1 | 1 | {
2 |
| - "version": "0.2.0", |
3 |
| - "configurations": [ |
4 |
| - { |
5 |
| - // Use IntelliSense to find out which attributes exist for C# debugging |
6 |
| - // Use hover for the description of the existing attributes |
7 |
| - // For further information visit https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/blob/master/debugger-launchjson.md |
8 |
| - "name": ".NET Core Launch (web)", |
9 |
| - "type": "coreclr", |
10 |
| - "request": "launch", |
11 |
| - "program": "dotnet", |
12 |
| - "args": ["run"], |
13 |
| - "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Umbraco.Web.UI", |
14 |
| - "stopAtEntry": false, |
15 |
| - "requireExactSource": false, |
16 |
| - // Enable launching a web browser when ASP.NET Core starts. For more information: https://aka.ms/VSCode-CS-LaunchJson-WebBrowser |
17 |
| - "serverReadyAction": { |
18 |
| - "action": "openExternally", |
19 |
| - "pattern": "\\\\bNow listening on:\\\\s+(https?://\\\\S+)" |
20 |
| - }, |
21 |
| - "env": { |
22 |
| - "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" |
23 |
| - }, |
24 |
| - "sourceFileMap": { |
25 |
| - "/Views": "${workspaceFolder}/Views" |
26 |
| - } |
27 |
| - }, |
28 |
| - { |
29 |
| - "name": ".NET Core Attach", |
30 |
| - "type": "coreclr", |
31 |
| - "request": "attach", |
32 |
| - "processId": "${command:pickProcess}" |
33 |
| - } |
34 |
| - ] |
| 2 | + "version": "0.2.0", |
| 3 | + "compounds": [ |
| 4 | + { |
| 5 | + "name": "Backoffice Launch (Vite + .NET Core)", |
| 6 | + "configurations": [ |
| 7 | + "Backoffice Launch Vite (Chrome)", |
| 8 | + ".NET Core Serve with External Auth (web)" |
| 9 | + ], |
| 10 | + "stopAll": true, |
| 11 | + "presentation": { |
| 12 | + "group": "1" |
| 13 | + } |
| 14 | + } |
| 15 | + ], |
| 16 | + "configurations": [ |
| 17 | + { |
| 18 | + "name": "Backoffice Launch Vite (Chrome)", |
| 19 | + "request": "launch", |
| 20 | + "env": { |
| 21 | + "VITE_UMBRACO_USE_MSW": "${input:AskForMockServer}" |
| 22 | + }, |
| 23 | + "runtimeExecutable": "npx", |
| 24 | + "runtimeArgs": ["vite"], |
| 25 | + "type": "node", |
| 26 | + "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Umbraco.Web.UI.Client", |
| 27 | + "skipFiles": ["<node_internals>/**", "node_modules/**"], |
| 28 | + "smartStep": true, |
| 29 | + "autoAttachChildProcesses": true, |
| 30 | + "serverReadyAction": { |
| 31 | + "killOnServerStop": true, |
| 32 | + "action": "debugWithChrome", |
| 33 | + "pattern": "Local: http://localhost:([0-9]+)", |
| 34 | + "uriFormat": "http://localhost:%s", |
| 35 | + "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Umbraco.Web.UI.Client" |
| 36 | + }, |
| 37 | + "presentation": { |
| 38 | + "group": "2" |
| 39 | + } |
| 40 | + }, |
| 41 | + { |
| 42 | + "name": "Backoffice Attach Vite (Chrome)", |
| 43 | + "request": "launch", |
| 44 | + "type": "chrome", |
| 45 | + "smartStep": true, |
| 46 | + "url": "http://localhost:5173/", |
| 47 | + "skipFiles": ["<node_internals>/**", "node_modules/**"], |
| 48 | + "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Umbraco.Web.UI.Client", |
| 49 | + "presentation": { |
| 50 | + "group": "2" |
| 51 | + } |
| 52 | + }, |
| 53 | + { |
| 54 | + // Use IntelliSense to find out which attributes exist for C# debugging |
| 55 | + // Use hover for the description of the existing attributes |
| 56 | + // For further information visit https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/blob/master/debugger-launchjson.md |
| 57 | + "name": ".NET Core Launch (web)", |
| 58 | + "type": "coreclr", |
| 59 | + "request": "launch", |
| 60 | + "program": "dotnet", |
| 61 | + "args": ["run"], |
| 62 | + "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Umbraco.Web.UI", |
| 63 | + "stopAtEntry": false, |
| 64 | + "requireExactSource": false, |
| 65 | + // Enable launching a web browser when ASP.NET Core starts. For more information: https://aka.ms/VSCode-CS-LaunchJson-WebBrowser |
| 66 | + "serverReadyAction": { |
| 67 | + "action": "openExternally", |
| 68 | + "pattern": "\\\\bNow listening on:\\\\s+(https?://\\\\S+)" |
| 69 | + }, |
| 70 | + "env": { |
| 71 | + "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" |
| 72 | + }, |
| 73 | + "sourceFileMap": { |
| 74 | + "/Views": "${workspaceFolder}/Umbraco.Web.UI/Views" |
| 75 | + }, |
| 76 | + "presentation": { |
| 77 | + "group": "3" |
| 78 | + } |
| 79 | + }, |
| 80 | + { |
| 81 | + "name": ".NET Core Attach", |
| 82 | + "type": "coreclr", |
| 83 | + "request": "attach", |
| 84 | + "processId": "${command:pickProcess}", |
| 85 | + "presentation": { |
| 86 | + "group": "3" |
| 87 | + } |
| 88 | + }, |
| 89 | + { |
| 90 | + "name": ".NET Core Serve with External Auth (web)", |
| 91 | + "type": "coreclr", |
| 92 | + "request": "launch", |
| 93 | + "program": "dotnet", |
| 94 | + "args": ["run"], |
| 95 | + "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Umbraco.Web.UI", |
| 96 | + "stopAtEntry": false, |
| 97 | + "requireExactSource": false, |
| 98 | + "checkForDevCert": true, |
| 99 | + "env": { |
| 100 | + "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development", |
| 101 | + "ASPNETCORE_URLS": "https://localhost:44339", |
| 102 | + "UMBRACO__CMS__SECURITY__BACKOFFICEHOST": "http://localhost:5173", |
| 106 | + }, |
| 107 | + "sourceFileMap": { |
| 108 | + "/Views": "${workspaceFolder}/Umbraco.Web.UI/Views" |
| 109 | + }, |
| 110 | + "presentation": { |
| 111 | + "group": "3" |
| 112 | + } |
| 113 | + } |
| 114 | + ], |
| 115 | + "inputs": [ |
| 116 | + { |
| 117 | + "id": "AskForMockServer", |
| 118 | + "type": "promptString", |
| 119 | + "description": "Use Mock Service Worker (MSW) for Backoffice API calls (off requires a running server)?", |
| 120 | + "default": "off" |
| 121 | + } |
| 122 | + ] |
35 | 123 | }
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