Become a sponsor to Indiekit
The IndieWeb is a community of independent and personal websites connected by open standards that are based on the principles of owning your domain and using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own website, and owning your data.
These are worthwhile goals, yet fully realising these ideals can often leave you bogged down in technical detail and complexity.
Indiekit aims to make it easy to join the IndieWeb community. We’re building an accessible, customisable and extensible Node.js server that uses IndieWeb protocols like Micropub and IndieAuth under the hood, but offers exceptional user experience, customisation and adaptability.
Who’s behind this?
This project is maintained by Paul Robert Lloyd, an interaction designer and web developer based in Brighton, England. By day he works with digital service teams in government to build accessible, well-designed, public-facing services. This project hopefully benefits from that insight and experience.
Why sponsor Indiekit?
Indiekit is very much a labour of love, but substantially improving and growing an open source project and community doesn’t come without cost.
Beyond spending more time designing and developing new features and fixing bugs, I’d love to hire a content designer to review both the project’s documentation and the micro copy used throughout the application. I’d also like to engage with accessibility and security experts to audit the project to ensure it is following best practices in these areas.
Finally, Indiekit is built on the shoulders of giants. It would be lovely to use any funds raised to support the open source projects used by Indiekit.
Meet the team
Paul Robert Lloyd paulrobertlloydInteraction designer and web developer. I help responsible organisations create purposeful digital products and services.
Featured work
The little Node.js server with all the parts needed to publish content to your personal website and share it on social networks.
JavaScript 347 -
Convert MF2 to JF2.
JavaScript 6
$5 a month
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$10 a month
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$25 a month
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- Mentioned in release notes
- Your logo or photo in the project’s README and on the project’s website
- Prioritised bug reports
$50 a month
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- Mentioned in release notes
- Your logo or name in the project’s README, on the project’s website and in any marketing
- Prioritised bug reports