for forked starred repositories
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jenkinsci / s3-plugin
Forked from d6y/hudson-s3Upload Jenkins build artifacts to Amazon S3
CodeBuilder Plugin for Jenkins: Dynamically provisions build agents using AWS CodeBuild
tchia04 / bazel
Forked from bazelbuild/bazelCorrect, reproducible, and fast builds for everyone.
tchia04 / gocd
Forked from gocd/gocdMain repository for Go Continuous Delivery
tchia04 / javahelloworld
Forked from ysilvela/javahelloworldexample of CI using Docker
tchia04 / athenz
Forked from AthenZ/athenzAthenz is a role-based authorization (RBAC) system for provisioning and configuration (centralized authorization) use cases as well as serving/runtime (decentralized authorization) use cases.