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Build Status Application to act as the starting point for an Entando application integrated with a Digital Exchange instance

Develop using the jetty-maven-plugin

If you need to develop fast against this project, you can run the application using the jetty-maven-plugin. You will need though to use the correct profiles to run it.

Here the command to use

mvn clean package jetty:run-war -Pjetty-local -Pderby

If you want to use keycloak as external authorization service, add the keycloak profile and update the proper variables (you can find them in the properties tag in the pom)

mvn clean package jetty:run-war -Pjetty-local -Pderby -Pkeycloak

You can also add the option -DskipLicenseDownload to speed up the startup process.

To use an external DBMS you can activate the dedicated profile and pass the connection parameters using the properties. The following example shows how to connect to a PostgreSQL database:

mvn clean package jetty:run-war -Pjetty-local -Ppostgresql -DskipDatabaseImage=true -Dlicense.skipDownloadLicenses \
  -Dportdb.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/portdb -Dportdb.username=dbuser -Dportdb.password=password \
  -Dservdb.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/servdb -Dservdb.username=dbuser -Dservdb.password=password

In order to build the JS OOTB widgets using node and copy the built files (css and js) to the webapp resources ootb-widgets folder, you can also add the flag-P build-ootb-widgets to enable the related maven profile.

Using swagger

In order to enable swagger, it's enough to pass parameter. Swagger UI will be reachable here

Using docker

You can use the fabric8 plugin both to build and run the docker images for this project. You can choose between different profiles both for the servlet container (wildfly, eap) and the the DBMS to use (derby, mysql, postgresql).

For example, to run the application on Wildfly using PostgreSQL you can use the following command:

mvn clean package docker:run -Pwildfly,postgresql

You can also build your image using the Dockerfiles in the root of this repository:

mvn clean package
docker build . -f Dockerfile.wildfly -t <YOUR-USER>/<YOUR-REPO-NAME>:<YOUR-VERSION>

Upgrading database from Entando 6.3.2 to 7.0.0

Use the scripts inside the upgrade folder to upgrade your Entando database from version 6.3.2 to version 7.0.0. There are different scripts for PostgreSQL, MySQL and Derby.

Starting from version 7.0.0 Entando uses Liquibase, a tool that handle database changes, so you will not need to run any manual queries to upgrade your database from versions higher than 7.0.0.

Deploying to Kubernetes

Clone the repository Change the project name to your preferred project name. From your favourite IDE

  • files update should be pom.xml, entando-app.yaml Deploy your Entando Kubernetes operator to K8S Setup Keycloak
    • Point to an existing Keycloak instance
    • Install lightweight instance Deploy Entando App itself Point to ...