go-selenium is a Selenium WebDriver client for Go.
Note: the public API is experimental and subject to change until further notice.
Documentation: go-selenium on Sourcegraph.
Example: see example_test.go:
package selenium_test
import (
func ExampleFindElement() {
var webDriver selenium.WebDriver
var err error
caps := selenium.Capabilities(map[string]interface{}{"browserName": "firefox"})
if webDriver, err = selenium.NewRemote(caps, "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to open session: %s\n", err)
defer webDriver.Quit()
err = webDriver.Get("https://sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/go-selenium")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to load page: %s\n", err)
if title, err := webDriver.Title(); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Page title: %s\n", title)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Failed to get page title: %s", err)
var elem selenium.WebElement
elem, err = webDriver.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, ".repo .name")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to find element: %s\n", err)
if text, err := elem.Text(); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Repository: %s\n", text)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Failed to get text of element: %s\n", err)
// output:
// Page title: go-selenium - Sourcegraph
// Repository: go-selenium
The WebDriverT
and WebElementT
interfaces make test code cleaner. Each method in
and WebElement
has a corresponding method in the *T
interfaces that omits the error
from the return values and instead calls t.Fatalf
upon encountering an error. For example:
package mytest
import (
var caps selenium.Capabilities
var executorURL = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"
// An example test using the WebDriverT and WebElementT interfaces. If you use the non-*T
// interfaces, you must perform error checking that is tangential to what you are testing,
// and you have to destructure results from method calls.
func TestWithT(t *testing.T) {
wd, _ := selenium.NewRemote(caps, executor)
// Call .T(t) to obtain a WebDriverT from a WebDriver (or to obtain a WebElementT from
// a WebElement).
wdt := wd.T(t)
// Calls `t.Fatalf("Get: %s", err)` upon failure.
// Calls `t.Fatalf("FindElement(by=%q, value=%q): %s", by, value, err)` upon failure.
elem := wdt.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, ".foo")
// Calls `t.Fatalf("Text: %s", err)` if the `.Text()` call fails.
if elem.Text() != "bar" {
t.Fatalf("want elem text %q, got %q", "bar", elem.Text())
See remote_test.go for more usage examples.
Start Selenium WebDriver and run go test
. To see all available options, run go test -test.h
- Support Firefox profiles
- Quinn Slack [email protected]
- Miki Tebeka [email protected] (go-selenium is based on Miki's github.com/tebeka/selenium library)
go-selenium is distributed under the Eclipse Public License.