In foxy
's browser console:
CHAT("chromy", "hello chromy")
where the first argument is the recipient's nickname, the second argument the message to be sent.
In foxy
console, the timestamp is 2020-09-19T13:50:32.567Z
Server Side Event sends the message to the front end for chromy
at Sat, 19 Sep 2020 21:50:34 +0800
The server time is: Sat, 19 Sep 2020 21:50:34 +0800 shm 6
NN=chromy file ../auth/log/chat_foxy_20200919_215033 watch ../auth/log/chat_foxy_20200919_215033:20200919_215033 foxy {"to":"chromy","msg":"hello chromy"}
is the temporary file used to save the message.
The message is encoded as a JSON string with timestamp and sender's nickname:
20200919_215033 foxy {"to":"chromy","msg":"hello chromy"}