- What has a virtual chick feeding game got to do with computer algebra system?
Homogotchi, is a virtual chick feeding game, aimed to be an extension of the legendary classic Tamagotchi, based on on homoiconic programming, hence the name.
- What can we achieve with a virtual chick feeding game on Android devices?
The free software movement is effectively an education revolution which produced talents like Linus Torvalds in the thousands, by letting young talents learn directly from Torvalds via the Linux kernel development, and spin-off projects.
What if we can produce the likes of Dijkstra or Euler in the thousands, through a systematic training and educational program?
Imagine teenage students can learn partial differential equations using notations as simple as Turtle Graphics Logo Programming Language. https://turtleacademy.com/
Imagine programming Android sensors with Python SymPy is as simple as Turtle Graphics Logo Programming Language.
Imagine millions of students worldwide engage in collaborative Programming for an online game, with virtual reality and robotics, each contributing one line or a few lines of code similar to Turtle Graphics Logo Programming Language.
This should be the ultimate form of Programming. It was invented just about 50 years ago as the Forth programming language. Why it has not been more popular is a topic which we shall discuss elsewhere.
Although the Logo Programming Language is officially classified as a member of the LISP family, we shall explore the relationships of LISP and Reverse Polish Notation and Stack Machine, from which Forth and Phos are derived. This is actually a very interesting question to investigate, as it involves psychology of learners of programming languages as wel as some of the most advanced aspects of programming languages.
Not only does this question involve some crucial theoretical aspects of programming languages, it also has the potential of creating an alternative ecosystem to cloud computing, by enabling every mobile device as a server or peer to peer node, as well as being the potential solution to true, human level artificial intelligence.
- LISP RPN theories, bridge to mathematics
- alternative to cloud computing / introduce Datong Token?
- human level artificial intelligence
Q20 should address only (1). Open more questions for (2) and (3).
Homo in Homogotchi refers to homoiconic programming, the property that a program written in the Phos Programming Language can be processed and modified by another program written in the Phos Programming Language. We will discuss the benefits of homoiconic programming in ....
Since LISP was mentioned, describe its relationships to RPN first. then explain rpn role in smashlet. then rpn and lisp relationships to computer algebra system and mathematics.
Compare Turtle graphics logo shell and Smashlet?
Homogotchi is designed to overcome several of the critical bottlenecks in software development:
- increasingly greater barriers of entry to develop applications for mobile devices,
- GBs of compiler tools,
- over-complicated configurations and programming models etc.
- too many games, using too many different programming languages and frameworks, doing more or less similar things.
Describe difference of Android Reactive Sensors using Android Studio vs. using Phos.
Relate RPN to Logo at beginning of article. Then relate RPN to CAS LISP in general.
Compare to Forth footprint. 12352 bytes for jonesforth!! Footprint, complicated configuration and programming model.
leave it to another discussion to