From c46627f9dab370789d98d6204f794ed7888a5661 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: letianpailove <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 17:35:56 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add z-algorithm and regular-expression-matching Chinese
 translation for README

 .../regular-expression-matching/     |  11 +-
 .../                           | 153 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/   |  25 +--
 .../string/z-algorithm/        |  85 ++++++++++
 4 files changed, 260 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/
 create mode 100644 src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/

diff --git a/src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/ b/src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/
index e04c071e40..7e648e4ad1 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/
+++ b/src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Regular Expression Matching
-Given an input string `s` and a pattern `p`, implement regular 
+_Read this in other languages:_
+Given an input string `s` and a pattern `p`, implement regular
 expression matching with support for `.` and `*`.
 - `.` Matches any single character.
@@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ The matching should cover the **entire** input string (not partial).
 **Example #1**
 s = 'aa'
 p = 'a'
@@ -30,6 +34,7 @@ Explanation: `a` does not match the entire string `aa`.
 **Example #2**
 s = 'aa'
 p = 'a*'
@@ -37,7 +42,7 @@ p = 'a*'
 Output: `true`
-Explanation: `*` means zero or more of the preceding element, `a`. 
+Explanation: `*` means zero or more of the preceding element, `a`.
 Therefore, by repeating `a` once, it becomes `aa`.
 **Example #3**
@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ p = 'c*a*b'
 Output: `true`
-Explanation: `c` can be repeated 0 times, `a` can be repeated 
+Explanation: `c` can be repeated 0 times, `a` can be repeated
 1 time. Therefore it matches `aab`.
 ## References
diff --git a/src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/ b/src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6b6bd22da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/algorithms/string/regular-expression-matching/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# 正则表达式匹配
+## 问题描述
+给定输入字符串 `s` 和模式 `p`,实现支持 `.` 和 `*` 的正则表达式匹配规则:
+• `.` 匹配任意单个字符
+• `*` 匹配零个或多个前导元素
+• `s` 可能为空且仅包含小写字母 `a-z`
+• `p` 可能为空且包含小写字母 `a-z`、`.` 或 `*`
+## 示例分析
+**示例 1**  
+输入:`s = "aa"`, `p = "a"`  
+解释:模式仅匹配单个 `a`,无法覆盖整个字符串 `aa`
+**示例 2**  
+输入:`s = "aa"`, `p = "a*"`  
+解释:`*` 表示前导元素 `a` 重复一次,形成 `aa`
+**示例 3**  
+输入:`s = "ab"`, `p = ".*"`  
+解释:`.*` 表示零个或多个任意字符,可匹配任意两个字符
+**示例 4**  
+输入:`s = "aab"`, `p = "c*a*b"`  
+解释:`c*` 匹配空,`a*` 匹配两次 `a`,`b` 匹配 `b`
+## 核心解法
+### 1. 递归法(回溯)
+**核心思想**:通过分解模式字符串处理 `*` 的多种可能性:
+• **场景 1**:`*` 匹配零次前导字符,跳过模式中的 `x*` 组合
+• **场景 2**:`*` 匹配一次或多次,递归缩减输入字符串
+class Solution:
+    def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
+        if not p:
+            return not s
+        first_match = bool(s) and p[0] in {s[0], '.'}
+        if len(p) >= 2 and p[1] == '*':
+            return self.isMatch(s, p[2:]) or (first_match and self.isMatch(s[1:], p))
+        else:
+            return first_match and self.isMatch(s[1:], p[1:])
+**复杂度**:最坏时间复杂度 $O(2^{m+n})$(m、n 为字符串长度),空间复杂度 $O(m^2 + n^2)$
+### 2. 记忆化搜索优化
+from functools import lru_cache
+class Solution:
+    @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+    def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
+        if not p: return not s
+        first_match = bool(s) and p[0] in {s[0], '.'}
+        if len(p) >=2 and p[1] == '*':
+            return self.isMatch(s, p[2:]) or (first_match and self.isMatch(s[1:], p))
+        else:
+            return first_match and self.isMatch(s[1:], p[1:])
+**复杂度**:时间复杂度优化至 $O(mn)$,空间复杂度 $O(mn)$
+### 3. 动态规划(DP)
+**状态定义**:`dp[i][j]` 表示 `s[0..i)` 与 `p[0..j)` 是否匹配  
+dp[i][j] =
+dp[i-1][j-1] & \text{if } p[j-1] \neq '*' \text{且匹配成功} \\
+dp[i][j-2] \text{(匹配0次)} \quad \lor \quad (dp[i-1][j] \text{且当前字符匹配}) & \text{if } p[j-1] = '*'
+public boolean isMatch(String s, String p) {
+    int m = s.length(), n = p.length();
+    boolean[][] dp = new boolean[m+1][n+1];
+    dp[0][0] = true;
+    // 初始化空模式匹配情况
+    for(int j=1; j<=n; j++){
+        if(p.charAt(j-1) == '*' && j>=2)
+            dp[0][j] = dp[0][j-2];
+    }
+    for(int i=1; i<=m; i++){
+        for(int j=1; j<=n; j++){
+            char sc = s.charAt(i-1), pc = p.charAt(j-1);
+            if(pc != '*'){
+                dp[i][j] = (pc == '.' || pc == sc) && dp[i-1][j-1];
+            } else {
+                dp[i][j] = dp[i][j-2] ||
+                           ((p.charAt(j-2) == '.' || p.charAt(j-2) == sc) && dp[i-1][j]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return dp[m][n];
+**复杂度**:时间复杂度 $O(mn)$,空间复杂度 $O(mn)$(可优化至 $O(n)$)
+## 关键难点解析
+1. **`*` 的语义处理**:需同时考虑匹配零次和多次的情况
+   • 示例:模式 `a*` 可匹配空字符串、`a`、`aa` 等
+2. **`.` 的泛匹配特性**:需在递归/动态规划中特殊处理通配逻辑
+3. **边界条件处理**:空字符串与模式的匹配关系(如 `s=""` 和 `p="a*"` 应返回 `true`)
+## 参考文献
+1. [LeetCode 正则表达式匹配算法解析(CSDN)](
+2. [动态规划解法详解(CSDN)](
+3. [递归与记忆化搜索优化实践(力扣官方)](
+4. [正则表达式引擎实现原理(英文原题)](
diff --git a/src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/ b/src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/
index 0f12bc7333..cf2baf75ad 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/
+++ b/src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/
@@ -1,32 +1,35 @@
 # Z Algorithm
-The Z-algorithm finds occurrences of a "word" `W` 
+_Read this in other languages:_
+The Z-algorithm finds occurrences of a "word" `W`
 within a main "text string" `T` in linear time `O(|W| + |T|)`.
-Given a string `S` of length `n`, the algorithm produces 
-an array, `Z` where `Z[i]` represents the longest substring 
+Given a string `S` of length `n`, the algorithm produces
+an array, `Z` where `Z[i]` represents the longest substring
 starting from `S[i]` which is also a prefix of `S`. Finding
-`Z` for the string obtained by concatenating the word, `W` 
+`Z` for the string obtained by concatenating the word, `W`
 with a nonce character, say `$` followed by the text, `T`,
 helps with pattern matching, for if there is some index `i`
 such that `Z[i]` equals the pattern length, then the pattern
 must be present at that point.
 While the `Z` array can be computed with two nested loops in `O(|W| * |T|)` time, the
-following strategy shows how to obtain it in linear time, based 
-on the idea that as we iterate over the letters in the string 
+following strategy shows how to obtain it in linear time, based
+on the idea that as we iterate over the letters in the string
 (index `i` from `1` to `n - 1`), we maintain an interval `[L, R]`
-which is the interval with maximum `R` such that `1 ≤ L ≤ i ≤ R` 
-and `S[L...R]` is a prefix that is also a substring (if no such 
-interval exists, just let `L = R =  - 1`). For `i = 1`, we can 
+which is the interval with maximum `R` such that `1 ≤ L ≤ i ≤ R`
+and `S[L...R]` is a prefix that is also a substring (if no such
+interval exists, just let `L = R =  - 1`). For `i = 1`, we can
 simply compute `L` and `R` by comparing `S[0...]` to `S[1...]`.
 **Example of Z array**
-Index            0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11 
+Index            0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
 Text             a   a   b   c   a   a   b   x   a   a   a   z
-Z values         X   1   0   0   3   1   0   0   2   2   1   0 
+Z values         X   1   0   0   3   1   0   0   2   2   1   0
 Other examples
diff --git a/src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/ b/src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d15ee0c7fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/algorithms/string/z-algorithm/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Z Algorithm
+Z 算法(Z-Algorithm)是一种线性时间复杂度的字符串模式匹配算法,用于在文本串 `T` 中高效定位模式串 `W` 的所有出现位置。其核心思想基于预处理生成的 Z 数组,该数组记录了字符串各位置的最长公共前缀信息。
+### **算法核心概念**
+1. **Z 数组定义**  
+   给定长度为 `n` 的字符串 `S`,Z 数组 `Z[i]` 表示从位置 `i` 开始的最长子串长度,该子串同时是 `S` 的前缀。例如:
+   ```
+   字符串 S: a a b c a a b x a a a z
+   Z数组值: X 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 2 1 0
+   ```
+2. **Z-box(匹配区间)**  
+   算法维护一个动态区间 `[L, R]`,表示当前已知的最大右边界 `R`,使得子串 `S[L...R]` 是 `S` 的前缀。通过该区间优化计算过程,避免重复匹配。
+3. **模式匹配应用**  
+   将模式串 `W` 与文本串 `T` 拼接为 `W$T`(`$` 为分隔符),计算其 Z 数组。若某位置的 `Z[i] = |W|`,则 `W` 在 `T` 中匹配成功。
+### **Z 数组计算步骤**
+1. **初始化**  
+   设置 `L = R = 0`,`Z[0]` 无意义(通常设为 `n` 或忽略)。
+2. **遍历字符串**  
+   对每个位置 `i`(从 `1` 开始):
+   • **情况 1**(`i > R`):暴力扩展比较 `S[0...]` 与 `S[i...]`,更新 `L` 和 `R`。
+   • **情况 2**(`i ≤ R`):利用已有 Z-box 信息:
+   ◦ 若 `Z[i-L] < R-i+1`,则 `Z[i] = Z[i-L]`。
+   ◦ 否则,从 `R+1` 开始暴力扩展,更新 `L` 和 `R`。
+### **复杂度分析**
+• **时间复杂度**:`O(|W| + |T|)`。每个字符最多被比较两次(扩展和暴力匹配)。
+• **空间复杂度**:`O(|W|)`,仅需存储 Z 数组。
+### **示例与可视化**
+1. **示例 1**
+   ```
+   字符串: a a a a a a
+   Z数组: X 5 4 3 2 1
+   ```
+2. **示例 2**
+   ```
+   字符串: a b a b a b a b
+   Z数组: X 0 6 0 4 0 2 0
+   ```
+3. **Z-box 动态过程**  
+   ![Z-box示意图](
+### **与其他算法的对比**
+| 算法       | 时间复杂度 | 空间复杂度 | 核心思想               |
+| ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------------------- |
+| **Z 算法** | O(n+m)     | O(n)       | Z 数组与动态区间优化   |
+| **KMP**    | O(n+m)     | O(m)       | 部分匹配表(前缀函数) |
+| **BM**     | O(n/m)     | O(m)       | 坏字符与好后缀规则     |
+| **暴力法** | O(nm)      | O(1)       | 双重嵌套循环           |
+### **应用场景**
+1. **模式匹配**:高效定位文本中所有模式出现位置。
+2. **最长回文子串**:结合 Manacher 算法优化。
+3. **重复子串检测**:通过 Z 数组快速识别周期性模式。
+### **参考文献**
+1. [Z 算法详解 - 知乎专栏](
+2. [Z 算法可视化教程 - Bilibili](
+3. [Z 算法在字符串处理中的应用 - 博客园](