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Some hints on how to go about debugging ubxlib, aimed at ubxlib developers and at customers writing applications that call ubxlib.

Reading Error Return Codes

ubxlib provides optional feedback to the developer through debug prints that may be enabled or disabled but it always provides feedback to the application through int32_t return codes, where negative means fail; checking these will usually tell you what might be going wrong, without the overhead of debug prints.

99.99% of the time the error code will be one from u_error_common.h; check the negative number you have received against that file: e.g. U_ERROR_COMMON_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5), U_ERROR_COMMON_NOT_SUPPORTED (-4), U_ERROR_COMMON_TIMEOUT (-9), etc. The other 0.01% of the time the error code will be technology-specific, see near the top of u_cell.h, u_gnss.h, u_wifi.h, u_ble.h or u_short_range.h; these technology-specific error codes are separated into distinct number ranges (also identified in u_error_common.h) so that it is easy to tell which is which (e.g. U_GNSS_ERROR_NACK is -1025, in the range -1024 to -2047).

Enabling Debug Prints

ALL of the log items from here onwards are emitted by the uPortLog() variadic (i.e. like printf()) macro. Logging is enabled at compile-time by setting U_CFG_ENABLE_LOGGING to 1 in u_cfg_sw.h; it is 1 by default, you may override it by passing U_CFG_ENABLE_LOGGING=0 into your build. With logging enabled at compile-time, it may be disabled at run-time by calling uPortLogOff() and re-enabled again at run-time by calling uPortLogOn().

AT Interface Debugging

To debug interactions with cellular or short-range devices, the first step is usually to switch-on printing of the AT-command exchange with the device. If you opened the device with the uDevice API these prints will be on by default, else you may enable them by calling uAtClientPrintAtSet() with true. This will print purely the AT-command exchange; to also print a small amount of additional behavioural debug from the AT Client code you may call uAtClientDebugSet() with true.

If you intend to take a long-term log of an unattended device you may also wish to call uAtClientTimestampSet(), either with the current Unix timestamp or with zero, to add a timestamp to every AT Client log print.

If you suspect an issue with control characters on the AT interface, you may cause these to be printed as hex in the log output by defining U_AT_CLIENT_PRINT_CONTROL_CHARACTERS in your build.

GNSS Interface Debugging

Similar to the AT Client, to debug interactions with GNSS you will want to print the UBX message exchanges with the device; if you opened the GNSS device/network with the uDevice/uNetwork API these will be on by default, else you may enable them by calling uGnssSetUbxMessagePrint() with true. There is also a Python script in the gnss/api directory,, which can parse the ubxlib log output looking for the UBX messages passed between the GNSS device and this MCU and put them into a file, or pass them out of a serial port, that can be read by the u-blox uCenter tool; see the in that directory for how to install and use it.

Adding Your Own Debug Prints

You may add your own uPortLog() calls to any .c file to print interesting stuff; if you are doing this to a .c file within ubxlib itself, make sure that u_port_debug.h is included in the .c file and, before it, u_cfg_sw.h, otherwise the uPortLog() macro will do nothing for you (within ubxlib we include only the required headers in each .c file, rather than including everything via ubxlib.h, and if the .c file originally contained no prints the headers won't have been included).

Of course, adding such debug prints may affect timing, so beware.

Tracking Heap And OS Resource Allocations

Heap allocations, creation of OS resources (tasks, queues, mutexes, semaphores and timers) and opened transports (UART, I2C, SPI) are all tracked continuously without the need to supply any conditional compilation flags to your build. To keep things simple/quick, the accounting is done with a few counters:

  • uPortHeapAllocCount() prints the number of outstanding heap allocations (i.e. the number of pUPortMalloc() calls minus the number of uPortFree() calls); this is sufficient since ubxlib does not use realloc(),
  • uPortOsResourceAllocCount() prints the number of outstanding OS resources (tasks, queues, mutexes, semaphores and timers),
  • uPortUartResourceAllocCount() prints the number of open UARTs,
  • uPortI2cResourceAllocCount() prints the number of open I2C devices,
  • uPortSpiResourceAllocCount() prints the number of open SPI devices.

There are places in the ubxlib code where an OS resource, usually a mutex, is created and will never be deleted in order to ensure thread-safety. These situations are also counted; call uPortOsResourcePerpetualCount() to find out how many from your uPortOsResourceAllocCount() are of this nature.

See below for how to find out where an OS resource or heap memory leak occurred.

Locating A Heap Memory Leak

uPortHeapAllocCount() will tell you if there is a heap allocation outstanding but not who nabbed it; to find this out, add the conditional compilation flag U_CFG_HEAP_MONITOR to your build and, near the end of your program, call uPortHeapDump() to get a printed list of what is outstanding and where it was allocated. As well as tracking the allocations/frees, U_CFG_HEAP_MONITOR adds guards to each heap memory allocation and checks them when uPortFree() is called; should there be corruption, U_ASSERT() is called with false.

Locating An OS Resource Leak

uPortOsResourceAllocCount() will tell you how may OS resources are outstanding but not what type or who allocated them. To determine this, add the conditional compilation flag U_PORT_OS_DEBUG_PRINT to your build. This will cause debug prints of the following form to be output whenever an OS resource is created or deleted:

  • U_PORT_OS: +T 00001600 "blah" stack 1156 priority 12: task created at address 0x00001600,
  • U_PORT_OS: +Q 00000007 length 20 item size 8: queue created at address 0x00000007,
  • U_PORT_OS: +M 000001B4: mutex created at address 0x000001B4,
  • U_PORT_OS: +S 00000178 initial count 0 limit 20: semaphore created at address 0x00000178,
  • U_PORT_OS: +t 000002CC "timer 1" interval 1000 one-shot: timer created at address 0x000002CC,
  • U_PORT_OS: -T 00001600: task at address 0x00001600 deleted,
  • U_PORT_OS: -Q 00000007: queue at address 0x00000007 deleted,
  • U_PORT_OS: -M 000001B4: mutex at address 0x000001B4 deleted,
  • U_PORT_OS: -S 00000178: semaphore at address 0x00000178 deleted,
  • U_PORT_OS: -t 000002CC: timer at address 0x000002CC deleted.

You might load this output into an editor such as Notepad++, capable of highlighting all occurrences of a word, i.e. a hex address, and visually check that the same address appears later in the same log (meaning the OS resource created at that address was deleted); that, or count the number of occurrences of a given address in the log and, if it is even, that OS resource was deleted; or, of course, get ChatGPT to write a fancy-pants script to do this for you :-). From the surrounding log context it is then usually possible to find out where in the code the OS resource was created.

There may be occasions where a print has been emitted by an asynchronous task and hence may be broken up by other prints, so a text search won't find it; when you have found your suspect you should confirm by eye that it hasn't fallen into this checking-hole. Note that the use of these macros obviously affects timing etc.; do not use them routinely.

Implementation note: OS resource tracking is done in this simple way, versus the linked-list mechanism employed for heap memory allocation tracking, as it is (a) usually sufficient and (b) doesn't make a horrible macroized mess of the uPort OS API.

Tracking Heap Usage

Depending on your platform, you may also be able to obtain the current free heap by calling uPortGetHeapFree() and get the low-watermark of the heap by calling uPortGetHeapMinFree(); these functions will return a negative error code if they are not supported on your platform. They are currently supported by STM32Cube, ESP-IDF (including Arduino flavour) and nRF5SDK.

Tracking Stack Usage

Depending on your platform, you may also be able to obtain the stack low-watermark for the current task by calling uPortTaskStackMinFree(NULL); the runner build for each platform, which runs all of our testing, is configured such that the main application task should always have a minimum of U_CFG_TEST_OS_MAIN_TASK_MIN_FREE_STACK_BYTES (5120) of stack free and this is checked at the end of every test. Checking the stack low-watermark is currently supported by Zephyr, STM32Cube, ESP-IDF (including Arduino flavour) and nRF5SDK; uPortTaskStackMinFree() will return a negative error code if it is not supported on your platform.

The same principle applies to all things within ubxlib that use tasks: see for instance uPortEventQueueStackMinFree(), uPortUartEventStackMinFree(), uAtClientCallbackStackMinFree(), etc.; search recursively for "StackMinFree" in *.h of ubxlib to find all of the instances.

Should you suspect that anything is running out of stack you may add calls to these functions to find out how close things are.

Debugging A Stack Overflow

If you find that things "go bang" because a stack breach happens in a very narrow window, before a stack usage diagnostic that you have added (see previous section) is called, you might find in the code where the task's stack is initially allocated (tasks are usually given a name for diagnostic purposes, which some platform stack overflow detectors will print (e.g. ESP-IDF does), so you could search the code for that name) and hack the code to add a fixed amount (e.g. 2048 bytes) to it; then when the "StackMinFree" call goes below 2048, you will know that you've reached the event of interest and can decide whether it is something that can be fixed/optimized or whether it is simply necessary to make the stack size for that task larger.

Locating A Mutex Lock-Up

ubxlib is designed to be thread-safe and hence makes frequent use of mutexes, all of which are simple non-recursive mutexes. A down-side of this is that it is possible for code to "get stuck" waiting for a mutex which will never be unlocked.

To detect such lock-ups, add the conditional compilation flag U_CFG_MUTEX_DEBUG to your build, include u_mutex_debug.h in your application and, somewhere near the start, add calls to uMutexDebugInit() followed by uMutexDebugWatchdog(uMutexDebugPrint, NULL, U_MUTEX_DEBUG_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); you can find an example of where we set this up for testing in the file app/u_main.c for your platform. This will track the locking/unlocking of all mutexes and, if anything has been waiting on a mutex for more than U_MUTEX_DEBUG_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_SECONDS (60) seconds, the current state of all mutexes will be printed, for example:

U_MUTEX_DEBUG_0x2000e960: created by C:/projects/ubxlib/port/test/u_port_test.c:2053 approx. 60 second(s) ago is LOCKED.
U_MUTEX_DEBUG_0x2000e960: locker has been C:/projects/ubxlib/port/test/u_port_test.c:2053 for approx. 60 second(s).
U_MUTEX_DEBUG_0x2000e960: C:/projects/ubxlib/port/test/u_port_test.c:2055 has been **WAITING** for a lock for approx. 60 second(s).
U_MUTEX_DEBUG_0x2000a7e8: created by C:/projects/ubxlib/port/platform/stm32cube/src/u_port_uart.c:892 approx. 60 second(s) ago is not locked.
U_MUTEX_DEBUG_0x2000a840: created by C:/projects/ubxlib/port/platform/common/event_queue/u_port_event_queue.c:229 approx. 60 second(s) ago is not locked.

Look for lines with **WAITING** in them to find the lines of code that have been waiting for more then 60 seconds for a lock (there may be one, sometimes two); the log-line above will tell you the line of code that has the mutex already locked.

For more details see mutex_debug.

Thread Dumper

As well as the mutex lock-up detector, on some platforms (currently ESP-IDF and Zephyr on 32-bit Thumb) it is possible to add an inactivity detector which will print out the list of active tasks and their backtrace if uPortLog() is not called for a given interval.

To use this define U_DEBUG_UTILS_DUMP_THREADS for your build; in your main application, declare the extern variable extern volatile int32_t gStdoutCounter and, near the start of your application, add a call to uDebugUtilsInitInactivityDetector(&gStdoutCounter); you can find an example of where we set this up for testing in the file app/u_main.c for your platform.

Then if nothing calls uPortLog() for U_DEBUG_UTILS_INACTIVITY_TASK_CHECK_PERIOD_SEC (180) seconds you will get a backtrace for all active tasks.

For more details see debug_utils.

Decoding Backtrace With GCC

Should backtrace by emitted by a platform (e.g. on a panic) that is not decoded, i.e. it just consists of hex addresses, then provided the application was compiled with GCC you may locate the GCC executable addr2line (in the same directory as the compiler you compiled the code with) and, with the .elf file for your build (which must include debug information, the -g flag for GCC), decode the backtrace, line by line, yourself with something like:

addr2line.exe -e my_app.elf 0x400d3e6f

...where 0x400d3e6f is the last address in the backtrace; repeat until done.

Debugging A U_ASSERT()

There are a few U_ASSERT() checks in the ubxlib code; deliberately few: as a library we prefer return-values that give the application control, to going "bang" in an unstructured fashion. You may add your own assert function at run-time, by calling uAssertHookSet(), to make more sense of what might be going on; if you do not do so, an assertion will print a useful message (through uPortLog()) and the code will sit in an infinite loop.

If you add your own assert function then, during testing, you may also chose to define U_ASSERT_HOOK_FUNCTION_TEST_RETURN for your build; in this case code execution will continue as normal after the assertion. To be clear, U_ASSERT_HOOK_FUNCTION_TEST_RETURN ONLY takes effect if you have added your own assert function, it does nothing if the default assert function is in use, and you should really only use it when testing as assertions indicate that the world has likely fallen apart; you do not normally want to continue.

RAM Logging

In real-time systems it is often the case that a debugger is damn-all use: the last thing you want is for your code to stop, you want a record of what it did in real-time but with no run-time impact (so a uPortLog()-style printf() is of no use either). For these ticklish real-time cases, you may instrument the code with calls to a RAM logger.

To do this, include u_log_ram.h in the .c file(s) you wish to debug and, near the start of your application, add a call to uLogRamInit(), passing in a pointer to a logging buffer of size U_LOG_RAM_STORE_SIZE bytes, or passing NULL to have uLogRamInit() pUPortMalloc() logging space for you; logging will begin at this point.

Place calls to uLogRam() anywhere in the .c file(s) where you wish to log an event; doing this in an interrupt or critical section is fine, no holds barred. For instance:


This will record a millisecond timestamp (32 bits), the logging event that occurred (in this case U_LOG_RAM_EVENT_USER_0) and the value of x (32 bits). By convention, if no parameter is required for a log event then 0 should be used.

Near the end of your application, or wherever you want to dump (and empty) the contents of the RAM log, call uLogRamPrint(NULL).

Events U_LOG_RAM_EVENT_USER_0 to U_LOG_RAM_EVENT_USER_9 are provided; you may add your own RAM log events in u_log_ram_enum_user.h/u_log_ram_string_user.h if the problem is particularly complex.

For more details see log_ram.

Visual Studio Code

You may find Visual Studio Code a convenient IDE and/or debug environment. There are a few ways to use it with ubxlib:

From these cases you should be able to figure out how to use Visual Studio Code with ubxlib for your own application; likely a lot simpler if you have chosen a single platform and aren't running the ubxlib tests.

Bringing Up A New MCU Board

When bringing up a new MCU board, particularly an off-the-shelf board, which is usually blessed with a million configuration jumpers and sometimes "useful" peripheral devices, it is often the case that nothing works. And this is often because which IO pin from the MCU is connected to the outside world is extremely difficult to be certain about.

Most MCUs allow an IO pin to be used as a GPIO as well as a UART/I2C/SPI/whatever pin; if you find that an IO pin is not working, it is a good idea to temporarily configure that pin as a GPIO output, toggle it, and check with a multimeter or Saleae probe or oscilloscope that the pin really is under your control. For example, to check if pin 5 is yours you might do something like:

uPortGpioConfig_t gpioConfig = U_PORT_GPIO_CONFIG_DEFAULT; = 5;
gpioConfig.direction = U_PORT_GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT;
uPortGpioSet(, 0);
uPortGpioSet(, 1);
uPortGpioSet(, 0);

If, when you run this code, pin 5 goes high for 1 second and then low for 1 second, it is yours.