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This changelog describes major feature additions. Please view the releases page for more details on commits and minor changes.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.29.0 template functions

This release adds a large number of template functions available for use in the packages templating engine.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.25.0 recursive config

The recursive parameter allows mockery to dynamically discover sub-packages when using the packages config.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.24.0 exclude config

The exclude parameter allows you to define subpaths to ignore. This is currently only compatible when using non-packages config.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.23.0 Replace Types

The replace-type parameter allows adding a list of type replacements to be made in package and/or type names. This can help overcome issues like usage of type aliases that point to internal packages.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.21.0: #!yaml packages configuration

In this version we release the #!yaml packages configuration section. This new parameter allows defining specific packages to generate mocks for, while also giving fine-grained control over which interfaces are mocked, where they are located, and how they are configured. Details are provided here.

Community input is desired before we consider deprecations of dynamic walking (via #!yaml all: True): #549

:octicons-tag-24: v2.20.0: Improved Return Value Functions

Return value functions that return an entire method's return value signature can now be provided.

proxyMock := mocks.NewProxy(t)
proxyMock.On("passthrough", mock.AnythingOfType("context.Context"), mock.AnythingOfType("string")).
    func(ctx context.Context, s string) (string, error) {
        return s, nil

You may still use the old way where one function is provided for each return value:

proxyMock := mocks.NewProxy(t)
proxyMock.On("passthrough", mock.AnythingOfType("context.Context"), mock.AnythingOfType("string")).
    func(ctx context.Context, s string) string {
        return s
    func(ctx context.Context, s string) error {
        return nil

:octicons-tag-24: 2.19.0: inpackage-suffix option

When inpackage-suffix is set to True, mock files are suffixed with _mock instead of being prefixed with mock_ for InPackage mocks

:octicons-tag-24: v2.16.0: Config Search Path

Mockery will iteratively search every directory from the current working directory up to the root path for a .mockery.yaml file, if one is not explicitly provided.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.13.0: Generics support

Mocks are now capable of supporting Golang generics.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.11.0: Mock constructors

Mockery v2.11 introduces constructors for all mocks. This makes instantiation and mock registration a bit easier and less error-prone (you won't have to worry about forgetting the AssertExpectations method call anymore).

Before v2.11:

factory := &mocks.Factory{}
factory.Test(t) // so that mock does not panic when a method is unexpected
defer factory.AssertExpectations(t)

After v2.11:

factory := mocks.NewFactory(t)

The constructor sets up common functionalities automatically

  • The AssertExpectations method is registered to be called at the end of the tests via t.Cleanup() method.
  • The testing.TB interface is registered on the mock.Mock so that tests don't panic when a call on the mock is unexpected.

:octicons-tag-24: v2.10.0: Expecter Structs

Mockery now supports an "expecter" struct, which allows your tests to use type-safe methods to generate call expectations. When enabled through the with-expecter: True mockery configuration, you can enter into the expecter interface by simply calling .EXPECT() on your mock object.

For example, given an interface such as

type Requester interface {
	Get(path string) (string, error)

You can use the type-safe expecter interface as such:

requesterMock := mocks.NewRequester(t)
requesterMock.EXPECT().Get("some path").Return("result", nil)
	Run(func(path string) { fmt.Println(path, "was called") }).
	// Can still use return functions by getting the embedded mock.Call
	Call.Return(func(path string) string { return "result for " + path }, nil)

:octicons-tag-24: v2.0.0: Major Update

This is the first major update of mockery. Version 2 brings a handful of improvements to mockery:

  • Structured and pretty console logging
  • CLI now switches over to sp13/cobra
  • Use of viper configuration parsing. You can now use a .mockery.yaml config file in your repository
  • Various CI fixes and improvements