+++ title = "Manage Nodes" draft = false robots = "noindex"
aliases = ["/server_manage_nodes.html"]
[menu] [menu.docs] title = "Nodes" identifier = "chef_infra/features/management_console/server_manage_nodes.md Nodes" parent = "chef_infra/features/management_console" weight = 70 +++
{{% EOL_manage %}}
{{< note >}}
This topic is about using the Chef management console to manage nodes.
{{< /note >}}
{{% node %}}
Nodes can be managed from the Chef management console web user interface.
To delete a node:
To reset the validation key for a node:
Open the Chef management console.
Click Nodes.
Select a node.
Click Edit Run List.
In the Reset Key dialog box, confirm that the key should be regenerated and click the Regenerate Key button:
In the Reset Key dialog box, copy the key directly from the dialog box or click the Download button to download the key to your local machine:
To search nodes:
Open the Chef management console.
Click Nodes.
In the search box in the upper right, enter the search query and click the search icon.
The results will appear in the list below.
{{% node_attribute %}}
To edit node attributes:
Open the Chef management console.
Click Nodes.
Select a node.
Click the Attributes tab.
Click Edit.
In the Edit Node Attributes dialog box, make your changes:
Click Save Attributes.
To view the attributes for a node:
- Open the Chef management console.
- Click Nodes.
- Select a node.
- Click the Attributes tab.
- Click Edit.
{{% node_run_list %}}
{{% manage_webui_node_run_list_add_role_or_recipe %}}
{{% manage_webui_node_run_list_add_role_or_recipe %}}
{{% manage_webui_node_run_list_edit %}}
{{% manage_webui_node_run_list_remove_role_or_recipe %}}
{{% manage_webui_node_run_list_remove_role_or_recipe %}}
{{% manage_webui_node_run_list_view_current %}}
{{% server_rbac_permissions %}}
{{% server_rbac_permissions_object %}}
To set permissions list for a node object:
- Open the Chef management console.
- Click Nodes.
- Select a node.
- Click the Permissions tab.
- For each group listed under Name, select or de-select the Read, Update, Delete, and Grant permissions.
To update the permissions list for a node object:
- Open the Chef management console.
- Click Nodes.
- Select a node.
- Click the Permissions tab.
- Click the + Add button and enter the name of the user or group to be added.
- Select or de-select Read, Update, Delete, and Grant to update the permissions list for the user or group.
To view permissions for a node:
- Open the Chef management console.
- Click Nodes.
- Select a node.
- Click the Permissions tab.
- Set the appropriate permissions: Delete, Grant, Read, and/or Update.
{{% chef_tags %}}
To add tags to a node (or a group of nodes):
Open the Chef management console.
Click Nodes.
Select a node (or a group of nodes).
Click Manage Tags.
In the Manage Node Tags dialog box, enter the name of the tag and then select Add Tags from the drop-down.
Click Update Tags.
To delete tags for a node (or a group of nodes):
Open the Chef management console.
Click Nodes.
Select a node (or a group of nodes).
Click Manage Tags.
In the Manage Node Tags dialog box, enter the name of the tag and then select Delete Tags from the drop-down.
Click Update Tags.
To view all of the nodes: