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From "No Code" Platforms to "DECENTRALIZED Search Post Chat Pay": How Users and Developers may collaborate in Hybrid Free Software Start-Up (HFSS) Ventures using PhosWeb

Hybrid Free Software Start-Up (HFSS) is more than just a start up project making use of free software or open source project.

We are creating the next generation free software technologies (Free Software Revolution 2.0) that are:

  • available freely to all participants, not just programmers, but non-programmer experts in ANY FIELD
  • scalable and monetizable — that is different from technologies in Free Software Revolution 1.0, where they are only available for free, exploited by giant corporations, but NEVER rewarding fairly to the free software contributors.
    • Free Software Revolution 1.0: began with Linux and GNU tools, with GNU licenses by Free Software Foundation; powered the Internet and mobile revolution to date, but unable to address the income gaps between MAGA+F (Microsoft Apple Google Amazon Facebook) investors and free software programmers.
    • Free Software Revolution 2.0: with Phosway technologies, notably Phoscript and Decentralized User Authentication, we have formulated the solutions to overcome the drawbacks of Free Software Revolution 1.0.
  1. PhosWeb differs from conventional web development in:
  • Hybrid API
  • DxBC Non-Blockchain Decentralization
    • Decentralized User Authentication
    • Decentralized Owndership of Data
    • Collaborative Development (Code as Data in PhosGraph)
  1. Do users need to know programming?

Hybrid API refers to a property of programming languages where the caller function and the callee function are written in two different programming languages. Typically, a Python function may call a C++ function; or a Java function calls a C++ function.

In conventional programming language ecosystems, multiple programming languages are used in caller function (e.g. Python and Java) to call low level functions written in C++. We call this Divergent Hybrid API, where the term "divergent" refers to a visual representation of functions as upstream vs. downstream, i.e. caller function == downstream, callee function == upstream. Divergent means multiple programming languages are used in downstream (caller functions).

Phoscript is perhaps one of the very few programming languages that exhibit the property of Convergent Hybrid API, where Phoscript caller function (downstream) may call callee functions written in various host programming languages.

PhosWeb Convergent Hybrid API (CHAPI) allows better task delegation between teams responsible for specific modules in a complex project, from low level coding to project monitoring at management level, traditionally considered a non-programming task.

  • Do users need to know programming?

Phoscript blurs the boundaries of the term "know programming", as it provides a systematic interface for non-programmers to verify tasks performed by programmers. By this we mean that, Phoscript provides a high level script language for managers (who may not know programming languages in the conventional sense) to systematically monitor tasks (tests or executions of programs) performed by programmers, where such tests may be further analyzed using Phoscript.

This is a property not available in other programming languages as they are not capable of homoiconic metaprogramming.

  • Figure 1

  1. While there have been various "no code" frameworks targeted at non-programmers to help them develop apps, they fail to address several crucial factors in making or breaking new start-up ventures:
  • Most start-up ventures are not organized like a free software or open source (FOSS) project. Although FOSS sounds counter intuitive as its primary aim is not profit oriented, it is exactly because of this that we believe FOSS has some crucial elements to help reduce the failure rate of start-up ventures. This is overcome by PhosWeb Convergent Hybrid API (CHAPI).

  • The so called "no code" frameworks still rely on conventional database systems, where user authentication is centralized. 

Centralized user authentication will continue to be one of the most critical bottlenecks of growth for new start-ups, as acquiring users or customers to register is time consuming and costly.

  • PhosWeb can use BOTH traditional centralized user authentication (CUA) or decentralized user authentication (DUA).
  1. We shall describe MasakNet, to illustrate the organizational to technical issues in a "hybrid Free Software Start-Up" (HFSS), beyond the conventional "start-ups using FOSS" modus operandi.

MasakNet's aims are as follow:

  • to help the people who are cooking at home (due to the current COVID19 pandemic lockdown), to sell and deliver the food to nearby customers.
  • to arrange expert chefs to conduct cooking classes, online or off line, to train the people who are cooking at home.
  • to work with accomodation booking services like AirBnB to provide an "all-in-one" experience — from holiday to cooking class and partying.
  • to provide training for everyone involved — from apprentice chef, marketing, finance, management, deliveries, investors etc.

Legal Responsibilities in HFSS

  1. One of the most fundamental questions concerning Hybrid Free Software Start-Ups (HFSS) will be legal responsibilities — who will be legally responsible for the information and the operations of the projects and how will this affect users.

We may draw precedents from existing FOSS projects as well as non-profit charities and Non-Governmental Organizations.

A lack of awareness on legal responsibilities may prevent many programmers or non-programmers alike to partificipating in HFSS. As such, we feel that we should be taking more efforts in educating everyone on this issue.

The first issue that we may explore is:

  • How do users make sure the information displayed on PhosWeb is genuine?
    • e.g. Experience concerning a Chef?

To be practical, Pareto's principle would need to be applied on many stages of operations of PhosWeb, as we envisage it will be run on a voluntary basis.

Consider Scenario A:

  • Chef Mr. P posts on PhosWeb to run a cooking class on DD MM YYYY location KL-001.
  • A user of PhosWeb cross posts this to Facebook group Malaysian Chef Connection and receives no complaints.
  • Chef P is most likely genuine.
  • The cooking class proceeds without issues.

Total Transparency & Absolute Privacy

The asymmetric cryptographic alogrithms that powered PhosWeb both total transparency and absolute privacy for users, two seemingly mutually exclusive features.

By "absolute privacy", it means that a User is identified by a public key that is generated randomly during a particular session (transient key cryptography). He (or she) may choose to reveal his identity in the real world at his own discretion.

By "total transpaency", it means that since each public key is (theoretically) unique at a given time (it is nearly impossible for 2 users to generate the same public key at the same time within a connected system, with a small number (<10,000) of total users), every transaction is witnessed by at least 2 users, and as such, the transaction can be logged (if both parties agree).

Search Post Chat Pay (SPCP) — 4 Essential Functions of PhosWeb

Having highlighted some background legal, technical and organizational issues, let us examine in details the essential functions of PhosWeb, and compare how they differ from conventional web services.

  1. Figure 1, 2 and 3 show Google search engine, LinkedIn profile page and Facebook that everyone is familiar with.
  • Figure 2

  • Figure 3

Using PhosWeb, a user may submit personal details via CSV, or a spreadsheet interface (figure 1 right) — format that users are familiar with.

The results can be displayed in a page similar to LinkedIn profile page (figure 2) or any template that the user chooses.

Here we have demonstrated how PhosWeb overcomes one of the biggest hurdles to success in free software / open source projects — visual or graphics design — which billion dollars corporations can easily afford, to the disadvantages of FOSS projects. The root cause of this problem is that technically, conventional software architecture does not allow the visual or graphics design elements and processes to be partitioned easily from non-visual coding:

As such, the works by Creative Commons, the Free Software Foundation equivalent for visual design elements, will play an increasing crucial role in the future, in creating Free Software Revolution 2.0, powering the People's Cloud — a cloud computing facility truly owned by "the Peoples".

  1. Figure 4 shows a typical browser console and figure 5 shows a Unix (Linux) terminal that most developers are familiar with.
  • Figure 4

  • Figure 5

  1. PhosWeb Development Schedule
  • (i) Upload data to PhosGraph via CSV file.
  • (ii) Let user choose web page templates: store URL of web page templates in PhosGraph.
  • (iii) Spreadsheet Interface: Spreadsheet users know basic spreadsheet functions: sum of cells, sort etc. Spreadsheet is in fact the first "no code" app. 

To commemorate the legedanary classic spreadsheet application Lotus 1-2-3, we would like to introduce the slogan:

  • PhosWeb: Web Programming as Easy as 1-2-3.

Phoscript RPN commands can be entered via any text box capable of inputting a string, a breakthrough from conventional programming languages, e.g. a cell in a spreadsheet, or any floating window, etc. As such, it gives rise to a new class of "super-app", which has capabilities to "modify itself" (metaprogramming), and creates new possibilities in application development.

The following are resources on how PhosWeb implements the essential functions of a web applications:

  1. "Usedev": User + Developer

As highlighted above and elsewhere, Phoscript can as simple as the LOGO programming language, yet complex and flexible enough to interface to very advanced programming languages from Python to C++.

As such, we would like to introduce the term "Usedev" which represents "User + Developer" to signfify the expanded roles of Phoscript users.

We may need to create a foundation like Free Software Foundation to govern HFSS, whose philosophy may be summarized in one Chinese proverb 集思广益 "synergy maximises success".

What type of Collaborators are PhosWeb recruiting for the Hybrid Free Software Startup (HFSS)?

  1. Programmers
  • Game Developers
  1. Non-Programmers — Experts in Any Field:
  • Chefs, Photographers, Models, Marketing, Managers, Finance
  • House Builders, Architects, Lecturers, Mathematicians
  • Gamers, Writers, Journalists, Bloggers, YouTubers, TikTokers
  • Instagrammers, Influencers, Social Media Celebrities
  • Housewives, Retirees, Students, Jobseekers
  • .... you name it ....

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