fixed default value of WMode entry for embedded CMaps
- fixed inline image data parsing
- fixed digital signature parsing
- refactored feature extraction
- pretty formatted XML reports
- clearer XML structure in veraPDF reports
- improvements to the HTML reports
Policy Checker:
- added GUI wizard for creating custom policy files
- release artefacts now deployed to Maven Central
- started the transfer to external static code QA service
Test corpus:
- aligned the existing veraPDF corpus and added 80 new test files to cover Technical Working Group resolutions
veraPDF 1.2 Release
PDFBox version downloadable from Greenfield version downloadable from:
This is a maintenance release focused on bug fixing and improvements of the test infrastructure.
Conformance checker:
- fixed cache issues in parsing embedded CMaps
- fixed multiple issues with glyph widths checks for embedded CID fonts
- fixed CIDSet entry validation
- fixed delimiter handling in parsing content streams
- ignore None colorants when checking DeviceN color spaces
- fixed validation of Order arrays in optional content groups
- fixed parsing of /ToUnicode map
Policy checker:
- fixed plug-in infrastructure
- fixed handling of unknown feature types
- added error info into HTML reports in case of broken PDFs
- updated developer samples
- updated GUI documentation
veraPDF 1.0 Release
Version 1.0 (January 9, 2017)
PDFBox version downloadable from Greenfield version downloadable from:
Application enhancements:
- fixed default values for extracted PDF features; and
- fixed removal of temporary files.
Conformance checker:
- fixed cmap table parsing in TrueType fonts.
Test corpus:
- changed Metadata File provenance test files from fail to pass (as discussed at the validation technical working group); and
- fixed xref table in test case 6-3-3-t01-pass-a.
veraPDF 0.28 Release
Version 0.28 (December 20, 2016)
Last pre-version 1.0 release. PDFBox version downloadable from Greenfield version downloadable from:
Application Enhancements
- schematron based policy checker implementation:
- Example policy schemas on GitHub; and
- policy functionality available in CLI and GUI;
- greenfield implementation of feature extraction;
- greenfield implementation of metadata fixer;
- GUI now supports checking multiple files or a directory;
- HTML summary report for multiple file results;
- single file detailed report containing policy and feature information; and
- stability improvements and performance optimization of the Greenfield parser.
Conformance checker
- fixed glyph width checks in case of exactly 1/1000 point difference;
- fixed default color space processing for Indexed color spaces;
- fixed Order array support for OCG checks in PDF/A-2; and
- fixed Unicode character maps support for PDF/A-1 Level A.
veraPDF 0.26 Release
Version 0.26 (November 16, 2016)
We've made two downloads available for out 0.26 release. There's the ususal version, based on Apache PDFBox and downloadable from: For 0.26 we've also prepared the first beta release of our purpose built PDF parser and validation model, also known as the greenfield validator. This is downloadable from: It's not functionally complete yet as it only supports PDF/A validation. Full details of the release features are listed below.
Conformance checker
- added the new rule for embedded files to be associated with the document or its parts (PDF/A-3 only).
Application enhancements
- first beta release of greenfield PDF/A validation available as a limited functionality app;
- refactoring of sub-component and application configuration for reproducible execution;
- new BatchProcessor producing multi-item reports;
- batch processing is stream/event driven with event handlers for processing results; and
- report structures altered to accommodate batch processing.
Code Quality
- publication of integration tests for Greenfield components;
- memory usage and execution times in test reports;
- example test report available here at time of writing:
Test corpus
- added 7 new test files to cover the new rule in PDF/A-3 validation profile
Disabled functionality
In order to accommodate batch reporting for this release we've had to sacrifice
redirecting output to user files. This isn't permanent and will be re-instated for the next release. The following functionality has been temporarily disabled:
Standard release
- HTML report from CLI, HTML reporting will be a function of the dedicated reporter in the next release. HTML reports are still available from the GUI;
- the -pw option that allows the user to override the profiles wiki, this was only used to generate the HTML report so is not required;
- the -c load config option, config is automatically loaded from the app area and we're adding user config to the next release;
- the --reportfile, --reportfolder, and --overwriteReportFile as these need a rethink to accommodate batch processing.
Greenfield release
The Greenfield release is missing all of the above plus:
- metadata fixing in GUI and CLI; and
- feature extraction in GUI and CLI.
veraPDF 0.24 Release
Version 0.24 (October 11, 2016)
Conformance checker
- added extraction of the AFRelationship key for embedded files as a part of veraPDF feature extraction.
Application enhancements
- implemented prototype of batch validation from CLI and GUI;
- implemented robust handling of run-time exceptions during batch processing; and
- added error info on the run-time exceptions to the validation report.
Code Quality
- moved feature extraction and metadata fixing code to library; and
- tidied various compiler warnings.
veraPDF 0.22 Release
Version 0.22 (September 7, 2016)
Application enhancements:
- changed default feature generation to document level features
- added a new GUI dialog for managing feature generation options
- added a user-friendly Java OutOfMemoryError with suggestions for reconfiguration
- CLI can now overwrite report files
- added help message when CLI processes STDIN stream
- synchronized the Web demo validation report with the CLI and GUI report styles
Conformance checker fixes:
- removed the rules for validating file provenance information (based on veraPDF TWG discussion)
- fixed an issue with structure type mapping in Level A validation
- implemented resource caching for memory optimization
Test corpus:
- converted all 'fail' test cases on file provenance information to 'pass' tests