Become a sponsor to Thorsten Lünborg
Hi, I'm Thorsten 👋🏻
So here's a few quick facts about me:
- He/him
- Location: Mannheim, Germany 🇩🇪
- Self-taught, no CS degree (but a masters/"Diplom" in business engineering)
- Day job: Product Owner/Manager for an enterprise customer portal
- Vue.js Core team member since 2016
- Hobbies: 🐈 🏂 🎮 📚
My Projects & Activities
- I contribute regularly to official Vue core repositories, but not as often as I would like (time constraints)
- I manage a couple of popular Vue libraries, first of all portal-vue, currently at 3.4k stars (😵)
- I regularly speak at events about all things Vue and Javascript, usually for free. Find some of my talks below.
- I am constantly engaging the wonderful Vue community, these days mostly by helping out with folks' problems and questions on our Discord ( whenever I have a free minute)
Why sponsor me?
Short Answer: Because then I can do so much more for the Vuejs Community!
Long answer: Read on
The Challenge
So I love both my day job and working on Vue and all things Vue-related. The problem is - I get paid for one, and not for the other. And the day job paying the bills requires north of 40 hours a week of me.
That leaves not as much time for Vue as I would like, especially given that I have a private live besides these two.
However I feel like I have so many ideas to bring to life for the Vuejs ecosystem, and would like to engage even more with the community - but for that, I need more time, and unfortunately, time still equals money in that regard.
The Solution (well, hopefully)
So this is where Github Sponsors comes in. Essentially, my goal ist to raise enough funds to reduce hours in my main job and work at least 1 full day per week on Vue stuff exclusively.
Once that has worked out, who knows what can happen? Maybe some company want s to hire me and give me a generous budget of hours for Vue & OSS? Maybe I can work on OSS even more than one day. We will see.
For now, I can say this:
If you like Vue, if you like my work so far and want to see more of it, please consider sponsoring me.
Featured work
A feature-rich Portal Plugin for Vue 3, for rendering DOM outside of a component, anywhere in your app or the entire document. (Vue 2 version:
Vue 3,898 -
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript 49,102 -
Collection of talks I gave
HTML 47 -
Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
TypeScript 71,190 -
A simpler Portal implementation focussed on moving slot content to the end of the body element
JavaScript 224