+++ title = "About the delivery-truck Cookbook" draft = false robots = "noindex"
aliases = ["/delivery_truck.html", "/release/automate/delivery_truck.html"]
[menu] [menu.docs] title = "delivery-truck (cookbook)" identifier = "legacy/workflow/managing_workflow/delivery_truck.md delivery-truck (cookbook)" parent = "legacy/workflow/managing_workflow" weight = 20 +++
{{% delivery_cookbook_delivery_truck %}}
{{< note >}}
The delivery-truck
cookbook has a dependency on the delivery-sugar
cookbook, which contains a set of helper methods and custom resources
that may be used in build cookbook recipes. Using these helper methods
and custom resources in a build cookbook is optional.
{{< /note >}}
The following recipes are available by default in the delivery-truck
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_default %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_deploy %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_functional %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_lint %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_provision %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_publish %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_quality %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_security %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_smoke %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_syntax %}}
: {{% delivery_cookbook_common_recipe_unit %}}
{{% delivery_cookbook_setup %}}
{{< note >}}
This section assumes that Chef Automate is already configured, a project exists, a user may access that project and submit changes, and that all work is being done from that project's root directory.
{{< /note >}}
{{% delivery_cookbook_setup_berksfile %}}
{{% delivery_cookbook_setup_metadata %}}
{{% delivery_cookbook_setup_recipes %}}
To learn more about how to set up a project pipeline for a single cookbook and basic web application, follow the steps outlined in the Deploy infrastructure changes with Chef Automate module on Learn Chef.
A project cookbook is a cookbook that is located within a project and is
used to deploy that project's software onto one (or more) nodes in the
Chef Automate pipeline. These cookbooks are located in the /cookbooks
directory, which should exist at the root of the project (similar to the
The default.rb
recipe in a project cookbook is executed by Chef Infra
Client on infrastructure nodes as the project moves through the Chef
Automate pipeline. The provision.rb
recipe discovers all metadata.rb
and/or metadata.json
files in the project, including those under the
A project may use a single cookbook to tell Chef Infra Client how to configure nodes in the Chef Automate pipeline.
Create a project cookbook. From the project's root directory, do the following:
Create a branch:
delivery checkout BRANCH_NAME
Generate a cookbook under
in the project directory:chef generate cookbook PROJECT_NAME
Review the
file. It should be similar to:name 'my_project' maintainer 'The Authors' maintainer_email '[email protected]' license 'all_rights' description 'Installs/Configures my_project' long_description 'Installs/Configures my_project' version '0.1.0'
version '0.1.0'
must be changed if files within the cookbook change. The version number is what gets promoted through the stages in the Chef Automate pipeline.
In the default.rb
recipe, define how this project is to be deployed.
This is a normal Chef recipe that is executed by Chef Infra Client, so
do the same in this recipe as you would do in any other.
When a change to a project is submitted to Chef Automate, the
does the work of promoting the project to the various
nodes in the Chef Automate pipeline.
To submit changes to Chef Automate, use commands similar to:
Update to match the working tree:
git add -A
Commit the project:
git commit -m "Let us deploy our app."
Review the changes in Chef Automate:
delivery review
This command will open the Chef Automate web UI, and then run unit, lint, and syntax tests. After the tests pass, the change may be approved. Once approved, the
recipe will deploy the project onto the acceptance stage's infrastructure nodes. -
After the change has built successfully through the Acceptance stage, approve the changes by clicking the Deliver button in the Chef Automate web UI. This sends the project to the Union, Rehearsal, and Delivered stages.
Update a file in the project, and then update the version number in the
file. This ensures this cookbook is promoted, overwriting
the old project cookbook, and then updating the project across each
stage of the Chef Automate pipeline:
Check out the project from Chef Automate:
delivery checkout master
Create a branch:
delivery checkout BRANCH_NAME
Edit the
in themetadata.rb
file:version '0.2.0'
and then make the desired changes.
Update to match the working tree:
git add -A
Add a commit message:
git commit -m "Updated our project's code to version 0.2.0."
Review the changes in Chef Automate:
delivery review
Some projects need more than one project cookbook. Put as many cookbooks
as necessary under the /cookbooks
directory, which is located at the
root of a project.
Each cookbook under the /cookbooks
directory must have a valid
cookbook structure. If the cookbook does not have a metadata.rb
file it will not be discovered by the provision.rb
recipe; consequently, that cookbook will not be used to configure nodes
in the Chef Automate pipeline.
The default.rb
recipes in all project cookbooks are executed by Chef
Infra Client on infrastructure nodes as the project moves through the
Chef Automate pipeline. The default.rb
recipe in the build-cookbook
is run first, and then each default.rb
recipe in each cookbook under
is run (in alphabetical order, by cookbook name).
A project may be a binary, a package, or some other set of arbitrary information. The Chef Automate pipeline supports promoting projects through the pipeline using versioned attributes. This is known as a project application. A project application is a useful way to promote projects by using a set of attributes that are pinned to a specific version, and then using those same versioned attributes when deploying software to various stages in the Chef Automate pipeline.
Project applications are defined in the publish.rb
recipe in a
using the define_project_application
helper method,
and then in the deploy.rb
recipe using the get_project_application
method. The publish phase happens at the end of the build stage. It is
at this point where the project application version is pinned, uploaded
to the Chef Infra Server as a data bag item, and then used through the
remaining stages.
{{< note >}}
The define_project_application
helper method is available from the
cookbook, which is a dependency of the delivery-truck
cookbook. This helper is available when the publish.rb
recipe has
include_recipe 'delivery-truck::publish'
{{< /note >}}
To define a project application, do the following:
Open the
recipe in thebuild-cookbook
and edit it to contain:define_project_application( <app_name>, <app_version>, [ 'attribute', 'attribute', ... ] )
is the name of the project application<app_version>
is version number to which the project application is pinned'attribute'
is Hash of attributes associated with this version; each attribute is defined as a key-value pair:'key = value'
Set up the
to know about this application. Add the following to.delivery/build-cookbook/attributes/default.rb
:default['delivery']['project_apps'] = ['<app_name>', '<app_name>', ...]
is a list of one (or more) applications thisbuild-cookbook
should be aware of.{{< note spaces=4 >}}
If the
directory and/or file does not exist, create it.{{< /note >}}
Open the
recipe in thebuild-cookbook
and edit it to contain:{ 'hash_of_attributes' } = get_project_application(<app_name>)
is a list of one (or more) attributes defined in thedefine_project_application
block.{{< note spaces=4 >}}
Do not pass
, or'name'
as part of the'hash_of_attributes'
as these are already defined in thedefine_project_application
block, are pulled in automatically by theget_project_application
helper method, and will overwrite any value specified in the Hash.{{< /note >}}
This example shows how to use project applications to deploy a package
into a .deb
file during the deploy phase. (This example assumes a Chef
Automate project exists with a properly configured build-cookbook
Open the
recipe in thebuild-cookbook
and edit to look like the following:include_recipe 'delivery-truck::publish' # Generate your artifact and document it's location on a download server. artifact_location = <generated_artifact_location> # It's recommended to generate a checksum from your package too. artifact_checksum = <package_checksum> # Version the artifact based on the current date. artifact_version = Time.now.strftime('%F_%H%M') # Name your application. name = "<app_name>" project_app_attributes = { 'artifact_location' => artifact_location, 'artifact_checksum' => artifact_checksum } define_project_application( name, artifact_version, project_app_attributes )
In the
recipe, update<generated_artifact_location>
to be correct for this project. -
Set up the
to know about this application. Add the following to.delivery/build-cookbook/attributes/default.rb
:default['delivery']['project_apps'] = ["<app_name>"]
is the same value as the name of the application in thepublish.rb
file.When the publish phase is run, an application is created, versioned by timestamp, and including all of the information needed to install that version of the application. The provisioning code in
will automatically pin based on this version. -
Configure the
to know how to install the application. Add the following to.delivery/build-cookbook/deploy.rb
:app_attributes = get_project_application("<APPLICATION_NAME>") # Download your package. remote_file "/tmp/latest_package.deb" do source app_attributes['artifact_location'] checksum app_attributes['artifact_checksum'] action :create end # Install it onto your build infrastructure. package app_attributes['name'] do source "/tmp/latest_package.deb" action :install end
The surest way to validate a Chef Automate installation is to create a cookbook, and then submit it to Chef Automate to kick off a new build in the pipeline.
If a project is a cookbook, we recommend starting with delivery-truck
an open source build cookbook created for driving cookbook pipelines in
Chef Automate. You can customize some aspects of delivery-truck
through your project's .delivery/config.json
. To have more control or
to opt-out of some of the behavior of delivery-truck
, create a wrapper
build cookbook.
{{% delivery_projects_add_with_delivery_truck %}}
Chef Automate can be set up to deploy cookbooks and applications in an air-gapped environment and this section describes how to set up a basic cookbook to be delivered through Chef Automate using the delivery-truck cookbook in that environment.
{{< note >}}
By default, the delivery-truck cookbook is configured for use with Chef Automate-backed cookbook projects.
{{< /note >}}
- Ensure you have a private Supermarket installed, setup, and running. See Install Private Supermarket for more information.
- Ensure you have a Chef Infra Server with the Chef Identity authentication/authorization service configured, a Chef Automate server setup that references your private Supermarket, and at least one Chef Automate build node/runner installed, setup, and running. See Install Chef Automate and Chef Identity for more information.
- Ensure you have created a project in Chef Automate. Follow these instructions to Set Up Projects.
- Ensure you have Chef Workstation installed on your workstation.
To use delivery-truck
and its dependency, delivery-sugar
, you must
first share them with a private Supermarket that is authenticated with
your Chef Infra Server.
From a workstation, create a cookbooks directory,
:mkdir -p $COOKBOOKS_DIR
Clone the
cookbook and its dependencydeliver-sugar
from GitHub:cd $COOKBOOKS_DIR git clone https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/delivery-sugar.git git clone https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/delivery-truck.git
To ensure your private Supermarket does not try to connect to third-party services, log into it and set the
environment variable to'true'
in the/etc/supermarket/supermarket.rb
file.default['supermarket']['air_gapped'] = 'true'
Save your changes and close the file.
Reconfigure your private Supermarket.
supermarket-ctl reconfigure
Share the
cookbooks with your private Supermarket using theknife
command-line tool. If you have not configuredknife
to share cookbooks with your private Supermarket, see Upload a Cookbook before running the followingknife
subcommands.knife supermarket share 'delivery-truck' knife supermarket share 'delivery-sugar'
Use Chef Workstation's cookbook generator command to create a default cookbook directory structure called
.chef generate cookbook my_cookbook
delivery init
in yourmy_cookbook
local directory to create a new project in Chef Automate and push your first change for review.cd my_cookbook delivery init
Finally, check out the added files and commit your changes.
From the root of your project's directory, do the following:
Modify the build cookbook's Berksfile to reference
. By default, this file is located at.delivery/build-cookbook/Berksfile
.source 'https://your_private_supermarket_url' metadata group :delivery do cookbook 'delivery-sugar' cookbook 'delivery-truck' end
Modify the build cookbook's metadata to include
. By default, this file is located at.delivery/build-cookbook/metadata.rb
.depends 'delivery-truck'
Edit your build cookbook's recipes to include the corresponding
recipe.# Cookbook Name:: $BUILD_COOKBOOK_NAME # Recipe:: $RECIPE # # Copyright (c) 2016 The Authors, All Rights Reserved. include_recipe "delivery-truck::$RECIPE"
By default, each build cookbook recipe
is located at.delivery/build-cookbook/recipes/$RECIPE.rb
. -
Increment your build cookbook's version in the cookbook's metadata file.
Commit your changes and run
delivery review
. Changes to your cookbook project can now be managed by your Chef Automate cluster.