Table of Contents
U.S. Gov.- WhiteHouse, U.S. Digital Service, C.I.O.
U.S. Gov.- Presidential Innovation Fellows
U.S. Gov- 18F
U.S. Gov- Code for America
U.S. Gov- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau GitHub
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Design Manual GitHub
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Jekyll Documentation Template (DOCter) GitHub
U.S. Gov- Department of Veterans Affairs
U.K. Gov.
- U.K. Gov Template
- U.K. Gov Frontend Toolkit
- U.K. Government Service Design Manual Website Code GitHub
Jekyll Bootstrap
- Jekyll Bootstrap GitHub and Jekyll Bootstrap Website (Clone repo) (Example Website) GitHub
- Jekyll Sitemap GitHub
GitHub Pages Showcase (Jekyll)
Jekyll Themes
- Jekyll Themes and Jekyll Themes GitHub
- Dr. Jekyll Themes and Dr. Jekyll Themes GitHub
- Jekyll Sites Wiki GitHub
- Jekyll Themes Wiki GitHub
Python- Django- Heroku Deployment
Python- Django- Pinax
- Pinax
- Pinax GitHub
- Pinax Starter Projects GitHub
- Pinax Starter App ( GitHub
- Pinax Django User Accounts GitHub
- Pinax Project Account GitHub
- Pinax Blog GitHub
- Pinax Theme Bootstrap GitHub
- Pinax Symposion GitHub
Python- Django- Cookiecutter (See also Packages)
- Cookiecutter (List of All Cookie Cutters in README) GitHub
- Cookiecutter Django GitHub
- PyBee Cookiecutter Project GitHub
Python- Django- Python and Django official websites and code
- Python Org, Python Org GitHub, Python Org Docs
- Python Org Installation Assistance (Important!)
- Django Project and Django Project GitHub
- Django Project Trac
Python- Django- PyCon, DjangoCon, and PyData
- PyCon GitHub and PyCon Read the Docs
- DjangoCon Europe 2017 GitHub
- DjangoCon Europe 2016 GitHub
- DjangoCon U.S. 2016 GitHub
- DjangoCon Europe 2015 GitHub
- PyData 2015 GitHub
- DjangoCon Website Archive GitHub
Python- Django Under the Hood
Python- Django- Django Birthday
Python- Django Hello Web App
- Hello Web App Documents and Information
- Hello Web App Beginner Tutorial
- Hello Web App Intermediate Concepts
Python- Django- Django Girls (Python- Django)
Template Examples
- Django Website Templates
- Python Website Templates
- Django Girls Website Templates
- Django Under the Hood Templates
Python- Django Brent O'Connor Django Base Template and Front-End Framework
- Brent O'Connor Django Base Template GitHub and Django Base Template Docs
- Brent O'Connor Front-End Framework GitHub
Python- Django- Django Product Websites
- Django Sites GitHub
- Python 2 Sites and Python 2 Sites GitHub
- Django Packages GitHub
- Django Snippets GitHub
Python- Django- Python Product Websites
Python- Django- Wharton
Python- Django- Lawrence Trail Hawks
Vitor Freitas (Python- Django)
- Simple Django Skeleton (Simple is Better than Complex) GitHub
- Simple Django Widget Tweaks (Simple is Better than Complex) GitHub
- Bootcamp 1.9x GitHub
- Bootcamp 1.8 Migration GitHub
- Parsifal GitHub
- Woid GitHub
- Bloodhound GitHub
David Leonard- Django Hackathon Starter (Python- Django) and Django tutorial
18F and Peace Corps New Website (Python- Django)
Pier Angelo
Python- Django- templates (Python- Django (Also Node))
- Alpha Github
- Angular Github
- RSS Github
- Share Buttons Github
- Android Library Github
- Android Login SDK Github
- Comments Widget Github
- Private Messaging Github
EdX (Python- Django (Also Ruby))
Elle (Python- Django)
Gov Track (Python- Django)
LA Times Datadesk Project Template (Python- Django)
Mozilla Sugardough, Bedrock, FunFactory and Playdoh + others (Python- 1/2 Django)
- Sugardough GitHub
- Bedrock GitHub
- FunFactory GitHub
- PlayDoh GitHub
- PlayDoh Docs GitHub
- PlayDoh Lib GitHub
- Play Framework (Java and Scala) GitHub
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (Python- Django)
OpenStack (Python- Django)
Open Knowledge Foundation (Python- Django)
Opps (Python- Django)
Reddit (Python- adapted from Django)
- Reddit Github
- Reddit Install Script for Ubuntu Github
- Reddit Styleguide Github
- Reddit High Traffic Live Update Threads GitHub
- Reddit i18n Github
- Reddit i18n Getting Started
- Reddit Enhancement Suite Github
Reddit- mobile (node.js)
- Reddit Mobile Github
- Reddit Android?
NPR + others (Python (Also Node for Less))
- NPR App Templates (Python and OSX) GitHub
- Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
- Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt (Example website) GitHub
- NPR Apps (Jekyll) GitHub
- NPR Best Practices (Interesting file structure) GitHub
Miscellaneous (Python)
- Chicago News Team's Docs (Including paywall instructions for Tarbell) Github
- Chicago News Team's Tarbell Github
- CKAN Data Management System Github
- CKAN Data Management System Github
- CKAN Data Management System CMS Github
- CKAN Data Management System Vagrant Github
- Full Stack Python GitHub
- Plone Content Management System (Runs on Zope) Github
- Zipline Algorithmic Trading Platform (Basis for Quantopian) Github
- Zipline Spinoff Quantopian's Algorithms Github
- Zope Web App Server Github
Python- Pelican
ASP.Net- Heroku deployment
ASP.NET- Boilerplate
- ASP.NET Boilerplate, ASP.NET Boilerplate Docs, and ASP.NET Boilerplate GitHub
- ASP.NET Boilerplate Module Zero GitHub
- ASP.NET Boilerplate Templates GitHub
- ASP.NET Boilerplate Samples GitHub
- ASP.NET Boilerplate Questions/Answers GitHub
- ASP.NET Boilerplate Event Cloud GitHub
ASP.NET- Example Website
Preferred Non-Official Templates- Sahat
- Hackathon-Starter GitHub
- Satellizer GitHub
- Hackathon-Starter Companion- JS Recipes (example website) GitHub
Preferred Non-Official Templates (See also WordPress)
- MEAN (Register and sign in pages) (example website) GitHub
- MEAN (Register and sign in pages) GitHub
- MEAN Yeoman Generator GitHub
- Keystone (Create project locally) GitHub
- Keystone Yeoman Generator GitHub
- Drywall (Had to install locally and run grunt --f command) GitHub
- Locomotive (simple landing page) GitHub
- Skeleton (Problem starting Gulp; but nice page/file structure) GitHub
Free Code Camp
PHP- Laravel- Preferred Templates and Documents
PHP- WordPress- Popular Themes
- Official Themes
- WordPress MTV Github
- Sage, Sage GitHub, and Sage vs. Underscores
- Underscore or _S and Underscore or _S GitHub
- Bones GitHub and Bones Yeoman Generator
- Bedrock and Bedrock GitHub
Ruby on Rails
Stanford University Library
Financial Times
Guardian Developer
Guardian Frontend (Ruby, Rails, Scala, Play, Node)
- Guardian Frontend Home
- Guardian Frontend Fonts GitHub
- Guardian Frontend GitHub (clone repo, npm install, command line 'bundle,' lacking sbt)
- Guardian Grid GitHub
- Guardian Scribe GitHub
- Guardian Riff Raff GitHub
Guardian Guss
- Suit (Inspired Guss Grid System; 'Plays well with Angular') GitHub
- Guardian Guss GitHub
- Guardian Guss Grid System GitHub
- Guardian Guss Layout GitHub
- Guardian Guss Typography GitHub
- Guardian Guss Webfonts GitHub
- Guardian Guss CSS3 GitHub
- Guardian Guss Colours GitHub
- Guardian Guss Rem GitHub
Guardian Pasteup
- Guardian Pasteup Style Homepage
- Guardian Pasteup GitHub (clone repo, use command line for 'bower install pasteup,' grunt serve, error, grunt --f)
- Guardian Pasteup Example GitHub
- Guardian Pasteup Buttons GitHub
- Guardian Pasteup Buttons Examples GitHub
- Guardian Pasteup Forms GitHub
- Guardian Pasteup Forms Examples GitHub
- Guardian Pasteup Palate GitHub
Guardian Mobile
- Guardian Mobile Apps Article Template GitHub
- Guardian Mobile Notifications Content GitHub
- Guardian Mobile Notifications API Client GitHub
- Guardian Mobile Edition Backpage GitHub
Guardian Miscellaneous
- Guardian Web Application Specifications GitHub
- Guardian Error Pages GitHub
- Guardian Robots.txt GitHub
- [Guardian Simply Py GitHub](Guardian Simply Py Github)
- Guardian Content Streams GitHub
- Guardian Commercial Responsive Ads GitHub
- Guardian Deploy GitHub
- Guardian Chrome App GitHub
NYT- Snowfall
- Snow Fall
- "How We Made Snowfall"
- "What the New York Times's 'Snow Fall' Means to Online Journalism's Future"
- List of "Snowfall"-esque projects
ProPublica- News App and Data Style Guides