Ledisdb is a high-performance NoSQL database library and server written in Go. It's similar to Redis but store data in disk. It supports many data structures including kv, list, hash, zset, set.
LedisDB now supports multiple different databases as backends.
- Rich data structure: KV, List, Hash, ZSet, Set.
- Data storage is not limited by RAM.
- Various backends supported: LevelDB, goleveldb, RocksDB, RAM.
- Supports Lua scripting.
- Supports expiration and TTL.
- Can be managed via redis-cli.
- Easy to embed in your own Go application.
- HTTP API support, JSON/BSON/msgpack output.
- Replication to guarantee data safety.
- Supplies tools to load, dump, and repair database.
- Supports cluster, use xcodis.
- Authentication (though, not via http).
- Repair integrated: You can use
ledis repair
to repair broken databases andledis repair-ttl
to repair a very serious bug for key expiration and TTL if you upgraded from v0.4.
Create a workspace and checkout ledisdb source
git clone [email protected]:ledisdb/ledisdb.git
cd ledisdb
#set build and run environment
source dev.sh
make test
Then you will find all the binary build on ./bin
Install leveldb and snappy.
LedisDB supplies a simple script to install leveldb and snappy:
sudo sh tools/build_leveldb.sh
It will install leveldb at /usr/local/leveldb and snappy at /usr/local/snappy by default.
LedisDB uses the modified LevelDB for better performance. Details.
You can easily use other LevelDB versions (like Hyper LevelDB or Basho LevelDB) instead, as long as the header files are in
, notinclude/hyperleveldb
or any other location. -
to the actual install path in dev.sh. -
make clean && make
Install rocksdb(5.1+)(
make shared_lib
) and snappy first.LedisDB has not yet supplied a simple script to install.
to the actual install path indev.sh
. -
make clean && make
If the RocksDB API changes, LedisDB may not build successfully. LedisDB currently supports RocksDB version 5.1 or later.
LedisDB now supports goleveldb, leveldb, rocksdb, and RAM. It will use goleveldb by default.
Choosing a store database to use is very simple.
Set in server config file
db_name = "leveldb"
Set in command flag
ledis -config=/etc/ledis.conf -db_name=leveldb
Flag command set will overwrite config setting.
Lua is supported using gopher-lua, a Lua VM, completely written in Go.
LedisDB uses toml as the configuration format. The basic configuration ./etc/ledis.conf
in LedisDB source may help you.
If you don't use a configuration, LedisDB will use the default for you.
//set run environment if not
source dev.sh
./bin/ledis -config=/etc/ledis.conf
//another shell
./bin/ledis cli -p 6380
ledis> set a 1
ledis> get a
//use curl
→ {"SET":[true,"OK"]}
→ {"GET":"world"}
import (
lediscfg "github.com/ledisdb/ledisdb/config"
# Use Ledis's default config
cfg := lediscfg.NewConfigDefault()
l, _ := ledis.Open(cfg)
db, _ := l.Select(0)
db.Set(key, value)
Set slaveof in config or dynamiclly
ledis cli -p 6381
ledis> slaveof 6380
LedisDB uses a proxy named xcodis to support cluster.
See benchmark for more.
See Issues todo
See Clients to find or contribute LedisDB client.
- Changing the backend database at runtime is very dangerous. Data validation is not guaranteed if this is done.
- Go version >= 1.11
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- Gmail: [email protected]