Our scripts provide the functionality of plotting our experimental results on real-world maps, downloaded from Google.
To do so, an API key is required from "plot_google_map" function, already included under the "./+src/+plotGoogleMap/" folder. To acquire an API key, the steps under this link should be followed: Google Maps Platform: Get API Key
When the API key is aquired, it should be saved in the "./apiKey/" folder as a MAT file. The name of the file should be "api_key.mat".
IMPORTANT: The use of an API key is optional. The results can still be processed and generated using the provided scripts. They will be plotted as Matlab figures, without though having a map as the background. The added functionality of "plot_google_map" is that a map can be plotted as a background in an existing figure.
Many thanks to Zohar Bar-Yehuda, for providing the "plot_google_map" function. More information about that, as well as the code, can be found under this link.