diff --git a/src/liballoc/boxed.rs b/src/liballoc/boxed.rs
index 8a3950718d7d2..831856726dffc 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/boxed.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/boxed.rs
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
 use core::iter::{Iterator, FromIterator, FusedIterator};
 use core::marker::{Unpin, Unsize};
 use core::mem;
+use core::needle::Needle;
 use core::pin::Pin;
 use core::ops::{
     CoerceUnsized, DispatchFromDyn, Deref, DerefMut, Receiver, Generator, GeneratorState
@@ -919,3 +920,35 @@ impl<F: ?Sized + Future + Unpin> Future for Box<F> {
         F::poll(Pin::new(&mut *self), cx)
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+impl<'p, 'h, T: PartialEq + 'p + 'h> Needle<&'h [T]> for &'p Box<[T]> {
+    type Searcher = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::Searcher;
+    type Consumer = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::Consumer;
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::into_searcher(&**self)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::into_consumer(&**self)
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+impl<'p, 'h, T: PartialEq + 'p + 'h> Needle<&'h mut [T]> for &'p Box<[T]> {
+    type Searcher = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::Searcher;
+    type Consumer = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::Consumer;
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::into_searcher(&**self)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::into_consumer(&**self)
+    }
diff --git a/src/liballoc/lib.rs b/src/liballoc/lib.rs
index 63b3fbbdaefe1..20d132c897448 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/lib.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/lib.rs
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
diff --git a/src/liballoc/slice.rs b/src/liballoc/slice.rs
index 6eac848740106..68d1f6cc8b787 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/slice.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/slice.rs
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ use core::cmp::Ordering::{self, Less};
 use core::mem::{self, size_of};
 use core::ptr;
 use core::{u8, u16, u32};
+use core::needle::{ext, Needle, Searcher, Consumer};
 use crate::borrow::ToOwned;
 use crate::boxed::Box;
@@ -485,6 +486,40 @@ impl<T> [T] {
+    /// Replaces all matches of a predicate with another slice.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    #[must_use = "this returns the replaced slice as a new allocation, \
+                  without modifying the original"]
+    pub fn replace<'s: 'a, 'a, F>(&'s self, from: F, to: &'a [T]) -> Vec<T>
+    where
+        T: Clone,
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(self.len());
+        ext::replace_with(self, from, |_| to, |s| result.extend_from_slice(s));
+        result
+    }
+    /// Replaces first N matches of a predicate with another slice.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    #[must_use = "this returns the replaced slice as a new allocation, \
+                  without modifying the original"]
+    pub fn replacen<'s: 'a, 'a, F>(&'s self, from: F, to: &'a [T], count: usize) -> Vec<T>
+    where
+        T: Clone,
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(self.len());
+        ext::replacen_with(self, from, |_| to, count, |s| result.extend_from_slice(s));
+        result
+    }
 #[lang = "slice_u8_alloc"]
diff --git a/src/liballoc/str.rs b/src/liballoc/str.rs
index f10a01d44c8ee..299474a89f287 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/str.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/str.rs
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
 // It's cleaner to just turn off the unused_imports warning than to fix them.
-use core::borrow::Borrow;
-use core::str::pattern::{Pattern, Searcher, ReverseSearcher, DoubleEndedSearcher};
+use core::fmt;
+use core::needle::{ext, Needle, Searcher, Consumer};
 use core::mem;
 use core::ptr;
 use core::iter::FusedIterator;
 use core::unicode::conversions;
-use crate::borrow::ToOwned;
+use crate::borrow::{Borrow, ToOwned};
 use crate::boxed::Box;
 use crate::slice::{SliceConcatExt, SliceIndex};
 use crate::string::String;
@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ pub use core::str::{from_utf8, from_utf8_mut, Chars, CharIndices, Bytes};
 pub use core::str::{from_utf8_unchecked, from_utf8_unchecked_mut, ParseBoolError};
 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
 pub use core::str::SplitWhitespace;
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-pub use core::str::pattern;
 #[stable(feature = "encode_utf16", since = "1.8.0")]
 pub use core::str::EncodeUtf16;
 #[stable(feature = "split_ascii_whitespace", since = "1.34.0")]
@@ -255,15 +253,14 @@ impl str {
                   without modifying the original"]
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn replace<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, from: P, to: &str) -> String {
-        let mut result = String::new();
-        let mut last_end = 0;
-        for (start, part) in self.match_indices(from) {
-            result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..start) });
-            result.push_str(to);
-            last_end = start + part.len();
-        }
-        result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..self.len()) });
+    pub fn replace<'s: 'a, 'a, P>(&'s self, from: P, to: &'a str) -> String
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        let mut result = String::with_capacity(self.len());
+        ext::replace_with(self, from, |_| to, |s| result.push_str(s));
@@ -295,16 +292,15 @@ impl str {
     #[must_use = "this returns the replaced string as a new allocation, \
                   without modifying the original"]
     #[stable(feature = "str_replacen", since = "1.16.0")]
-    pub fn replacen<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P, to: &str, count: usize) -> String {
+    pub fn replacen<'s: 'a, 'a, P>(&'s self, pat: P, to: &'a str, count: usize) -> String
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
         // Hope to reduce the times of re-allocation
-        let mut result = String::with_capacity(32);
-        let mut last_end = 0;
-        for (start, part) in self.match_indices(pat).take(count) {
-            result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..start) });
-            result.push_str(to);
-            last_end = start + part.len();
-        }
-        result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..self.len()) });
+        let mut result = String::with_capacity(self.len());
+        ext::replacen_with(self, pat, |_| to, count, |s| result.push_str(s));
diff --git a/src/liballoc/string.rs b/src/liballoc/string.rs
index a3e2098695f70..44972d0be3123 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/string.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/string.rs
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ use core::iter::{FromIterator, FusedIterator};
 use core::ops::{self, Add, AddAssign, Index, IndexMut, RangeBounds};
 use core::ops::Bound::{Excluded, Included, Unbounded};
 use core::ptr;
-use core::str::{pattern::Pattern, lossy};
+use core::needle::Needle;
+use core::str::lossy;
 use crate::borrow::{Cow, ToOwned};
 use crate::collections::CollectionAllocErr;
@@ -1792,24 +1793,19 @@ impl<'a> Extend<Cow<'a, str>> for String {
 /// A convenience impl that delegates to the impl for `&str`
-#[unstable(feature = "pattern",
-           reason = "API not fully fleshed out and ready to be stabilized",
-           issue = "27721")]
-impl<'a, 'b> Pattern<'a> for &'b String {
-    type Searcher = <&'b str as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher;
-    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'a str) -> <&'b str as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher {
-        self[..].into_searcher(haystack)
-    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+impl<'a, 'b> Needle<&'a str> for &'b String {
+    type Searcher = <&'b str as Needle<&'a str>>::Searcher;
+    type Consumer = <&'b str as Needle<&'a str>>::Consumer;
-    fn is_contained_in(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        self[..].is_contained_in(haystack)
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        <&'b str as Needle<&'a str>>::into_searcher(&**self)
-    fn is_prefix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        self[..].is_prefix_of(haystack)
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        <&'b str as Needle<&'a str>>::into_consumer(&**self)
diff --git a/src/liballoc/tests/lib.rs b/src/liballoc/tests/lib.rs
index 90921b6af9f34..bb3f399fc254b 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/tests/lib.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/tests/lib.rs
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
 use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
 use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
diff --git a/src/liballoc/tests/slice.rs b/src/liballoc/tests/slice.rs
index ad2cd7c95eb8f..c2a7d6ed3ade4 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/tests/slice.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/tests/slice.rs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use std::panic;
 use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::sync::atomic::{Ordering::Relaxed, AtomicUsize};
 use std::thread;
+use std::f64::NAN;
 use rand::{Rng, RngCore, thread_rng};
 use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
@@ -844,19 +845,19 @@ fn test_splitator() {
     let xs = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[1], &[3], &[5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[], &[2, 3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 1).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 1).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[1, 2, 3, 4], &[]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 10).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 10).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[], &[], &[], &[], &[], &[]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|_| true).collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|_: &i32| true).collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
     let xs: &[i32] = &[];
     let splits: &[&[i32]] = &[&[]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
@@ -864,15 +865,15 @@ fn test_splitnator() {
     let xs = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(1, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(1, |x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[1], &[3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(2, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(2, |x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[], &[], &[], &[4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(4, |_| true).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(4, |_: &i32| true).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let xs: &[i32] = &[];
     let splits: &[&[i32]] = &[&[]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(2, |x| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn(2, |x: &i32| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
@@ -880,17 +881,17 @@ fn test_splitnator_mut() {
     let xs = &mut [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     let splits: &[&mut [_]] = &[&mut [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(1, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(1, |x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
     let splits: &[&mut [_]] = &[&mut [1], &mut [3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(2, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(2, |x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
     let splits: &[&mut [_]] = &[&mut [], &mut [], &mut [], &mut [4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(4, |_| true).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(4, |_: &i32| true).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let xs: &mut [i32] = &mut [];
     let splits: &[&mut [i32]] = &[&mut []];
-    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(2, |x| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.splitn_mut(2, |x: &i32| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
@@ -898,17 +899,17 @@ fn test_rsplitator() {
     let xs = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[5], &[3], &[1]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x % 2 == 0).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[2, 3, 4, 5], &[]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 1).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 1).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[], &[1, 2, 3, 4]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 5).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 5).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 10).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 10).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let xs: &[i32] = &[];
     let splits: &[&[i32]] = &[&[]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x| *x == 5).rev().collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.split(|x: &i32| *x == 5).rev().collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
@@ -916,16 +917,16 @@ fn test_rsplitnator() {
     let xs = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(1, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(1, |x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[5], &[1, 2, 3]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(2, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(2, |x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let splits: &[&[_]] = &[&[], &[], &[], &[1, 2]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(4, |_| true).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
+    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(4, |_: &i32| true).collect::<Vec<_>>(), splits);
     let xs: &[i32] = &[];
     let splits: &[&[i32]] = &[&[]];
-    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(2, |x| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
-    assert!(xs.rsplitn(0, |x| *x % 2 == 0).next().is_none());
+    assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn(2, |x: &i32| *x == 5).collect::<Vec<&[i32]>>(), splits);
+    assert!(xs.rsplitn(0, |x: &i32| *x % 2 == 0).next().is_none());
@@ -1218,14 +1219,14 @@ fn test_ends_with() {
 fn test_mut_splitator() {
     let mut xs = [0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4, 5, 0];
-    assert_eq!(xs.split_mut(|x| *x == 0).count(), 6);
-    for slice in xs.split_mut(|x| *x == 0) {
+    assert_eq!(xs.split_mut(|x: &i32| *x == 0).count(), 6);
+    for slice in xs.split_mut(|x: &i32| *x == 0) {
     assert!(xs == [0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 5, 4, 0]);
     let mut xs = [0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4, 5, 0, 6, 7];
-    for slice in xs.split_mut(|x| *x == 0).take(5) {
+    for slice in xs.split_mut(|x: &i32| *x == 0).take(5) {
     assert!(xs == [0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 5, 4, 0, 6, 7]);
@@ -1234,7 +1235,7 @@ fn test_mut_splitator() {
 fn test_mut_splitator_rev() {
     let mut xs = [1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 5, 6, 0];
-    for slice in xs.split_mut(|x| *x == 0).rev().take(4) {
+    for slice in xs.split_mut(|x: &i32| *x == 0).rev().take(4) {
     assert!(xs == [1, 2, 0, 4, 3, 0, 0, 6, 5, 0]);
@@ -1655,3 +1656,63 @@ fn repeat_generic_slice() {
         vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+fn test_match_indices_simple() {
+    let haystack = &[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0][..];
+    let needle = &[2.0, 3.0][..];
+    assert_eq!(haystack.match_indices(needle).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+        (1, needle),
+        (8, needle),
+    ]);
+fn test_match_indices_nan_haystack() {
+    let haystack = &[1.0, 2.0, NAN, 1.0, 2.0, NAN, 1.0, NAN, NAN, NAN, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0][..];
+    let needle = &[1.0, 2.0][..];
+    assert_eq!(haystack.match_indices(needle).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+        (0, needle),
+        (3, needle),
+        (11, needle),
+    ]);
+fn test_match_indices_nan_needle() {
+    let haystack = &[1.0, 2.0, NAN, 1.0, 2.0, NAN, 1.0, NAN, NAN, NAN, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0][..];
+    let needle = &[2.0, NAN][..];
+    assert_eq!(haystack.match_indices(needle).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+    ]);
+fn test_match_indices_negative_zero() {
+    let haystack = &[-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0][..];
+    let needle = &[0.0, -0.0][..];
+    assert_eq!(haystack.match_indices(needle).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+        (0, needle),
+        (2, needle),
+    ]);
+fn test_replace() {
+    let haystack = &b" empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software."[..];
+    assert_eq!(
+        haystack.replace(&b" e"[..], b" **E**"),
+        b" **E**mpowering **E**veryone to build reliable and **E**fficient software.".to_vec()
+    );
+fn test_boxed_slice_ref_is_a_needle() {
+    let boundary = vec![b'x'; 12].into_boxed_slice();
+    let bytes: &[u8] = b"--xxxxxxxxxxxxyyyy";
+    assert!(bytes[2..].starts_with(&boundary));
diff --git a/src/liballoc/tests/str.rs b/src/liballoc/tests/str.rs
index b197516403f78..89d245950c359 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/tests/str.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/tests/str.rs
@@ -1606,145 +1606,6 @@ fn test_repeat() {
     assert_eq!("α".repeat(3), "ααα");
-mod pattern {
-    use std::str::pattern::{Pattern, Searcher, ReverseSearcher};
-    use std::str::pattern::SearchStep::{self, Match, Reject, Done};
-    macro_rules! make_test {
-        ($name:ident, $p:expr, $h:expr, [$($e:expr,)*]) => {
-            #[allow(unused_imports)]
-            mod $name {
-                use std::str::pattern::SearchStep::{Match, Reject};
-                use super::{cmp_search_to_vec};
-                #[test]
-                fn fwd() {
-                    cmp_search_to_vec(false, $p, $h, vec![$($e),*]);
-                }
-                #[test]
-                fn bwd() {
-                    cmp_search_to_vec(true, $p, $h, vec![$($e),*]);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn cmp_search_to_vec<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(rev: bool, pat: P, haystack: &'a str,
-                                             right: Vec<SearchStep>)
-    where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-    {
-        let mut searcher = pat.into_searcher(haystack);
-        let mut v = vec![];
-        loop {
-            match if !rev {searcher.next()} else {searcher.next_back()} {
-                Match(a, b) => v.push(Match(a, b)),
-                Reject(a, b) => v.push(Reject(a, b)),
-                Done => break,
-            }
-        }
-        if rev {
-            v.reverse();
-        }
-        let mut first_index = 0;
-        let mut err = None;
-        for (i, e) in right.iter().enumerate() {
-            match *e {
-                Match(a, b) | Reject(a, b)
-                if a <= b && a == first_index => {
-                    first_index = b;
-                }
-                _ => {
-                    err = Some(i);
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if let Some(err) = err {
-            panic!("Input skipped range at {}", err);
-        }
-        if first_index != haystack.len() {
-            panic!("Did not cover whole input");
-        }
-        assert_eq!(v, right);
-    }
-    make_test!(str_searcher_ascii_haystack, "bb", "abbcbbd", [
-        Reject(0, 1),
-        Match (1, 3),
-        Reject(3, 4),
-        Match (4, 6),
-        Reject(6, 7),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(str_searcher_ascii_haystack_seq, "bb", "abbcbbbbd", [
-        Reject(0, 1),
-        Match (1, 3),
-        Reject(3, 4),
-        Match (4, 6),
-        Match (6, 8),
-        Reject(8, 9),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(str_searcher_empty_needle_ascii_haystack, "", "abbcbbd", [
-        Match (0, 0),
-        Reject(0, 1),
-        Match (1, 1),
-        Reject(1, 2),
-        Match (2, 2),
-        Reject(2, 3),
-        Match (3, 3),
-        Reject(3, 4),
-        Match (4, 4),
-        Reject(4, 5),
-        Match (5, 5),
-        Reject(5, 6),
-        Match (6, 6),
-        Reject(6, 7),
-        Match (7, 7),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(str_searcher_multibyte_haystack, " ", "├──", [
-        Reject(0, 3),
-        Reject(3, 6),
-        Reject(6, 9),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(str_searcher_empty_needle_multibyte_haystack, "", "├──", [
-        Match (0, 0),
-        Reject(0, 3),
-        Match (3, 3),
-        Reject(3, 6),
-        Match (6, 6),
-        Reject(6, 9),
-        Match (9, 9),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(str_searcher_empty_needle_empty_haystack, "", "", [
-        Match(0, 0),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(str_searcher_nonempty_needle_empty_haystack, "├", "", [
-    ]);
-    make_test!(char_searcher_ascii_haystack, 'b', "abbcbbd", [
-        Reject(0, 1),
-        Match (1, 2),
-        Match (2, 3),
-        Reject(3, 4),
-        Match (4, 5),
-        Match (5, 6),
-        Reject(6, 7),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(char_searcher_multibyte_haystack, ' ', "├──", [
-        Reject(0, 3),
-        Reject(3, 6),
-        Reject(6, 9),
-    ]);
-    make_test!(char_searcher_short_haystack, '\u{1F4A9}', "* \t", [
-        Reject(0, 1),
-        Reject(1, 2),
-        Reject(2, 3),
-    ]);
 macro_rules! generate_iterator_test {
         $name:ident {
@@ -1837,13 +1698,51 @@ generate_iterator_test! {
 fn different_str_pattern_forwarding_lifetimes() {
-    use std::str::pattern::Pattern;
+    // FIXME: The generic form (see PR 31989) causes a strange "trait bound not satisfied" error.
+    // revisit this after RFC 2089 is implemented.
-    fn foo<'a, P>(p: P) where for<'b> &'b P: Pattern<'a> {
+    fn foo(p: &str) {
         for _ in 0..3 {
-    foo::<&str>("x");
+    foo("x");
+fn test_mut_str() {
+    use std::ops::Range;
+    let mut s = String::from("a1b2c3d4e");
+    {
+        let res: &mut str = s.trim_matches_mut(|c: char| c.is_ascii_alphabetic());
+        assert_eq!(res, "1b2c3d4");
+    }
+    {
+        let res: Vec<&mut str> = s.split_mut(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()).collect();
+        assert_eq!(res, vec!["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]);
+    }
+    {
+        let res: Vec<(Range<usize>, &mut str)> =
+            s.match_ranges_mut(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()).collect();
+        let res = res.into_iter().map(|(r, ss)| (r, &*ss)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        assert_eq!(res, vec![
+            (1..2, "1"),
+            (3..4, "2"),
+            (5..6, "3"),
+            (7..8, "4"),
+        ]);
+    }
+    {
+        let res: Vec<(Range<usize>, &mut str)> =
+            s.rmatch_ranges_mut(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()).collect();
+        let res = res.into_iter().map(|(r, ss)| (r, &*ss)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        assert_eq!(res, vec![
+            (7..8, "4"),
+            (5..6, "3"),
+            (3..4, "2"),
+            (1..2, "1"),
+        ]);
+    }
diff --git a/src/liballoc/vec.rs b/src/liballoc/vec.rs
index cd62c3e05244c..1f826da6b064b 100644
--- a/src/liballoc/vec.rs
+++ b/src/liballoc/vec.rs
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ use core::ops::{self, Index, IndexMut, RangeBounds};
 use core::ops::Bound::{Excluded, Included, Unbounded};
 use core::ptr::{self, NonNull};
 use core::slice::{self, SliceIndex};
+use core::needle::Needle;
 use crate::borrow::{ToOwned, Cow};
 use crate::collections::CollectionAllocErr;
@@ -2724,3 +2725,35 @@ impl<T, F> Drop for DrainFilter<'_, T, F>
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+impl<'p, 'h, T: PartialEq + 'p + 'h> Needle<&'h [T]> for &'p Vec<T> {
+    type Searcher = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::Searcher;
+    type Consumer = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::Consumer;
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::into_searcher(&**self)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h [T]>>::into_consumer(&**self)
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+impl<'p, 'h, T: PartialEq + 'p + 'h> Needle<&'h mut [T]> for &'p Vec<T> {
+    type Searcher = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::Searcher;
+    type Consumer = <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::Consumer;
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::into_searcher(&**self)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        <&'p [T] as Needle<&'h mut [T]>>::into_consumer(&**self)
+    }
diff --git a/src/libcore/lib.rs b/src/libcore/lib.rs
index 28db55578c3de..2e6ee06206d13 100644
--- a/src/libcore/lib.rs
+++ b/src/libcore/lib.rs
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ pub mod fmt;
 pub mod time;
 pub mod unicode;
+pub mod needle;
 /* Async */
 pub mod future;
diff --git a/src/libcore/needle/ext.rs b/src/libcore/needle/ext.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..774e870a6a016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/needle/ext.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+//! Extension functions which can be applied on any pairs of [`Haystack`]/[`Needle`].
+use super::haystack::{Hay, Haystack, Span};
+use super::needle::{
+    Needle, Searcher, ReverseSearcher, DoubleEndedSearcher,
+    Consumer, ReverseConsumer, DoubleEndedConsumer,
+use crate::iter::FusedIterator;
+use crate::ops::Range;
+use crate::fmt;
+macro_rules! generate_clone_and_debug {
+    ($name:ident, $field:tt) => {
+        impl<H, S> Clone for $name<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack + Clone,
+            S: Clone,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {
+            fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+                $name { $field: self.$field.clone() }
+            }
+            fn clone_from(&mut self, src: &Self) {
+                self.$field.clone_from(&src.$field);
+            }
+        }
+        impl<H, S> fmt::Debug for $name<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack + fmt::Debug,
+            S: fmt::Debug,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {
+            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+                f.debug_tuple(stringify!($name))
+                    .field(&self.$field)
+                    .finish()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! generate_pattern_iterators {
+    {
+        // Forward iterator
+        forward:
+            $(#[$forward_iterator_attribute:meta])*
+            struct $forward_iterator:ident;
+        // Reverse iterator
+        reverse:
+            $(#[$reverse_iterator_attribute:meta])*
+            struct $reverse_iterator:ident;
+        // Stability of all generated items
+        stability:
+            $(#[$common_stability_attribute:meta])*
+        // Internal almost-iterator that is being delegated to
+        internal:
+            $internal_iterator:ident yielding ($iterty:ty);
+        // Kind of delegation - either single ended or double ended
+        delegate $($t:tt)*
+    } => {
+        $(#[$forward_iterator_attribute])*
+        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
+        pub struct $forward_iterator<H, S>($internal_iterator<H, S>)
+        where
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+            H: Haystack;
+        generate_clone_and_debug!($forward_iterator, 0);
+        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
+        impl<H, S> Iterator for $forward_iterator<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack,
+            S: Searcher<H::Target>,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {
+            type Item = $iterty;
+            #[inline]
+            fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+                self.0.next()
+            }
+        }
+        $(#[$reverse_iterator_attribute])*
+        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
+        pub struct $reverse_iterator<H, S>($internal_iterator<H, S>)
+        where
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+            H: Haystack;
+        generate_clone_and_debug!($reverse_iterator, 0);
+        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
+        impl<H, S> Iterator for $reverse_iterator<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack,
+            S: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {
+            type Item = $iterty;
+            #[inline]
+            fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+                self.0.next_back()
+            }
+        }
+        #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
+        impl<H, S> FusedIterator for $forward_iterator<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack,
+            S: Searcher<H::Target>,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {}
+        #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
+        impl<H, S> FusedIterator for $reverse_iterator<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack,
+            S: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {}
+        generate_pattern_iterators!($($t)* with $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*,
+                                                $forward_iterator,
+                                                $reverse_iterator);
+    };
+    {
+        double ended; with $(#[$common_stability_attribute:meta])*,
+                           $forward_iterator:ident,
+                           $reverse_iterator:ident
+    } => {
+        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
+        impl<H, S> DoubleEndedIterator for $forward_iterator<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack,
+            S: DoubleEndedSearcher<H::Target>,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {
+            #[inline]
+            fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+                self.0.next_back()
+            }
+        }
+        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
+        impl<H, S> DoubleEndedIterator for $reverse_iterator<H, S>
+        where
+            H: Haystack,
+            S: DoubleEndedSearcher<H::Target>,
+            H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+        {
+            #[inline]
+            fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+                self.0.next()
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    {
+        single ended; with $(#[$common_stability_attribute:meta])*,
+                           $forward_iterator:ident,
+                           $reverse_iterator:ident
+    } => {}
+// Starts with / Ends with
+/// Returns `true` if the given needle matches a prefix of the haystack.
+/// Returns `false` if it does not.
+pub fn starts_with<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> bool
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    needle.into_consumer().consume((*haystack).into()).is_some()
+/// Returns `true` if the given needle matches a suffix of this haystack.
+/// Returns `false` if it does not.
+pub fn ends_with<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> bool
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    needle.into_consumer().rconsume((*haystack).into()).is_some()
+// Trim
+/// Returns a haystack slice with all prefixes that match the needle repeatedly removed.
+pub fn trim_start<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> H
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    let range = {
+        let hay = &*haystack;
+        let start = needle.into_consumer().trim_start(hay);
+        let end = hay.end_index();
+        start..end
+    };
+    unsafe { haystack.slice_unchecked(range) }
+/// Returns a haystack slice with all suffixes that match the needle repeatedly removed.
+pub fn trim_end<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> H
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    let range = {
+        let hay = &*haystack;
+        let start = hay.start_index();
+        let end = needle.into_consumer().trim_end(hay);
+        start..end
+    };
+    unsafe { haystack.slice_unchecked(range) }
+/// Returns a haystack slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match the needle
+/// repeatedly removed.
+pub fn trim<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> H
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Consumer: DoubleEndedConsumer<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    let mut checker = needle.into_consumer();
+    let range = {
+        let hay = &*haystack;
+        let end = checker.trim_end(hay);
+        let hay = unsafe { Hay::slice_unchecked(hay, hay.start_index()..end) };
+        let start = checker.trim_start(hay);
+        start..end
+    };
+    unsafe { haystack.slice_unchecked(range) }
+// Matches
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct MatchesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    searcher: S,
+    rest: Span<H>,
+impl<H, S> MatchesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: Searcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_spanned(&mut self) -> Option<Span<H>> {
+        let rest = self.rest.take();
+        let range = self.searcher.search(rest.borrow())?;
+        let [_, middle, right] = unsafe { rest.split_around(range) };
+        self.rest = right;
+        Some(middle)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<H> {
+        Some(Span::into(self.next_spanned()?))
+    }
+impl<H, S> MatchesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_back_spanned(&mut self) -> Option<Span<H>> {
+        let rest = self.rest.take();
+        let range = self.searcher.rsearch(rest.borrow())?;
+        let [left, middle, _] = unsafe { rest.split_around(range) };
+        self.rest = left;
+        Some(middle)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<H> {
+        Some(Span::into(self.next_back_spanned()?))
+    }
+generate_pattern_iterators! {
+    forward:
+        /// Created with the function [`matches`](fn.matches.html).
+        struct Matches;
+    reverse:
+        /// Created with the function [`rmatches`](fn.rmatches.html).
+        struct RMatches;
+    stability:
+    internal:
+        MatchesInternal yielding (H);
+    delegate double ended;
+/// An iterator over the disjoint matches of the needle within the given haystack.
+pub fn matches<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Matches<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    Matches(MatchesInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+    })
+/// An iterator over the disjoint matches of the needle within the haystack,
+/// yielded in reverse order.
+pub fn rmatches<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> RMatches<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    RMatches(MatchesInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+    })
+/// Returns `true` if the given needle matches a sub-slice of the haystack.
+/// Returns `false` if it does not.
+pub fn contains<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> bool
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    needle.into_searcher()
+        .search((*haystack).into())
+        .is_some()
+// MatchIndices
+struct MatchIndicesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    inner: MatchesInternal<H, S>,
+generate_clone_and_debug!(MatchIndicesInternal, inner);
+impl<H, S> MatchIndicesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: Searcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(<H::Target as Hay>::Index, H)> {
+        let span = self.inner.next_spanned()?;
+        let index = span.original_range().start;
+        Some((index, Span::into(span)))
+    }
+impl<H, S> MatchIndicesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<(<H::Target as Hay>::Index, H)> {
+        let span = self.inner.next_back_spanned()?;
+        let index = span.original_range().start;
+        Some((index, Span::into(span)))
+    }
+generate_pattern_iterators! {
+    forward:
+        /// Created with the function [`match_indices`](fn.match_indices.html).
+        struct MatchIndices;
+    reverse:
+        /// Created with the function [`rmatch_indices`](fn.rmatch_indices.html).
+        struct RMatchIndices;
+    stability:
+    internal:
+        MatchIndicesInternal yielding ((<H::Target as Hay>::Index, H));
+    delegate double ended;
+/// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within the haystack
+/// as well as the index that the match starts at.
+/// For matches of `needle` within `haystack` that overlap,
+/// only the indices corresponding to the first match are returned.
+pub fn match_indices<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> MatchIndices<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    MatchIndices(MatchIndicesInternal {
+        inner: matches(haystack, needle).0,
+    })
+/// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within the haystack,
+/// yielded in reverse order along with the index of the match.
+/// For matches of `needle` within `haystack` that overlap,
+/// only the indices corresponding to the last match are returned.
+pub fn rmatch_indices<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> RMatchIndices<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    RMatchIndices(MatchIndicesInternal {
+        inner: rmatches(haystack, needle).0,
+    })
+/// Returns the start index of first slice of the haystack that matches the needle.
+/// Returns [`None`] if the pattern doesn't match.
+pub fn find<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    needle.into_searcher()
+        .search((*haystack).into())
+        .map(|r| r.start)
+/// Returns the start index of last slice of the haystack that matches the needle.
+/// Returns [`None`] if the pattern doesn't match.
+pub fn rfind<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    needle.into_searcher()
+        .rsearch((*haystack).into())
+        .map(|r| r.start)
+// MatchRanges
+struct MatchRangesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    inner: MatchesInternal<H, S>,
+generate_clone_and_debug!(MatchRangesInternal, inner);
+impl<H, S> MatchRangesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: Searcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>, H)> {
+        let span = self.inner.next_spanned()?;
+        let range = span.original_range();
+        Some((range, Span::into(span)))
+    }
+impl<H, S> MatchRangesInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<(Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>, H)> {
+        let span = self.inner.next_back_spanned()?;
+        let range = span.original_range();
+        Some((range, Span::into(span)))
+    }
+generate_pattern_iterators! {
+    forward:
+        /// Created with the function [`match_ranges`](fn.match_ranges.html).
+        struct MatchRanges;
+    reverse:
+        /// Created with the function [`rmatch_ranges`](fn.rmatch_ranges.html).
+        struct RMatchRanges;
+    stability:
+    internal:
+        MatchRangesInternal yielding ((Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>, H));
+    delegate double ended;
+/// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within the haystack
+/// as well as the index ranges of each match.
+/// For matches of `needle` within `haystack` that overlap,
+/// only the ranges corresponding to the first match are returned.
+pub fn match_ranges<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> MatchRanges<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    MatchRanges(MatchRangesInternal {
+        inner: matches(haystack, needle).0,
+    })
+/// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within the haystack,
+/// yielded in reverse order along with the index range of the match.
+/// For matches of `needle` within `haystack` that overlap,
+/// only the ranges corresponding to the last match are returned.
+pub fn rmatch_ranges<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> RMatchRanges<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    RMatchRanges(MatchRangesInternal {
+        inner: rmatches(haystack, needle).0,
+    })
+/// Returns the index range of first slice of the haystack that matches the needle.
+/// Returns [`None`] if the pattern doesn't match.
+pub fn find_range<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    needle.into_searcher()
+        .search((*haystack).into())
+/// Returns the start index of last slice of the haystack that matches the needle.
+/// Returns [`None`] if the pattern doesn't match.
+pub fn rfind_range<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    needle.into_searcher()
+        .rsearch((*haystack).into())
+// Split
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct SplitInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    searcher: S,
+    rest: Span<H>,
+    finished: bool,
+    allow_trailing_empty: bool,
+impl<H, S> SplitInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: Searcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<H> {
+        if self.finished {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let mut rest = self.rest.take();
+        match self.searcher.search(rest.borrow()) {
+            Some(subrange) => {
+                let [left, _, right] = unsafe { rest.split_around(subrange) };
+                self.rest = right;
+                rest = left;
+            }
+            None => {
+                self.finished = true;
+                if !self.allow_trailing_empty && rest.is_empty() {
+                    return None;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(Span::into(rest))
+    }
+impl<H, S> SplitInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<H> {
+        if self.finished {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let rest = self.rest.take();
+        let after = match self.searcher.rsearch(rest.borrow()) {
+            Some(range) => {
+                let [left, _, right] = unsafe { rest.split_around(range) };
+                self.rest = left;
+                right
+            }
+            None => {
+                self.finished = true;
+                rest
+            }
+        };
+        if !self.allow_trailing_empty {
+            self.allow_trailing_empty = true;
+            if after.is_empty() {
+                return self.next_back();
+            }
+        }
+        Some(Span::into(after))
+    }
+generate_pattern_iterators! {
+    forward:
+        /// Created with the function [`split`](fn.split.html).
+        struct Split;
+    reverse:
+        /// Created with the function [`rsplit`](fn.rsplit.html).
+        struct RSplit;
+    stability:
+    internal:
+        SplitInternal yielding (H);
+    delegate double ended;
+generate_pattern_iterators! {
+    forward:
+        /// Created with the function [`split_terminator`](fn.split_terminator.html).
+        struct SplitTerminator;
+    reverse:
+        /// Created with the function [`rsplit_terminator`](fn.rsplit_terminator.html).
+        struct RSplitTerminator;
+    stability:
+    internal:
+        SplitInternal yielding (H);
+    delegate double ended;
+/// An iterator over slices of the haystack, separated by parts matched by the needle.
+pub fn split<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Split<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    Split(SplitInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+        finished: false,
+        allow_trailing_empty: true,
+    })
+/// An iterator over slices of the haystack, separated by parts matched by the needle
+/// and yielded in reverse order.
+pub fn rsplit<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> RSplit<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    RSplit(SplitInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+        finished: false,
+        allow_trailing_empty: true,
+    })
+/// An iterator over slices of the haystack, separated by parts matched by the needle.
+/// Equivalent to [`split`](fn.split.html), except that the trailing slice is skipped if empty.
+/// This method can be used for haystack data that is *terminated*,
+/// rather than *separated* by a needle.
+pub fn split_terminator<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> SplitTerminator<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    SplitTerminator(SplitInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+        finished: false,
+        allow_trailing_empty: false,
+    })
+/// An iterator over slices of the haystack, separated by parts matched by the needle
+/// and yielded in reverse order.
+/// Equivalent to [`rsplit`](fn.rsplit.html), except that the trailing slice is skipped if empty.
+/// This method can be used for haystack data that is *terminated*,
+/// rather than *separated* by a needle.
+pub fn rsplit_terminator<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> RSplitTerminator<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    RSplitTerminator(SplitInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+        finished: false,
+        allow_trailing_empty: false,
+    })
+// SplitN
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+struct SplitNInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    searcher: S,
+    rest: Span<H>,
+    n: usize,
+impl<H, S> SplitNInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: Searcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<H> {
+        let mut rest = self.rest.take();
+        match self.n {
+            0 => {
+                return None;
+            }
+            1 => {
+                self.n = 0;
+            }
+            n => {
+                match self.searcher.search(rest.borrow()) {
+                    Some(range) => {
+                        let [left, _, right] = unsafe { rest.split_around(range) };
+                        self.n = n - 1;
+                        self.rest = right;
+                        rest = left;
+                    }
+                    None => {
+                        self.n = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(Span::into(rest))
+    }
+impl<H, S> SplitNInternal<H, S>
+    H: Haystack,
+    S: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<H> {
+        let mut rest = self.rest.take();
+        match self.n {
+            0 => {
+                return None;
+            }
+            1 => {
+                self.n = 0;
+            }
+            n => {
+                match self.searcher.rsearch(rest.borrow()) {
+                    Some(range) => {
+                        let [left, _, right] = unsafe { rest.split_around(range) };
+                        self.n = n - 1;
+                        self.rest = left;
+                        rest = right;
+                    }
+                    None => {
+                        self.n = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(Span::into(rest))
+    }
+generate_pattern_iterators! {
+    forward:
+        /// Created with the function [`splitn`](fn.splitn.html).
+        struct SplitN;
+    reverse:
+        /// Created with the function [`rsplitn`](fn.rsplitn.html).
+        struct RSplitN;
+    stability:
+    internal:
+        SplitNInternal yielding (H);
+    delegate single ended;
+/// An iterator over slices of the given haystack, separated by a needle,
+/// restricted to returning at most `n` items.
+/// If `n` slices are returned,
+/// the last slice (the `n`th slice) will contain the remainder of the haystack.
+pub fn splitn<H, P>(haystack: H, n: usize, needle: P) -> SplitN<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    SplitN(SplitNInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+        n,
+    })
+/// An iterator over slices of the given haystack, separated by a needle,
+/// starting from the end of the haystack, restricted to returning at most `n` items.
+/// If `n` slices are returned,
+/// the last slice (the `n`th slice) will contain the remainder of the haystack.
+pub fn rsplitn<H, P>(haystack: H, n: usize, needle: P) -> RSplitN<H, P::Searcher>
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>,
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    RSplitN(SplitNInternal {
+        searcher: needle.into_searcher(),
+        rest: haystack.into(),
+        n,
+    })
+// Replace
+/// Replaces all matches of a needle with another haystack.
+pub fn replace_with<H, P, F, W>(src: H, from: P, mut replacer: F, mut writer: W)
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    F: FnMut(H) -> H,
+    W: FnMut(H),
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    let mut searcher = from.into_searcher();
+    let mut src = Span::from(src);
+    while let Some(range) = searcher.search(src.borrow()) {
+        let [left, middle, right] = unsafe { src.split_around(range) };
+        writer(Span::into(left));
+        writer(replacer(Span::into(middle)));
+        src = right;
+    }
+    writer(Span::into(src));
+/// Replaces first `n` matches of a needle with another haystack.
+pub fn replacen_with<H, P, F, W>(src: H, from: P, mut replacer: F, mut n: usize, mut writer: W)
+    H: Haystack,
+    P: Needle<H>,
+    F: FnMut(H) -> H,
+    W: FnMut(H),
+    H::Target: Hay, // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    let mut searcher = from.into_searcher();
+    let mut src = Span::from(src);
+    loop {
+        if n == 0 {
+            break;
+        }
+        n -= 1;
+        if let Some(range) = searcher.search(src.borrow()) {
+            let [left, middle, right] = unsafe { src.split_around(range) };
+            writer(Span::into(left));
+            writer(replacer(Span::into(middle)));
+            src = right;
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    writer(Span::into(src));
diff --git a/src/libcore/needle/haystack.rs b/src/libcore/needle/haystack.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4de8d8583adee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/needle/haystack.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+use crate::fmt::Debug;
+use crate::ops::{Deref, Range};
+/// Borrowed `Haystack`.
+/// Every [`Haystack`](trait.Haystack.html) type can be borrowed as references
+/// to `Hay` types. This allows multiple similar types to share the same
+/// implementation (e.g. the haystacks `&[T]` and `&mut [T]` both have the same
+/// corresponding hay type `[T]`).
+/// In the other words, a `Haystack` is a generalized reference to `Hay`.
+/// `Hay`s are typically implemented on unsized slice types like `str` and `[T]`.
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait is unsafe as there are some unchecked requirements which the
+/// implementor must uphold. Failing to meet these requirements would lead to
+/// out-of-bound access. The safety requirements are written in each member of
+/// this trait.
+pub unsafe trait Hay {
+    /// The index type of the haystack. Typically a `usize`.
+    ///
+    /// Splitting a hay must be sublinear using this index type. For instance,
+    /// if we implement `Hay` for a linked list, the index should not be an
+    /// integer offset (`usize`) as this would require O(n) time to chase the
+    /// pointer and find the split point. Instead, for a linked list we should
+    /// directly use the node pointer as the index.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// Valid indices of a single hay have a total order, even this type does
+    /// not require an `Ord` bound — for instance, to order two linked list
+    /// cursors, we need to chase the links and see if they meet; this is slow
+    /// and not suitable for implementing `Ord`, but conceptually an ordering
+    /// can be defined on linked list cursors.
+    type Index: Copy + Debug + Eq;
+    /// Creates an empty hay.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// An empty hay's start and end indices must be the same, e.g.
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::Hay;
+    ///
+    /// let empty = <str>::empty();
+    /// assert_eq!(empty.start_index(), empty.end_index());
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// This also suggests that there is exactly one valid index for an empty
+    /// hay.
+    ///
+    /// There is no guarantee that two separate calls to `.empty()` will produce
+    /// the same hay reference.
+    fn empty<'a>() -> &'a Self;
+    /// Obtains the index to the start of the hay.
+    ///
+    /// Usually this method returns `0`.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// Implementation must ensure that the start index of hay is the first
+    /// valid index, i.e. for all valid indices `i` of `self`, we have
+    /// `self.start_index() <= i`.
+    fn start_index(&self) -> Self::Index;
+    /// Obtains the index to the end of the hay.
+    ///
+    /// Usually this method returns the length of the hay.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// Implementation must ensure that the end index of hay is the last valid
+    /// index, i.e. for all valid indices `i` of `self`, we have
+    /// `i <= self.end_index()`.
+    fn end_index(&self) -> Self::Index;
+    /// Returns the next immediate index in this hay.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// The `index` must be a valid index, and also must not equal to
+    /// `self.end_index()`.
+    ///
+    /// Implementation must ensure that if `j = self.next_index(i)`, then `j`
+    /// is also a valid index satisfying `j > i`.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::Hay;
+    ///
+    /// let sample = "A→😀";
+    /// unsafe {
+    ///     assert_eq!(sample.next_index(0), 1);
+    ///     assert_eq!(sample.next_index(1), 4);
+    ///     assert_eq!(sample.next_index(4), 8);
+    /// }
+    /// ```
+    unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index;
+    /// Returns the previous immediate index in this hay.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// The `index` must be a valid index, and also must not equal to
+    /// `self.start_index()`.
+    ///
+    /// Implementation must ensure that if `j = self.prev_index(i)`, then `j`
+    /// is also a valid index satisfying `j < i`.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::Hay;
+    ///
+    /// let sample = "A→😀";
+    /// unsafe {
+    ///     assert_eq!(sample.prev_index(8), 4);
+    ///     assert_eq!(sample.prev_index(4), 1);
+    ///     assert_eq!(sample.prev_index(1), 0);
+    /// }
+    /// ```
+    unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index;
+    /// Obtains a child hay by slicing `self`.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// The two ends of the range must be valid indices. The start of the range
+    /// must be before the end of the range (`range.start <= range.end`).
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(&self, range: Range<Self::Index>) -> &Self;
+/// Linear splittable structure.
+/// A `Haystack` is implemented for reference and collection types such as
+/// `&str`, `&mut [T]` and `Vec<T>`. Every haystack can be borrowed as an
+/// underlying representation called a [`Hay`](trait.Hay.html).
+/// Multiple haystacks may share the same hay type, and thus share the same
+/// implementation of string search algorithms.
+/// In the other words, a `Haystack` is a generalized reference to `Hay`.
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait is unsafe as there are some unchecked requirements which the
+/// implementor must uphold. Failing to meet these requirements would lead to
+/// out-of-bound access. The safety requirements are written in each member of
+/// this trait.
+pub unsafe trait Haystack: Deref + Sized where Self::Target: Hay {
+    /// Creates an empty haystack.
+    fn empty() -> Self;
+    /// Splits the haystack into three slices around the given range.
+    ///
+    /// This method splits `self` into three non-overlapping parts:
+    ///
+    /// 1. Before the range (`self[..range.start]`),
+    /// 2. Inside the range (`self[range]`), and
+    /// 3. After the range (`self[range.end..]`)
+    ///
+    /// The returned array contains these three parts in order.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// Caller should ensure that the starts and end indices of `range` are
+    /// valid indices for the haystack `self` with `range.start <= range.end`.
+    ///
+    /// If the haystack is a mutable reference (`&mut A`), implementation must
+    /// ensure that the 3 returned haystack are truly non-overlapping in memory.
+    /// This is required to uphold the "Aliasing XOR Mutability" guarantee. If a
+    /// haystack cannot be physically split into non-overlapping parts (e.g. in
+    /// `OsStr`), then `&mut A` should not implement `Haystack` either.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::Haystack;
+    ///
+    /// let haystack = &mut [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
+    /// let [left, middle, right] = unsafe { haystack.split_around(2..6) };
+    /// assert_eq!(left, &mut [0, 1]);
+    /// assert_eq!(middle, &mut [2, 3, 4, 5]);
+    /// assert_eq!(right, &mut [6]);
+    /// ```
+    unsafe fn split_around(self, range: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>) -> [Self; 3];
+    /// Subslices this haystack.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// The starts and end indices of `range` must be valid indices for the
+    /// haystack `self` with `range.start <= range.end`.
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, range: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>) -> Self {
+        let [_, middle, _] = self.split_around(range);
+        middle
+    }
+    /// Transforms the range from relative to self's parent to the original
+    /// haystack it was sliced from.
+    ///
+    /// Typically this method can be simply implemented as
+    ///
+    /// ```text
+    /// (original.start + parent.start)..(original.start + parent.end)
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// If this haystack is a [`SharedHaystack`](trait.SharedHaystack.html),
+    /// this method should never be called, and calling it would cause an
+    /// unreachable panic.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// The `parent` range should be a valid range relative to a hay *a*, which
+    /// was used to slice out *self*: `self == &a[parent]`.
+    ///
+    /// Similarly, the `original` range should be a valid range relative to
+    /// another hay *b* used to slice out *a*: `a == &b[original]`.
+    ///
+    /// The distance of `parent` must be consistent with the length of `self`.
+    ///
+    /// This method should return a range which satisfies:
+    ///
+    /// ```text
+    /// self == &b[parent][original] == &b[range]
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// Slicing can be destructive and *invalidates* some indices, in particular
+    /// for owned type with a pointer-like index, e.g. linked list. In this
+    /// case, one should derive an entirely new index range from `self`, e.g.
+    /// returning `self.start_index()..self.end_index()`.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::Haystack;
+    ///
+    /// let mut hay = *b"This is a sample haystack";
+    /// let restored = {
+    ///     let this = &mut hay[2..23][3..19];
+    ///     assert_eq!(b"is a sample hays", this);
+    ///     this.restore_range(2..23, 3..19)
+    /// };
+    /// assert_eq!(b"is a sample hays", &hay[restored]);
+    /// ```
+    fn restore_range(
+        &self,
+        original: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+        parent: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>;
+/// A [`Haystack`](trait.Haystack.html) which can be shared and cheaply cloned
+/// (e.g. `&H`, `Rc<H>`).
+/// If a haystack implements this marker trait, during internal operations the
+/// original haystack will be retained in full and cloned, rather than being
+/// sliced and splitted. Being a shared haystack allows searcher to see the
+/// entire haystack, including the consumed portion.
+pub trait SharedHaystack: Haystack + Clone
+where Self::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+/// The borrowing behavior differs between a (unique) haystack and shared
+/// haystack. We use *specialization* to distinguish between these behavior:
+/// * When using `split_around()` and `slice_unchecked()` with a unique
+///     haystack, the original haystack will be splitted or sliced accordingly
+///     to maintain unique ownership.
+/// * When using these functions with a shared haystack, the original haystack
+///     will be cloned in full as that could provide more context into
+///     searchers.
+/// This trait will never be public.
+trait SpanBehavior: Haystack
+where Self::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    fn take(&mut self) -> Self;
+    fn from_span(span: Span<Self>) -> Self;
+    unsafe fn split_around_for_span(
+        self,
+        subrange: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> [Self; 3];
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked_for_span(
+        self,
+        subrange: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Self;
+    fn borrow_range(
+        &self,
+        range: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>;
+    fn do_restore_range(
+        &self,
+        range: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+        subrange: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>;
+impl<H: Haystack> SpanBehavior for H
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    default fn take(&mut self) -> Self {
+        crate::mem::replace(self, Self::empty())
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    default fn from_span(span: Span<Self>) -> Self {
+        span.haystack
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    default fn borrow_range(
+        &self,
+        _: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index> {
+        self.start_index()..self.end_index()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    default fn do_restore_range(
+        &self,
+        range: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+        subrange: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index> {
+        self.restore_range(range, subrange)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    default unsafe fn split_around_for_span(
+        self,
+        subrange: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> [Self; 3] {
+        self.split_around(subrange)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    default unsafe fn slice_unchecked_for_span(
+        self,
+        subrange: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Self {
+        self.slice_unchecked(subrange)
+    }
+impl<H: SharedHaystack> SpanBehavior for H
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn take(&mut self) -> Self {
+        self.clone()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn from_span(span: Span<Self>) -> Self {
+        unsafe {
+            span.haystack.slice_unchecked(span.range)
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn borrow_range(
+        &self,
+        range: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index> {
+        range
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn do_restore_range(
+        &self,
+        _: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+        subrange: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    ) -> Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index> {
+        subrange
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn split_around_for_span(self, _: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>) -> [Self; 3] {
+        [self.clone(), self.clone(), self]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked_for_span(self, _: Range<<Self::Target as Hay>::Index>) -> Self {
+        self
+    }
+/// A span is a haystack coupled with the original range where the haystack is found.
+/// It can be considered as a tuple `(H, Range<H::Target::Index>)`
+/// where the range is guaranteed to be valid for the haystack.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// #![feature(needle)]
+/// use std::needle::Span;
+/// let orig_str = "Hello世界";
+/// let orig_span = Span::<&str>::from(orig_str);
+/// // slice a span.
+/// let span = unsafe { orig_span.slice_unchecked(3..8) };
+/// // further slicing (note the range is relative to the original span)
+/// let subspan = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(4..8) };
+/// // obtains the substring.
+/// let substring: &str = subspan.into();
+/// assert_eq!(substring, "o世");
+/// ```
+/// Visualizing the spans:
+/// ```text
+/// 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
+/// +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
+/// | H | e | l | l | o | U+4E16    | U+754C    |    orig_str
+/// +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
+/// ^___________________________________________^    orig_span = (orig_str, 0..11)
+///             ^___________________^                span = (orig_str, 3..8)
+///                 ^_______________^                subspan = (orig_str, 4..8)
+/// ```
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct Span<H: Haystack>
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    haystack: H,
+    range: Range<<<H as Deref>::Target as Hay>::Index>,
+    //^ The `<H as Trait>` is to trick `#[derive]` not to generate
+    //  the where bound for `H::Target`.
+/// Creates a span which covers the entire haystack.
+impl<H: Haystack> From<H> for Span<H>
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn from(haystack: H) -> Self {
+        let range = haystack.start_index()..haystack.end_index();
+        Self { haystack, range }
+    }
+/// Slices the original haystack to the focused range.
+impl<H: Haystack> From<Span<H>> for H
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    #[inline]
+    fn from(span: Span<H>) -> Self {
+        H::from_span(span)
+    }
+impl<H: SharedHaystack> Span<H>
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    /// Decomposes this span into the original haystack, and the range it focuses on.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn into_parts(self) -> (H, Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>) {
+        (self.haystack, self.range)
+    }
+    /// Creates a span from a haystack, and a range it should focus on.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// The `range` must be a valid range relative to `haystack`.
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn from_parts(haystack: H, range: Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>) -> Self {
+        Self { haystack, range }
+    }
+impl<'h> Span<&'h str> {
+    /// Reinterprets the string span as a byte-array span.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn as_bytes(self) -> Span<&'h [u8]> {
+        Span {
+            haystack: self.haystack.as_bytes(),
+            range: self.range,
+        }
+    }
+impl<H: Haystack> Span<H>
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    /// The range of the span, relative to the ultimate original haystack it was sliced from.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn original_range(&self) -> Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index> {
+        self.range.clone()
+    }
+    /// Borrows a shared span.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn borrow(&self) -> Span<&H::Target> {
+        Span {
+            haystack: &*self.haystack,
+            range: self.haystack.borrow_range(self.range.clone()),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Checks whether this span is empty.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+        self.range.start == self.range.end
+    }
+    /// Returns this span by value, and replaces the original span by an empty
+    /// span.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn take(&mut self) -> Self {
+        let haystack = self.haystack.take();
+        let range = self.range.clone();
+        self.range.end = self.range.start;
+        Span { haystack, range }
+    }
+    /// Splits this span into three spans around the given range.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// `subrange` must be a valid range relative to `self.borrow()`. A safe
+    /// usage is like:
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// # #![feature(needle)]
+    /// # use std::needle::{Span, Needle, Searcher};
+    /// # let span = Span::from("foo");
+    /// # let mut searcher = <&str as Needle<&str>>::into_searcher("o");
+    /// # (|| -> Option<()> {
+    /// let range = searcher.search(span.borrow())?;
+    /// let [left, middle, right] = unsafe { span.split_around(range) };
+    /// # Some(()) })();
+    /// ```
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn split_around(self, subrange: Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>) -> [Self; 3] {
+        let self_range = self.haystack.borrow_range(self.range.clone());
+        let [left, middle, right] = self.haystack.split_around_for_span(subrange.clone());
+        let left_range = left.do_restore_range(self.range.clone(),self_range.start..subrange.start);
+        let right_range = right.do_restore_range(self.range.clone(), subrange.end..self_range.end);
+        let middle_range = middle.do_restore_range(self.range, subrange);
+        [
+            Self { haystack: left, range: left_range },
+            Self { haystack: middle, range: middle_range },
+            Self { haystack: right, range: right_range },
+        ]
+    }
+    /// Slices this span to the given range.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// `subrange` must be a valid range relative to `self.borrow()`.
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, subrange: Range<<H::Target as Hay>::Index>) -> Self {
+        let haystack = self.haystack.slice_unchecked_for_span(subrange.clone());
+        let range = haystack.do_restore_range(self.range, subrange);
+        Self { haystack, range }
+    }
+unsafe impl<'a, A: Hay + ?Sized + 'a> Haystack for &'a A {
+    #[inline]
+    fn empty() -> Self {
+        A::empty()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn split_around(self, range: Range<A::Index>) -> [Self; 3] {
+        [
+            self.slice_unchecked(self.start_index()..range.start),
+            self.slice_unchecked(range.clone()),
+            self.slice_unchecked(range.end..self.end_index()),
+        ]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, range: Range<A::Index>) -> Self {
+        A::slice_unchecked(self, range)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn restore_range(&self, _: Range<A::Index>, _: Range<A::Index>) -> Range<A::Index> {
+        unreachable!()
+    }
+impl<'a, A: Hay + ?Sized + 'a> SharedHaystack for &'a A {}
+unsafe impl Hay for str {
+    type Index = usize;
+    #[inline]
+    fn empty<'a>() -> &'a Self {
+        ""
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn start_index(&self) -> usize {
+        0
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn end_index(&self) -> usize {
+        self.len()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> &Self {
+        self.get_unchecked(range)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index {
+        index + self.get_unchecked(index..).chars().next().unwrap().len_utf8()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index {
+        index - self.get_unchecked(..index).chars().next_back().unwrap().len_utf8()
+    }
+unsafe impl<'h> Haystack for &'h mut str {
+    #[inline]
+    fn empty() -> &'h mut str {
+        Self::default()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, range: Range<usize>) -> Self {
+        self.get_unchecked_mut(range)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn split_around(self, range: Range<usize>) -> [Self; 3] {
+        let (haystack, right) = self.split_at_mut(range.end);
+        let (left, middle) = haystack.split_at_mut(range.start);
+        [left, middle, right]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn restore_range(&self, range: Range<usize>, subrange: Range<usize>) -> Range<usize> {
+        (subrange.start + range.start)..(subrange.end + range.start)
+    }
+unsafe impl<T> Hay for [T] {
+    type Index = usize;
+    #[inline]
+    fn empty<'a>() -> &'a Self {
+        &[]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn start_index(&self) -> usize {
+        0
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn end_index(&self) -> usize {
+        self.len()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> &Self {
+        self.get_unchecked(range)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index {
+        index + 1
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index {
+        index - 1
+    }
+unsafe impl<'h, T: 'h> Haystack for &'h mut [T] {
+    #[inline]
+    fn empty() -> Self {
+        &mut []
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, range: Range<usize>) -> Self {
+        self.get_unchecked_mut(range)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn split_around(self, range: Range<usize>) -> [Self; 3] {
+        let (haystack, right) = self.split_at_mut(range.end);
+        let (left, middle) = haystack.split_at_mut(range.start);
+        [left, middle, right]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn restore_range(&self, range: Range<usize>, subrange: Range<usize>) -> Range<usize> {
+        (subrange.start + range.start)..(subrange.end + range.start)
+    }
diff --git a/src/libcore/needle/mod.rs b/src/libcore/needle/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..92a6f21a4c04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/needle/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#![unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+//! The Needle API, support generalized searching on strings, arrays and more.
+//! This module provides traits to facilitate searching [`Needle`] in a [`Haystack`].
+//! [`Needle`]: trait.Needle.html
+//! [`Haystack`]: trait.Haystack.html
+//! Haystacks
+//! =========
+//! A *haystack* refers to any linear structure which can be split or sliced
+//! into smaller, non-overlapping parts. Examples are strings and vectors.
+//! ```rust
+//! let haystack: &str = "hello";       // a string slice (`&str`) is a haystack.
+//! let (a, b) = haystack.split_at(4);  // it can be split into two strings.
+//! let c = &a[1..3];                   // it can be sliced.
+//! ```
+//! The minimal haystack which cannot be further sliced is called a *codeword*.
+//! For instance, the codeword of a string would be a UTF-8 sequence. A haystack
+//! can therefore be viewed as a consecutive list of codewords.
+//! The boundary between codewords can be addressed using an *index*. The
+//! numbers 1, 3 and 4 in the snippet above are sample indices of a string. An
+//! index is usually a `usize`.
+//! An arbitrary number may point outside of a haystack, or in the interior of a
+//! codeword. These indices are invalid. A *valid index* of a certain haystack
+//! would only point to the boundaries.
+mod haystack;
+mod needle;
+pub mod ext;
+pub use self::haystack::*;
+pub use self::needle::*;
diff --git a/src/libcore/needle/needle.rs b/src/libcore/needle/needle.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e0cf8a906d225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/needle/needle.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+use super::haystack::{Haystack, Hay, Span};
+use crate::ops::Range;
+/// A searcher, for searching a [`Needle`](trait.Needle.html) from a
+/// [`Hay`](trait.Hay.html).
+/// This trait provides methods for searching for non-overlapping matches of a
+/// needle starting from the front (left) of a hay.
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait is marked unsafe because the range returned by its methods are
+/// required to lie on valid codeword boundaries in the haystack. This enables
+/// users of this trait to slice the haystack without additional runtime checks.
+/// # Examples
+/// Implement a searcher and consumer which matches `b"Aaaa"` from a byte string.
+/// ```rust
+/// #![feature(needle)]
+/// use std::needle::*;
+/// use std::ops::Range;
+/// // The searcher for searching `b"Aaaa"`, using naive search.
+/// // We are going to use this as a needle too.
+/// struct Aaaa;
+/// unsafe impl Searcher<[u8]> for Aaaa {
+///     // search for an `b"Aaaa"` in the middle of the string, returns its range.
+///     fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&[u8]>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+///         let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+///         let start = range.start;
+///         for (i, window) in hay[range].windows(4).enumerate() {
+///             if *window == b"Aaaa"[..] {
+///                 // remember to include the range offset
+///                 return Some((start + i)..(start + i + 4));
+///             }
+///         }
+///         None
+///     }
+/// }
+/// unsafe impl Consumer<[u8]> for Aaaa {
+///     // checks if an `b"Aaaa" is at the beginning of the string, returns the end index.
+///     fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&[u8]>) -> Option<usize> {
+///         let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+///         let end = range.start.checked_add(4)?;
+///         if end <= range.end && hay[range.start..end] == b"Aaaa"[..] {
+///             Some(end)
+///         } else {
+///             None
+///         }
+///     }
+/// }
+/// impl<H: Haystack<Target = [u8]>> Needle<H> for Aaaa {
+///     type Searcher = Self;
+///     type Consumer = Self;
+///     fn into_searcher(self) -> Self { self }
+///     fn into_consumer(self) -> Self { self }
+/// }
+/// // test with some standard algorithms.
+/// let haystack = &b"Aaaaa!!!Aaa!!!Aaaaaaaaa!!!"[..];
+/// assert_eq!(
+///     ext::split(haystack, Aaaa).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+///     vec![
+///         &b""[..],
+///         &b"a!!!Aaa!!!"[..],
+///         &b"aaaaa!!!"[..],
+///     ]
+/// );
+/// assert_eq!(
+///     ext::match_ranges(haystack, Aaaa).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+///     vec![
+///         (0..4, &b"Aaaa"[..]),
+///         (14..18, &b"Aaaa"[..]),
+///     ]
+/// );
+/// assert_eq!(
+///     ext::trim_start(haystack, Aaaa),
+///     &b"a!!!Aaa!!!Aaaaaaaaa!!!"[..]
+/// );
+/// ```
+pub unsafe trait Searcher<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
+    /// Searches for the first range which the needle can be found in the span.
+    ///
+    /// This method is used to support the following standard algorithms:
+    ///
+    /// * [`matches`](ext/fn.matches.html)
+    /// * [`contains`](ext/fn.contains.html)
+    /// * [`match_indices`](ext/fn.match_indices.html)
+    /// * [`find`](ext/fn.find.html)
+    /// * [`match_ranges`](ext/fn.match_ranges.html)
+    /// * [`find_range`](ext/fn.find_range.html)
+    /// * [`split`](ext/fn.split.html)
+    /// * [`split_terminator`](ext/fn.split_terminator.html)
+    /// * [`splitn`](ext/fn.splitn.html)
+    /// * [`replace_with`](ext/fn.replace_with.html)
+    /// * [`replacen_with`](ext/fn.replacen_with.html)
+    ///
+    /// The hay and the restricted range for searching can be recovered by
+    /// calling `span`[`.into_parts()`](struct.Span.html#method.into_parts).
+    /// The range returned by this method should be relative to the hay and
+    /// must be contained within the restricted range from the span.
+    ///
+    /// If the needle is not found, this method should return `None`.
+    ///
+    /// The reason this method takes a `Span<&A>` instead of just `&A` is
+    /// because some needles need context information provided by
+    /// the position of the current slice and the content around the slice.
+    /// Regex components like the start-/end-of-text anchors `^`/`$`
+    /// and word boundary `\b` are primary examples.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Search for the locations of a substring inside a string, using the
+    /// searcher primitive.
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::{Searcher, Needle, Span};
+    ///
+    /// let mut searcher = Needle::<&str>::into_searcher("::");
+    /// let span = Span::from("lion::tiger::leopard");
+    /// //                     ^   ^      ^        ^
+    /// // string indices:     0   4     11       20
+    ///
+    /// // found the first "::".
+    /// assert_eq!(searcher.search(span.clone()), Some(4..6));
+    ///
+    /// // slice the span to skip the first match.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(6..20) };
+    ///
+    /// // found the second "::".
+    /// assert_eq!(searcher.search(span.clone()), Some(11..13));
+    ///
+    /// // should find nothing now.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(13..20) };
+    /// assert_eq!(searcher.search(span.clone()), None);
+    /// ```
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>>;
+/// A consumer, for searching a [`Needle`](trait.Needle.html) from a
+/// [`Hay`](trait.Hay.html) anchored at the beginnning.
+/// This trait provides methods for matching a needle anchored at the beginning
+/// of a hay.
+/// See documentation of [`Searcher`](trait.Searcher.html) for an example.
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait is marked unsafe because the range returned by its methods are
+/// required to lie on valid codeword boundaries in the haystack. This enables
+/// users of this trait to slice the haystack without additional runtime checks.
+pub unsafe trait Consumer<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
+    /// Checks if the needle can be found at the beginning of the span.
+    ///
+    /// This method is used to implement the standard algorithm
+    /// [`starts_with()`](ext/fn.starts_with.html) as well as providing
+    /// the default implementation for [`.trim_start()`](#method.trim_start).
+    ///
+    /// The hay and the restricted range for searching can be recovered by
+    /// calling `span`[`.into_parts()`](struct.Span.html#method.into_parts).
+    /// If a needle can be found starting at `range.start`, this method should
+    /// return the end index of the needle relative to the hay.
+    ///
+    /// If the needle cannot be found at the beginning of the span, this method
+    /// should return `None`.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Consumes ASCII characters from the beginning.
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::{Consumer, Needle, Span};
+    ///
+    /// let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer(|c: char| c.is_ascii());
+    /// let span = Span::from("Hi😋!!");
+    ///
+    /// // consumes the first ASCII character
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.consume(span.clone()), Some(1));
+    ///
+    /// // slice the span to skip the first match.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(1..8) };
+    ///
+    /// // matched the second ASCII character
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.consume(span.clone()), Some(2));
+    ///
+    /// // should match nothing now.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(2..8) };
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.consume(span.clone()), None);
+    /// ```
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index>;
+    /// Repeatedly removes prefixes of the hay which matches the needle.
+    ///
+    /// This method is used to implement the standard algorithm
+    /// [`trim_start()`](ext/fn.trim_start.html).
+    ///
+    /// Returns the start index of the slice after all prefixes are removed.
+    ///
+    /// A fast generic implementation in terms of
+    /// [`.consume()`](#method.consume) is provided by default. Nevertheless,
+    /// many needles allow a higher-performance specialization.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::{Consumer, Needle};
+    ///
+    /// let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer('x');
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.trim_start("xxxyy"), 3);
+    ///
+    /// let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer('x');
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.trim_start("yyxxx"), 0);
+    /// ```
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &A) -> A::Index {
+        let mut offset = hay.start_index();
+        let mut span = Span::from(hay);
+        while let Some(pos) = self.consume(span.clone()) {
+            offset = pos;
+            let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+            if pos == range.start {
+                break;
+            }
+            span = unsafe { Span::from_parts(hay, pos..range.end) };
+        }
+        offset
+    }
+/// A searcher which can be searched from the end.
+/// This trait provides methods for searching for non-overlapping matches of a
+/// needle starting from the back (right) of a hay.
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait is marked unsafe because the range returned by its methods are
+/// required to lie on valid codeword boundaries in the haystack. This enables
+/// users of this trait to slice the haystack without additional runtime checks.
+pub unsafe trait ReverseSearcher<A: Hay + ?Sized>: Searcher<A> {
+    /// Searches for the last range which the needle can be found in the span.
+    ///
+    /// This method is used to support the following standard algorithms:
+    ///
+    /// * [`rmatches`](ext/fn.rmatches.html)
+    /// * [`rmatch_indices`](ext/fn.rmatch_indices.html)
+    /// * [`rfind`](ext/fn.find.html)
+    /// * [`rmatch_ranges`](ext/fn.rmatch_ranges.html)
+    /// * [`rfind_range`](ext/fn.rfind_range.html)
+    /// * [`rsplit`](ext/fn.rsplit.html)
+    /// * [`rsplit_terminator`](ext/fn.rsplit_terminator.html)
+    /// * [`rsplitn`](ext/fn.rsplitn.html)
+    ///
+    /// The hay and the restricted range for searching can be recovered by
+    /// calling `span`[`.into_parts()`](struct.Span.html#method.into_parts).
+    /// The returned range should be relative to the hay and must be contained
+    /// within the restricted range from the span.
+    ///
+    /// If the needle is not found, this method should return `None`.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Search for the locations of a substring inside a string, using the
+    /// searcher primitive.
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::{ReverseSearcher, Needle, Span};
+    ///
+    /// let mut searcher = Needle::<&str>::into_searcher("::");
+    /// let span = Span::from("lion::tiger::leopard");
+    /// //                     ^   ^      ^
+    /// // string indices:     0   4     11
+    ///
+    /// // found the last "::".
+    /// assert_eq!(searcher.rsearch(span.clone()), Some(11..13));
+    ///
+    /// // slice the span to skip the last match.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(0..11) };
+    ///
+    /// // found the second to last "::".
+    /// assert_eq!(searcher.rsearch(span.clone()), Some(4..6));
+    ///
+    /// // should found nothing now.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(0..4) };
+    /// assert_eq!(searcher.rsearch(span.clone()), None);
+    /// ```
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>>;
+/// A consumer which can be searched from the end.
+/// This trait provides methods for matching a needle anchored at the end of a
+/// hay.
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait is marked unsafe because the range returned by its methods are
+/// required to lie on valid codeword boundaries in the haystack. This enables
+/// users of this trait to slice the haystack without additional runtime checks.
+pub unsafe trait ReverseConsumer<A: Hay + ?Sized>: Consumer<A> {
+    /// Checks if the needle can be found at the end of the span.
+    ///
+    /// This method is used to implement the standard algorithm
+    /// [`ends_with()`](ext/fn.ends_with.html) as well as providing the default
+    /// implementation for [`.trim_end()`](#method.trim_end).
+    ///
+    /// The hay and the restricted range for searching can be recovered by
+    /// calling `span`[`.into_parts()`](struct.Span.html#method.into_parts).
+    /// If a needle can be found ending at `range.end`, this method should
+    /// return the start index of the needle relative to the hay.
+    ///
+    /// If the needle cannot be found at the end of the span, this method
+    /// should return `None`.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Consumes ASCII characters from the end.
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::{ReverseConsumer, Needle, Span};
+    ///
+    /// let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer(|c: char| c.is_ascii());
+    /// let span = Span::from("Hi😋!!");
+    ///
+    /// // consumes the last ASCII character
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.rconsume(span.clone()), Some(7));
+    ///
+    /// // slice the span to skip the first match.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(0..7) };
+    ///
+    /// // matched the second to last ASCII character
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.rconsume(span.clone()), Some(6));
+    ///
+    /// // should match nothing now.
+    /// let span = unsafe { span.slice_unchecked(0..6) };
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.rconsume(span.clone()), None);
+    /// ```
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, hay: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index>;
+    /// Repeatedly removes suffixes of the hay which matches the needle.
+    ///
+    /// This method is used to implement the standard algorithm
+    /// [`trim_end()`](ext/fn.trim_end.html).
+    ///
+    /// A fast generic implementation in terms of
+    /// [`.rconsume()`](#method.rconsume) is provided by default.
+    /// Nevertheless, many needles allow a higher-performance specialization.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```rust
+    /// #![feature(needle)]
+    /// use std::needle::{ReverseConsumer, Needle};
+    ///
+    /// let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer('x');
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.trim_end("yyxxx"), 2);
+    ///
+    /// let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer('x');
+    /// assert_eq!(consumer.trim_end("xxxyy"), 5);
+    /// ```
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, hay: &A) -> A::Index {
+        let mut offset = hay.end_index();
+        let mut span = Span::from(hay);
+        while let Some(pos) = self.rconsume(span.clone()) {
+            offset = pos;
+            let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+            if pos == range.end {
+                break;
+            }
+            span = unsafe { Span::from_parts(hay, range.start..pos) };
+        }
+        offset
+    }
+/// A searcher which can be searched from both end with consistent results.
+/// Implementing this marker trait enables the following standard algorithms to
+/// return [`DoubleEndedIterator`](../iter/trait.DoubleEndedIterator.html)s:
+/// * [`matches`](ext/fn.matches.html) /
+///     [`rmatches`](ext/fn.rmatches.html)
+/// * [`match_indices`](ext/fn.match_indices.html) /
+///     [`rmatch_indices`](ext/fn.rmatch_indices.html)`
+/// * [`match_ranges`](ext/fn.match_ranges.html) /
+///     [`rmatch_ranges`](ext/fn.rmatch_ranges.html)
+/// * [`split`](ext/fn.split.html) /
+///     [`rsplit`](ext/fn.rsplit.html)
+/// * [`split_terminator`](ext/fn.split_terminator.html) /
+///     [`rsplit_terminator`](ext/fn.rsplit_terminator.html)
+/// * [`splitn`](ext/fn.splitn.html) /
+///     [`rsplitn`](ext/fn.rsplitn.html)
+/// # Examples
+/// The searcher of a character implements `DoubleEndedSearcher`, while that of
+/// a string does not.
+/// `match_indices` and `rmatch_indices` are reverse of each other only for a
+/// `DoubleEndedSearcher`.
+/// ```rust
+/// #![feature(needle)]
+/// use std::needle::ext::{match_indices, rmatch_indices};
+/// // `match_indices` and `rmatch_indices` are exact reverse of each other for a `char` needle.
+/// let forward = match_indices("xxxxx", 'x').collect::<Vec<_>>();
+/// let mut rev_backward = rmatch_indices("xxxxx", 'x').collect::<Vec<_>>();
+/// rev_backward.reverse();
+/// assert_eq!(forward, vec![(0, "x"), (1, "x"), (2, "x"), (3, "x"), (4, "x")]);
+/// assert_eq!(rev_backward, vec![(0, "x"), (1, "x"), (2, "x"), (3, "x"), (4, "x")]);
+/// assert_eq!(forward, rev_backward);
+/// // this property does not exist on a `&str` needle in general.
+/// let forward = match_indices("xxxxx", "xx").collect::<Vec<_>>();
+/// let mut rev_backward = rmatch_indices("xxxxx", "xx").collect::<Vec<_>>();
+/// rev_backward.reverse();
+/// assert_eq!(forward, vec![(0, "xx"), (2, "xx")]);
+/// assert_eq!(rev_backward, vec![(1, "xx"), (3, "xx")]);
+/// assert_ne!(forward, rev_backward);
+/// ```
+pub unsafe trait DoubleEndedSearcher<A: Hay + ?Sized>: ReverseSearcher<A> {}
+/// A consumer which can be searched from both end with consistent results.
+/// It is used to support the following standard algorithm:
+/// * [`trim`](ext/fn.trim.html)
+/// The `trim` function is implemented by calling
+/// [`trim_start`](ext/fn.trim_start.html) and [`trim_end`](ext/fn.trim_end.html)
+/// together. This trait encodes the fact that we can call these two functions in any order.
+/// # Examples
+/// The consumer of a character implements `DoubleEndedConsumer`, while that of
+/// a string does not. `trim` is implemented only for a `DoubleEndedConsumer`.
+/// ```rust
+/// #![feature(needle)]
+/// use std::needle::ext::{trim_start, trim_end, trim};
+/// // for a `char`, we get the same trim result no matter which function is called first.
+/// let trim_start_first = trim_end(trim_start("xyxyx", 'x'), 'x');
+/// let trim_end_first = trim_start(trim_end("xyxyx", 'x'), 'x');
+/// let trim_together = trim("xyxyx", 'x');
+/// assert_eq!(trim_start_first, "yxy");
+/// assert_eq!(trim_end_first, "yxy");
+/// assert_eq!(trim_together, "yxy");
+/// // this property does not exist for a `&str` in general.
+/// let trim_start_first = trim_end(trim_start("xyxyx", "xyx"), "xyx");
+/// let trim_end_first = trim_start(trim_end("xyxyx", "xyx"), "xyx");
+/// // let trim_together = trim("xyxyx", 'x'); // cannot be defined
+/// assert_eq!(trim_start_first, "yx");
+/// assert_eq!(trim_end_first, "xy");
+/// // assert_eq!(trim_together, /*????*/); // cannot be defined
+/// ```
+pub unsafe trait DoubleEndedConsumer<A: Hay + ?Sized>: ReverseConsumer<A> {}
+/// A needle, a type which can be converted into a searcher.
+/// When using search algorithms like [`split()`](ext/fn.split.html), users will
+/// search with a `Needle` e.g. a `&str`. A needle is usually stateless,
+/// however for efficient searching, we often need some preprocessing and
+/// maintain a mutable state. The preprocessed structure is called the
+/// [`Searcher`](trait.Searcher.html) of this needle.
+/// The relationship between `Searcher` and `Needle` is similar to `Iterator`
+/// and `IntoIterator`.
+pub trait Needle<H: Haystack>: Sized
+where H::Target: Hay // FIXME: RFC 2089 or 2289
+    /// The searcher associated with this needle.
+    type Searcher: Searcher<H::Target>;
+    /// The consumer associated with this needle.
+    type Consumer: Consumer<H::Target>;
+    /// Produces a searcher for this needle.
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher;
+    /// Produces a consumer for this needle.
+    ///
+    /// Usually a consumer and a searcher can be the same type.
+    /// Some needles may require different types
+    /// when the two need different optimization strategies. String searching
+    /// is an example of this: we use the Two-Way Algorithm when searching for
+    /// substrings, which needs to preprocess the needle. However this is
+    /// irrelevant for consuming, which only needs to check for string equality
+    /// once. Therefore the Consumer for a string would be a distinct type
+    /// using naive search.
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer;
+/// Searcher of an empty needle.
+/// This searcher will find all empty subslices between any codewords in a
+/// haystack.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct EmptySearcher {
+    consumed_start: bool,
+    consumed_end: bool,
+unsafe impl<A: Hay + ?Sized> Searcher<A> for EmptySearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let start = if !self.consumed_start {
+            self.consumed_start = true;
+            range.start
+        } else if range.start == range.end {
+            return None;
+        } else {
+            unsafe { hay.next_index(range.start) }
+        };
+        Some(start..start)
+    }
+unsafe impl<A: Hay + ?Sized> Consumer<A> for EmptySearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index> {
+        let (_, range) = span.into_parts();
+        Some(range.start)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &A) -> A::Index {
+        hay.start_index()
+    }
+unsafe impl<A: Hay + ?Sized> ReverseSearcher<A> for EmptySearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let end = if !self.consumed_end {
+            self.consumed_end = true;
+            range.end
+        } else if range.start == range.end {
+            return None;
+        } else {
+            unsafe { hay.prev_index(range.end) }
+        };
+        Some(end..end)
+    }
+unsafe impl<A: Hay + ?Sized> ReverseConsumer<A> for EmptySearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index> {
+        let (_, range) = span.into_parts();
+        Some(range.end)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, hay: &A) -> A::Index {
+        hay.end_index()
+    }
+unsafe impl<A: Hay + ?Sized> DoubleEndedSearcher<A> for EmptySearcher {}
+unsafe impl<A: Hay + ?Sized> DoubleEndedConsumer<A> for EmptySearcher {}
diff --git a/src/libcore/slice/mod.rs b/src/libcore/slice/mod.rs
index bf3dda48dc797..d3806e3171293 100644
--- a/src/libcore/slice/mod.rs
+++ b/src/libcore/slice/mod.rs
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ use crate::result::Result::{Ok, Err};
 use crate::ptr;
 use crate::mem;
 use crate::marker::{Copy, Send, Sync, Sized, self};
+use crate::needle::{
+    ext, Needle, Searcher, ReverseSearcher, Consumer, ReverseConsumer, DoubleEndedConsumer,
 #[unstable(feature = "slice_internals", issue = "0",
            reason = "exposed from core to be reused in std; use the memchr crate")]
@@ -43,6 +46,12 @@ pub mod memchr;
 mod rotate;
 mod sort;
+/// Needle implementations for slices
+#[unstable(feature = "slice_internals", issue = "0",
+           reason = "exposed from core to be reused in std")]
+pub mod needles;
 union Repr<'a, T: 'a> {
     rust: &'a [T],
@@ -1006,8 +1015,10 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// # Examples
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let slice = [10, 40, 33, 20];
-    /// let mut iter = slice.split(|num| num % 3 == 0);
+    /// let mut iter = slice.split_match(|num: &i32| num % 3 == 0);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[10, 40]);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[20]);
@@ -1020,8 +1031,10 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// iterator:
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let slice = [10, 40, 33];
-    /// let mut iter = slice.split(|num| num % 3 == 0);
+    /// let mut iter = slice.split_match(|num: &i32| num % 3 == 0);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[10, 40]);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[]);
@@ -1032,24 +1045,41 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// present between them:
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let slice = [10, 6, 33, 20];
-    /// let mut iter = slice.split(|num| num % 3 == 0);
+    /// let mut iter = slice.split_match(|num: &i32| num % 3 == 0);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[10]);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[]);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[20]);
     /// assert!(iter.next().is_none());
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn split_match<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> ext::Split<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
+    /// `pred`. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`split_match`](#method.split_match), except it only accepts closures
+    /// instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of `split_match` for
+    /// usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
     pub fn split<F>(&self, pred: F) -> Split<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        Split {
-            v: self,
-            pred,
-            finished: false
-        }
+        ext::split(self, pred)
     /// Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that
@@ -1058,19 +1088,40 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// # Examples
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let mut v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];
-    /// for group in v.split_mut(|num| *num % 3 == 0) {
+    /// for group in v.split_match_mut(|num: &i32| *num % 3 == 0) {
     ///     group[0] = 1;
     /// }
     /// assert_eq!(v, [1, 40, 30, 1, 60, 1]);
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn split_match_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F) -> ext::Split<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that
+    /// match `pred`. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`split_match_mut`](#method.split_match_mut), except it only accepts
+    /// closures instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of
+    /// `split_match_mut` for usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
     pub fn split_mut<F>(&mut self, pred: F) -> SplitMut<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        SplitMut { v: self, pred, finished: false }
+        ext::split(self, pred)
     /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
@@ -1080,32 +1131,56 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// # Examples
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let slice = [11, 22, 33, 0, 44, 55];
-    /// let mut iter = slice.rsplit(|num| *num == 0);
+    /// let mut iter = slice.rsplit_match(&[0]);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[44, 55]);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[11, 22, 33]);
     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);
     /// ```
-    /// As with `split()`, if the first or last element is matched, an empty
+    /// As with `split_match()`, if the first or last element is matched, an empty
     /// slice will be the first (or last) item returned by the iterator.
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let v = &[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
-    /// let mut it = v.rsplit(|n| *n % 2 == 0);
+    /// let mut it = v.rsplit_match(|n: &i32| *n % 2 == 0);
     /// assert_eq!(it.next().unwrap(), &[]);
     /// assert_eq!(it.next().unwrap(), &[3, 5]);
     /// assert_eq!(it.next().unwrap(), &[1, 1]);
     /// assert_eq!(it.next().unwrap(), &[]);
     /// assert_eq!(it.next(), None);
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplit_match<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> ext::RSplit<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplit(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
+    /// `pred`, starting at the end of the slice and working backwards.
+    /// The matched element is not contained in the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`rsplit_match`](#method.rsplit_match), except it only accepts closures
+    /// instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of `rsplit_match`
+    /// for usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
     pub fn rsplit<F>(&self, pred: F) -> RSplit<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        RSplit { inner: self.split(pred) }
+        ext::rsplit(self, pred)
     /// Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that
@@ -1115,22 +1190,44 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// # Examples
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let mut v = [100, 400, 300, 200, 600, 500];
     /// let mut count = 0;
-    /// for group in v.rsplit_mut(|num| *num % 3 == 0) {
+    /// for group in v.rsplit_match_mut(|num: &i32| *num % 3 == 0) {
     ///     count += 1;
     ///     group[0] = count;
     /// }
     /// assert_eq!(v, [3, 400, 300, 2, 600, 1]);
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplit_match_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F) -> ext::RSplit<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplit(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over mutable subslices separated by elements that
+    /// match `pred`, starting at the end of the slice and working
+    /// backwards. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`rsplit_match_mut`](#method.rsplit_match_mut), except it only accepts
+    /// closures instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of
+    /// `rsplit_match_mut` for usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-    pub fn rsplit_mut<F>(&mut self, pred: F) -> RSplitMut<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    pub fn rsplit_mut<F>(&mut self, pred: F) -> RSplit<'_, T, F>
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        RSplitMut { inner: self.split_mut(pred) }
+        ext::rsplit(self, pred)
     /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
@@ -1146,23 +1243,40 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// `[20, 60, 50]`):
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];
-    /// for group in v.splitn(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
+    /// for group in v.splitn_match(2, |num: &i32| *num % 3 == 0) {
     ///     println!("{:?}", group);
     /// }
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn splitn_match<'a, F>(&'a self, n: usize, pred: F) -> ext::SplitN<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::splitn(self, n, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
+    /// `pred`, limited to returning at most `n` items. The matched element is
+    /// not contained in the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`splitn_match`](#method.splitn_match), except it only accepts closures
+    /// instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of `splitn_match`
+    /// for usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
     pub fn splitn<F>(&self, n: usize, pred: F) -> SplitN<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        SplitN {
-            inner: GenericSplitN {
-                iter: self.split(pred),
-                count: n
-            }
-        }
+        ext::splitn(self, n, pred)
     /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
@@ -1175,24 +1289,42 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// # Examples
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let mut v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];
-    /// for group in v.splitn_mut(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
+    /// for group in v.splitn_match_mut(2, |num: &i32| *num % 3 == 0) {
     ///     group[0] = 1;
     /// }
     /// assert_eq!(v, [1, 40, 30, 1, 60, 50]);
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn splitn_match_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, n: usize, pred: F)
+        -> ext::SplitN<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::splitn(self, n, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
+    /// `pred`, limited to returning at most `n` items. The matched element is
+    /// not contained in the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`splitn_match_mut`](#method.splitn_match_mut), except it only accepts
+    /// closures instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of
+    /// `splitn_match_mut` for usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
     pub fn splitn_mut<F>(&mut self, n: usize, pred: F) -> SplitNMut<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        SplitNMut {
-            inner: GenericSplitN {
-                iter: self.split_mut(pred),
-                count: n
-            }
-        }
+        ext::splitn(self, n, pred)
     /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
@@ -1209,23 +1341,41 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// by 3 (i.e., `[50]`, `[10, 40, 30, 20]`):
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let v = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];
-    /// for group in v.rsplitn(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
+    /// for group in v.rsplitn_match(2, |num: &i32| *num % 3 == 0) {
     ///     println!("{:?}", group);
     /// }
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplitn_match<'a, F>(&'a self, n: usize, pred: F) -> ext::RSplitN<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplitn(self, n, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
+    /// `pred` limited to returning at most `n` items. This starts at the end of
+    /// the slice and works backwards. The matched element is not contained in
+    /// the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`rsplitn_match`](#method.rsplitn_match), except it only accepts
+    /// closures instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of
+    /// `rsplitn_match` for usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
     pub fn rsplitn<F>(&self, n: usize, pred: F) -> RSplitN<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        RSplitN {
-            inner: GenericSplitN {
-                iter: self.rsplit(pred),
-                count: n
-            }
-        }
+        ext::rsplitn(self, n, pred)
     /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
@@ -1239,24 +1389,43 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// # Examples
     /// ```
+    /// #![feature(slice_needle_methods)]
+    ///
     /// let mut s = [10, 40, 30, 20, 60, 50];
-    /// for group in s.rsplitn_mut(2, |num| *num % 3 == 0) {
+    /// for group in s.rsplitn_match_mut(2, |num: &i32| *num % 3 == 0) {
     ///     group[0] = 1;
     /// }
     /// assert_eq!(s, [1, 40, 30, 20, 60, 1]);
     /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplitn_match_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, n: usize, pred: F)
+        -> ext::RSplitN<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplitn(self, n, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over subslices separated by elements that match
+    /// `pred` limited to returning at most `n` items. This starts at the end of
+    /// the slice and works backwards. The matched element is not contained in
+    /// the subslices.
+    ///
+    /// This method is the stable equivalent of
+    /// [`rsplitn_match_mut`](#method.rsplitn_match_mut), except it only accepts
+    /// closures instead of all kinds of needles. See documentations of
+    /// `rsplitn_match_mut` for usage examples.
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
     pub fn rsplitn_mut<F>(&mut self, n: usize, pred: F) -> RSplitNMut<'_, T, F>
-        where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-        RSplitNMut {
-            inner: GenericSplitN {
-                iter: self.rsplit_mut(pred),
-                count: n
-            }
-        }
+        ext::rsplitn(self, n, pred)
     /// Returns `true` if the slice contains an element with the given value.
@@ -1275,6 +1444,312 @@ impl<T> [T] {
+    /// Returns `true` if the given predicate matches a sub-slice of this slice.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn contains_match<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> bool
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::contains(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns the index of the first sub-slice of this slice that matches the
+    /// predicate.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn find<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> Option<usize>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::find(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns the index of the last sub-slice of this slice that matches the
+    /// predicate.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rfind<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> Option<usize>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rfind(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns the index range of the first sub-slice of this slice that
+    /// matches the predicate.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn find_range<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::find_range(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns the index range of the last sub-slice of this slice that matches
+    /// the predicate.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rfind_range<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rfind_range(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a predicate within the given
+    /// slice.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn matches<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> ext::Matches<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::matches(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a predicate within the given
+    /// mutable slice.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn matches_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F) -> ext::Matches<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::matches(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a predicate within the given
+    /// slice, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatches<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> ext::RMatches<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatches(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a predicate within the given
+    /// mutable slice, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatches_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F) -> ext::RMatches<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatches(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a predicate within the given
+    /// slice as well as the index that the match starts at.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_indices<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::MatchIndices<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_indices(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint match_indices of a predicate within the given
+    /// mutable slice as well as the range that the match covers.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_indices_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::MatchIndices<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_indices(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint match_indices of a predicate within the given
+    /// slice as well as the index that the match starts at, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_indices<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::RMatchIndices<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_indices(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint match_indices of a predicate within the given
+    /// mutable slice as well as the index that the match starts at, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_indices_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::RMatchIndices<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_indices(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a predicate within the given
+    /// slice as well as the range that the match covers.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_ranges<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::MatchRanges<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_ranges(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint match_ranges of a predicate within the given
+    /// mutable slice as well as the range that the match coversat.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_ranges_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::MatchRanges<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_ranges(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint match_ranges of a predicate within the given
+    /// slice as well as the range that the match covers, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_ranges<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::RMatchRanges<&'a [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_ranges(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint match_ranges of a predicate within the given
+    /// mutable slice as well as the range that the match covers, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_ranges_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F)
+        -> ext::RMatchRanges<&'a mut [T], F::Searcher>
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_ranges(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns a slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match a predicate
+    /// repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_matches<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> &'a [T]
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: DoubleEndedConsumer<[T]>,
+    {
+        ext::trim(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match a
+    /// predicate repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_matches_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F) -> &'a mut [T]
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: DoubleEndedConsumer<[T]>,
+    {
+        ext::trim(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns a slice with all prefixes that match a predicate repeatedly
+    /// removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_start_matches<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> &'a [T]
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::trim_start(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable slice with all prefixes that match a predicate
+    /// repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_start_matches_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F) -> &'a mut [T]
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::trim_start(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns a slice with all suffixes that match a predicate repeatedly
+    /// removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_end_matches<'a, F>(&'a self, pred: F) -> &'a [T]
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<[T]>,
+    {
+        ext::trim_end(self, pred)
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable slice with all suffixes that match a predicate
+    /// repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "slice_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_end_matches_mut<'a, F>(&'a mut self, pred: F) -> &'a mut [T]
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a mut [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<[T]>,
+    {
+        ext::trim_end(self, pred)
+    }
     /// Returns `true` if `needle` is a prefix of the slice.
     /// # Examples
@@ -1296,11 +1771,13 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// assert!(v.starts_with(&[]));
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn starts_with(&self, needle: &[T]) -> bool
-        where T: PartialEq
+    pub fn starts_with<'a, F>(&'a self, needle: F) -> bool
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        F::Consumer: Consumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        let n = needle.len();
-        self.len() >= n && needle == &self[..n]
+        ext::starts_with(self, needle)
     /// Returns `true` if `needle` is a suffix of the slice.
@@ -1324,11 +1801,13 @@ impl<T> [T] {
     /// assert!(v.ends_with(&[]));
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn ends_with(&self, needle: &[T]) -> bool
-        where T: PartialEq
+    pub fn ends_with<'a, F>(&'a self, needle: F) -> bool
+    where
+        F: Needle<&'a [T]>,
+        F::Searcher: Searcher<[T]>,
+        F::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<[T]>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        let (m, n) = (self.len(), needle.len());
-        m >= n && needle == &self[m-n..]
+        ext::ends_with(self, needle)
     /// Binary searches this sorted slice for a given element.
@@ -3468,463 +3947,101 @@ impl<'a, T> IterMut<'a, T> {
 iterator!{struct IterMut -> *mut T, &'a mut T, mut, {mut}, {}}
-/// An internal abstraction over the splitting iterators, so that
-/// splitn, splitn_mut etc can be implemented once.
-trait SplitIter: DoubleEndedIterator {
-    /// Marks the underlying iterator as complete, extracting the remaining
-    /// portion of the slice.
-    fn finish(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
-/// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
-/// function.
-/// This struct is created by the [`split`] method on [slices].
-/// [`split`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.split
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-pub struct Split<'a, T:'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    v: &'a [T],
-    pred: P,
-    finished: bool
-#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for Split<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("Split")
-            .field("v", &self.v)
-            .field("finished", &self.finished)
-            .finish()
-    }
-// FIXME(#26925) Remove in favor of `#[derive(Clone)]`
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-impl<T, P> Clone for Split<'_, T, P> where P: Clone + FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
-        Split {
-            v: self.v,
-            pred: self.pred.clone(),
-            finished: self.finished,
-        }
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for Split<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    type Item = &'a [T];
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
-        if self.finished { return None; }
-        match self.v.iter().position(|x| (self.pred)(x)) {
-            None => self.finish(),
-            Some(idx) => {
-                let ret = Some(&self.v[..idx]);
-                self.v = &self.v[idx + 1..];
-                ret
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        if self.finished {
-            (0, Some(0))
-        } else {
-            (1, Some(self.v.len() + 1))
-        }
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> DoubleEndedIterator for Split<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
-        if self.finished { return None; }
-        match self.v.iter().rposition(|x| (self.pred)(x)) {
-            None => self.finish(),
-            Some(idx) => {
-                let ret = Some(&self.v[idx + 1..]);
-                self.v = &self.v[..idx];
-                ret
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<'a, T, P> SplitIter for Split<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    #[inline]
-    fn finish(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
-        if self.finished { None } else { self.finished = true; Some(self.v) }
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
-impl<T, P> FusedIterator for Split<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {}
-/// An iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated
-/// by elements that match `pred`.
-/// This struct is created by the [`split_mut`] method on [slices].
-/// [`split_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.split_mut
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-pub struct SplitMut<'a, T:'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    v: &'a mut [T],
-    pred: P,
-    finished: bool
-#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for SplitMut<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("SplitMut")
-            .field("v", &self.v)
-            .field("finished", &self.finished)
-            .finish()
-    }
-impl<'a, T, P> SplitIter for SplitMut<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    #[inline]
-    fn finish(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut [T]> {
-        if self.finished {
-            None
-        } else {
-            self.finished = true;
-            Some(mem::replace(&mut self.v, &mut []))
-        }
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for SplitMut<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    type Item = &'a mut [T];
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut [T]> {
-        if self.finished { return None; }
-        let idx_opt = { // work around borrowck limitations
-            let pred = &mut self.pred;
-            self.v.iter().position(|x| (*pred)(x))
-        };
-        match idx_opt {
-            None => self.finish(),
-            Some(idx) => {
-                let tmp = mem::replace(&mut self.v, &mut []);
-                let (head, tail) = tmp.split_at_mut(idx);
-                self.v = &mut tail[1..];
-                Some(head)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        if self.finished {
-            (0, Some(0))
-        } else {
-            // if the predicate doesn't match anything, we yield one slice
-            // if it matches every element, we yield len+1 empty slices.
-            (1, Some(self.v.len() + 1))
-        }
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> DoubleEndedIterator for SplitMut<'a, T, P> where
-    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut [T]> {
-        if self.finished { return None; }
-        let idx_opt = { // work around borrowck limitations
-            let pred = &mut self.pred;
-            self.v.iter().rposition(|x| (*pred)(x))
-        };
-        match idx_opt {
-            None => self.finish(),
-            Some(idx) => {
-                let tmp = mem::replace(&mut self.v, &mut []);
-                let (head, tail) = tmp.split_at_mut(idx);
-                self.v = head;
-                Some(&mut tail[1..])
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
-impl<T, P> FusedIterator for SplitMut<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {}
-/// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
-/// function, starting from the end of the slice.
-/// This struct is created by the [`rsplit`] method on [slices].
-/// [`rsplit`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplit
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-#[derive(Clone)] // Is this correct, or does it incorrectly require `T: Clone`?
-pub struct RSplit<'a, T:'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    inner: Split<'a, T, P>
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for RSplit<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("RSplit")
-            .field("v", &self.inner.v)
-            .field("finished", &self.inner.finished)
-            .finish()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for RSplit<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    type Item = &'a [T];
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
-        self.inner.next_back()
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        self.inner.size_hint()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> DoubleEndedIterator for RSplit<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
-        self.inner.next()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> SplitIter for RSplit<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    #[inline]
-    fn finish(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
-        self.inner.finish()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<T, P> FusedIterator for RSplit<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {}
-/// An iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated
-/// by elements that match `pred`, starting from the end of the slice.
-/// This struct is created by the [`rsplit_mut`] method on [slices].
-/// [`rsplit_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplit_mut
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-pub struct RSplitMut<'a, T:'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    inner: SplitMut<'a, T, P>
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for RSplitMut<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("RSplitMut")
-            .field("v", &self.inner.v)
-            .field("finished", &self.inner.finished)
-            .finish()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> SplitIter for RSplitMut<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    #[inline]
-    fn finish(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut [T]> {
-        self.inner.finish()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for RSplitMut<'a, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    type Item = &'a mut [T];
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut [T]> {
-        self.inner.next_back()
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        self.inner.size_hint()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<'a, T, P> DoubleEndedIterator for RSplitMut<'a, T, P> where
-    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut [T]> {
-        self.inner.next()
-    }
-#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
-impl<T, P> FusedIterator for RSplitMut<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {}
-/// An private iterator over subslices separated by elements that
-/// match a predicate function, splitting at most a fixed number of
-/// times.
-struct GenericSplitN<I> {
-    iter: I,
-    count: usize,
-impl<T, I: SplitIter<Item=T>> Iterator for GenericSplitN<I> {
-    type Item = T;
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        match self.count {
-            0 => None,
-            1 => { self.count -= 1; self.iter.finish() }
-            _ => { self.count -= 1; self.iter.next() }
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        let (lower, upper_opt) = self.iter.size_hint();
-        (lower, upper_opt.map(|upper| cmp::min(self.count, upper)))
-    }
-/// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
-/// function, limited to a given number of splits.
-/// This struct is created by the [`splitn`] method on [slices].
-/// [`splitn`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.splitn
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-pub struct SplitN<'a, T: 'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    inner: GenericSplitN<Split<'a, T, P>>
-#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for SplitN<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("SplitN")
-            .field("inner", &self.inner)
-            .finish()
-    }
-/// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a
-/// predicate function, limited to a given number of splits, starting
-/// from the end of the slice.
-/// This struct is created by the [`rsplitn`] method on [slices].
-/// [`rsplitn`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplitn
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-pub struct RSplitN<'a, T: 'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    inner: GenericSplitN<RSplit<'a, T, P>>
-#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for RSplitN<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("RSplitN")
-            .field("inner", &self.inner)
-            .finish()
+macro_rules! forward_to_needle_api {
+    ($($(#[$meta:meta])* type $name:ident; $(#[$meta_mut:meta])* type $name_mut:ident;)+) => {
+        $(
+            $(#[$meta])*
+            pub type $name<'a, T, P> = ext::$name<&'a [T], self::needles::ElemSearcher<P>>;
+            $(#[$meta_mut])*
+            pub type $name_mut<'a, T, P> = ext::$name<&'a mut [T], self::needles::ElemSearcher<P>>;
+        )+
-/// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
-/// function, limited to a given number of splits.
-/// This struct is created by the [`splitn_mut`] method on [slices].
-/// [`splitn_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.splitn_mut
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-pub struct SplitNMut<'a, T: 'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    inner: GenericSplitN<SplitMut<'a, T, P>>
+forward_to_needle_api! {
+    /// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
+    /// function.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`split`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`split`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.split
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+    type Split;
-#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for SplitNMut<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("SplitNMut")
-            .field("inner", &self.inner)
-            .finish()
-    }
+    /// An iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated
+    /// by elements that match `pred`.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`split_mut`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`split_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.split_mut
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+    type SplitMut;
-/// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a
-/// predicate function, limited to a given number of splits, starting
-/// from the end of the slice.
-/// This struct is created by the [`rsplitn_mut`] method on [slices].
-/// [`rsplitn_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplitn_mut
-/// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
-#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-pub struct RSplitNMut<'a, T: 'a, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    inner: GenericSplitN<RSplitMut<'a, T, P>>
+    /// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
+    /// function, starting from the end of the slice.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`rsplit`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`rsplit`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplit
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
+    type RSplit;
-#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
-impl<T: fmt::Debug, P> fmt::Debug for RSplitNMut<'_, T, P> where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("RSplitNMut")
-            .field("inner", &self.inner)
-            .finish()
-    }
+    /// An iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated
+    /// by elements that match `pred`, starting from the end of the slice.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`rsplit_mut`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`rsplit_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplit_mut
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
+    type RSplitMut;
-macro_rules! forward_iterator {
-    ($name:ident: $elem:ident, $iter_of:ty) => {
-        #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-        impl<'a, $elem, P> Iterator for $name<'a, $elem, P> where
-            P: FnMut(&T) -> bool
-        {
-            type Item = $iter_of;
+    /// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
+    /// function, limited to a given number of splits.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`splitn`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`splitn`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.splitn
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+    type SplitN;
-            #[inline]
-            fn next(&mut self) -> Option<$iter_of> {
-                self.inner.next()
-            }
+    /// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate
+    /// function, limited to a given number of splits.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`splitn_mut`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`splitn_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.splitn_mut
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+    type SplitNMut;
-            #[inline]
-            fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-                self.inner.size_hint()
-            }
-        }
+    /// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a
+    /// predicate function, limited to a given number of splits, starting
+    /// from the end of the slice.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`rsplitn`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`rsplitn`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplitn
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+    type RSplitN;
-        #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
-        impl<'a, $elem, P> FusedIterator for $name<'a, $elem, P>
-            where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool {}
-    }
+    /// An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a
+    /// predicate function, limited to a given number of splits, starting
+    /// from the end of the slice.
+    ///
+    /// This struct is created by the [`rsplitn_mut`] method on [slices].
+    ///
+    /// [`rsplitn_mut`]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html#method.rsplitn_mut
+    /// [slices]: ../../std/primitive.slice.html
+    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+    type RSplitNMut;
-forward_iterator! { SplitN: T, &'a [T] }
-forward_iterator! { RSplitN: T, &'a [T] }
-forward_iterator! { SplitNMut: T, &'a mut [T] }
-forward_iterator! { RSplitNMut: T, &'a mut [T] }
 /// An iterator over overlapping subslices of length `size`.
 /// This struct is created by the [`windows`] method on [slices].
diff --git a/src/libcore/slice/needles.rs b/src/libcore/slice/needles.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f9bd79080ade2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/slice/needles.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+use crate::needle::*;
+use crate::ops::Range;
+use crate::cmp::{Ordering, max, min};
+use crate::usize;
+use crate::fmt;
+// Element searcher
+pub struct ElemSearcher<F> {
+    predicate: F,
+// we need to impl Debug for everything due to stability guarantee.
+impl<F> fmt::Debug for ElemSearcher<F> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+        f.debug_struct("ElemSearcher").finish()
+    }
+macro_rules! impl_needle_with_elem_searcher {
+    (<[$($gen:tt)*]> $ty:ty) => {
+        impl<$($gen)*> Needle<$ty> for F
+        where
+            F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
+        {
+            type Searcher = ElemSearcher<F>;
+            type Consumer = ElemSearcher<F>;
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+                ElemSearcher {
+                    predicate: self,
+                }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+                ElemSearcher {
+                    predicate: self,
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl_needle_with_elem_searcher!(<['h, T, F]> &'h [T]);
+impl_needle_with_elem_searcher!(<['h, T, F]> &'h mut [T]);
+unsafe impl<T, F> Searcher<[T]> for ElemSearcher<F>
+    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (rest, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let start = range.start;
+        let pos = rest[range].iter().position(&mut self.predicate)?;
+        Some((pos + start)..(pos + start + 1))
+    }
+unsafe impl<T, F> Consumer<[T]> for ElemSearcher<F>
+    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        if range.end == range.start {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let x = unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(range.start) };
+        if (self.predicate)(x) {
+            Some(range.start + 1)
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &[T]) -> usize {
+        let mut it = hay.iter();
+        let len = hay.len();
+        if it.find(|x| !(self.predicate)(x)).is_some() {
+            len - it.as_slice().len() - 1
+        } else {
+            len
+        }
+    }
+unsafe impl<T, F> ReverseSearcher<[T]> for ElemSearcher<F>
+    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (rest, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let start = range.start;
+        let pos = rest[range].iter().rposition(&mut self.predicate)?;
+        Some((pos + start)..(pos + start + 1))
+    }
+unsafe impl<T, F> ReverseConsumer<[T]> for ElemSearcher<F>
+    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        if range.start == range.end {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let last = range.end - 1;
+        let x = unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(last) };
+        if (self.predicate)(x) {
+            Some(last)
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, hay: &[T]) -> usize {
+        hay.iter().rposition(|x| !(self.predicate)(x)).map_or(0, |p| p + 1)
+    }
+unsafe impl<T, F> DoubleEndedSearcher<[T]> for ElemSearcher<F>
+    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
+unsafe impl<T, F> DoubleEndedConsumer<[T]> for ElemSearcher<F>
+    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,
+// Two way searcher helpers
+type FastSkipByteset = u64;
+trait FastSkipOptimization {
+    fn byteset_mask(&self) -> FastSkipByteset;
+impl<T: ?Sized> FastSkipOptimization for T {
+    #[inline]
+    default fn byteset_mask(&self) -> FastSkipByteset { !0 }
+impl FastSkipOptimization for u8 {
+    #[inline]
+    fn byteset_mask(&self) -> FastSkipByteset { 1 << (self & 63) }
+trait MaximalSuffix: Sized {
+    // Compute the maximal suffix of `&[T]`.
+    //
+    // The maximal suffix is a possible critical factorization (u, v) of `arr`.
+    //
+    // Returns (`i`, `p`) where `i` is the starting index of v and `p` is the
+    // period of v.
+    //
+    // `order` determines if lexical order is `<` or `>`. Both
+    // orders must be computed -- the ordering with the largest `i` gives
+    // a critical factorization.
+    //
+    // For long period cases, the resulting period is not exact (it is too short).
+    fn maximal_suffix(arr: &[Self], order: Ordering) -> (usize, usize);
+    // Compute the maximal suffix of the reverse of `arr`.
+    //
+    // The maximal suffix is a possible critical factorization (u', v') of `arr`.
+    //
+    // Returns `i` where `i` is the starting index of v', from the back;
+    // returns immediately when a period of `known_period` is reached.
+    //
+    // `order_greater` determines if lexical order is `<` or `>`. Both
+    // orders must be computed -- the ordering with the largest `i` gives
+    // a critical factorization.
+    //
+    // For long period cases, the resulting period is not exact (it is too short).
+    fn reverse_maximal_suffix(arr: &[Self], known_period: usize, order: Ordering) -> usize;
+// fallback to naive search for non-Ord slices.
+impl<T: PartialEq> MaximalSuffix for T {
+    default fn maximal_suffix(_: &[Self], _: Ordering) -> (usize, usize) {
+        (0, 1)
+    }
+    default fn reverse_maximal_suffix(_: &[Self], _: usize, _: Ordering) -> usize {
+        0
+    }
+impl<T: Ord> MaximalSuffix for T {
+    fn maximal_suffix(arr: &[Self], order: Ordering) -> (usize, usize) {
+        let mut left = 0; // Corresponds to i in the paper
+        let mut right = 1; // Corresponds to j in the paper
+        let mut offset = 0; // Corresponds to k in the paper, but starting at 0
+                            // to match 0-based indexing.
+        let mut period = 1; // Corresponds to p in the paper
+        while let Some(a) = arr.get(right + offset) {
+            // `left` will be inbounds when `right` is.
+            let b = &arr[left + offset];
+            match a.cmp(b) {
+                Ordering::Equal => {
+                    // Advance through repetition of the current period.
+                    if offset + 1 == period {
+                        right += offset + 1;
+                        offset = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        offset += 1;
+                    }
+                }
+                o if o == order => {
+                    // Suffix is smaller, period is entire prefix so far.
+                    right += offset + 1;
+                    offset = 0;
+                    period = right - left;
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    // Suffix is larger, start over from current location.
+                    left = right;
+                    right += 1;
+                    offset = 0;
+                    period = 1;
+                }
+            };
+        }
+        (left, period)
+    }
+    fn reverse_maximal_suffix(arr: &[Self], known_period: usize, order: Ordering) -> usize {
+        let mut left = 0; // Corresponds to i in the paper
+        let mut right = 1; // Corresponds to j in the paper
+        let mut offset = 0; // Corresponds to k in the paper, but starting at 0
+                            // to match 0-based indexing.
+        let mut period = 1; // Corresponds to p in the paper
+        let n = arr.len();
+        while right + offset < n {
+            let a = &arr[n - (1 + right + offset)];
+            let b = &arr[n - (1 + left + offset)];
+            match a.cmp(b) {
+                Ordering::Equal => {
+                    // Advance through repetition of the current period.
+                    if offset + 1 == period {
+                        right += offset + 1;
+                        offset = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        offset += 1;
+                    }
+                }
+                o if o == order => {
+                    // Suffix is smaller, period is entire prefix so far.
+                    right += offset + 1;
+                    offset = 0;
+                    period = right - left;
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    // Suffix is larger, start over from current location.
+                    left = right;
+                    right += 1;
+                    offset = 0;
+                    period = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            if period == known_period {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        debug_assert!(period <= known_period);
+        left
+    }
+// Two way searcher
+struct LongPeriod;
+struct ShortPeriod;
+trait Period {
+    const IS_LONG_PERIOD: bool;
+impl Period for LongPeriod {
+    const IS_LONG_PERIOD: bool = true;
+impl Period for ShortPeriod {
+    const IS_LONG_PERIOD: bool = false;
+/// A slice searcher based on Two-Way algorithm.
+pub struct TwoWaySearcher<'p, T: 'p> {
+    // constants
+    /// critical factorization index
+    crit_pos: usize,
+    /// critical factorization index for reversed needle
+    crit_pos_back: usize,
+    period: usize,
+    /// `byteset` is an extension (not part of the two way algorithm);
+    /// it's a 64-bit "fingerprint" where each set bit `j` corresponds
+    /// to a (byte & 63) == j present in the needle.
+    byteset: FastSkipByteset,
+    needle: &'p [T],
+    // variables
+    /// index into needle before which we have already matched
+    memory: usize,
+    /// index into needle after which we have already matched
+    memory_back: usize,
+impl<'p, T: 'p> Clone for TwoWaySearcher<'p, T> {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        *self
+    }
+impl<'p, T: 'p> Copy for TwoWaySearcher<'p, T> {}
+impl<'p, T> TwoWaySearcher<'p, T>
+    T: PartialEq + 'p,
+    #[inline]
+    fn do_next<P: Period>(&mut self, hay: &[T], range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let needle = self.needle;
+        let mut position = range.start;
+        'search: loop {
+            // Check that we have room to search in
+            // position + needle_last can not overflow if we assume slices
+            // are bounded by isize's range.
+            let i = position + (needle.len() - 1);
+            if i >= range.end {
+                return None;
+            }
+            // let tail_item = &hay[i]; // using get_unchecked here would be slower
+            let tail_item = unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(i) };
+            // Quickly skip by large portions unrelated to our substring
+            if !self.byteset_contains(tail_item) {
+                position += needle.len();
+                if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                    self.memory = 0;
+                }
+                continue 'search;
+            }
+            // See if the right part of the needle matches
+            let start = if P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                self.crit_pos
+            } else {
+                max(self.crit_pos, self.memory)
+            };
+            for i in start..needle.len() {
+                if unsafe { needle.get_unchecked(i) != hay.get_unchecked(position + i) } {
+                    position += i - self.crit_pos + 1;
+                    if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                        self.memory = 0;
+                    }
+                    continue 'search;
+                }
+            }
+            // See if the left part of the needle matches
+            let start = if P::IS_LONG_PERIOD { 0 } else { self.memory };
+            for i in (start..self.crit_pos).rev() {
+                if unsafe { needle.get_unchecked(i) != hay.get_unchecked(position + i) } {
+                    position += self.period;
+                    if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                        self.memory = needle.len() - self.period;
+                    }
+                    continue 'search;
+                }
+            }
+            // We have found a match!
+            // Note: add self.period instead of needle.len() to have overlapping matches
+            if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                self.memory = 0; // set to needle.len() - self.period for overlapping matches
+            }
+            return Some(position..(position + needle.len()));
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub(crate) fn next(&mut self, hay: &[T], range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        if self.memory != usize::MAX {
+            self.do_next::<ShortPeriod>(hay, range)
+        } else {
+            self.do_next::<LongPeriod>(hay, range)
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn do_next_back<P: Period>(&mut self, hay: &[T], range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let needle = self.needle;
+        let mut end = range.end;
+        'search: loop {
+            // Check that we have room to search in
+            // end - needle.len() will wrap around when there is no more room,
+            // but due to slice length limits it can never wrap all the way back
+            // into the length of hay.
+            if needle.len() + range.start > end {
+                return None;
+            }
+            let front_item = unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(end.wrapping_sub(needle.len())) };
+            // Quickly skip by large portions unrelated to our substring
+            if !self.byteset_contains(front_item) {
+                end -= needle.len();
+                if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                    self.memory_back = needle.len();
+                }
+                continue 'search;
+            }
+            // See if the left part of the needle matches
+            let crit = if P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                self.crit_pos_back
+            } else {
+                min(self.crit_pos_back, self.memory_back)
+            };
+            for i in (0..crit).rev() {
+                if unsafe { needle.get_unchecked(i) != hay.get_unchecked(end - needle.len() + i) } {
+                    end -= self.crit_pos_back - i;
+                    if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                        self.memory_back = needle.len();
+                    }
+                    continue 'search;
+                }
+            }
+            // See if the right part of the needle matches
+            let needle_end = if P::IS_LONG_PERIOD { needle.len() } else { self.memory_back };
+            for i in self.crit_pos_back..needle_end {
+                if unsafe { needle.get_unchecked(i) != hay.get_unchecked(end - needle.len() + i) } {
+                    end -= self.period;
+                    if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                        self.memory_back = self.period;
+                    }
+                    continue 'search;
+                }
+            }
+            // We have found a match!
+            if !P::IS_LONG_PERIOD {
+                self.memory_back = needle.len();
+            }
+            return Some((end - needle.len())..end);
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub(crate) fn next_back(&mut self, hay: &[T], range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        if self.memory != usize::MAX {
+            self.do_next_back::<ShortPeriod>(hay, range)
+        } else {
+            self.do_next_back::<LongPeriod>(hay, range)
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new(needle: &'p [T]) -> Self {
+        let res_lt = T::maximal_suffix(needle, Ordering::Less);
+        let res_gt = T::maximal_suffix(needle, Ordering::Greater);
+        let (crit_pos, period) = max(res_lt, res_gt);
+        let byteset = Self::byteset_create(needle);
+        // A particularly readable explanation of what's going on here can be found
+        // in Crochemore and Rytter's book "Text Algorithms", ch 13. Specifically
+        // see the code for "Algorithm CP" on p. 323.
+        //
+        // What's going on is we have some critical factorization (u, v) of the
+        // needle, and we want to determine whether u is a suffix of
+        // &v[..period]. If it is, we use "Algorithm CP1". Otherwise we use
+        // "Algorithm CP2", which is optimized for when the period of the needle
+        // is large.
+        if needle[..crit_pos] == needle[period..(period + crit_pos)] {
+            // short period case -- the period is exact
+            // compute a separate critical factorization for the reversed needle
+            // x = u' v' where |v'| < period(x).
+            //
+            // This is sped up by the period being known already.
+            // Note that a case like x = "acba" may be factored exactly forwards
+            // (crit_pos = 1, period = 3) while being factored with approximate
+            // period in reverse (crit_pos = 2, period = 2). We use the given
+            // reverse factorization but keep the exact period.
+            let crit_pos_back = needle.len() - max(
+                T::reverse_maximal_suffix(needle, period, Ordering::Greater),
+                T::reverse_maximal_suffix(needle, period, Ordering::Less),
+            );
+            Self {
+                crit_pos,
+                crit_pos_back,
+                period,
+                byteset,
+                needle,
+                memory: 0,
+                memory_back: needle.len(),
+            }
+        } else {
+            Self {
+                crit_pos,
+                crit_pos_back: crit_pos,
+                period: max(crit_pos, needle.len() - crit_pos) + 1,
+                byteset,
+                needle,
+                memory: usize::MAX, // Dummy value to signify that the period is long
+                memory_back: usize::MAX,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn byteset_create(needle: &[T]) -> FastSkipByteset {
+        needle.iter().fold(0, |a, b| b.byteset_mask() | a)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn byteset_contains(&self, item: &T) -> bool {
+        (self.byteset & item.byteset_mask()) != 0
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p, T> Searcher<[T]> for TwoWaySearcher<'p, T>
+    T: PartialEq + 'p,
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        self.next(hay, range)
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p, T> ReverseSearcher<[T]> for TwoWaySearcher<'p, T>
+    T: PartialEq + 'p,
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        self.next_back(hay, range)
+    }
+// Naive (state-less) searcher
+pub struct NaiveSearcher<'p, T: 'p>(&'p [T]);
+impl<'p, T: 'p> Clone for NaiveSearcher<'p, T> {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        *self
+    }
+impl<'p, T: 'p> Copy for NaiveSearcher<'p, T> {}
+unsafe impl<'p, T> Consumer<[T]> for NaiveSearcher<'p, T>
+    T: PartialEq + 'p,
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let check_end = range.start + self.0.len();
+        if range.end < check_end {
+            return None;
+        }
+        if unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(range.start..check_end) } == self.0 {
+            Some(check_end)
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p, T> ReverseConsumer<[T]> for NaiveSearcher<'p, T>
+    T: PartialEq + 'p,
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&[T]>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        if range.start + self.0.len() > range.end {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let index = range.end - self.0.len();
+        if unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(index..range.end) } == self.0 {
+            Some(index)
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+impl<'p, T: 'p> NaiveSearcher<'p, T> {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new(slice: &'p [T]) -> Self {
+        NaiveSearcher(slice)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn needle(&self) -> &'p [T] {
+        self.0
+    }
+// Slice searcher
+pub enum SliceSearcher<'p, T: 'p> {
+    TwoWay(TwoWaySearcher<'p, T>),
+    Empty(EmptySearcher),
+impl<'p, T: PartialEq + 'p> SliceSearcher<'p, T> {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new(slice: &'p [T]) -> Self {
+        if slice.is_empty() {
+            SliceSearcher::Empty(EmptySearcher::default())
+        } else {
+            SliceSearcher::TwoWay(TwoWaySearcher::new(slice))
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn needle(&self) -> &'p [T] {
+        match self {
+            SliceSearcher::TwoWay(s) => s.needle,
+            SliceSearcher::Empty(_) => &[],
+        }
+    }
+impl<'p, T: 'p> Clone for SliceSearcher<'p, T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        match self {
+            SliceSearcher::TwoWay(s) => SliceSearcher::TwoWay(*s),
+            SliceSearcher::Empty(s) => SliceSearcher::Empty(s.clone()),
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! forward {
+    (searcher: $self:expr, $s:ident => $e:expr) => {
+        match $self {
+            SliceSearcher::TwoWay($s) => $e,
+            SliceSearcher::Empty($s) => $e,
+        }
+    };
+unsafe impl<'p, T, A> Searcher<A> for SliceSearcher<'p, T>
+    A: Hay<Index = usize> + ?Sized,
+    TwoWaySearcher<'p, T>: Searcher<A>,
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        forward!(searcher: self, s => s.search(span))
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p, T, A> ReverseSearcher<A> for SliceSearcher<'p, T>
+    A: Hay<Index = usize> + ?Sized,
+    TwoWaySearcher<'p, T>: ReverseSearcher<A>,
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        forward!(searcher: self, s => s.rsearch(span))
+    }
+macro_rules! impl_needle_for_slice_searcher {
+    ([$($gen:tt)+] <$haystack:ty> for $ty:ty) => {
+        impl<$($gen)+, 'h, T> Needle<$haystack> for $ty
+        where
+            T: PartialEq + 'p,
+        {
+            type Searcher = SliceSearcher<'p, T>;
+            type Consumer = NaiveSearcher<'p, T>;
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+                SliceSearcher::new(self)
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+                NaiveSearcher::new(self)
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    ($($index:expr),*) => {
+        impl_needle_for_slice_searcher!(['p] <&'h [T]> for &'p [T]);
+        impl_needle_for_slice_searcher!(['p] <&'h mut [T]> for &'p [T]);
+        impl_needle_for_slice_searcher!(['q, 'p] <&'h [T]> for &'q &'p [T]);
+        impl_needle_for_slice_searcher!(['q, 'p] <&'h mut [T]> for &'q &'p [T]);
+        $(
+            impl_needle_for_slice_searcher!(['p] <&'h [T]> for &'p [T; $index]);
+            impl_needle_for_slice_searcher!(['p] <&'h mut [T]> for &'p [T; $index]);
+        )*
+    }
+    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
+    17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
diff --git a/src/libcore/str/mod.rs b/src/libcore/str/mod.rs
index 379c263c04ca6..d607d1849b295 100644
--- a/src/libcore/str/mod.rs
+++ b/src/libcore/str/mod.rs
@@ -4,19 +4,20 @@
 #![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-use self::pattern::Pattern;
-use self::pattern::{Searcher, ReverseSearcher, DoubleEndedSearcher};
 use crate::char;
 use crate::fmt::{self, Write};
 use crate::iter::{Map, Cloned, FusedIterator, TrustedLen, TrustedRandomAccess, Filter};
 use crate::iter::{Flatten, FlatMap, Chain};
 use crate::slice::{self, SliceIndex, Split as SliceSplit};
 use crate::mem;
-use crate::ops::Try;
+use crate::needle::{
+    ext, Needle, Searcher, ReverseSearcher, Consumer, ReverseConsumer, DoubleEndedConsumer,
+use crate::ops::{Range, Try};
 use crate::option;
-pub mod pattern;
+#[unstable(feature = "str_internals", issue = "0")]
+mod needles;
 #[unstable(feature = "str_internals", issue = "0")]
@@ -835,476 +836,47 @@ unsafe impl TrustedRandomAccess for Bytes<'_> {
     fn may_have_side_effect() -> bool { false }
-/// This macro generates a Clone impl for string pattern API
-/// wrapper types of the form X<'a, P>
-macro_rules! derive_pattern_clone {
-    (clone $t:ident with |$s:ident| $e:expr) => {
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> Clone for $t<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: Clone
-        {
-            fn clone(&self) -> Self {
-                let $s = self;
-                $e
-            }
-        }
+macro_rules! forward_to_needle_api {
+    ($(#[$link:meta] type $name:ident;)+) => {
+        $(
+            /// Created with the method
+            #[$link]
+            #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+            pub type $name<'a, P> = ext::$name<&'a str, <P as Needle<&'a str>>::Searcher>;
+        )+
-/// This macro generates two public iterator structs
-/// wrapping a private internal one that makes use of the `Pattern` API.
-/// For all patterns `P: Pattern<'a>` the following items will be
-/// generated (generics omitted):
-/// struct $forward_iterator($internal_iterator);
-/// struct $reverse_iterator($internal_iterator);
-/// impl Iterator for $forward_iterator
-/// { /* internal ends up calling Searcher::next_match() */ }
-/// impl DoubleEndedIterator for $forward_iterator
-///       where P::Searcher: DoubleEndedSearcher
-/// { /* internal ends up calling Searcher::next_match_back() */ }
-/// impl Iterator for $reverse_iterator
-///       where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher
-/// { /* internal ends up calling Searcher::next_match_back() */ }
-/// impl DoubleEndedIterator for $reverse_iterator
-///       where P::Searcher: DoubleEndedSearcher
-/// { /* internal ends up calling Searcher::next_match() */ }
-/// The internal one is defined outside the macro, and has almost the same
-/// semantic as a DoubleEndedIterator by delegating to `pattern::Searcher` and
-/// `pattern::ReverseSearcher` for both forward and reverse iteration.
-/// "Almost", because a `Searcher` and a `ReverseSearcher` for a given
-/// `Pattern` might not return the same elements, so actually implementing
-/// `DoubleEndedIterator` for it would be incorrect.
-/// (See the docs in `str::pattern` for more details)
-/// However, the internal struct still represents a single ended iterator from
-/// either end, and depending on pattern is also a valid double ended iterator,
-/// so the two wrapper structs implement `Iterator`
-/// and `DoubleEndedIterator` depending on the concrete pattern type, leading
-/// to the complex impls seen above.
-macro_rules! generate_pattern_iterators {
-    {
-        // Forward iterator
-        forward:
-            $(#[$forward_iterator_attribute:meta])*
-            struct $forward_iterator:ident;
-        // Reverse iterator
-        reverse:
-            $(#[$reverse_iterator_attribute:meta])*
-            struct $reverse_iterator:ident;
-        // Stability of all generated items
-        stability:
-            $(#[$common_stability_attribute:meta])*
-        // Internal almost-iterator that is being delegated to
-        internal:
-            $internal_iterator:ident yielding ($iterty:ty);
-        // Kind of delegation - either single ended or double ended
-        delegate $($t:tt)*
-    } => {
-        $(#[$forward_iterator_attribute])*
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        pub struct $forward_iterator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>($internal_iterator<'a, P>);
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> fmt::Debug for $forward_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: fmt::Debug
-        {
-            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-                f.debug_tuple(stringify!($forward_iterator))
-                    .field(&self.0)
-                    .finish()
-            }
-        }
+forward_to_needle_api! {
+    /// [`split`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.split)
+    type Split;
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> Iterator for $forward_iterator<'a, P> {
-            type Item = $iterty;
+    /// [`rsplit`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rsplit)
+    type RSplit;
-            #[inline]
-            fn next(&mut self) -> Option<$iterty> {
-                self.0.next()
-            }
-        }
+    /// [`split_terminator`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.split_terminator)
+    type SplitTerminator;
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> Clone for $forward_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: Clone
-        {
-            fn clone(&self) -> Self {
-                $forward_iterator(self.0.clone())
-            }
-        }
+    /// [`rsplit_terminator`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rsplit_terminator)
+    type RSplitTerminator;
-        $(#[$reverse_iterator_attribute])*
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        pub struct $reverse_iterator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>($internal_iterator<'a, P>);
+    /// [`splitn`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.splitn)
+    type SplitN;
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> fmt::Debug for $reverse_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: fmt::Debug
-        {
-            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-                f.debug_tuple(stringify!($reverse_iterator))
-                    .field(&self.0)
-                    .finish()
-            }
-        }
+    /// [`rsplitn`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rsplitn)
+    type RSplitN;
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> Iterator for $reverse_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-        {
-            type Item = $iterty;
+    /// [`match_indices`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.match_indices)
+    type MatchIndices;
-            #[inline]
-            fn next(&mut self) -> Option<$iterty> {
-                self.0.next_back()
-            }
-        }
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> Clone for $reverse_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: Clone
-        {
-            fn clone(&self) -> Self {
-                $reverse_iterator(self.0.clone())
-            }
-        }
-        #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> FusedIterator for $forward_iterator<'a, P> {}
-        #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> FusedIterator for $reverse_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a> {}
-        generate_pattern_iterators!($($t)* with $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*,
-                                                $forward_iterator,
-                                                $reverse_iterator, $iterty);
-    };
-    {
-        double ended; with $(#[$common_stability_attribute:meta])*,
-                           $forward_iterator:ident,
-                           $reverse_iterator:ident, $iterty:ty
-    } => {
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> DoubleEndedIterator for $forward_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: DoubleEndedSearcher<'a>
-        {
-            #[inline]
-            fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<$iterty> {
-                self.0.next_back()
-            }
-        }
-        $(#[$common_stability_attribute])*
-        impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> DoubleEndedIterator for $reverse_iterator<'a, P>
-            where P::Searcher: DoubleEndedSearcher<'a>
-        {
-            #[inline]
-            fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<$iterty> {
-                self.0.next()
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    {
-        single ended; with $(#[$common_stability_attribute:meta])*,
-                           $forward_iterator:ident,
-                           $reverse_iterator:ident, $iterty:ty
-    } => {}
+    /// [`rmatch_indices`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rmatch_indices)
+    type RMatchIndices;
-    clone SplitInternal
-    with |s| SplitInternal { matcher: s.matcher.clone(), ..*s }
-struct SplitInternal<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> {
-    start: usize,
-    end: usize,
-    matcher: P::Searcher,
-    allow_trailing_empty: bool,
-    finished: bool,
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> fmt::Debug for SplitInternal<'a, P> where P::Searcher: fmt::Debug {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("SplitInternal")
-            .field("start", &self.start)
-            .field("end", &self.end)
-            .field("matcher", &self.matcher)
-            .field("allow_trailing_empty", &self.allow_trailing_empty)
-            .field("finished", &self.finished)
-            .finish()
-    }
+    /// [`matches`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.matches)
+    type Matches;
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> SplitInternal<'a, P> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn get_end(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
-        if !self.finished && (self.allow_trailing_empty || self.end - self.start > 0) {
-            self.finished = true;
-            unsafe {
-                let string = self.matcher.haystack().get_unchecked(self.start..self.end);
-                Some(string)
-            }
-        } else {
-            None
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
-        if self.finished { return None }
-        let haystack = self.matcher.haystack();
-        match self.matcher.next_match() {
-            Some((a, b)) => unsafe {
-                let elt = haystack.get_unchecked(self.start..a);
-                self.start = b;
-                Some(elt)
-            },
-            None => self.get_end(),
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-    {
-        if self.finished { return None }
-        if !self.allow_trailing_empty {
-            self.allow_trailing_empty = true;
-            match self.next_back() {
-                Some(elt) if !elt.is_empty() => return Some(elt),
-                _ => if self.finished { return None }
-            }
-        }
-        let haystack = self.matcher.haystack();
-        match self.matcher.next_match_back() {
-            Some((a, b)) => unsafe {
-                let elt = haystack.get_unchecked(b..self.end);
-                self.end = a;
-                Some(elt)
-            },
-            None => unsafe {
-                self.finished = true;
-                Some(haystack.get_unchecked(self.start..self.end))
-            },
-        }
-    }
-generate_pattern_iterators! {
-    forward:
-        /// Created with the method [`split`].
-        ///
-        /// [`split`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.split
-        struct Split;
-    reverse:
-        /// Created with the method [`rsplit`].
-        ///
-        /// [`rsplit`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rsplit
-        struct RSplit;
-    stability:
-        #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    internal:
-        SplitInternal yielding (&'a str);
-    delegate double ended;
-generate_pattern_iterators! {
-    forward:
-        /// Created with the method [`split_terminator`].
-        ///
-        /// [`split_terminator`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.split_terminator
-        struct SplitTerminator;
-    reverse:
-        /// Created with the method [`rsplit_terminator`].
-        ///
-        /// [`rsplit_terminator`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rsplit_terminator
-        struct RSplitTerminator;
-    stability:
-        #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    internal:
-        SplitInternal yielding (&'a str);
-    delegate double ended;
-    clone SplitNInternal
-    with |s| SplitNInternal { iter: s.iter.clone(), ..*s }
-struct SplitNInternal<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> {
-    iter: SplitInternal<'a, P>,
-    /// The number of splits remaining
-    count: usize,
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> fmt::Debug for SplitNInternal<'a, P> where P::Searcher: fmt::Debug {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("SplitNInternal")
-            .field("iter", &self.iter)
-            .field("count", &self.count)
-            .finish()
-    }
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> SplitNInternal<'a, P> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
-        match self.count {
-            0 => None,
-            1 => { self.count = 0; self.iter.get_end() }
-            _ => { self.count -= 1; self.iter.next() }
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-    {
-        match self.count {
-            0 => None,
-            1 => { self.count = 0; self.iter.get_end() }
-            _ => { self.count -= 1; self.iter.next_back() }
-        }
-    }
-generate_pattern_iterators! {
-    forward:
-        /// Created with the method [`splitn`].
-        ///
-        /// [`splitn`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.splitn
-        struct SplitN;
-    reverse:
-        /// Created with the method [`rsplitn`].
-        ///
-        /// [`rsplitn`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rsplitn
-        struct RSplitN;
-    stability:
-        #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    internal:
-        SplitNInternal yielding (&'a str);
-    delegate single ended;
-    clone MatchIndicesInternal
-    with |s| MatchIndicesInternal(s.0.clone())
-struct MatchIndicesInternal<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(P::Searcher);
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> fmt::Debug for MatchIndicesInternal<'a, P> where P::Searcher: fmt::Debug {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_tuple("MatchIndicesInternal")
-            .field(&self.0)
-            .finish()
-    }
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> MatchIndicesInternal<'a, P> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, &'a str)> {
-        self.0.next_match().map(|(start, end)| unsafe {
-            (start, self.0.haystack().get_unchecked(start..end))
-        })
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, &'a str)>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-    {
-        self.0.next_match_back().map(|(start, end)| unsafe {
-            (start, self.0.haystack().get_unchecked(start..end))
-        })
-    }
-generate_pattern_iterators! {
-    forward:
-        /// Created with the method [`match_indices`].
-        ///
-        /// [`match_indices`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.match_indices
-        struct MatchIndices;
-    reverse:
-        /// Created with the method [`rmatch_indices`].
-        ///
-        /// [`rmatch_indices`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rmatch_indices
-        struct RMatchIndices;
-    stability:
-        #[stable(feature = "str_match_indices", since = "1.5.0")]
-    internal:
-        MatchIndicesInternal yielding ((usize, &'a str));
-    delegate double ended;
-    clone MatchesInternal
-    with |s| MatchesInternal(s.0.clone())
-struct MatchesInternal<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(P::Searcher);
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> fmt::Debug for MatchesInternal<'a, P> where P::Searcher: fmt::Debug {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_tuple("MatchesInternal")
-            .field(&self.0)
-            .finish()
-    }
-impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> MatchesInternal<'a, P> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
-        self.0.next_match().map(|(a, b)| unsafe {
-            // Indices are known to be on utf8 boundaries
-            self.0.haystack().get_unchecked(a..b)
-        })
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-    {
-        self.0.next_match_back().map(|(a, b)| unsafe {
-            // Indices are known to be on utf8 boundaries
-            self.0.haystack().get_unchecked(a..b)
-        })
-    }
-generate_pattern_iterators! {
-    forward:
-        /// Created with the method [`matches`].
-        ///
-        /// [`matches`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.matches
-        struct Matches;
-    reverse:
-        /// Created with the method [`rmatches`].
-        ///
-        /// [`rmatches`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rmatches
-        struct RMatches;
-    stability:
-        #[stable(feature = "str_matches", since = "1.2.0")]
-    internal:
-        MatchesInternal yielding (&'a str);
-    delegate double ended;
+    /// [`rmatches`](../../std/primitive.str.html#method.rmatches)
+    type RMatches;
 /// An iterator over the lines of a string, as string slices.
@@ -2824,8 +2396,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn contains<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
-        pat.is_contained_in(self)
+    pub fn contains<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::contains(self, pat)
     /// Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a prefix of this
@@ -2844,8 +2420,12 @@ impl str {
     /// assert!(!bananas.starts_with("nana"));
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
-        pat.is_prefix_of(self)
+    pub fn starts_with<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::starts_with(self, pat)
     /// Returns `true` if the given pattern matches a suffix of this
@@ -2864,10 +2444,12 @@ impl str {
     /// assert!(!bananas.ends_with("nana"));
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn ends_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn ends_with<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<str>,
-        pat.is_suffix_of(self)
+        ext::ends_with(self, pat)
     /// Returns the byte index of the first character of this string slice that
@@ -2913,8 +2495,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn find<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize> {
-        pat.into_searcher(self).next_match().map(|(i, _)| i)
+    pub fn find<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::find(self, pat)
     /// Returns the byte index of the last character of this string slice that
@@ -2957,10 +2543,123 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn rfind<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn rfind<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rfind(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// Returns the byte range of the first substring of this string slice that
+    /// the pattern can be found.
+    ///
+    /// Returns [`None`] if the pattern doesn't match.
+    ///
+    /// The pattern can be a `&str`, [`char`], or a closure that determines if
+    /// a substring matches.
+    ///
+    /// [`None`]: option/enum.Option.html#variant.None
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Simple patterns:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range('L'), Some(0..1));
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range('é'), Some(14..16));
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range("Léopard"), Some(13..21));
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// More complex patterns using point-free style and closures:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range(char::is_whitespace), Some(5..6));
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range(char::is_lowercase), Some(1..3));
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range(|c: char| c.is_whitespace() || c.is_lowercase()), Some(1..3));
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range(|c: char| (c < 'o') && (c > 'a')), Some(4..5));
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// Not finding the pattern:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
+    /// let x: &[_] = &['1', '2'];
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(s.find_range(x), None);
+    /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "str_find_range", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn find_range<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<Range<usize>>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::find_range(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// Returns the byte range of the last substring of this string slice that
+    /// the pattern can be found.
+    ///
+    /// Returns [`None`] if the pattern doesn't match.
+    ///
+    /// The pattern can be a `&str`, [`char`], or a closure that determines if
+    /// a substring matches.
+    ///
+    /// [`None`]: option/enum.Option.html#variant.None
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Simple patterns:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(s.rfind_range('L'), Some(13..14));
+    /// assert_eq!(s.rfind_range('é'), Some(14..16));
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// More complex patterns with closures:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(s.rfind_range(char::is_whitespace), Some(12..13));
+    /// assert_eq!(s.rfind_range(char::is_lowercase), Some(20..21));
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// Not finding the pattern:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
+    /// let x: &[_] = &['1', '2'];
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(s.rfind_range(x), None);
+    /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "str_find_range", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rfind_range<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<Range<usize>>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        pat.into_searcher(self).next_match_back().map(|(i, _)| i)
+        ext::rfind_range(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by
@@ -3070,14 +2769,12 @@ impl str {
     /// [`split_whitespace`]: #method.split_whitespace
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Split<'a, P> {
-        Split(SplitInternal {
-            start: 0,
-            end: self.len(),
-            matcher: pat.into_searcher(self),
-            allow_trailing_empty: true,
-            finished: false,
-        })
+    pub fn split<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Split<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by
@@ -3124,10 +2821,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn rsplit<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RSplit<'a, P>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn rsplit<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RSplit<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        RSplit(self.split(pat).0)
+        ext::rsplit(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by
@@ -3170,11 +2869,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn split_terminator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> SplitTerminator<'a, P> {
-        SplitTerminator(SplitInternal {
-            allow_trailing_empty: false,
-            ..self.split(pat).0
-        })
+    pub fn split_terminator<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> SplitTerminator<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split_terminator(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
@@ -3185,10 +2885,10 @@ impl str {
     /// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
     /// regular expressions.
-    /// Equivalent to [`split`], except that the trailing substring is
+    /// Equivalent to [`rsplit`], except that the trailing substring is
     /// skipped if empty.
-    /// [`split`]: #method.split
+    /// [`rsplit`]: #method.rsplit
     /// This method can be used for string data that is _terminated_,
     /// rather than _separated_ by a pattern.
@@ -3215,10 +2915,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn rsplit_terminator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RSplitTerminator<'a, P>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn rsplit_terminator<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RSplitTerminator<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        RSplitTerminator(self.split_terminator(pat).0)
+        ext::rsplit_terminator(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over substrings of the given string slice, separated by a
@@ -3266,11 +2968,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn splitn<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, n: usize, pat: P) -> SplitN<'a, P> {
-        SplitN(SplitNInternal {
-            iter: self.split(pat).0,
-            count: n,
-        })
+    pub fn splitn<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, n: usize, pat: P) -> SplitN<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::splitn(self, n, pat)
     /// An iterator over substrings of this string slice, separated by a
@@ -3315,10 +3018,107 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn rsplitn<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, n: usize, pat: P) -> RSplitN<'a, P>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn rsplitn<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, n: usize, pat: P) -> RSplitN<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        RSplitN(self.splitn(n, pat).0)
+        ext::rsplitn(self, n, pat)
+    }
+    // FIXME: Someone should enhance the docs before stabilizing.
+    /// An iterator over substrings of this mutable string slice, separated by
+    /// characters matched by a pattern.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn split_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P) -> ext::Split<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over substrings of the given mutable string slice, separated by
+    /// characters matched by a pattern and yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplit_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P) -> ext::RSplit<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplit(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over substrings of the given mutable string slice, separated by
+    /// characters matched by a pattern.
+    ///
+    /// Equivalent to [`split_mut`], except that the trailing substring
+    /// is skipped if empty.
+    ///
+    /// [`split_mut`]: #method.split_mut
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn split_terminator_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P)
+        -> ext::SplitTerminator<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split_terminator(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over substrings of the given mutable string slice, separated by
+    /// characters matched by a pattern and yielded in reverse order.
+    ///
+    /// Equivalent to [`rsplit_mut`], except that the trailing substring
+    /// is skipped if empty.
+    ///
+    /// [`rsplit_mut`]: #method.rsplit_mut
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplit_terminator_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P)
+        -> ext::RSplitTerminator<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplit_terminator(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over substrings of the given mutable string slice, separated by a
+    /// pattern, restricted to returning at most `n` items.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn splitn_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, n: usize, pat: P)
+        -> ext::SplitN<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::splitn(self, n, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over substrings of this mutable string slice, separated by a
+    /// pattern, starting from the end of the string, restricted to returning
+    /// at most `n` items.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplitn_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, n: usize, pat: P)
+        -> ext::RSplitN<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplitn(self, n, pat)
     /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within the given string
@@ -3353,8 +3153,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "str_matches", since = "1.2.0")]
-    pub fn matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Matches<'a, P> {
-        Matches(MatchesInternal(pat.into_searcher(self)))
+    pub fn matches<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Matches<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::matches(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string slice,
@@ -3388,10 +3192,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "str_matches", since = "1.2.0")]
-    pub fn rmatches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RMatches<'a, P>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn rmatches<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RMatches<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        RMatches(self.matches(pat).0)
+        ext::rmatches(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string
@@ -3432,8 +3238,12 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "str_match_indices", since = "1.5.0")]
-    pub fn match_indices<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> MatchIndices<'a, P> {
-        MatchIndices(MatchIndicesInternal(pat.into_searcher(self)))
+    pub fn match_indices<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> MatchIndices<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_indices(self, pat)
     /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within `self`,
@@ -3473,10 +3283,191 @@ impl str {
     /// ```
     #[stable(feature = "str_match_indices", since = "1.5.0")]
-    pub fn rmatch_indices<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RMatchIndices<'a, P>
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn rmatch_indices<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RMatchIndices<'a, P>
+    where
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
-        RMatchIndices(self.match_indices(pat).0)
+        ext::rmatch_indices(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this string
+    /// slice as well as the range that the match covers.
+    ///
+    /// For matches of `pat` within `self` that overlap, only the ranges
+    /// corresponding to the first match are returned.
+    ///
+    /// The pattern can be a `&str`, [`char`], or a closure that determines
+    /// if a substring matches.
+    ///
+    /// # Iterator behavior
+    ///
+    /// The returned iterator will be a [`DoubleEndedIterator`] if the pattern
+    /// allows a reverse search and forward/reverse search yields the same
+    /// elements. This is true for, eg, [`char`] but not for `&str`.
+    ///
+    /// [`DoubleEndedIterator`]: iter/trait.DoubleEndedIterator.html
+    ///
+    /// If the pattern allows a reverse search but its results might differ
+    /// from a forward search, the [`rmatch_ranges`] method can be used.
+    ///
+    /// [`rmatch_ranges`]: #method.rmatch_ranges
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Basic usage:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let v: Vec<_> = "abcXXXabcYYYabc".match_ranges("abc").collect();
+    /// assert_eq!(v, [(0..3, "abc"), (6..9, "abc"), (12..15, "abc")]);
+    ///
+    /// let v: Vec<_> = "1abcabc2".match_ranges("abc").collect();
+    /// assert_eq!(v, [(1..4, "abc"), (4..7, "abc")]);
+    ///
+    /// let v: Vec<_> = "ababa".match_ranges("aba").collect();
+    /// assert_eq!(v, [(0..3, "aba")]); // only the first `aba`
+    /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "str_find_range", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_ranges<'a, P>(&'a self, pat: P) -> ext::MatchRanges<&'a str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_ranges(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within `self`,
+    /// yielded in reverse order along with the range of the match.
+    ///
+    /// For matches of `pat` within `self` that overlap, only the ranges
+    /// corresponding to the last match are returned.
+    ///
+    /// The pattern can be a `&str`, [`char`], or a closure that determines if a
+    /// substring matches.
+    ///
+    /// # Iterator behavior
+    ///
+    /// The returned iterator requires that the pattern supports a reverse
+    /// search, and it will be a [`DoubleEndedIterator`] if a forward/reverse
+    /// search yields the same elements.
+    ///
+    /// [`DoubleEndedIterator`]: iter/trait.DoubleEndedIterator.html
+    ///
+    /// For iterating from the front, the [`match_ranges`] method can be used.
+    ///
+    /// [`match_ranges`]: #method.match_ranges
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// Basic usage:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// #![feature(str_find_range)]
+    ///
+    /// let v: Vec<_> = "abcXXXabcYYYabc".rmatch_ranges("abc").collect();
+    /// assert_eq!(v, [(12..15, "abc"), (6..9, "abc"), (0..3, "abc")]);
+    ///
+    /// let v: Vec<_> = "1abcabc2".rmatch_ranges("abc").collect();
+    /// assert_eq!(v, [(4..7, "abc"), (1..4, "abc")]);
+    ///
+    /// let v: Vec<_> = "ababa".rmatch_ranges("aba").collect();
+    /// assert_eq!(v, [(2..5, "aba")]); // only the last `aba`
+    /// ```
+    #[unstable(feature = "str_find_range", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_ranges<'a, P>(&'a self, pat: P) -> ext::RMatchRanges<&'a str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a str>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_ranges(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within the given
+    /// mutable string slice.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn matches_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P) -> ext::Matches<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::matches(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this
+    /// mutable string slice, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatches_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P) -> ext::RMatches<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatches(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this mutable string
+    /// slice as well as the index that the match starts at.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_indices_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P)
+        -> ext::MatchIndices<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_indices(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this mutable string slice,
+    /// yielded in reverse order along with the index of the match.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_indices_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P)
+        -> ext::RMatchIndices<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_indices(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this mutable string
+    /// slice as well as the range that the match covers.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_ranges_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P)
+        -> ext::MatchRanges<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_ranges(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a pattern within this mutable string slice,
+    /// yielded in reverse order along with the range of the match.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_ranges_mut<'a, P>(&'a mut self, pat: P)
+        -> ext::RMatchRanges<&'a mut str, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a mut str>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<str>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_ranges(self, pat)
     /// Returns a string slice with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
@@ -3682,24 +3673,12 @@ impl str {
     #[must_use = "this returns the trimmed string as a new slice, \
                   without modifying the original"]
     #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
-    pub fn trim_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
-        where P::Searcher: DoubleEndedSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn trim_matches<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: DoubleEndedConsumer<str>,
-        let mut i = 0;
-        let mut j = 0;
-        let mut matcher = pat.into_searcher(self);
-        if let Some((a, b)) = matcher.next_reject() {
-            i = a;
-            j = b; // Remember earliest known match, correct it below if
-                   // last match is different
-        }
-        if let Some((_, b)) = matcher.next_reject_back() {
-            j = b;
-        }
-        unsafe {
-            // Searcher is known to return valid indices
-            self.get_unchecked(i..j)
-        }
+        ext::trim(self, pat)
     /// Returns a string slice with all prefixes that match a pattern
@@ -3729,16 +3708,12 @@ impl str {
     #[must_use = "this returns the trimmed string as a new slice, \
                   without modifying the original"]
     #[stable(feature = "trim_direction", since = "1.30.0")]
-    pub fn trim_start_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str {
-        let mut i = self.len();
-        let mut matcher = pat.into_searcher(self);
-        if let Some((a, _)) = matcher.next_reject() {
-            i = a;
-        }
-        unsafe {
-            // Searcher is known to return valid indices
-            self.get_unchecked(i..self.len())
-        }
+    pub fn trim_start_matches<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::trim_start(self, pat)
     /// Returns a string slice with all suffixes that match a pattern
@@ -3774,18 +3749,12 @@ impl str {
     #[must_use = "this returns the trimmed string as a new slice, \
                   without modifying the original"]
     #[stable(feature = "trim_direction", since = "1.30.0")]
-    pub fn trim_end_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn trim_end_matches<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<str>,
-        let mut j = 0;
-        let mut matcher = pat.into_searcher(self);
-        if let Some((_, b)) = matcher.next_reject_back() {
-            j = b;
-        }
-        unsafe {
-            // Searcher is known to return valid indices
-            self.get_unchecked(0..j)
-        }
+        ext::trim_end(self, pat)
     /// Returns a string slice with all prefixes that match a pattern
@@ -3820,7 +3789,11 @@ impl str {
         reason = "superseded by `trim_start_matches`",
         suggestion = "trim_start_matches",
-    pub fn trim_left_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str {
+    pub fn trim_left_matches<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
@@ -3862,12 +3835,71 @@ impl str {
         reason = "superseded by `trim_end_matches`",
         suggestion = "trim_end_matches",
-    pub fn trim_right_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
-        where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
+    pub fn trim_right_matches<'a, P: Needle<&'a str>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<str>,
+    /// Returns a mutable string slice with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_mut(&mut self) -> &mut str {
+        self.trim_matches_mut(|c: char| c.is_whitespace())
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable string slice with leading whitespace removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_start_mut(&mut self) -> &mut str {
+        self.trim_start_matches_mut(|c: char| c.is_whitespace())
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable string slice with trailing whitespace removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_end_mut(&mut self) -> &mut str {
+        self.trim_end_matches_mut(|c: char| c.is_whitespace())
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable string slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match a
+    /// pattern repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_matches_mut<'a, P: Needle<&'a mut str>>(&'a mut self, pat: P) -> &'a mut str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: DoubleEndedConsumer<str>,
+    {
+        ext::trim(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable string slice with all prefixes that match a pattern
+    /// repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_start_matches_mut<'a, P: Needle<&'a mut str>>(&'a mut self, pat: P) -> &'a mut str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::trim_start(self, pat)
+    }
+    /// Returns a mutable string slice with all suffixes that match a pattern
+    /// repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "mut_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_end_matches_mut<'a, P: Needle<&'a mut str>>(&'a mut self, pat: P) -> &'a mut str
+    where
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<str>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<str>,
+    {
+        ext::trim_end(self, pat)
+    }
     /// Parses this string slice into another type.
     /// Because `parse` is so general, it can cause problems with type
diff --git a/src/libcore/str/needles.rs b/src/libcore/str/needles.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..53d55da9fbdf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/str/needles.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+use crate::needle::*;
+use crate::ops::Range;
+use crate::slice::needles::{SliceSearcher, NaiveSearcher, TwoWaySearcher};
+use crate::slice::memchr::{memchr, memrchr};
+use crate::fmt;
+// Character function searcher
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct MultiCharEq<'p>(&'p [char]);
+impl<'p> FnOnce<(char,)> for MultiCharEq<'p> {
+    type Output = bool;
+    #[inline]
+    extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, args: (char,)) -> bool {
+        self.call(args)
+    }
+impl<'p> FnMut<(char,)> for MultiCharEq<'p> {
+    #[inline]
+    extern "rust-call" fn call_mut(&mut self, args: (char,)) -> bool {
+        self.call(args)
+    }
+impl<'p> Fn<(char,)> for MultiCharEq<'p> {
+    #[inline]
+    extern "rust-call" fn call(&self, (c,): (char,)) -> bool {
+        self.0.iter().any(|ch| *ch == c)
+    }
+pub struct MultiCharSearcher<F> {
+    predicate: F,
+// we need to impl Debug for everything due to stability guarantee.
+impl<F> fmt::Debug for MultiCharSearcher<F> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+        f.debug_struct("MultiCharSearcher").finish()
+    }
+unsafe impl<F: FnMut(char) -> bool> Searcher<str> for MultiCharSearcher<F> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let st = range.start;
+        let h = &hay[range];
+        let mut chars = h.chars();
+        let c = chars.find(|c| (self.predicate)(*c))?;
+        let end = chars.as_str().as_ptr();
+        let end = unsafe { end.offset_from(h.as_ptr()) as usize } + st;
+        Some((end - c.len_utf8())..end)
+    }
+unsafe impl<F: FnMut(char) -> bool> Consumer<str> for MultiCharSearcher<F> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, hay: Span<&str>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = hay.into_parts();
+        let start = range.start;
+        if start == range.end {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let c = unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(start..) }.chars().next().unwrap();
+        if (self.predicate)(c) {
+            Some(start + c.len_utf8())
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &str) -> usize {
+        let mut chars = hay.chars();
+        let unconsume_amount = chars
+            .find_map(|c| if !(self.predicate)(c) { Some(c.len_utf8()) } else { None })
+            .unwrap_or(0);
+        let consumed = unsafe { chars.as_str().as_ptr().offset_from(hay.as_ptr()) as usize };
+        consumed.wrapping_sub(unconsume_amount)
+    }
+unsafe impl<F: FnMut(char) -> bool> ReverseSearcher<str> for MultiCharSearcher<F> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let st = range.start;
+        let h = &hay[range];
+        let mut chars = h.chars();
+        let c = chars.rfind(|c| (self.predicate)(*c))?;
+        let start = chars.as_str().len() + st;
+        Some(start..(start + c.len_utf8()))
+    }
+unsafe impl<F: FnMut(char) -> bool> ReverseConsumer<str> for MultiCharSearcher<F> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, hay: Span<&str>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = hay.into_parts();
+        let end = range.end;
+        if range.start == end {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let c = unsafe { hay.get_unchecked(..end) }.chars().next_back().unwrap();
+        if (self.predicate)(c) {
+            Some(end - c.len_utf8())
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, hay: &str) -> usize {
+        // `find.map_or` is faster in trim_end in the microbenchmark, while
+        // `find.unwrap_or` is faster in trim_start. Don't ask me why.
+        let mut chars = hay.chars();
+        let unconsume_amount = chars
+            .by_ref()
+            .rev() // btw, `rev().find()` is faster than `rfind()`
+            .find(|c| !(self.predicate)(*c))
+            .map_or(0, |c| c.len_utf8());
+        chars.as_str().len() + unconsume_amount
+    }
+unsafe impl<F: FnMut(char) -> bool> DoubleEndedSearcher<str> for MultiCharSearcher<F> {}
+unsafe impl<F: FnMut(char) -> bool> DoubleEndedConsumer<str> for MultiCharSearcher<F> {}
+macro_rules! impl_needle_with_multi_char_searcher {
+    ($ty:ty) => {
+        impl<'h, F: FnMut(char) -> bool> Needle<$ty> for F {
+            type Searcher = MultiCharSearcher<F>;
+            type Consumer = MultiCharSearcher<F>;
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+                MultiCharSearcher { predicate: self }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+                MultiCharSearcher { predicate: self }
+            }
+        }
+        impl<'h, 'p> Needle<$ty> for &'p [char] {
+            type Searcher = MultiCharSearcher<MultiCharEq<'p>>;
+            type Consumer = MultiCharSearcher<MultiCharEq<'p>>;
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+                MultiCharSearcher { predicate: MultiCharEq(self) }
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+                MultiCharSearcher { predicate: MultiCharEq(self) }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl_needle_with_multi_char_searcher!(&'h str);
+impl_needle_with_multi_char_searcher!(&'h mut str);
+// Character searcher
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct CharSearcher {
+    // safety invariant: `utf8_size` must be less than 5
+    utf8_size: usize,
+    /// A utf8 encoded copy of the `needle`
+    utf8_encoded: [u8; 4],
+    /// The character currently being searched.
+    c: char,
+impl CharSearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
+        &self.utf8_encoded[..self.utf8_size]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn last_byte(&self) -> u8 {
+        self.utf8_encoded[self.utf8_size - 1]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn new(c: char) -> Self {
+        let mut utf8_encoded = [0u8; 4];
+        let utf8_size = c.encode_utf8(&mut utf8_encoded).len();
+        CharSearcher {
+            utf8_size,
+            utf8_encoded,
+            c,
+        }
+    }
+unsafe impl Searcher<str> for CharSearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let mut finger = range.start;
+        let bytes = hay.as_bytes();
+        loop {
+            let index = memchr(self.last_byte(), &bytes[finger..range.end])?;
+            finger += index + 1;
+            if finger >= self.utf8_size {
+                let found = &bytes[(finger - self.utf8_size)..finger];
+                if found == self.as_bytes() {
+                    return Some((finger - self.utf8_size)..finger);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+unsafe impl Consumer<str> for CharSearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let mut consumer = Needle::<&[u8]>::into_consumer(self.as_bytes());
+        consumer.consume(span.as_bytes())
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &str) -> usize {
+        let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer(|c: char| c == self.c);
+        consumer.trim_start(hay)
+    }
+unsafe impl ReverseSearcher<str> for CharSearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let start = range.start;
+        let mut bytes = hay[range].as_bytes();
+        loop {
+            let index = memrchr(self.last_byte(), bytes)? + 1;
+            if index >= self.utf8_size {
+                let found = &bytes[(index - self.utf8_size)..index];
+                if found == self.as_bytes() {
+                    let index = index + start;
+                    return Some((index - self.utf8_size)..index);
+                }
+            }
+            bytes = &bytes[..(index - 1)];
+        }
+    }
+unsafe impl ReverseConsumer<str> for CharSearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<usize> {
+        if self.utf8_size == 1 {
+            let mut consumer = Needle::<&[u8]>::into_consumer(|b: &u8| *b == self.c as u8);
+            consumer.rconsume(span.as_bytes())
+        } else {
+            let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer(|c: char| c == self.c);
+            consumer.rconsume(span)
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, haystack: &str) -> usize {
+        let mut consumer = Needle::<&str>::into_consumer(|c: char| c == self.c);
+        consumer.trim_end(haystack)
+    }
+unsafe impl DoubleEndedSearcher<str> for CharSearcher {}
+unsafe impl DoubleEndedConsumer<str> for CharSearcher {}
+impl<H: Haystack<Target = str>> Needle<H> for char {
+    type Searcher = CharSearcher;
+    type Consumer = CharSearcher;
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        CharSearcher::new(self)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        CharSearcher::new(self)
+    }
+// String searcher
+unsafe impl<'p> Searcher<str> for TwoWaySearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        self.next(hay.as_bytes(), range)
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseSearcher<str> for TwoWaySearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        self.next_back(hay.as_bytes(), range)
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p> Consumer<str> for NaiveSearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<usize> {
+        self.consume(span.as_bytes())
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &str) -> usize {
+        self.trim_start(hay.as_bytes())
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseConsumer<str> for NaiveSearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&str>) -> Option<usize> {
+        self.rconsume(span.as_bytes())
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, hay: &str) -> usize {
+        self.trim_end(hay.as_bytes())
+    }
+macro_rules! impl_needle_for_str_searcher {
+    (<[$($gen:tt)*]> for $pat:ty) => {
+        impl<$($gen)*, H: Haystack<Target = str>> Needle<H> for $pat {
+            type Searcher = SliceSearcher<'p, u8>;
+            type Consumer = NaiveSearcher<'p, u8>;
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+                SliceSearcher::new(self.as_bytes())
+            }
+            #[inline]
+            fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+                NaiveSearcher::new(self.as_bytes())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl_needle_for_str_searcher!(<['p]> for &'p str);
+impl_needle_for_str_searcher!(<['q, 'p]> for &'q &'p str);
diff --git a/src/libcore/str/pattern.rs b/src/libcore/str/pattern.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9d956fda1c8..0000000000000
--- a/src/libcore/str/pattern.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1402 +0,0 @@
-//! The string Pattern API.
-//! For more details, see the traits [`Pattern`], [`Searcher`],
-//! [`ReverseSearcher`], and [`DoubleEndedSearcher`].
-#![unstable(feature = "pattern",
-            reason = "API not fully fleshed out and ready to be stabilized",
-            issue = "27721")]
-use crate::cmp;
-use crate::fmt;
-use crate::slice::memchr;
-use crate::usize;
-// Pattern
-/// A string pattern.
-/// A `Pattern<'a>` expresses that the implementing type
-/// can be used as a string pattern for searching in a `&'a str`.
-/// For example, both `'a'` and `"aa"` are patterns that
-/// would match at index `1` in the string `"baaaab"`.
-/// The trait itself acts as a builder for an associated
-/// `Searcher` type, which does the actual work of finding
-/// occurrences of the pattern in a string.
-pub trait Pattern<'a>: Sized {
-    /// Associated searcher for this pattern
-    type Searcher: Searcher<'a>;
-    /// Constructs the associated searcher from
-    /// `self` and the `haystack` to search in.
-    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'a str) -> Self::Searcher;
-    /// Checks whether the pattern matches anywhere in the haystack
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_contained_in(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        self.into_searcher(haystack).next_match().is_some()
-    }
-    /// Checks whether the pattern matches at the front of the haystack
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_prefix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        match self.into_searcher(haystack).next() {
-            SearchStep::Match(0, _) => true,
-            _ => false,
-        }
-    }
-    /// Checks whether the pattern matches at the back of the haystack
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_suffix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool
-        where Self::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-    {
-        match self.into_searcher(haystack).next_back() {
-            SearchStep::Match(_, j) if haystack.len() == j => true,
-            _ => false,
-        }
-    }
-// Searcher
-/// Result of calling `Searcher::next()` or `ReverseSearcher::next_back()`.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
-pub enum SearchStep {
-    /// Expresses that a match of the pattern has been found at
-    /// `haystack[a..b]`.
-    Match(usize, usize),
-    /// Expresses that `haystack[a..b]` has been rejected as a possible match
-    /// of the pattern.
-    ///
-    /// Note that there might be more than one `Reject` between two `Match`es,
-    /// there is no requirement for them to be combined into one.
-    Reject(usize, usize),
-    /// Expresses that every byte of the haystack has been visited, ending
-    /// the iteration.
-    Done
-/// A searcher for a string pattern.
-/// This trait provides methods for searching for non-overlapping
-/// matches of a pattern starting from the front (left) of a string.
-/// It will be implemented by associated `Searcher`
-/// types of the `Pattern` trait.
-/// The trait is marked unsafe because the indices returned by the
-/// `next()` methods are required to lie on valid utf8 boundaries in
-/// the haystack. This enables consumers of this trait to
-/// slice the haystack without additional runtime checks.
-pub unsafe trait Searcher<'a> {
-    /// Getter for the underlying string to be searched in
-    ///
-    /// Will always return the same `&str`
-    fn haystack(&self) -> &'a str;
-    /// Performs the next search step starting from the front.
-    ///
-    /// - Returns `Match(a, b)` if `haystack[a..b]` matches the pattern.
-    /// - Returns `Reject(a, b)` if `haystack[a..b]` can not match the
-    ///   pattern, even partially.
-    /// - Returns `Done` if every byte of the haystack has been visited
-    ///
-    /// The stream of `Match` and `Reject` values up to a `Done`
-    /// will contain index ranges that are adjacent, non-overlapping,
-    /// covering the whole haystack, and laying on utf8 boundaries.
-    ///
-    /// A `Match` result needs to contain the whole matched pattern,
-    /// however `Reject` results may be split up into arbitrary
-    /// many adjacent fragments. Both ranges may have zero length.
-    ///
-    /// As an example, the pattern `"aaa"` and the haystack `"cbaaaaab"`
-    /// might produce the stream
-    /// `[Reject(0, 1), Reject(1, 2), Match(2, 5), Reject(5, 8)]`
-    fn next(&mut self) -> SearchStep;
-    /// Finds the next `Match` result. See `next()`
-    ///
-    /// Unlike next(), there is no guarantee that the returned ranges
-    /// of this and next_reject will overlap. This will return (start_match, end_match),
-    /// where start_match is the index of where the match begins, and end_match is
-    /// the index after the end of the match.
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-        loop {
-            match self.next() {
-                SearchStep::Match(a, b) => return Some((a, b)),
-                SearchStep::Done => return None,
-                _ => continue,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /// Finds the next `Reject` result. See `next()` and `next_match()`
-    ///
-    /// Unlike next(), there is no guarantee that the returned ranges
-    /// of this and next_match will overlap.
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_reject(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-        loop {
-            match self.next() {
-                SearchStep::Reject(a, b) => return Some((a, b)),
-                SearchStep::Done => return None,
-                _ => continue,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/// A reverse searcher for a string pattern.
-/// This trait provides methods for searching for non-overlapping
-/// matches of a pattern starting from the back (right) of a string.
-/// It will be implemented by associated `Searcher`
-/// types of the `Pattern` trait if the pattern supports searching
-/// for it from the back.
-/// The index ranges returned by this trait are not required
-/// to exactly match those of the forward search in reverse.
-/// For the reason why this trait is marked unsafe, see them
-/// parent trait `Searcher`.
-pub unsafe trait ReverseSearcher<'a>: Searcher<'a> {
-    /// Performs the next search step starting from the back.
-    ///
-    /// - Returns `Match(a, b)` if `haystack[a..b]` matches the pattern.
-    /// - Returns `Reject(a, b)` if `haystack[a..b]` can not match the
-    ///   pattern, even partially.
-    /// - Returns `Done` if every byte of the haystack has been visited
-    ///
-    /// The stream of `Match` and `Reject` values up to a `Done`
-    /// will contain index ranges that are adjacent, non-overlapping,
-    /// covering the whole haystack, and laying on utf8 boundaries.
-    ///
-    /// A `Match` result needs to contain the whole matched pattern,
-    /// however `Reject` results may be split up into arbitrary
-    /// many adjacent fragments. Both ranges may have zero length.
-    ///
-    /// As an example, the pattern `"aaa"` and the haystack `"cbaaaaab"`
-    /// might produce the stream
-    /// `[Reject(7, 8), Match(4, 7), Reject(1, 4), Reject(0, 1)]`
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> SearchStep;
-    /// Finds the next `Match` result. See `next_back()`
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_match_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)>{
-        loop {
-            match self.next_back() {
-                SearchStep::Match(a, b) => return Some((a, b)),
-                SearchStep::Done => return None,
-                _ => continue,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /// Finds the next `Reject` result. See `next_back()`
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_reject_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)>{
-        loop {
-            match self.next_back() {
-                SearchStep::Reject(a, b) => return Some((a, b)),
-                SearchStep::Done => return None,
-                _ => continue,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/// A marker trait to express that a `ReverseSearcher`
-/// can be used for a `DoubleEndedIterator` implementation.
-/// For this, the impl of `Searcher` and `ReverseSearcher` need
-/// to follow these conditions:
-/// - All results of `next()` need to be identical
-///   to the results of `next_back()` in reverse order.
-/// - `next()` and `next_back()` need to behave as
-///   the two ends of a range of values, that is they
-///   can not "walk past each other".
-/// # Examples
-/// `char::Searcher` is a `DoubleEndedSearcher` because searching for a
-/// `char` only requires looking at one at a time, which behaves the same
-/// from both ends.
-/// `(&str)::Searcher` is not a `DoubleEndedSearcher` because
-/// the pattern `"aa"` in the haystack `"aaa"` matches as either
-/// `"[aa]a"` or `"a[aa]"`, depending from which side it is searched.
-pub trait DoubleEndedSearcher<'a>: ReverseSearcher<'a> {}
-// Impl for char
-/// Associated type for `<char as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher`.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct CharSearcher<'a> {
-    haystack: &'a str,
-    // safety invariant: `finger`/`finger_back` must be a valid utf8 byte index of `haystack`
-    // This invariant can be broken *within* next_match and next_match_back, however
-    // they must exit with fingers on valid code point boundaries.
-    /// `finger` is the current byte index of the forward search.
-    /// Imagine that it exists before the byte at its index, i.e.
-    /// `haystack[finger]` is the first byte of the slice we must inspect during
-    /// forward searching
-    finger: usize,
-    /// `finger_back` is the current byte index of the reverse search.
-    /// Imagine that it exists after the byte at its index, i.e.
-    /// haystack[finger_back - 1] is the last byte of the slice we must inspect during
-    /// forward searching (and thus the first byte to be inspected when calling next_back())
-    finger_back: usize,
-    /// The character being searched for
-    needle: char,
-    // safety invariant: `utf8_size` must be less than 5
-    /// The number of bytes `needle` takes up when encoded in utf8
-    utf8_size: usize,
-    /// A utf8 encoded copy of the `needle`
-    utf8_encoded: [u8; 4],
-unsafe impl<'a> Searcher<'a> for CharSearcher<'a> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn haystack(&self) -> &'a str {
-        self.haystack
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-        let old_finger = self.finger;
-        let slice = unsafe { self.haystack.get_unchecked(old_finger..self.finger_back) };
-        let mut iter = slice.chars();
-        let old_len = iter.iter.len();
-        if let Some(ch) = iter.next() {
-            // add byte offset of current character
-            // without re-encoding as utf-8
-            self.finger += old_len - iter.iter.len();
-            if ch == self.needle {
-                SearchStep::Match(old_finger, self.finger)
-            } else {
-                SearchStep::Reject(old_finger, self.finger)
-            }
-        } else {
-            SearchStep::Done
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-        loop {
-            // get the haystack after the last character found
-            let bytes = if let Some(slice) = self.haystack.as_bytes()
-                                                 .get(self.finger..self.finger_back) {
-                slice
-            } else {
-                return None;
-            };
-            // the last byte of the utf8 encoded needle
-            let last_byte = unsafe { *self.utf8_encoded.get_unchecked(self.utf8_size - 1) };
-            if let Some(index) = memchr::memchr(last_byte, bytes) {
-                // The new finger is the index of the byte we found,
-                // plus one, since we memchr'd for the last byte of the character.
-                //
-                // Note that this doesn't always give us a finger on a UTF8 boundary.
-                // If we *didn't* find our character
-                // we may have indexed to the non-last byte of a 3-byte or 4-byte character.
-                // We can't just skip to the next valid starting byte because a character like
-                // ꁁ (U+A041 YI SYLLABLE PA), utf-8 `EA 81 81` will have us always find
-                // the second byte when searching for the third.
-                //
-                // However, this is totally okay. While we have the invariant that
-                // self.finger is on a UTF8 boundary, this invariant is not relied upon
-                // within this method (it is relied upon in CharSearcher::next()).
-                //
-                // We only exit this method when we reach the end of the string, or if we
-                // find something. When we find something the `finger` will be set
-                // to a UTF8 boundary.
-                self.finger += index + 1;
-                if self.finger >= self.utf8_size {
-                    let found_char = self.finger - self.utf8_size;
-                    if let Some(slice) = self.haystack.as_bytes().get(found_char..self.finger) {
-                        if slice == &self.utf8_encoded[0..self.utf8_size] {
-                            return Some((found_char, self.finger));
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                // found nothing, exit
-                self.finger = self.finger_back;
-                return None;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // let next_reject use the default implementation from the Searcher trait
-unsafe impl<'a> ReverseSearcher<'a> for CharSearcher<'a> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-        let old_finger = self.finger_back;
-        let slice = unsafe { self.haystack.get_unchecked(self.finger..old_finger) };
-        let mut iter = slice.chars();
-        let old_len = iter.iter.len();
-        if let Some(ch) = iter.next_back() {
-            // subtract byte offset of current character
-            // without re-encoding as utf-8
-            self.finger_back -= old_len - iter.iter.len();
-            if ch == self.needle {
-                SearchStep::Match(self.finger_back, old_finger)
-            } else {
-                SearchStep::Reject(self.finger_back, old_finger)
-            }
-        } else {
-            SearchStep::Done
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_match_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-        let haystack = self.haystack.as_bytes();
-        loop {
-            // get the haystack up to but not including the last character searched
-            let bytes = if let Some(slice) = haystack.get(self.finger..self.finger_back) {
-                slice
-            } else {
-                return None;
-            };
-            // the last byte of the utf8 encoded needle
-            let last_byte = unsafe { *self.utf8_encoded.get_unchecked(self.utf8_size - 1) };
-            if let Some(index) = memchr::memrchr(last_byte, bytes) {
-                // we searched a slice that was offset by self.finger,
-                // add self.finger to recoup the original index
-                let index = self.finger + index;
-                // memrchr will return the index of the byte we wish to
-                // find. In case of an ASCII character, this is indeed
-                // were we wish our new finger to be ("after" the found
-                // char in the paradigm of reverse iteration). For
-                // multibyte chars we need to skip down by the number of more
-                // bytes they have than ASCII
-                let shift = self.utf8_size - 1;
-                if index >= shift {
-                    let found_char = index - shift;
-                    if let Some(slice) = haystack.get(found_char..(found_char + self.utf8_size)) {
-                        if slice == &self.utf8_encoded[0..self.utf8_size] {
-                            // move finger to before the character found (i.e., at its start index)
-                            self.finger_back = found_char;
-                            return Some((self.finger_back, self.finger_back + self.utf8_size));
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // We can't use finger_back = index - size + 1 here. If we found the last char
-                // of a different-sized character (or the middle byte of a different character)
-                // we need to bump the finger_back down to `index`. This similarly makes
-                // `finger_back` have the potential to no longer be on a boundary,
-                // but this is OK since we only exit this function on a boundary
-                // or when the haystack has been searched completely.
-                //
-                // Unlike next_match this does not
-                // have the problem of repeated bytes in utf-8 because
-                // we're searching for the last byte, and we can only have
-                // found the last byte when searching in reverse.
-                self.finger_back = index;
-            } else {
-                self.finger_back = self.finger;
-                // found nothing, exit
-                return None;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // let next_reject_back use the default implementation from the Searcher trait
-impl<'a> DoubleEndedSearcher<'a> for CharSearcher<'a> {}
-/// Searches for chars that are equal to a given char
-impl<'a> Pattern<'a> for char {
-    type Searcher = CharSearcher<'a>;
-    #[inline]
-    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'a str) -> Self::Searcher {
-        let mut utf8_encoded = [0; 4];
-        let utf8_size = self.encode_utf8(&mut utf8_encoded).len();
-        CharSearcher {
-            haystack,
-            finger: 0,
-            finger_back: haystack.len(),
-            needle: self,
-            utf8_size,
-            utf8_encoded
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_contained_in(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        if (self as u32) < 128 {
-            haystack.as_bytes().contains(&(self as u8))
-        } else {
-            let mut buffer = [0u8; 4];
-            self.encode_utf8(&mut buffer).is_contained_in(haystack)
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_prefix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        if let Some(ch) = haystack.chars().next() {
-            self == ch
-        } else {
-            false
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_suffix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool where Self::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-    {
-        if let Some(ch) = haystack.chars().next_back() {
-            self == ch
-        } else {
-            false
-        }
-    }
-// Impl for a MultiCharEq wrapper
-trait MultiCharEq {
-    fn matches(&mut self, c: char) -> bool;
-impl<F> MultiCharEq for F where F: FnMut(char) -> bool {
-    #[inline]
-    fn matches(&mut self, c: char) -> bool { (*self)(c) }
-impl MultiCharEq for &[char] {
-    #[inline]
-    fn matches(&mut self, c: char) -> bool {
-        self.iter().any(|&m| { m == c })
-    }
-struct MultiCharEqPattern<C: MultiCharEq>(C);
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct MultiCharEqSearcher<'a, C: MultiCharEq> {
-    char_eq: C,
-    haystack: &'a str,
-    char_indices: super::CharIndices<'a>,
-impl<'a, C: MultiCharEq> Pattern<'a> for MultiCharEqPattern<C> {
-    type Searcher = MultiCharEqSearcher<'a, C>;
-    #[inline]
-    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'a str) -> MultiCharEqSearcher<'a, C> {
-        MultiCharEqSearcher {
-            haystack,
-            char_eq: self.0,
-            char_indices: haystack.char_indices(),
-        }
-    }
-unsafe impl<'a, C: MultiCharEq> Searcher<'a> for MultiCharEqSearcher<'a, C> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn haystack(&self) -> &'a str {
-        self.haystack
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-        let s = &mut self.char_indices;
-        // Compare lengths of the internal byte slice iterator
-        // to find length of current char
-        let pre_len = s.iter.iter.len();
-        if let Some((i, c)) = s.next() {
-            let len = s.iter.iter.len();
-            let char_len = pre_len - len;
-            if self.char_eq.matches(c) {
-                return SearchStep::Match(i, i + char_len);
-            } else {
-                return SearchStep::Reject(i, i + char_len);
-            }
-        }
-        SearchStep::Done
-    }
-unsafe impl<'a, C: MultiCharEq> ReverseSearcher<'a> for MultiCharEqSearcher<'a, C> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-        let s = &mut self.char_indices;
-        // Compare lengths of the internal byte slice iterator
-        // to find length of current char
-        let pre_len = s.iter.iter.len();
-        if let Some((i, c)) = s.next_back() {
-            let len = s.iter.iter.len();
-            let char_len = pre_len - len;
-            if self.char_eq.matches(c) {
-                return SearchStep::Match(i, i + char_len);
-            } else {
-                return SearchStep::Reject(i, i + char_len);
-            }
-        }
-        SearchStep::Done
-    }
-impl<'a, C: MultiCharEq> DoubleEndedSearcher<'a> for MultiCharEqSearcher<'a, C> {}
-macro_rules! pattern_methods {
-    ($t:ty, $pmap:expr, $smap:expr) => {
-        type Searcher = $t;
-        #[inline]
-        fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'a str) -> $t {
-            ($smap)(($pmap)(self).into_searcher(haystack))
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn is_contained_in(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-            ($pmap)(self).is_contained_in(haystack)
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn is_prefix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-            ($pmap)(self).is_prefix_of(haystack)
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn is_suffix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool
-            where $t: ReverseSearcher<'a>
-        {
-            ($pmap)(self).is_suffix_of(haystack)
-        }
-    }
-macro_rules! searcher_methods {
-    (forward) => {
-        #[inline]
-        fn haystack(&self) -> &'a str {
-            self.0.haystack()
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn next(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-            self.0.next()
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-            self.0.next_match()
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn next_reject(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-            self.0.next_reject()
-        }
-    };
-    (reverse) => {
-        #[inline]
-        fn next_back(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-            self.0.next_back()
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn next_match_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-            self.0.next_match_back()
-        }
-        #[inline]
-        fn next_reject_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-            self.0.next_reject_back()
-        }
-    }
-// Impl for &[char]
-// Todo: Change / Remove due to ambiguity in meaning.
-/// Associated type for `<&[char] as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher`.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct CharSliceSearcher<'a, 'b>(<MultiCharEqPattern<&'b [char]> as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher);
-unsafe impl<'a, 'b> Searcher<'a> for CharSliceSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-    searcher_methods!(forward);
-unsafe impl<'a, 'b> ReverseSearcher<'a> for CharSliceSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-    searcher_methods!(reverse);
-impl<'a, 'b> DoubleEndedSearcher<'a> for CharSliceSearcher<'a, 'b> {}
-/// Searches for chars that are equal to any of the chars in the array
-impl<'a, 'b> Pattern<'a> for &'b [char] {
-    pattern_methods!(CharSliceSearcher<'a, 'b>, MultiCharEqPattern, CharSliceSearcher);
-// Impl for F: FnMut(char) -> bool
-/// Associated type for `<F as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher`.
-pub struct CharPredicateSearcher<'a, F>(<MultiCharEqPattern<F> as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher)
-    where F: FnMut(char) -> bool;
-impl<F> fmt::Debug for CharPredicateSearcher<'_, F>
-    where F: FnMut(char) -> bool
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        f.debug_struct("CharPredicateSearcher")
-            .field("haystack", &self.0.haystack)
-            .field("char_indices", &self.0.char_indices)
-            .finish()
-    }
-unsafe impl<'a, F> Searcher<'a> for CharPredicateSearcher<'a, F>
-    where F: FnMut(char) -> bool
-    searcher_methods!(forward);
-unsafe impl<'a, F> ReverseSearcher<'a> for CharPredicateSearcher<'a, F>
-    where F: FnMut(char) -> bool
-    searcher_methods!(reverse);
-impl<'a, F> DoubleEndedSearcher<'a> for CharPredicateSearcher<'a, F>
-    where F: FnMut(char) -> bool {}
-/// Searches for chars that match the given predicate
-impl<'a, F> Pattern<'a> for F where F: FnMut(char) -> bool {
-    pattern_methods!(CharPredicateSearcher<'a, F>, MultiCharEqPattern, CharPredicateSearcher);
-// Impl for &&str
-/// Delegates to the `&str` impl.
-impl<'a, 'b, 'c> Pattern<'a> for &'c &'b str {
-    pattern_methods!(StrSearcher<'a, 'b>, |&s| s, |s| s);
-// Impl for &str
-/// Non-allocating substring search.
-/// Will handle the pattern `""` as returning empty matches at each character
-/// boundary.
-impl<'a, 'b> Pattern<'a> for &'b str {
-    type Searcher = StrSearcher<'a, 'b>;
-    #[inline]
-    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'a str) -> StrSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-        StrSearcher::new(haystack, self)
-    }
-    /// Checks whether the pattern matches at the front of the haystack
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_prefix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        haystack.is_char_boundary(self.len()) &&
-            self == &haystack[..self.len()]
-    }
-    /// Checks whether the pattern matches at the back of the haystack
-    #[inline]
-    fn is_suffix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool {
-        self.len() <= haystack.len() &&
-            haystack.is_char_boundary(haystack.len() - self.len()) &&
-            self == &haystack[haystack.len() - self.len()..]
-    }
-// Two Way substring searcher
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-/// Associated type for `<&str as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher`.
-pub struct StrSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-    haystack: &'a str,
-    needle: &'b str,
-    searcher: StrSearcherImpl,
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-enum StrSearcherImpl {
-    Empty(EmptyNeedle),
-    TwoWay(TwoWaySearcher),
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct EmptyNeedle {
-    position: usize,
-    end: usize,
-    is_match_fw: bool,
-    is_match_bw: bool,
-impl<'a, 'b> StrSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-    fn new(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str) -> StrSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-        if needle.is_empty() {
-            StrSearcher {
-                haystack,
-                needle,
-                searcher: StrSearcherImpl::Empty(EmptyNeedle {
-                    position: 0,
-                    end: haystack.len(),
-                    is_match_fw: true,
-                    is_match_bw: true,
-                }),
-            }
-        } else {
-            StrSearcher {
-                haystack,
-                needle,
-                searcher: StrSearcherImpl::TwoWay(
-                    TwoWaySearcher::new(needle.as_bytes(), haystack.len())
-                ),
-            }
-        }
-    }
-unsafe impl<'a, 'b> Searcher<'a> for StrSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn haystack(&self) -> &'a str {
-        self.haystack
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-        match self.searcher {
-            StrSearcherImpl::Empty(ref mut searcher) => {
-                // empty needle rejects every char and matches every empty string between them
-                let is_match = searcher.is_match_fw;
-                searcher.is_match_fw = !searcher.is_match_fw;
-                let pos = searcher.position;
-                match self.haystack[pos..].chars().next() {
-                    _ if is_match => SearchStep::Match(pos, pos),
-                    None => SearchStep::Done,
-                    Some(ch) => {
-                        searcher.position += ch.len_utf8();
-                        SearchStep::Reject(pos, searcher.position)
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            StrSearcherImpl::TwoWay(ref mut searcher) => {
-                // TwoWaySearcher produces valid *Match* indices that split at char boundaries
-                // as long as it does correct matching and that haystack and needle are
-                // valid UTF-8
-                // *Rejects* from the algorithm can fall on any indices, but we will walk them
-                // manually to the next character boundary, so that they are utf-8 safe.
-                if searcher.position == self.haystack.len() {
-                    return SearchStep::Done;
-                }
-                let is_long = searcher.memory == usize::MAX;
-                match searcher.next::<RejectAndMatch>(self.haystack.as_bytes(),
-                                                      self.needle.as_bytes(),
-                                                      is_long)
-                {
-                    SearchStep::Reject(a, mut b) => {
-                        // skip to next char boundary
-                        while !self.haystack.is_char_boundary(b) {
-                            b += 1;
-                        }
-                        searcher.position = cmp::max(b, searcher.position);
-                        SearchStep::Reject(a, b)
-                    }
-                    otherwise => otherwise,
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-        match self.searcher {
-            StrSearcherImpl::Empty(..) => {
-                loop {
-                    match self.next() {
-                        SearchStep::Match(a, b) => return Some((a, b)),
-                        SearchStep::Done => return None,
-                        SearchStep::Reject(..) => { }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            StrSearcherImpl::TwoWay(ref mut searcher) => {
-                let is_long = searcher.memory == usize::MAX;
-                // write out `true` and `false` cases to encourage the compiler
-                // to specialize the two cases separately.
-                if is_long {
-                    searcher.next::<MatchOnly>(self.haystack.as_bytes(),
-                                               self.needle.as_bytes(),
-                                               true)
-                } else {
-                    searcher.next::<MatchOnly>(self.haystack.as_bytes(),
-                                               self.needle.as_bytes(),
-                                               false)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-unsafe impl<'a, 'b> ReverseSearcher<'a> for StrSearcher<'a, 'b> {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> SearchStep {
-        match self.searcher {
-            StrSearcherImpl::Empty(ref mut searcher) => {
-                let is_match = searcher.is_match_bw;
-                searcher.is_match_bw = !searcher.is_match_bw;
-                let end = searcher.end;
-                match self.haystack[..end].chars().next_back() {
-                    _ if is_match => SearchStep::Match(end, end),
-                    None => SearchStep::Done,
-                    Some(ch) => {
-                        searcher.end -= ch.len_utf8();
-                        SearchStep::Reject(searcher.end, end)
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            StrSearcherImpl::TwoWay(ref mut searcher) => {
-                if searcher.end == 0 {
-                    return SearchStep::Done;
-                }
-                let is_long = searcher.memory == usize::MAX;
-                match searcher.next_back::<RejectAndMatch>(self.haystack.as_bytes(),
-                                                           self.needle.as_bytes(),
-                                                           is_long)
-                {
-                    SearchStep::Reject(mut a, b) => {
-                        // skip to next char boundary
-                        while !self.haystack.is_char_boundary(a) {
-                            a -= 1;
-                        }
-                        searcher.end = cmp::min(a, searcher.end);
-                        SearchStep::Reject(a, b)
-                    }
-                    otherwise => otherwise,
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_match_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
-        match self.searcher {
-            StrSearcherImpl::Empty(..) => {
-                loop {
-                    match self.next_back() {
-                        SearchStep::Match(a, b) => return Some((a, b)),
-                        SearchStep::Done => return None,
-                        SearchStep::Reject(..) => { }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            StrSearcherImpl::TwoWay(ref mut searcher) => {
-                let is_long = searcher.memory == usize::MAX;
-                // write out `true` and `false`, like `next_match`
-                if is_long {
-                    searcher.next_back::<MatchOnly>(self.haystack.as_bytes(),
-                                                    self.needle.as_bytes(),
-                                                    true)
-                } else {
-                    searcher.next_back::<MatchOnly>(self.haystack.as_bytes(),
-                                                    self.needle.as_bytes(),
-                                                    false)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/// The internal state of the two-way substring search algorithm.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct TwoWaySearcher {
-    // constants
-    /// critical factorization index
-    crit_pos: usize,
-    /// critical factorization index for reversed needle
-    crit_pos_back: usize,
-    period: usize,
-    /// `byteset` is an extension (not part of the two way algorithm);
-    /// it's a 64-bit "fingerprint" where each set bit `j` corresponds
-    /// to a (byte & 63) == j present in the needle.
-    byteset: u64,
-    // variables
-    position: usize,
-    end: usize,
-    /// index into needle before which we have already matched
-    memory: usize,
-    /// index into needle after which we have already matched
-    memory_back: usize,
-    This is the Two-Way search algorithm, which was introduced in the paper:
-    Crochemore, M., Perrin, D., 1991, Two-way string-matching, Journal of the ACM 38(3):651-675.
-    Here's some background information.
-    A *word* is a string of symbols. The *length* of a word should be a familiar
-    notion, and here we denote it for any word x by |x|.
-    (We also allow for the possibility of the *empty word*, a word of length zero).
-    If x is any non-empty word, then an integer p with 0 < p <= |x| is said to be a
-    *period* for x iff for all i with 0 <= i <= |x| - p - 1, we have x[i] == x[i+p].
-    For example, both 1 and 2 are periods for the string "aa". As another example,
-    the only period of the string "abcd" is 4.
-    We denote by period(x) the *smallest* period of x (provided that x is non-empty).
-    This is always well-defined since every non-empty word x has at least one period,
-    |x|. We sometimes call this *the period* of x.
-    If u, v and x are words such that x = uv, where uv is the concatenation of u and
-    v, then we say that (u, v) is a *factorization* of x.
-    Let (u, v) be a factorization for a word x. Then if w is a non-empty word such
-    that both of the following hold
-      - either w is a suffix of u or u is a suffix of w
-      - either w is a prefix of v or v is a prefix of w
-    then w is said to be a *repetition* for the factorization (u, v).
-    Just to unpack this, there are four possibilities here. Let w = "abc". Then we
-    might have:
-      - w is a suffix of u and w is a prefix of v. ex: ("lolabc", "abcde")
-      - w is a suffix of u and v is a prefix of w. ex: ("lolabc", "ab")
-      - u is a suffix of w and w is a prefix of v. ex: ("bc", "abchi")
-      - u is a suffix of w and v is a prefix of w. ex: ("bc", "a")
-    Note that the word vu is a repetition for any factorization (u,v) of x = uv,
-    so every factorization has at least one repetition.
-    If x is a string and (u, v) is a factorization for x, then a *local period* for
-    (u, v) is an integer r such that there is some word w such that |w| = r and w is
-    a repetition for (u, v).
-    We denote by local_period(u, v) the smallest local period of (u, v). We sometimes
-    call this *the local period* of (u, v). Provided that x = uv is non-empty, this
-    is well-defined (because each non-empty word has at least one factorization, as
-    noted above).
-    It can be proven that the following is an equivalent definition of a local period
-    for a factorization (u, v): any positive integer r such that x[i] == x[i+r] for
-    all i such that |u| - r <= i <= |u| - 1 and such that both x[i] and x[i+r] are
-    defined. (i.e., i > 0 and i + r < |x|).
-    Using the above reformulation, it is easy to prove that
-        1 <= local_period(u, v) <= period(uv)
-    A factorization (u, v) of x such that local_period(u,v) = period(x) is called a
-    *critical factorization*.
-    The algorithm hinges on the following theorem, which is stated without proof:
-    **Critical Factorization Theorem** Any word x has at least one critical
-    factorization (u, v) such that |u| < period(x).
-    The purpose of maximal_suffix is to find such a critical factorization.
-    If the period is short, compute another factorization x = u' v' to use
-    for reverse search, chosen instead so that |v'| < period(x).
-impl TwoWaySearcher {
-    fn new(needle: &[u8], end: usize) -> TwoWaySearcher {
-        let (crit_pos_false, period_false) = TwoWaySearcher::maximal_suffix(needle, false);
-        let (crit_pos_true, period_true) = TwoWaySearcher::maximal_suffix(needle, true);
-        let (crit_pos, period) =
-            if crit_pos_false > crit_pos_true {
-                (crit_pos_false, period_false)
-            } else {
-                (crit_pos_true, period_true)
-            };
-        // A particularly readable explanation of what's going on here can be found
-        // in Crochemore and Rytter's book "Text Algorithms", ch 13. Specifically
-        // see the code for "Algorithm CP" on p. 323.
-        //
-        // What's going on is we have some critical factorization (u, v) of the
-        // needle, and we want to determine whether u is a suffix of
-        // &v[..period]. If it is, we use "Algorithm CP1". Otherwise we use
-        // "Algorithm CP2", which is optimized for when the period of the needle
-        // is large.
-        if &needle[..crit_pos] == &needle[period.. period + crit_pos] {
-            // short period case -- the period is exact
-            // compute a separate critical factorization for the reversed needle
-            // x = u' v' where |v'| < period(x).
-            //
-            // This is sped up by the period being known already.
-            // Note that a case like x = "acba" may be factored exactly forwards
-            // (crit_pos = 1, period = 3) while being factored with approximate
-            // period in reverse (crit_pos = 2, period = 2). We use the given
-            // reverse factorization but keep the exact period.
-            let crit_pos_back = needle.len() - cmp::max(
-                TwoWaySearcher::reverse_maximal_suffix(needle, period, false),
-                TwoWaySearcher::reverse_maximal_suffix(needle, period, true));
-            TwoWaySearcher {
-                crit_pos,
-                crit_pos_back,
-                period,
-                byteset: Self::byteset_create(&needle[..period]),
-                position: 0,
-                end,
-                memory: 0,
-                memory_back: needle.len(),
-            }
-        } else {
-            // long period case -- we have an approximation to the actual period,
-            // and don't use memorization.
-            //
-            // Approximate the period by lower bound max(|u|, |v|) + 1.
-            // The critical factorization is efficient to use for both forward and
-            // reverse search.
-            TwoWaySearcher {
-                crit_pos,
-                crit_pos_back: crit_pos,
-                period: cmp::max(crit_pos, needle.len() - crit_pos) + 1,
-                byteset: Self::byteset_create(needle),
-                position: 0,
-                end,
-                memory: usize::MAX, // Dummy value to signify that the period is long
-                memory_back: usize::MAX,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn byteset_create(bytes: &[u8]) -> u64 {
-        bytes.iter().fold(0, |a, &b| (1 << (b & 0x3f)) | a)
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn byteset_contains(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
-        (self.byteset >> ((byte & 0x3f) as usize)) & 1 != 0
-    }
-    // One of the main ideas of Two-Way is that we factorize the needle into
-    // two halves, (u, v), and begin trying to find v in the haystack by scanning
-    // left to right. If v matches, we try to match u by scanning right to left.
-    // How far we can jump when we encounter a mismatch is all based on the fact
-    // that (u, v) is a critical factorization for the needle.
-    #[inline]
-    fn next<S>(&mut self, haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8], long_period: bool)
-        -> S::Output
-        where S: TwoWayStrategy
-    {
-        // `next()` uses `self.position` as its cursor
-        let old_pos = self.position;
-        let needle_last = needle.len() - 1;
-        'search: loop {
-            // Check that we have room to search in
-            // position + needle_last can not overflow if we assume slices
-            // are bounded by isize's range.
-            let tail_byte = match haystack.get(self.position + needle_last) {
-                Some(&b) => b,
-                None => {
-                    self.position = haystack.len();
-                    return S::rejecting(old_pos, self.position);
-                }
-            };
-            if S::use_early_reject() && old_pos != self.position {
-                return S::rejecting(old_pos, self.position);
-            }
-            // Quickly skip by large portions unrelated to our substring
-            if !self.byteset_contains(tail_byte) {
-                self.position += needle.len();
-                if !long_period {
-                    self.memory = 0;
-                }
-                continue 'search;
-            }
-            // See if the right part of the needle matches
-            let start = if long_period { self.crit_pos }
-                        else { cmp::max(self.crit_pos, self.memory) };
-            for i in start..needle.len() {
-                if needle[i] != haystack[self.position + i] {
-                    self.position += i - self.crit_pos + 1;
-                    if !long_period {
-                        self.memory = 0;
-                    }
-                    continue 'search;
-                }
-            }
-            // See if the left part of the needle matches
-            let start = if long_period { 0 } else { self.memory };
-            for i in (start..self.crit_pos).rev() {
-                if needle[i] != haystack[self.position + i] {
-                    self.position += self.period;
-                    if !long_period {
-                        self.memory = needle.len() - self.period;
-                    }
-                    continue 'search;
-                }
-            }
-            // We have found a match!
-            let match_pos = self.position;
-            // Note: add self.period instead of needle.len() to have overlapping matches
-            self.position += needle.len();
-            if !long_period {
-                self.memory = 0; // set to needle.len() - self.period for overlapping matches
-            }
-            return S::matching(match_pos, match_pos + needle.len());
-        }
-    }
-    // Follows the ideas in `next()`.
-    //
-    // The definitions are symmetrical, with period(x) = period(reverse(x))
-    // and local_period(u, v) = local_period(reverse(v), reverse(u)), so if (u, v)
-    // is a critical factorization, so is (reverse(v), reverse(u)).
-    //
-    // For the reverse case we have computed a critical factorization x = u' v'
-    // (field `crit_pos_back`). We need |u| < period(x) for the forward case and
-    // thus |v'| < period(x) for the reverse.
-    //
-    // To search in reverse through the haystack, we search forward through
-    // a reversed haystack with a reversed needle, matching first u' and then v'.
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_back<S>(&mut self, haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8], long_period: bool)
-        -> S::Output
-        where S: TwoWayStrategy
-    {
-        // `next_back()` uses `self.end` as its cursor -- so that `next()` and `next_back()`
-        // are independent.
-        let old_end = self.end;
-        'search: loop {
-            // Check that we have room to search in
-            // end - needle.len() will wrap around when there is no more room,
-            // but due to slice length limits it can never wrap all the way back
-            // into the length of haystack.
-            let front_byte = match haystack.get(self.end.wrapping_sub(needle.len())) {
-                Some(&b) => b,
-                None => {
-                    self.end = 0;
-                    return S::rejecting(0, old_end);
-                }
-            };
-            if S::use_early_reject() && old_end != self.end {
-                return S::rejecting(self.end, old_end);
-            }
-            // Quickly skip by large portions unrelated to our substring
-            if !self.byteset_contains(front_byte) {
-                self.end -= needle.len();
-                if !long_period {
-                    self.memory_back = needle.len();
-                }
-                continue 'search;
-            }
-            // See if the left part of the needle matches
-            let crit = if long_period { self.crit_pos_back }
-                       else { cmp::min(self.crit_pos_back, self.memory_back) };
-            for i in (0..crit).rev() {
-                if needle[i] != haystack[self.end - needle.len() + i] {
-                    self.end -= self.crit_pos_back - i;
-                    if !long_period {
-                        self.memory_back = needle.len();
-                    }
-                    continue 'search;
-                }
-            }
-            // See if the right part of the needle matches
-            let needle_end = if long_period { needle.len() }
-                             else { self.memory_back };
-            for i in self.crit_pos_back..needle_end {
-                if needle[i] != haystack[self.end - needle.len() + i] {
-                    self.end -= self.period;
-                    if !long_period {
-                        self.memory_back = self.period;
-                    }
-                    continue 'search;
-                }
-            }
-            // We have found a match!
-            let match_pos = self.end - needle.len();
-            // Note: sub self.period instead of needle.len() to have overlapping matches
-            self.end -= needle.len();
-            if !long_period {
-                self.memory_back = needle.len();
-            }
-            return S::matching(match_pos, match_pos + needle.len());
-        }
-    }
-    // Compute the maximal suffix of `arr`.
-    //
-    // The maximal suffix is a possible critical factorization (u, v) of `arr`.
-    //
-    // Returns (`i`, `p`) where `i` is the starting index of v and `p` is the
-    // period of v.
-    //
-    // `order_greater` determines if lexical order is `<` or `>`. Both
-    // orders must be computed -- the ordering with the largest `i` gives
-    // a critical factorization.
-    //
-    // For long period cases, the resulting period is not exact (it is too short).
-    #[inline]
-    fn maximal_suffix(arr: &[u8], order_greater: bool) -> (usize, usize) {
-        let mut left = 0; // Corresponds to i in the paper
-        let mut right = 1; // Corresponds to j in the paper
-        let mut offset = 0; // Corresponds to k in the paper, but starting at 0
-                            // to match 0-based indexing.
-        let mut period = 1; // Corresponds to p in the paper
-        while let Some(&a) = arr.get(right + offset) {
-            // `left` will be inbounds when `right` is.
-            let b = arr[left + offset];
-            if (a < b && !order_greater) || (a > b && order_greater) {
-                // Suffix is smaller, period is entire prefix so far.
-                right += offset + 1;
-                offset = 0;
-                period = right - left;
-            } else if a == b {
-                // Advance through repetition of the current period.
-                if offset + 1 == period {
-                    right += offset + 1;
-                    offset = 0;
-                } else {
-                    offset += 1;
-                }
-            } else {
-                // Suffix is larger, start over from current location.
-                left = right;
-                right += 1;
-                offset = 0;
-                period = 1;
-            }
-        }
-        (left, period)
-    }
-    // Compute the maximal suffix of the reverse of `arr`.
-    //
-    // The maximal suffix is a possible critical factorization (u', v') of `arr`.
-    //
-    // Returns `i` where `i` is the starting index of v', from the back;
-    // returns immediately when a period of `known_period` is reached.
-    //
-    // `order_greater` determines if lexical order is `<` or `>`. Both
-    // orders must be computed -- the ordering with the largest `i` gives
-    // a critical factorization.
-    //
-    // For long period cases, the resulting period is not exact (it is too short).
-    fn reverse_maximal_suffix(arr: &[u8], known_period: usize,
-                              order_greater: bool) -> usize
-    {
-        let mut left = 0; // Corresponds to i in the paper
-        let mut right = 1; // Corresponds to j in the paper
-        let mut offset = 0; // Corresponds to k in the paper, but starting at 0
-                            // to match 0-based indexing.
-        let mut period = 1; // Corresponds to p in the paper
-        let n = arr.len();
-        while right + offset < n {
-            let a = arr[n - (1 + right + offset)];
-            let b = arr[n - (1 + left + offset)];
-            if (a < b && !order_greater) || (a > b && order_greater) {
-                // Suffix is smaller, period is entire prefix so far.
-                right += offset + 1;
-                offset = 0;
-                period = right - left;
-            } else if a == b {
-                // Advance through repetition of the current period.
-                if offset + 1 == period {
-                    right += offset + 1;
-                    offset = 0;
-                } else {
-                    offset += 1;
-                }
-            } else {
-                // Suffix is larger, start over from current location.
-                left = right;
-                right += 1;
-                offset = 0;
-                period = 1;
-            }
-            if period == known_period {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        debug_assert!(period <= known_period);
-        left
-    }
-// TwoWayStrategy allows the algorithm to either skip non-matches as quickly
-// as possible, or to work in a mode where it emits Rejects relatively quickly.
-trait TwoWayStrategy {
-    type Output;
-    fn use_early_reject() -> bool;
-    fn rejecting(a: usize, b: usize) -> Self::Output;
-    fn matching(a: usize, b: usize) -> Self::Output;
-/// Skip to match intervals as quickly as possible
-enum MatchOnly { }
-impl TwoWayStrategy for MatchOnly {
-    type Output = Option<(usize, usize)>;
-    #[inline]
-    fn use_early_reject() -> bool { false }
-    #[inline]
-    fn rejecting(_a: usize, _b: usize) -> Self::Output { None }
-    #[inline]
-    fn matching(a: usize, b: usize) -> Self::Output { Some((a, b)) }
-/// Emit Rejects regularly
-enum RejectAndMatch { }
-impl TwoWayStrategy for RejectAndMatch {
-    type Output = SearchStep;
-    #[inline]
-    fn use_early_reject() -> bool { true }
-    #[inline]
-    fn rejecting(a: usize, b: usize) -> Self::Output { SearchStep::Reject(a, b) }
-    #[inline]
-    fn matching(a: usize, b: usize) -> Self::Output { SearchStep::Match(a, b) }
diff --git a/src/libcore/tests/lib.rs b/src/libcore/tests/lib.rs
index fcdeb57f482a9..4a177a502499b 100644
--- a/src/libcore/tests/lib.rs
+++ b/src/libcore/tests/lib.rs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
diff --git a/src/libcore/tests/pattern.rs b/src/libcore/tests/pattern.rs
index b78ed0210770f..5027f7088f6e7 100644
--- a/src/libcore/tests/pattern.rs
+++ b/src/libcore/tests/pattern.rs
@@ -1,109 +1,61 @@
-use std::str::pattern::*;
+use core::needle::*;
 // This macro makes it easier to write
 // tests that do a series of iterations
 macro_rules! search_asserts {
-    ($haystack:expr, $needle:expr, $testname:expr, [$($func:ident),*], $result:expr) => {
-        let mut searcher = $needle.into_searcher($haystack);
-        let arr = [$( Step::from(searcher.$func()) ),+];
-        assert_eq!(&arr[..], &$result, $testname);
-    }
+    ($haystack:expr, $needle:expr, $testname:expr, [$($op:ident = $expected:expr,)*]) => {
+        let mut searcher = ext::match_ranges($haystack, $needle).map(|(r, _)| r);
+        let actual = [$(searcher.$op()),*];
+        assert_eq!(&actual[..], &[$($expected),*][..], $testname);
+    };
-/// Combined enum for the results of next() and next_match()/next_reject()
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-enum Step {
-    // variant names purposely chosen to
-    // be the same length for easy alignment
-    Matches(usize, usize),
-    Rejects(usize, usize),
-    InRange(usize, usize),
-    Done
-use self::Step::*;
-impl From<SearchStep> for Step {
-    fn from(x: SearchStep) -> Self {
-        match x {
-            SearchStep::Match(a, b) => Matches(a, b),
-            SearchStep::Reject(a, b) => Rejects(a, b),
-            SearchStep::Done => Done
-        }
-    }
-impl From<Option<(usize, usize)>> for Step {
-    fn from(x: Option<(usize, usize)>) -> Self {
-        match x {
-            Some((a, b)) => InRange(a, b),
-            None => Done
-        }
-    }
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-// FIXME(Manishearth) these tests focus on single-character searching  (CharSearcher)
-// and on next()/next_match(), not next_reject(). This is because
-// the memchr changes make next_match() for single chars complex, but next_reject()
-// continues to use next() under the hood. We should add more test cases for all
-// of these, as well as tests for StrSearcher and higher level tests for str::find() (etc)
 fn test_simple_iteration() {
-    search_asserts! ("abcdeabcd", 'a', "forward iteration for ASCII string",
-        // a            b              c              d              e              a              b              c              d              EOF
-        [next,          next,          next,          next,          next,          next,          next,          next,          next,          next],
-        [Matches(0, 1), Rejects(1, 2), Rejects(2, 3), Rejects(3, 4), Rejects(4, 5), Matches(5, 6), Rejects(6, 7), Rejects(7, 8), Rejects(8, 9), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts! ("abcdeabcd", 'a', "reverse iteration for ASCII string",
-        // d            c              b              a            e                d              c              b              a             EOF
-        [next_back,     next_back,     next_back,     next_back,     next_back,     next_back,     next_back,     next_back,     next_back,     next_back],
-        [Rejects(8, 9), Rejects(7, 8), Rejects(6, 7), Matches(5, 6), Rejects(4, 5), Rejects(3, 4), Rejects(2, 3), Rejects(1, 2), Matches(0, 1), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts! ("我爱我的猫", '我', "forward iteration for Chinese string",
-        // 我           愛             我             的              貓               EOF
-        [next,          next,          next,          next,           next,            next],
-        [Matches(0, 3), Rejects(3, 6), Matches(6, 9), Rejects(9, 12), Rejects(12, 15), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts! ("我的猫说meow", 'm', "forward iteration for mixed string",
-        // 我           的             猫             说              m                e                o                w                EOF
-        [next,          next,          next,          next,           next,            next,            next,            next,            next],
-        [Rejects(0, 3), Rejects(3, 6), Rejects(6, 9), Rejects(9, 12), Matches(12, 13), Rejects(13, 14), Rejects(14, 15), Rejects(15, 16), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts! ("我的猫说meow", '猫', "reverse iteration for mixed string",
-        // w             o                 e                m                说              猫             的             我             EOF
-        [next_back,       next_back,       next_back,       next_back,       next_back,      next_back,      next_back,    next_back,     next_back],
-        [Rejects(15, 16), Rejects(14, 15), Rejects(13, 14), Rejects(12, 13), Rejects(9, 12), Matches(6, 9), Rejects(3, 6), Rejects(0, 3), Done]
-    );
+    search_asserts! ("abcdeabcd", 'a', "forward iteration for ASCII string", [
+        next = Some(0..1),
+        next = Some(5..6),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts! ("abcdeabcd", 'a', "reverse iteration for ASCII string", [
+        next_back = Some(5..6),
+        next_back = Some(0..1),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts! ("我爱我的猫", '我', "forward iteration for Chinese string", [
+        next = Some(0..3),
+        next = Some(6..9),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts! ("我的猫说meow", 'm', "forward iteration for mixed string", [
+        next = Some(12..13),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts! ("我的猫说meow", '猫', "reverse iteration for mixed string", [
+        next_back = Some(6..9),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
 fn test_simple_search() {
-    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "next_match for ASCII string",
-        [next_match,    next_match,    next_match,      next_match],
-        [InRange(0, 1), InRange(5, 6), InRange(10, 11), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "next_match_back for ASCII string",
-        [next_match_back, next_match_back, next_match_back, next_match_back],
-        [InRange(10, 11), InRange(5, 6),   InRange(0, 1),   Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!("abcdeab", 'a', "next_reject for ASCII string",
-        [next_reject,   next_reject,   next_match,    next_reject,   next_reject],
-        [InRange(1, 2), InRange(2, 3), InRange(5, 6), InRange(6, 7), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "next_reject_back for ASCII string",
-        [next_reject_back, next_reject_back, next_match_back, next_reject_back, next_reject_back, next_reject_back],
-        [InRange(14, 15),  InRange(13, 14),  InRange(10, 11), InRange(9, 10),   InRange(8, 9),    InRange(7, 8)]
-    );
+    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "next_match for ASCII string", [
+        next = Some(0..1),
+        next = Some(5..6),
+        next = Some(10..11),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "next_match_back for ASCII string", [
+        next_back = Some(10..11),
+        next_back = Some(5..6),
+        next_back = Some(0..1),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
 // Á, 각, ก, 😀 all end in 0x81
@@ -117,176 +69,243 @@ fn test_simple_search() {
 // So we test if next() is correct after each next_match() as well.
 const STRESS: &str = "Áa🁀bÁꁁfg😁각กᘀ각aÁ각ꁁก😁a";
-fn test_stress_indices() {
-    // this isn't really a test, more of documentation on the indices of each character in the stresstest string
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'x', "Indices of characters in stress test",
-        [next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next],
-        [Rejects(0, 2), // Á
-         Rejects(2, 3), // a
-         Rejects(3, 7), // 🁀
-         Rejects(7, 8), // b
-         Rejects(8, 10), // Á
-         Rejects(10, 13), // ꁁ
-         Rejects(13, 14), // f
-         Rejects(14, 15), // g
-         Rejects(15, 19), // 😀
-         Rejects(19, 22), // 각
-         Rejects(22, 25), // ก
-         Rejects(25, 28), // ᘀ
-         Rejects(28, 31), // 각
-         Rejects(31, 32), // a
-         Rejects(32, 34), // Á
-         Rejects(34, 37), // 각
-         Rejects(37, 40), // ꁁ
-         Rejects(40, 43), // ก
-         Rejects(43, 47), // 😀
-         Rejects(47, 48), // a
-         Done]
-    );
 fn test_forward_search_shared_bytes() {
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Forward search for two-byte Latin character",
-        [next_match,    next_match,     next_match,      next_match],
-        [InRange(0, 2), InRange(8, 10), InRange(32, 34), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Forward search for two-byte Latin character; check if next() still works",
-        [next_match,    next,          next_match,     next,             next_match,     next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(0, 2), Rejects(2, 3), InRange(8, 10), Rejects(10, 13), InRange(32, 34), Rejects(34, 37), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Forward search for three-byte Hangul character",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next_match,      next_match],
-        [InRange(19, 22), Rejects(22, 25), InRange(28, 31), InRange(34, 37), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Forward search for three-byte Hangul character; check if next() still works",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(19, 22), Rejects(22, 25), InRange(28, 31), Rejects(31, 32), InRange(34, 37), Rejects(37, 40), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Forward search for three-byte Thai character",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(22, 25), Rejects(25, 28), InRange(40, 43), Rejects(43, 47), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Forward search for three-byte Thai character; check if next() still works",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(22, 25), Rejects(25, 28), InRange(40, 43), Rejects(43, 47), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Forward search for four-byte emoji",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(15, 19), Rejects(19, 22), InRange(43, 47), Rejects(47, 48), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Forward search for four-byte emoji; check if next() still works",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(15, 19), Rejects(19, 22), InRange(43, 47), Rejects(47, 48), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Forward search for three-byte Yi character with repeated bytes",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(10, 13), Rejects(13, 14), InRange(37, 40), Rejects(40, 43), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Forward search for three-byte Yi character with repeated bytes; check if next() still works",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match,      next,            next_match],
-        [InRange(10, 13), Rejects(13, 14), InRange(37, 40), Rejects(40, 43), Done]
-    );
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Forward search for two-byte Latin character", [
+        next = Some(0..2),
+        next = Some(8..10),
+        next = Some(32..34),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Forward search for three-byte Hangul character", [
+        next = Some(19..22),
+        next = Some(28..31),
+        next = Some(34..37),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Forward search for three-byte Thai character", [
+        next = Some(22..25),
+        next = Some(40..43),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Forward search for four-byte emoji", [
+        next = Some(15..19),
+        next = Some(43..47),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Forward search for three-byte Yi character with repeated bytes", [
+        next = Some(10..13),
+        next = Some(37..40),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
 fn test_reverse_search_shared_bytes() {
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Reverse search for two-byte Latin character",
-        [next_match_back, next_match_back, next_match_back, next_match_back],
-        [InRange(32, 34), InRange(8, 10),  InRange(0, 2),   Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Reverse search for two-byte Latin character; check if next_back() still works",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,     next_match_back, next_back],
-        [InRange(32, 34), Rejects(31, 32), InRange(8, 10),  Rejects(7, 8), InRange(0, 2),   Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Reverse search for three-byte Hangul character",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,        next_match_back, next_match_back, next_match_back],
-        [InRange(34, 37), Rejects(32, 34), InRange(28, 31),  InRange(19, 22), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Reverse search for three-byte Hangul character; check if next_back() still works",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back],
-        [InRange(34, 37), Rejects(32, 34), InRange(28, 31), Rejects(25, 28), InRange(19, 22), Rejects(15, 19), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Reverse search for three-byte Thai character",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back],
-        [InRange(40, 43), Rejects(37, 40), InRange(22, 25), Rejects(19, 22), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Reverse search for three-byte Thai character; check if next_back() still works",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back],
-        [InRange(40, 43), Rejects(37, 40), InRange(22, 25), Rejects(19, 22), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Reverse search for four-byte emoji",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back],
-        [InRange(43, 47), Rejects(40, 43), InRange(15, 19), Rejects(14, 15), Done]
-    );
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Reverse search for two-byte Latin character", [
+        next_back = Some(32..34),
+        next_back = Some(8..10),
+        next_back = Some(0..2),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Reverse search for three-byte Hangul character", [
+        next_back = Some(34..37),
+        next_back = Some(28..31),
+        next_back = Some(19..22),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Reverse search for three-byte Thai character", [
+        next_back = Some(40..43),
+        next_back = Some(22..25),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Reverse search for four-byte emoji", [
+        next_back = Some(43..47),
+        next_back = Some(15..19),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Reverse search for three-byte Yi character with repeated bytes", [
+        next_back = Some(37..40),
+        next_back = Some(10..13),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Reverse search for four-byte emoji; check if next_back() still works",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back],
-        [InRange(43, 47), Rejects(40, 43), InRange(15, 19), Rejects(14, 15), Done]
-    );
+fn double_ended_regression_test() {
+    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "alternating double ended search", [
+        next = Some(0..1),
+        next_back = Some(10..11),
+        next = Some(5..6),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "triple double ended search for a", [
+        next = Some(0..1),
+        next_back = Some(10..11),
+        next_back = Some(5..6),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'd', "triple double ended search for d", [
+        next = Some(3..4),
+        next_back = Some(13..14),
+        next_back = Some(8..9),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Double ended search for two-byte Latin character", [
+        next = Some(0..2),
+        next_back = Some(32..34),
+        next = Some(8..10),
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Reverse double ended search for three-byte Hangul character", [
+        next_back = Some(34..37),
+        next = Some(19..22),
+        next_back = Some(28..31),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Double ended search for three-byte Thai character", [
+        next = Some(22..25),
+        next_back = Some(40..43),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Double ended search for four-byte emoji", [
+        next_back = Some(43..47),
+        next = Some(15..19),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Double ended search for 3-byte Yi char with repeated bytes", [
+        next = Some(10..13),
+        next_back = Some(37..40),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Reverse search for three-byte Yi character with repeated bytes",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,      next_match_back],
-        [InRange(37, 40), Rejects(34, 37), InRange(10, 13), Rejects(8, 10), Done]
-    );
+fn test_stress_indices() {
+    // this isn't really a test,
+    // more of documentation on the indices of each character in the stresstest string
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, |_: char| true, "Indices of characters in stress test", [
+        next = Some(0..2), // Á
+        next = Some(2..3), // a
+        next = Some(3..7), // 🁀
+        next = Some(7..8), // b
+        next = Some(8..10), // Á
+        next = Some(10..13), // ꁁ
+        next = Some(13..14), // f
+        next = Some(14..15), // g
+        next = Some(15..19), // 😀
+        next = Some(19..22), // 각
+        next = Some(22..25), // ก
+        next = Some(25..28), // ᘀ
+        next = Some(28..31), // 각
+        next = Some(31..32), // a
+        next = Some(32..34), // Á
+        next = Some(34..37), // 각
+        next = Some(37..40), // ꁁ
+        next = Some(40..43), // ก
+        next = Some(43..47), // 😀
+        next = Some(47..48), // a
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!(STRESS, |_: char| true, "Indices of characters in stress test, reversed", [
+        next_back = Some(47..48), // a
+        next_back = Some(43..47), // 😀
+        next_back = Some(40..43), // ก
+        next_back = Some(37..40), // ꁁ
+        next_back = Some(34..37), // 각
+        next_back = Some(32..34), // Á
+        next_back = Some(31..32), // a
+        next_back = Some(28..31), // 각
+        next_back = Some(25..28), // ᘀ
+        next_back = Some(22..25), // ก
+        next_back = Some(19..22), // 각
+        next_back = Some(15..19), // 😀
+        next_back = Some(14..15), // g
+        next_back = Some(13..14), // f
+        next_back = Some(10..13), // ꁁ
+        next_back = Some(8..10), // Á
+        next_back = Some(7..8), // b
+        next_back = Some(3..7), // 🁀
+        next_back = Some(2..3), // a
+        next_back = Some(0..2), // Á
+        next_back = None,
+    ]);
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Reverse search for three-byte Yi character with repeated bytes; check if next_back() still works",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match_back, next_back,      next_match_back],
-        [InRange(37, 40), Rejects(34, 37), InRange(10, 13), Rejects(8, 10), Done]
+fn test_fn_double_ended() {
+    search_asserts!(
+        STRESS,
+        |c: char| c >= '\u{10000}',
+        "Search for all non-BMP characters, double ended",
+        [
+            next = Some(3..7),
+            next_back = Some(43..47),
+            next = Some(15..19),
+            next_back = None,
+            next = None,
+        ]
-fn double_ended_regression_test() {
-    // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/47175
-    // Ensures that double ended searching comes to a convergence
-    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "alternating double ended search",
-        [next_match,    next_match_back,    next_match,      next_match_back],
-        [InRange(0, 1), InRange(10, 11), InRange(5, 6), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'a', "triple double ended search for a",
-        [next_match,    next_match_back,    next_match_back,      next_match_back],
-        [InRange(0, 1), InRange(10, 11), InRange(5, 6), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!("abcdeabcdeabcde", 'd', "triple double ended search for d",
-        [next_match,    next_match_back,    next_match_back,      next_match_back],
-        [InRange(3, 4), InRange(13, 14), InRange(8, 9), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'Á', "Double ended search for two-byte Latin character",
-        [next_match,    next_match_back,     next_match,      next_match_back],
-        [InRange(0, 2), InRange(32, 34), InRange(8, 10), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '각', "Reverse double ended search for three-byte Hangul character",
-        [next_match_back, next_back,       next_match,      next,            next_match_back, next_match],
-        [InRange(34, 37), Rejects(32, 34), InRange(19, 22), Rejects(22, 25), InRange(28, 31), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ก', "Double ended search for three-byte Thai character",
-        [next_match,      next_back,       next,            next_match_back, next_match],
-        [InRange(22, 25), Rejects(47, 48), Rejects(25, 28), InRange(40, 43), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, '😁', "Double ended search for four-byte emoji",
-        [next_match_back, next,          next_match,      next_back,       next_match],
-        [InRange(43, 47), Rejects(0, 2), InRange(15, 19), Rejects(40, 43), Done]
-    );
-    search_asserts!(STRESS, 'ꁁ', "Double ended search for three-byte Yi character with repeated bytes",
-        [next_match,      next,            next_match_back, next_back,       next_match],
-        [InRange(10, 13), Rejects(13, 14), InRange(37, 40), Rejects(34, 37), Done]
-    );
+fn test_str() {
+    search_asserts!("abbcbbd", "bb", "str_searcher_ascii_haystack::fwd", [
+        next = Some(1..3),
+        next = Some(4..6),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("abbcbbbbd", "bb", "str_searcher_ascii_haystack_seq::fwd", [
+        next = Some(1..3),
+        next = Some(4..6),
+        next = Some(6..8),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("abbcbbd", "", "str_searcher_empty_needle_ascii_haystack::fwd", [
+        next = Some(0..0),
+        next = Some(1..1),
+        next = Some(2..2),
+        next = Some(3..3),
+        next = Some(4..4),
+        next = Some(5..5),
+        next = Some(6..6),
+        next = Some(7..7),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("├──", " ", "str_searcher_multibyte_haystack::fwd", [
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("├──", "", "str_searcher_empty_needle_multibyte_haystack::fwd", [
+        next = Some(0..0),
+        next = Some(3..3),
+        next = Some(6..6),
+        next = Some(9..9),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
+    search_asserts!("", "", "str_searcher_empty_needle_multibyte_haystack::fwd", [
+        next = Some(0..0),
+        next = None,
+    ]);
diff --git a/src/libcore/tests/slice.rs b/src/libcore/tests/slice.rs
index acf6b03791f01..46afb3787fa86 100644
--- a/src/libcore/tests/slice.rs
+++ b/src/libcore/tests/slice.rs
@@ -1475,3 +1475,10 @@ fn test_is_sorted() {
     assert!(!["c", "bb", "aaa"].is_sorted());
     assert!(["c", "bb", "aaa"].is_sorted_by_key(|s| s.len()));
+fn test_double_array_ref_is_a_needle() {
+    static MAGIC_NUMBERS: [&[u8]; 2] = [b"%PDF", b"\x89PNG"];
+    let buffer: &[u8] = b"%PDF123";
+    assert!(MAGIC_NUMBERS.iter().any(|magic| buffer.starts_with(magic)));
diff --git a/src/libstd/ffi/os_str.rs b/src/libstd/ffi/os_str.rs
index 13aee783750f1..577ec9e687472 100644
--- a/src/libstd/ffi/os_str.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/ffi/os_str.rs
@@ -5,10 +5,16 @@ use crate::cmp;
 use crate::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
 use crate::rc::Rc;
 use crate::sync::Arc;
+use crate::needle::{
+    ext, Hay, Haystack, Needle, Span, Searcher, ReverseSearcher,
+    Consumer, ReverseConsumer, DoubleEndedConsumer,
-use crate::sys::os_str::{Buf, Slice};
+use crate::sys::os_str::{Buf, InnerSearcher, Slice};
 use crate::sys_common::{AsInner, IntoInner, FromInner};
+use core::slice::needles::{TwoWaySearcher, SliceSearcher, NaiveSearcher};
 /// A type that can represent owned, mutable platform-native strings, but is
 /// cheaply inter-convertible with Rust strings.
@@ -373,6 +379,36 @@ impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFull> for OsString {
+#[stable(feature = "os_str_slice", since = "1.36.0")]
+impl ops::Index<ops::Range<usize>> for OsString {
+    type Output = OsStr;
+    #[inline]
+    fn index(&self, index: ops::Range<usize>) -> &OsStr {
+        OsStr::from_inner(&self.inner.as_slice()[index])
+    }
+#[stable(feature = "os_str_slice", since = "1.36.0")]
+impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for OsString {
+    type Output = OsStr;
+    #[inline]
+    fn index(&self, index: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &OsStr {
+        OsStr::from_inner(&self.inner.as_slice()[index])
+    }
+#[stable(feature = "os_str_slice", since = "1.36.0")]
+impl ops::Index<ops::RangeTo<usize>> for OsString {
+    type Output = OsStr;
+    #[inline]
+    fn index(&self, index: ops::RangeTo<usize>) -> &OsStr {
+        OsStr::from_inner(&self.inner.as_slice()[index])
+    }
 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
 impl ops::Deref for OsString {
     type Target = OsStr;
@@ -646,12 +682,324 @@ impl OsStr {
         OsString { inner: Buf::from_box(boxed) }
-    /// Gets the underlying byte representation.
+    /// Returns `true` if the given needle matches a prefix of this `OsStr`.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn starts_with<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> bool
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::starts_with(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns `true` if the given needle matches a suffix of this `OsStr`.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn ends_with<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> bool
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<OsStr>,
+    {
+        ext::ends_with(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns `true` if the given needle matches a sub-slice of this `OsStr`.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn contains<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> bool
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::contains(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns the start index of first slice of this `OsStr` that matches the
+    /// needle.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn find<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> Option<usize>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::find(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns the start index of last slice of this `OsStr` that matches the
+    /// needle.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rfind<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> Option<usize>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rfind(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns the index range of first slice of this `OsStr` that matches the
+    /// needle.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn find_range<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::find_range(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns the start index of last slice of this `OsStr` that matches the
+    /// needle.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rfind_range<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rfind_range(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns an `OsStr` slice with all prefixes that match the needle
+    /// repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_start_matches<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> &'a OsStr
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::trim_start(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns an `OsStr` slice with all suffixes that match the needle
+    /// repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_end_matches<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> &'a OsStr
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: ReverseConsumer<OsStr>,
+    {
+        ext::trim_end(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// Returns an `OsStr` slice with all prefixes and suffixes that match the
+    /// needle repeatedly removed.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn trim_matches<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> &'a OsStr
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: DoubleEndedConsumer<OsStr>,
+    {
+        ext::trim(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of the needle within the given
+    /// `OsStr`.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn matches<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::Matches<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::matches(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of the needle within the given
+    /// `OsStr`, yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatches<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::RMatches<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatches(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within this `OsStr`
+    /// as well as the index that the match starts at.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_indices<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::MatchIndices<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_indices(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within this `OsStr`,
+    /// yielded in reverse order along with the index of the match.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_indices<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::RMatchIndices<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_indices(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within this `OsStr`
+    /// as well as the index ranges of each match.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn match_ranges<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::MatchRanges<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::match_ranges(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over the disjoint matches of a needle within this `OsStr`,
+    /// yielded in reverse order along with the index ranges of each match.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rmatch_ranges<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::RMatchRanges<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rmatch_ranges(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over slices of this `OsStr`, separated by parts matched by
+    /// the needle.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn split<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::Split<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over slices of this `OsStr`, separated by parts matched by
+    /// the needle and yielded in reverse order.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplit<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P) -> ext::RSplit<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplit(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over slices of this `OsStr`, separated by parts matched by
+    /// the needle.
-    /// Note: it is *crucial* that this API is private, to avoid
-    /// revealing the internal, platform-specific encodings.
-    fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
-        unsafe { &*(&self.inner as *const _ as *const [u8]) }
+    /// Equivalent to [`split`](#method.split), except that the trailing slice
+    /// is skipped if empty.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn split_terminator<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P)
+        -> ext::SplitTerminator<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::split_terminator(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over slices of this `OsStr`, separated by parts matched by
+    /// the needle and yielded in reverse order.
+    ///
+    /// Equivalent to [`rsplit`](#method.rsplit), except that the trailing slice
+    /// is skipped if empty.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplit_terminator<'a, P>(&'a self, needle: P)
+        -> ext::RSplitTerminator<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplit_terminator(self, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over slices of the given `OsStr`, separated by a needle,
+    /// restricted to returning at most `n` items.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn splitn<'a, P>(&'a self, n: usize, needle: P) -> ext::SplitN<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::splitn(self, n, needle)
+    }
+    /// An iterator over slices of the given `OsStr`, separated by a needle,
+    /// starting from the end of the `OsStr`, restricted to returning at most
+    /// `n` items.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rsplitn<'a, P>(&'a self, n: usize, needle: P) -> ext::RSplitN<&'a OsStr, P::Searcher>
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<OsStr>,
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        ext::rsplitn(self, n, needle)
+    }
+    /// Replaces all matches of a needle with another `OsStr`.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn replace<'s: 'a, 'a, P>(&'s self, from: P, to: &'a OsStr) -> OsString
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        let mut result = OsString::with_capacity(self.len());
+        ext::replace_with(self, from, |_| to, |s| result.push(s));
+        result
+    }
+    /// Replaces first N matches of a needle with another `OsStr`.
+    #[unstable(feature = "os_str_needle_methods", issue = "56345")]
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn replacen<'s: 'a, 'a, P>(&'s self, from: P, to: &'a OsStr, count: usize) -> OsString
+    where
+        P: Needle<&'a OsStr>,
+        P::Searcher: Searcher<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+        P::Consumer: Consumer<OsStr>, // FIXME: RFC 2089
+    {
+        let mut result = OsString::with_capacity(self.len());
+        ext::replacen_with(self, from, |_| to, count, |s| result.push(s));
+        result
@@ -789,7 +1137,7 @@ impl Default for &OsStr {
 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
 impl PartialEq for OsStr {
     fn eq(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool {
-        self.bytes().eq(other.bytes())
+        self.inner == other.inner
@@ -814,16 +1162,16 @@ impl Eq for OsStr {}
 impl PartialOrd for OsStr {
     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &OsStr) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
-        self.bytes().partial_cmp(other.bytes())
+        self.inner.partial_cmp(&other.inner)
-    fn lt(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.bytes().lt(other.bytes()) }
+    fn lt(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.inner < other.inner }
-    fn le(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.bytes().le(other.bytes()) }
+    fn le(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.inner <= other.inner }
-    fn gt(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.bytes().gt(other.bytes()) }
+    fn gt(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.inner > other.inner }
-    fn ge(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.bytes().ge(other.bytes()) }
+    fn ge(&self, other: &OsStr) -> bool { self.inner >= other.inner }
 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
@@ -840,7 +1188,7 @@ impl PartialOrd<str> for OsStr {
 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
 impl Ord for OsStr {
-    fn cmp(&self, other: &OsStr) -> cmp::Ordering { self.bytes().cmp(other.bytes()) }
+    fn cmp(&self, other: &OsStr) -> cmp::Ordering { self.inner.cmp(&other.inner) }
 macro_rules! impl_cmp {
@@ -885,7 +1233,7 @@ impl_cmp!(Cow<'a, OsStr>, OsString);
 impl Hash for OsStr {
     fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
-        self.bytes().hash(state)
+        self.inner.hash(state)
@@ -966,6 +1314,46 @@ impl AsInner<Slice> for OsStr {
+#[stable(feature = "os_str_slice", since = "1.36.0")]
+impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFull> for OsStr {
+    type Output = OsStr;
+    #[inline]
+    fn index(&self, _: ops::RangeFull) -> &OsStr {
+        self
+    }
+#[stable(feature = "os_str_slice", since = "1.36.0")]
+impl ops::Index<ops::Range<usize>> for OsStr {
+    type Output = OsStr;
+    #[inline]
+    fn index(&self, index: ops::Range<usize>) -> &OsStr {
+        OsStr::from_inner(&self.inner[index])
+    }
+#[stable(feature = "os_str_slice", since = "1.36.0")]
+impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for OsStr {
+    type Output = OsStr;
+    #[inline]
+    fn index(&self, index: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &OsStr {
+        OsStr::from_inner(&self.inner[index])
+    }
+#[stable(feature = "os_str_slice", since = "1.36.0")]
+impl ops::Index<ops::RangeTo<usize>> for OsStr {
+    type Output = OsStr;
+    #[inline]
+    fn index(&self, index: ops::RangeTo<usize>) -> &OsStr {
+        OsStr::from_inner(&self.inner[index])
+    }
 mod tests {
     use super::*;
@@ -1133,4 +1521,408 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(&*rc2, os_str);
         assert_eq!(&*arc2, os_str);
+    #[test]
+    fn slice_with_utf8_boundary() {
+        let os_str = OsStr::new("Hello🌍🌎🌏");
+        assert_eq!(os_str.len(), 17);
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_str[..]);
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_str[..17]);
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_str[0..]);
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_str[0..17]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::new("Hello"), &os_str[..5]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::new("🌎🌏"), &os_str[9..]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::new("lo🌍"), &os_str[3..9]);
+        let os_string = os_str.to_owned();
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_string[..]);
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_string[..17]);
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_string[0..]);
+        assert_eq!(os_str, &os_string[0..17]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::new("Hello"), &os_string[..5]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::new("🌎🌏"), &os_string[9..]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::new("lo🌍"), &os_string[3..9]);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "redox", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+    fn slice_with_non_utf8_boundary_unix() {
+        #[cfg(unix)]
+        use crate::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+        #[cfg(target_os = "redox")]
+        use crate::os::redox::ffi::OsStrExt;
+        let os_str = OsStr::new("Hello🌍🌎🌏");
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::from_bytes(b"Hello\xf0"), &os_str[..6]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::from_bytes(b"\x9f\x8c\x8e\xf0\x9f\x8c\x8f"), &os_str[10..]);
+        assert_eq!(OsStr::from_bytes(b"\x8d\xf0\x9f\x8c\x8e"), &os_str[8..13]);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(windows)]
+    fn slice_with_non_utf8_boundary_windows() {
+        use crate::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt;
+        let os_str = OsStr::new("Hello🌍🌎🌏");
+        assert_eq!(OsString::from_wide(&[0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0xD83C]), &os_str[..7]);
+        assert_eq!(OsString::from_wide(&[0xDF0E, 0xD83C, 0xDF0F]), &os_str[11..]);
+        assert_eq!(OsString::from_wide(&[0xDF0D, 0xD83C]), &os_str[7..11]);
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl Hay for OsStr {
+    type Index = usize;
+    #[inline]
+    fn empty<'a>() -> &'a Self {
+        Self::new("")
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn start_index(&self) -> usize {
+        0
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn end_index(&self) -> usize {
+        self.len()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(&self, range: ops::Range<usize>) -> &Self {
+        &self[range]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        self.inner.next_index(index)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        self.inner.prev_index(index)
+    }
+// use a macro here since the type of `hay.inner.inner` is platform dependent
+// and we don't want to expose that type.
+macro_rules! span_as_inner {
+    ($span:expr) => {{
+        let (hay, range) = $span.into_parts();
+        unsafe { Span::from_parts(&hay.inner.inner, range) }
+    }}
+fn span_as_inner_bytes(span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Span<&[u8]> {
+    let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+    unsafe { Span::from_parts(hay.inner.as_bytes_for_searcher(), range) }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> Searcher<OsStr> for TwoWaySearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>> {
+        self.search(span_as_inner_bytes(span))
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseSearcher<OsStr> for TwoWaySearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>> {
+        self.rsearch(span_as_inner_bytes(span))
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> Consumer<OsStr> for NaiveSearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<usize> {
+        self.consume(span_as_inner_bytes(span))
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &OsStr) -> usize {
+        self.trim_start(hay.inner.as_bytes_for_searcher())
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseConsumer<OsStr> for NaiveSearcher<'p, u8> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<usize> {
+        self.rconsume(span_as_inner_bytes(span))
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, hay: &OsStr) -> usize {
+        self.trim_end(hay.inner.as_bytes_for_searcher())
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+pub struct OsStrSearcher<S>(InnerSearcher<S>);
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> Searcher<OsStr> for OsStrSearcher<SliceSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>> {
+        self.0.search(span_as_inner!(span))
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseSearcher<OsStr> for OsStrSearcher<SliceSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<ops::Range<usize>> {
+        self.0.rsearch(span_as_inner!(span))
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> Consumer<OsStr> for OsStrSearcher<NaiveSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<usize> {
+        self.0.consume(span_as_inner!(span))
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &OsStr) -> usize {
+        self.0.trim_start(&hay.inner.inner)
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseConsumer<OsStr> for OsStrSearcher<NaiveSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&OsStr>) -> Option<usize> {
+        self.0.rconsume(span_as_inner!(span))
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_end(&mut self, hay: &OsStr) -> usize {
+        self.0.trim_end(&hay.inner.inner)
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+impl<'p, H: Haystack<Target = OsStr>> Needle<H> for &'p OsStr {
+    type Searcher = OsStrSearcher<SliceSearcher<'p, u8>>;
+    type Consumer = OsStrSearcher<NaiveSearcher<'p, u8>>;
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        OsStrSearcher(self.inner.into_searcher())
+    }
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        OsStrSearcher(self.inner.into_consumer())
+    }
+// FIXME cannot impl `Needle<(_: Haystack<Target = OsStr>)>` due to RFC 1672 being postponed.
+// (need to wait for chalk)
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+impl<'h, 'p> Needle<&'h OsStr> for &'p str {
+    type Searcher = SliceSearcher<'p, u8>;
+    type Consumer = NaiveSearcher<'p, u8>;
+    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
+        SliceSearcher::new(self.as_bytes())
+    }
+    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
+        NaiveSearcher::new(self.as_bytes())
+    }
+mod needle_tests {
+    use super::*;
+    #[cfg(windows)]
+    use crate::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt;
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    use crate::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "redox", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+    fn test_trim() {
+        assert_eq!(
+            OsStr::from_bytes(b"\xaa\xbb\xaa\xcc\xaa\xbb\xaa")
+                .trim_start_matches(OsStr::from_bytes(b"\xaa")),
+            OsStr::from_bytes(b"\xbb\xaa\xcc\xaa\xbb\xaa"),
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            OsStr::from_bytes(b"\xaa\xbb\xaa\xcc\xaa\xbb\xaa")
+                .trim_end_matches(OsStr::from_bytes(b"\xaa")),
+            OsStr::from_bytes(b"\xaa\xbb\xaa\xcc\xaa\xbb"),
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(windows)]
+    fn test_trim_start_low_surrogate() {
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xdc00]);
+        let a = &OsStr::new("\u{10000}aaa")[2..];
+        assert_eq!(a.trim_start_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("aaa"));
+        let b = OsString::from_wide(&[0xd800, 0xdc00, 0xdc00, 0x62, 0x62, 0x62]);
+        assert_eq!(b[2..].trim_start_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("bbb"));
+        let c = OsString::from_wide(&[0xdc00, 0xdc00, 0x63, 0x63, 0x63]);
+        assert_eq!(c.trim_start_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("ccc"));
+        let d = &OsStr::new("\u{ffc00}ddd")[2..];
+        assert_eq!(d.trim_start_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("ddd"));
+        let e = OsStr::new("㰀eee");
+        assert_eq!(e.trim_start_matches(&*pat), e);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(windows)]
+    fn test_trim_start_high_surrogate() {
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xd800]);
+        let a = OsStr::new("\u{10000}");
+        assert_eq!(a.trim_start_matches(&*pat), &*OsString::from_wide(&[0xdc00]));
+        let b = OsString::from_wide(&[0xd800, 0x62, 0x62, 0x62]);
+        assert_eq!(b.trim_start_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("bbb"));
+        let c = OsString::from_wide(&[0xd800, 0xd800, 0xdc00, 0x63, 0x63, 0x63]);
+        assert_eq!(c.trim_start_matches(&*pat), &c[5..]);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(windows)]
+    fn test_trim_end_high_surrogate() {
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xd800]);
+        let a = OsStr::new("aaa\u{10000}");
+        assert_eq!(a[..a.len()-2].trim_end_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("aaa"));
+        let b = OsString::from_wide(&[0x62, 0x62, 0x62, 0xd800, 0xd800, 0xdc00]);
+        assert_eq!(b[..b.len()-2].trim_end_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("bbb"));
+        let c = OsString::from_wide(&[0x63, 0x63, 0x63, 0xd800, 0xd800]);
+        assert_eq!(c.trim_end_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("ccc"));
+        let d = OsStr::new("ddd\u{103ff}");
+        assert_eq!(d[..d.len()-2].trim_end_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("ddd"));
+        let e = OsStr::new("eee\u{11000}");
+        let e = &e[..e.len()-2];
+        assert_eq!(e.trim_end_matches(&*pat), e);
+        let f = OsString::from_wide(&[0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xdc00]);
+        assert_eq!(f.trim_end_matches(&*pat), &*f);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(windows)]
+    fn test_trim_end_low_surrogate() {
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xdc00]);
+        let a = OsStr::new("\u{10000}");
+        assert_eq!(a.trim_end_matches(&*pat), &*OsString::from_wide(&[0xd800]));
+        let b = OsString::from_wide(&[0x62, 0x62, 0x62, 0xdc00]);
+        assert_eq!(b.trim_end_matches(&*pat), OsStr::new("bbb"));
+        let c = OsString::from_wide(&[0x63, 0x63, 0x63, 0xdbff, 0xdc00, 0xdc00]);
+        assert_eq!(c.trim_end_matches(&*pat), &c[..c.len()-5]);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[cfg(windows)]
+    fn test_match_string_with_surrogates() {
+        let haystack = &OsStr::new("\u{10000}a\u{10000}a\u{10000}\u{10000}")[2..16];
+        // 0..3 = U+DC00
+        // 3..4 = 'a'
+        // 4..6 = U+D800
+        // 6..8 = U+DC00
+        // 8..9 = 'a'
+        // 9..11 = U+D800
+        // 11..13 = U+DC00
+        // 13..16 = U+D800
+        let pat = "a";
+        let matched_pat = OsStr::new(pat);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.match_ranges(pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (3..4, matched_pat),
+            (8..9, matched_pat),
+        ]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.rmatch_ranges(pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (8..9, matched_pat),
+            (3..4, matched_pat),
+        ]);
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xdc00, 0x61]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.match_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (0..4, &*pat),
+            (6..9, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.rmatch_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (6..9, &*pat),
+            (0..4, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0x61, 0xd800]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.match_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (3..6, &*pat),
+            (8..11, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.rmatch_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (8..11, &*pat),
+            (3..6, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        let pat = "\u{10000}";
+        let matched_pat = OsStr::new(pat);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.match_ranges(pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (4..8, matched_pat),
+            (9..13, matched_pat),
+        ]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.rmatch_ranges(pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (9..13, matched_pat),
+            (4..8, matched_pat),
+        ]);
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xd800]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.match_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (4..6, &*pat),
+            (9..11, &*pat),
+            (13..16, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.rmatch_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (13..16, &*pat),
+            (9..11, &*pat),
+            (4..6, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xdc00]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.match_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (0..3, &*pat),
+            (6..8, &*pat),
+            (11..13, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.rmatch_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (11..13, &*pat),
+            (6..8, &*pat),
+            (0..3, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        let pat = OsString::from_wide(&[0xdc00, 0xd800]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.match_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (11..16, &*pat),
+        ]);
+        assert_eq!(haystack.rmatch_ranges(&*pat).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
+            (11..16, &*pat),
+        ]);
+    }
diff --git a/src/libstd/lib.rs b/src/libstd/lib.rs
index 62bc1991cc93c..e17a98d3a6b51 100644
--- a/src/libstd/lib.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/lib.rs
@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@
@@ -285,6 +286,7 @@
@@ -293,6 +295,7 @@
@@ -436,6 +439,8 @@ pub use core::char;
 pub use core::u128;
 #[stable(feature = "core_hint", since = "1.27.0")]
 pub use core::hint;
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+pub use core::needle;
 pub mod f32;
 pub mod f64;
diff --git a/src/libstd/path.rs b/src/libstd/path.rs
index 1bbda9b5bcb1a..bd099d42ff492 100644
--- a/src/libstd/path.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/path.rs
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ unsafe fn u8_slice_as_os_str(s: &[u8]) -> &OsStr {
 // Detect scheme on Redox
 fn has_redox_scheme(s: &[u8]) -> bool {
-    cfg!(target_os = "redox") && s.split(|b| *b == b'/').next().unwrap_or(b"").contains(&b':')
+    cfg!(target_os = "redox") && s.split_match(b"/").next().unwrap_or(b"").contains(&b':')
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ fn split_file_at_dot(file: &OsStr) -> (Option<&OsStr>, Option<&OsStr>) {
         // contents of the encoding and (2) new &OsStr values are produced
         // only from ASCII-bounded slices of existing &OsStr values.
-        let mut iter = os_str_as_u8_slice(file).rsplitn(2, |b| *b == b'.');
+        let mut iter = os_str_as_u8_slice(file).rsplitn_match(2, b".");
         let after = iter.next();
         let before = iter.next();
         if before == Some(b"") {
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys/windows/args.rs b/src/libstd/sys/windows/args.rs
index b04bb484eedb9..6885dc6c9851a 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys/windows/args.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/sys/windows/args.rs
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ unsafe fn parse_lp_cmd_line<F: Fn() -> OsString>(lp_cmd_line: *const u16, exe_na
         // no matter what.
         QUOTE => {
             let args = {
-                let mut cut = cmd_line[1..].splitn(2, |&c| c == QUOTE);
+                let mut cut = cmd_line[1..].splitn(2, |&c: &u16| c == QUOTE);
                 if let Some(exe) = cut.next() {
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ unsafe fn parse_lp_cmd_line<F: Fn() -> OsString>(lp_cmd_line: *const u16, exe_na
         // no matter what.
         _ => {
             let args = {
-                let mut cut = cmd_line.splitn(2, |&c| c > 0 && c <= SPACE);
+                let mut cut = cmd_line.splitn(2, |&c: &u16| c > 0 && c <= SPACE);
                 if let Some(exe) = cut.next() {
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys/windows/os_str.rs b/src/libstd/sys/windows/os_str.rs
index c7a82e092528e..070b97fc0cb90 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys/windows/os_str.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/sys/windows/os_str.rs
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
 use crate::borrow::Cow;
 use crate::fmt;
-use crate::sys_common::wtf8::{Wtf8, Wtf8Buf};
+use crate::sys_common::wtf8::{self, Wtf8, Wtf8Buf};
 use crate::mem;
 use crate::rc::Rc;
 use crate::sync::Arc;
+use crate::ops::{Index, Range, RangeFrom, RangeTo};
 use crate::sys_common::{AsInner, IntoInner, FromInner};
+use core::slice::needles::{SliceSearcher, NaiveSearcher};
+use crate::needle::Hay;
 #[derive(Clone, Hash)]
 pub struct Buf {
@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Buf {
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
 pub struct Slice {
     pub inner: Wtf8
@@ -60,6 +64,30 @@ impl fmt::Display for Slice {
+impl Index<Range<usize>> for Slice {
+    type Output = Slice;
+    fn index(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> &Slice {
+        unsafe { mem::transmute(&self.inner[range]) }
+    }
+impl Index<RangeFrom<usize>> for Slice {
+    type Output = Slice;
+    fn index(&self, range: RangeFrom<usize>) -> &Slice {
+        unsafe { mem::transmute(&self.inner[range]) }
+    }
+impl Index<RangeTo<usize>> for Slice {
+    type Output = Slice;
+    fn index(&self, range: RangeTo<usize>) -> &Slice {
+        unsafe { mem::transmute(&self.inner[range]) }
+    }
 impl Buf {
     pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Buf {
         Buf {
@@ -169,4 +197,26 @@ impl Slice {
         let rc = self.inner.into_rc();
         unsafe { Rc::from_raw(Rc::into_raw(rc) as *const Slice) }
+    pub unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        self.inner.next_index(index)
+    }
+    pub unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        self.inner.prev_index(index)
+    }
+    pub fn into_searcher(&self) -> InnerSearcher<SliceSearcher<'_, u8>> {
+        wtf8::new_wtf8_searcher(&self.inner)
+    }
+    pub fn into_consumer(&self) -> InnerSearcher<NaiveSearcher<'_, u8>> {
+        wtf8::new_wtf8_consumer(&self.inner)
+    }
+    pub fn as_bytes_for_searcher(&self) -> &[u8] {
+        self.inner.as_inner()
+    }
+pub use crate::sys_common::wtf8::Wtf8Searcher as InnerSearcher;
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys_common/os_str_bytes.rs b/src/libstd/sys_common/os_str_bytes.rs
index a4961974d89ab..8782734040842 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys_common/os_str_bytes.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/sys_common/os_str_bytes.rs
@@ -6,18 +6,22 @@ use crate::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
 use crate::fmt;
 use crate::str;
 use crate::mem;
+use crate::ops::{Index, Range, RangeFrom, RangeTo};
 use crate::rc::Rc;
 use crate::sync::Arc;
 use crate::sys_common::{FromInner, IntoInner, AsInner};
 use crate::sys_common::bytestring::debug_fmt_bytestring;
 use core::str::lossy::Utf8Lossy;
+use core::slice::needles::{SliceSearcher, NaiveSearcher};
+use crate::needle::Hay;
 #[derive(Clone, Hash)]
 pub(crate) struct Buf {
     pub inner: Vec<u8>
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
 pub(crate) struct Slice {
     pub inner: [u8]
@@ -34,6 +38,30 @@ impl fmt::Display for Slice {
+impl Index<Range<usize>> for Slice {
+    type Output = Slice;
+    fn index(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> &Slice {
+        Slice::from_u8_slice(&self.inner[range])
+    }
+impl Index<RangeFrom<usize>> for Slice {
+    type Output = Slice;
+    fn index(&self, range: RangeFrom<usize>) -> &Slice {
+        Slice::from_u8_slice(&self.inner[range])
+    }
+impl Index<RangeTo<usize>> for Slice {
+    type Output = Slice;
+    fn index(&self, range: RangeTo<usize>) -> &Slice {
+        Slice::from_u8_slice(&self.inner[range])
+    }
 impl fmt::Debug for Buf {
     fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
         fmt::Debug::fmt(self.as_slice(), formatter)
@@ -178,8 +206,31 @@ impl Slice {
         let rc: Rc<[u8]> = Rc::from(&self.inner);
         unsafe { Rc::from_raw(Rc::into_raw(rc) as *const Slice) }
+    pub unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        self.inner.next_index(index)
+    }
+    pub unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        self.inner.prev_index(index)
+    }
+    pub fn into_searcher(&self) -> SliceSearcher<'_, u8> {
+        SliceSearcher::new(&self.inner)
+    }
+    pub fn into_consumer(&self) -> NaiveSearcher<'_, u8> {
+        NaiveSearcher::new(&self.inner)
+    }
+    pub fn as_bytes_for_searcher(&self) -> &[u8] {
+        &self.inner
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+pub type InnerSearcher<S> = S;
 /// Platform-specific extensions to [`OsString`].
 /// [`OsString`]: ../../../../std/ffi/struct.OsString.html
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys_common/wtf8.rs b/src/libstd/sys_common/wtf8.rs
index f17020de44ec5..72beefc7d1064 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys_common/wtf8.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/sys_common/wtf8.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//! Implementation of [the WTF-8 encoding](https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/).
+//! Implementation of [the WTF-8](https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/) and
+//! [OMG-WTF-8](https://github.com/kennytm/omgwtf8) encodings.
 //! This library uses Rust’s type system to maintain
 //! [well-formedness](https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/#well-formed),
@@ -15,94 +16,180 @@
 // unix (it's mostly used on windows), so don't worry about dead code here.
-use core::str::next_code_point;
 use crate::borrow::Cow;
-use crate::char;
+use crate::cmp;
 use crate::fmt;
 use crate::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
-use crate::iter::FromIterator;
+use crate::marker::PhantomData;
 use crate::mem;
-use crate::ops;
+use crate::num::NonZeroU16;
+use crate::ops::{self, Range};
 use crate::rc::Rc;
 use crate::slice;
 use crate::str;
 use crate::sync::Arc;
 use crate::sys_common::AsInner;
+use crate::needle::{Hay, Span, Searcher, ReverseSearcher, Consumer, ReverseConsumer};
+use core::slice::needles::{NaiveSearcher, SliceSearcher};
-/// A Unicode code point: from U+0000 to U+10FFFF.
+/// Represents a high surrogate code point.
-/// Compares with the `char` type,
-/// which represents a Unicode scalar value:
-/// a code point that is not a surrogate (U+D800 to U+DFFF).
-#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy)]
-pub struct CodePoint {
-    value: u32
+/// Internally, the value is the last 2 bytes of the surrogate in its canonical
+/// (WTF-8) representation, e.g. U+D800 is `ed a0 80` in WTF-8, so the value
+/// stored here would be `0xa080`. This also means the valid range of this type
+/// must be `0xa080..=0xafbf`.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+pub(super) struct HighSurrogate(NonZeroU16);
+impl HighSurrogate {
+    fn decode(self) -> [u8; 3] {
+        let c = self.0.get();
+        [0xed, (c >> 8) as u8, c as u8]
+    }
+    pub(super) fn value(self) -> u16 {
+        self.0.get()
+    }
-/// Format the code point as `U+` followed by four to six hexadecimal digits.
-/// Example: `U+1F4A9`
-impl fmt::Debug for CodePoint {
-    #[inline]
-    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(formatter, "U+{:04X}", self.value)
+/// Represents a low surrogate code point.
+/// Internally, the value is the last 2 bytes of the surrogate in its canonical
+/// (WTF-8) representation, e.g. U+DC00 is `ed b0 80` in WTF-8, so the value
+/// stored here would be `0xb080`. This also means the valid range of this type
+/// must be `0xb080..=0xbfbf`.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+pub(super) struct LowSurrogate(NonZeroU16);
+impl LowSurrogate {
+    fn decode(self) -> [u8; 3] {
+        let c = self.0.get();
+        [0xed, (c >> 8) as u8, c as u8]
+    }
+    pub(super) fn value(self) -> u16 {
+        self.0.get()
-impl CodePoint {
-    /// Unsafely creates a new `CodePoint` without checking the value.
-    ///
-    /// Only use when `value` is known to be less than or equal to 0x10FFFF.
-    #[inline]
-    pub unsafe fn from_u32_unchecked(value: u32) -> CodePoint {
-        CodePoint { value }
+fn decode_surrogate_pair(high: HighSurrogate, low: LowSurrogate) -> [u8; 4] {
+    // we want to transform the bits from:
+    //
+    //      high surrogate'   low surrogate
+    //      101wvuts 10rqpnmk 1011jihg 10fedcba
+    // to
+    //      UTF-8
+    //      11110wvu 10tsrqpn 10mkjihg 10fedcba
+    // ...
+    //       lo & 0xfff = 00000000 00000000 0000jihg 10fedbca
+    //
+    //         hi << 12 = 0000101w vuts10rq pnmk0000 00000000
+    //   ... & 0x303000 = 00000000 00ts0000 00mk0000 00000000
+    //
+    //         hi << 14 = 00101wvu ts10rqpn mk000000 00000000
+    //  ... & 0x70f0000 = 00000wvu 0000rqpn 00000000 00000000
+    //
+    //       0xf0808000 = 11110000 10000000 10000000 00000000
+    //
+    //        ... | ... = 11110wvu 10tsrqpn 10mkjihg 10fedcba
+    let lo = low.0.get() as u32;
+    let hi = (high.0.get() as u32) + 0x100;
+    let combined = (lo & 0xfff) | (hi << 12 & 0x303000) | (hi << 14 & 0x70f0000) | 0xf0808000;
+    combined.to_be_bytes()
+fn test_decode_surrogate_pair() {
+    fn consume(hi: u16, lo: u16, utf8: [u8; 4]) {
+        let high = HighSurrogate(NonZeroU16::new(hi).unwrap());
+        let low = LowSurrogate(NonZeroU16::new(lo).unwrap());
+        assert_eq!(decode_surrogate_pair(high, low), utf8);
+    consume(0xa080, 0xb080, [0xf0, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80]);
+    consume(0xa0bd, 0xb88d, [0xf0, 0x9f, 0x98, 0x8d]);
+    consume(0xafbf, 0xbfbf, [0xf4, 0x8f, 0xbf, 0xbf]);
-    /// Creates a new `CodePoint` if the value is a valid code point.
+/// Represents a 3-byte sequence as part of a well-formed OMG-WTF-8 sequence.
+/// Internally, the sequence is encoded as a big-endian integer to simplify
+/// computation (not using native endian here since there's no advantage in
+/// reading *3* bytes).
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub(super) struct ThreeByteSeq(u32);
+impl ThreeByteSeq {
+    fn to_high_surrogate_from_split_repr_unchecked(self) -> u16 {
+        // the high surrogate in split representation has bit pattern
+        //
+        //  self.0 =        ******** 11110kji 10hgfedc 10ba****
+        //
+        // thus:
+        //  self.0 >> 4 =   0000**** ****1111 0kji10hg fedc10ba
+        //        0x303 =   00000000 00000000 00000011 00000011
+        //            & =   00000000 00000000 000000hg 000000ba
+        //
+        //  self.0 >> 6 =   000000** ******11 110kji10 hgfedc10
+        //       0x3c3c =   00000000 00000000 00111100 00111100
+        //            & =   00000000 00000000 000kji00 00fedc00
+        //
+        //    ... | ... =   00000000 00000000 000kjihg 00fedcba
+        //
+        // The -0x100 is to account for the UTF-16 offset. The final
+        // 0xa080 is to make the final bit patterns compare the same as
+        // the canonical representation.
+        //
+        (((self.0 >> 4 & 0x303 | self.0 >> 6 & 0x3c3c) - 0x100) | 0xa080) as u16
+    }
+    /// Obtains the high surrogate value from this 3-byte sequence.
-    /// Returns `None` if `value` is above 0x10FFFF.
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn from_u32(value: u32) -> Option<CodePoint> {
-        match value {
-            0 ..= 0x10FFFF => Some(CodePoint { value }),
-            _ => None
-        }
+    /// If the input is not a high surrogate, returns None.
+    fn to_high_surrogate(self) -> Option<HighSurrogate> {
+        let surrogate_value = match self.0 {
+            // canonical representation
+            0xeda000..=0xedafff => self.0 as u16,
+            // split representation
+            0xf00000..=0xffffffff => self.to_high_surrogate_from_split_repr_unchecked(),
+            _ => 0,
+        };
+        NonZeroU16::new(surrogate_value).map(HighSurrogate)
-    /// Creates a new `CodePoint` from a `char`.
+    /// Obtains the low surrogate value from this 3-byte sequence.
-    /// Since all Unicode scalar values are code points, this always succeeds.
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn from_char(value: char) -> CodePoint {
-        CodePoint { value: value as u32 }
+    /// If the input is not a low surrogate, returns None.
+    fn to_low_surrogate(self) -> Option<LowSurrogate> {
+        let surrogate_value = match self.0 {
+            // canonical representation
+            0xedb000..=0xedffff => self.0,
+            // split representation
+            0x800000..=0xbfffff => self.0 | 0xb000,
+            _ => 0,
+        };
+        NonZeroU16::new(surrogate_value as u16).map(LowSurrogate)
-    /// Returns the numeric value of the code point.
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 {
-        self.value
+    /// Extracts a WTF-16 code unit from the 3-byte sequence.
+    fn as_code_unit(self) -> u16 {
+        (match self.0 {
+            0xf00000..=0xffffffff => {
+                (self.0 >> 4 & 3 | self.0 >> 6 & 0xfc | self.0 >> 8 & 0x700) + 0xd7c0
+            }
+            0x800000..=0xbfffff => self.0 & 0x3f | self.0 >> 2 & 0x3c0 | 0xdc00,
+            _ => self.0 & 0x3f | self.0 >> 2 & 0xfc0 | self.0 >> 4 & 0xf000,
+        }) as u16
-    /// Optionally returns a Unicode scalar value for the code point.
-    ///
-    /// Returns `None` if the code point is a surrogate (from U+D800 to U+DFFF).
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn to_char(&self) -> Option<char> {
-        match self.value {
-            0xD800 ..= 0xDFFF => None,
-            _ => Some(unsafe { char::from_u32_unchecked(self.value) })
-        }
+    /// Constructs a 3-byte sequence from the bytes.
+    pub(super) fn new(input: &[u8]) -> Self {
+        assert!(input.len() >= 3);
+        ThreeByteSeq((input[0] as u32) << 16 | (input[1] as u32) << 8 | (input[2] as u32))
-    /// Returns a Unicode scalar value for the code point.
-    ///
-    /// Returns `'\u{FFFD}'` (the replacement character “�”)
-    /// if the code point is a surrogate (from U+D800 to U+DFFF).
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn to_char_lossy(&self) -> char {
-        self.to_char().unwrap_or('\u{FFFD}')
+    pub(super) fn value(self) -> u32 {
+        self.0
@@ -110,7 +197,7 @@ impl CodePoint {
 /// Similar to `String`, but can additionally contain surrogate code points
 /// if they’re not in a surrogate pair.
-#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone)]
+#[derive(Default, Clone)]
 pub struct Wtf8Buf {
     bytes: Vec<u8>
@@ -123,12 +210,6 @@ impl ops::Deref for Wtf8Buf {
-impl ops::DerefMut for Wtf8Buf {
-    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Wtf8 {
-        self.as_mut_slice()
-    }
 /// Format the string with double quotes,
 /// and surrogates as `\u` followed by four hexadecimal digits.
 /// Example: `"a\u{D800}"` for a string with code points [U+0061, U+D800]
@@ -139,17 +220,25 @@ impl fmt::Debug for Wtf8Buf {
+impl fmt::Display for Wtf8Buf {
+    #[inline]
+    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+        fmt::Display::fmt(&**self, formatter)
+    }
 impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// Creates a new, empty WTF-8 string.
+    #[cfg(test)]
-    pub fn new() -> Wtf8Buf {
-        Wtf8Buf { bytes: Vec::new() }
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        Self { bytes: Vec::new() }
     /// Creates a new, empty WTF-8 string with pre-allocated capacity for `n` bytes.
-    pub fn with_capacity(n: usize) -> Wtf8Buf {
-        Wtf8Buf { bytes: Vec::with_capacity(n) }
+    pub fn with_capacity(n: usize) -> Self {
+        Self { bytes: Vec::with_capacity(n) }
     /// Creates a WTF-8 string from a UTF-8 `String`.
@@ -158,18 +247,20 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// Since WTF-8 is a superset of UTF-8, this always succeeds.
-    pub fn from_string(string: String) -> Wtf8Buf {
-        Wtf8Buf { bytes: string.into_bytes() }
+    pub fn from_string(string: String) -> Self {
+        Self { bytes: string.into_bytes() }
     /// Creates a WTF-8 string from a UTF-8 `&str` slice.
     /// This copies the content of the slice.
     /// Since WTF-8 is a superset of UTF-8, this always succeeds.
+    #[cfg(test)]
-    pub fn from_str(str: &str) -> Wtf8Buf {
-        Wtf8Buf { bytes: <[_]>::to_vec(str.as_bytes()) }
+    pub fn from_str(str: &str) -> Self {
+        Self { bytes: <[_]>::to_vec(str.as_bytes()) }
     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
@@ -180,35 +271,60 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// This is lossless: calling `.encode_wide()` on the resulting string
     /// will always return the original code units.
-    pub fn from_wide(v: &[u16]) -> Wtf8Buf {
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::with_capacity(v.len());
-        for item in char::decode_utf16(v.iter().cloned()) {
-            match item {
-                Ok(ch) => string.push_char(ch),
-                Err(surrogate) => {
-                    let surrogate = surrogate.unpaired_surrogate();
-                    // Surrogates are known to be in the code point range.
-                    let code_point = unsafe {
-                        CodePoint::from_u32_unchecked(surrogate as u32)
-                    };
-                    // Skip the WTF-8 concatenation check,
-                    // surrogate pairs are already decoded by decode_utf16
-                    string.push_code_point_unchecked(code_point)
+    pub fn from_wide(ucs2: &[u16]) -> Self {
+        fn encode_unit(buf: &mut Vec<u8>, c: u16) {
+            match c {
+                0..=0x7f => {
+                    buf.push(c as u8);
+                }
+                0x80..=0x7ff => {
+                    buf.push((c >> 6 | 0xc0) as u8);
+                    buf.push((c & 0x3f | 0x80) as u8);
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    buf.push((c >> 12 | 0xe0) as u8);
+                    buf.push((c >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80) as u8);
+                    buf.push((c & 0x3f | 0x80) as u8);
-        string
-    }
-    /// Copied from String::push
-    /// This does **not** include the WTF-8 concatenation check.
-    fn push_code_point_unchecked(&mut self, code_point: CodePoint) {
-        let c = unsafe {
-            char::from_u32_unchecked(code_point.value)
-        };
-        let mut bytes = [0; 4];
-        let bytes = c.encode_utf8(&mut bytes).as_bytes();
-        self.bytes.extend_from_slice(bytes)
+        let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(ucs2.len());
+        let mut it = ucs2.iter().fuse().cloned();
+        'outer: while let Some(mut c1) = it.next() {
+            if let 0xd800..=0xdbff = c1 {
+                // we've got a high surrogate. check if it is followed by a
+                // low surrogate.
+                while let Some(c2) = it.next() {
+                    match c2 {
+                        0xd800..=0xdbff => {
+                            // we've got another high surrogate, keep checking
+                            encode_unit(&mut buf, c1);
+                            c1 = c2;
+                        }
+                        0xdc00..=0xdfff => {
+                            // we've got a low surrogate, write a 4-byte sequence.
+                            let c = ((c1 as u32 & 0x3ff) << 10 | (c2 as u32 & 0x3ff)) + 0x1_0000;
+                            buf.push((c >> 18 | 0xf0) as u8);
+                            buf.push((c >> 12 & 0x3f | 0x80) as u8);
+                            buf.push((c >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80) as u8);
+                            buf.push((c & 0x3f | 0x80) as u8);
+                            continue 'outer;
+                        }
+                        _ => {
+                            // we've got an unpaired surrogate.
+                            encode_unit(&mut buf, c1);
+                            encode_unit(&mut buf, c2);
+                            continue 'outer;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            encode_unit(&mut buf, c1);
+        }
+        Self { bytes: buf }
@@ -216,11 +332,6 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
         unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(&self.bytes) }
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut Wtf8 {
-        unsafe { Wtf8::from_mut_bytes_unchecked(&mut self.bytes) }
-    }
     /// Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more bytes to be inserted
     /// in the given `Wtf8Buf`.
     /// The collection may reserve more space to avoid frequent reallocations.
@@ -255,6 +366,7 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// Append a UTF-8 slice at the end of the string.
+    #[cfg(test)]
     pub fn push_str(&mut self, other: &str) {
@@ -267,45 +379,22 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// like concatenating ill-formed UTF-16 strings effectively would.
     pub fn push_wtf8(&mut self, other: &Wtf8) {
-        match ((&*self).final_lead_surrogate(), other.initial_trail_surrogate()) {
-            // Replace newly paired surrogates by a supplementary code point.
-            (Some(lead), Some(trail)) => {
-                let len_without_lead_surrogate = self.len() - 3;
-                self.bytes.truncate(len_without_lead_surrogate);
-                let other_without_trail_surrogate = &other.bytes[3..];
-                // 4 bytes for the supplementary code point
-                self.bytes.reserve(4 + other_without_trail_surrogate.len());
-                self.push_char(decode_surrogate_pair(lead, trail));
-                self.bytes.extend_from_slice(other_without_trail_surrogate);
-            }
-            _ => self.bytes.extend_from_slice(&other.bytes)
-        }
-    }
-    /// Append a Unicode scalar value at the end of the string.
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn push_char(&mut self, c: char) {
-        self.push_code_point_unchecked(CodePoint::from_char(c))
-    }
+        let mut a = &**self;
+        let mut b = other;
-    /// Append a code point at the end of the string.
-    ///
-    /// This replaces newly paired surrogates at the boundary
-    /// with a supplementary code point,
-    /// like concatenating ill-formed UTF-16 strings effectively would.
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn push(&mut self, code_point: CodePoint) {
-        if let trail @ 0xDC00..=0xDFFF = code_point.to_u32() {
-            if let Some(lead) = (&*self).final_lead_surrogate() {
-                let len_without_lead_surrogate = self.len() - 3;
-                self.bytes.truncate(len_without_lead_surrogate);
-                self.push_char(decode_surrogate_pair(lead, trail as u16));
-                return
+        if let Some(hi) = a.split_off_last_high_surrogate() {
+            if let Some(lo) = b.split_off_first_low_surrogate() {
+                let len_without_high_surrogate = self.len() - 3;
+                self.bytes.truncate(len_without_high_surrogate);
+                // 4 bytes for the supplementary code point
+                self.bytes.reserve(4 + b.len());
+                self.bytes.extend_from_slice(&decode_surrogate_pair(hi, lo));
+                self.bytes.extend_from_slice(&b.bytes);
+                return;
-        // No newly paired surrogates at the boundary.
-        self.push_code_point_unchecked(code_point)
+        self.bytes.extend_from_slice(&b.bytes);
     /// Shortens a string to the specified length.
@@ -314,10 +403,19 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// Panics if `new_len` > current length,
     /// or if `new_len` is not a code point boundary.
+    #[cfg(test)]
-    pub fn truncate(&mut self, new_len: usize) {
-        assert!(is_code_point_boundary(self, new_len));
-        self.bytes.truncate(new_len)
+    pub fn truncate(&mut self, mut new_len: usize) {
+        match classify_index(self, new_len) {
+            IndexType::FourByteSeq2 => new_len += 1,
+            IndexType::CharBoundary => {}
+            _ => slice_error_fail(self, 0, new_len),
+        };
+        self.bytes.truncate(new_len);
+    }
+    pub fn make_ascii_uppercase(&mut self) {
+        self.bytes.make_ascii_uppercase()
     /// Consumes the WTF-8 string and tries to convert it to UTF-8.
@@ -327,7 +425,8 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// If the contents are not well-formed UTF-8
     /// (that is, if the string contains surrogates),
     /// the original WTF-8 string is returned instead.
-    pub fn into_string(self) -> Result<String, Wtf8Buf> {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn into_string(self) -> Result<String, Self> {
         match self.next_surrogate(0) {
             None => Ok(unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(self.bytes) }),
             Some(_) => Err(self),
@@ -339,6 +438,7 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// This does not copy the data (but may overwrite parts of it in place).
     /// Surrogates are replaced with `"\u{FFFD}"` (the replacement character “�”)
+    #[cfg(test)]
     pub fn into_string_lossy(mut self) -> String {
         let mut pos = 0;
         loop {
@@ -354,41 +454,14 @@ impl Wtf8Buf {
     /// Converts this `Wtf8Buf` into a boxed `Wtf8`.
-    #[inline]
     pub fn into_box(self) -> Box<Wtf8> {
-        unsafe { mem::transmute(self.bytes.into_boxed_slice()) }
+        unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(self.bytes.into_boxed_slice()) as *mut Wtf8) }
     /// Converts a `Box<Wtf8>` into a `Wtf8Buf`.
-    pub fn from_box(boxed: Box<Wtf8>) -> Wtf8Buf {
-        let bytes: Box<[u8]> = unsafe { mem::transmute(boxed) };
-        Wtf8Buf { bytes: bytes.into_vec() }
-    }
-/// Creates a new WTF-8 string from an iterator of code points.
-/// This replaces surrogate code point pairs with supplementary code points,
-/// like concatenating ill-formed UTF-16 strings effectively would.
-impl FromIterator<CodePoint> for Wtf8Buf {
-    fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item=CodePoint>>(iter: T) -> Wtf8Buf {
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.extend(iter);
-        string
-    }
-/// Append code points from an iterator to the string.
-/// This replaces surrogate code point pairs with supplementary code points,
-/// like concatenating ill-formed UTF-16 strings effectively would.
-impl Extend<CodePoint> for Wtf8Buf {
-    fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item=CodePoint>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
-        let iterator = iter.into_iter();
-        let (low, _high) = iterator.size_hint();
-        // Lower bound of one byte per code point (ASCII only)
-        self.bytes.reserve(low);
-        iterator.for_each(move |code_point| self.push(code_point));
+    pub fn from_box(boxed: Box<Wtf8>) -> Self {
+        let bytes = unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(boxed) as *mut [u8]) };
+        Self { bytes: bytes.into_vec() }
@@ -396,7 +469,6 @@ impl Extend<CodePoint> for Wtf8Buf {
 /// Similar to `&str`, but can additionally contain surrogate code points
 /// if they’re not in a surrogate pair.
-#[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
 pub struct Wtf8 {
     bytes: [u8]
@@ -480,16 +552,7 @@ impl Wtf8 {
     /// Since the byte slice is not checked for valid WTF-8, this functions is
     /// marked unsafe.
-    unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(value: &[u8]) -> &Wtf8 {
-        mem::transmute(value)
-    }
-    /// Creates a mutable WTF-8 slice from a mutable WTF-8 byte slice.
-    ///
-    /// Since the byte slice is not checked for valid WTF-8, this functions is
-    /// marked unsafe.
-    #[inline]
-    unsafe fn from_mut_bytes_unchecked(value: &mut [u8]) -> &mut Wtf8 {
+    pub unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(value: &[u8]) -> &Wtf8 {
@@ -510,6 +573,7 @@ impl Wtf8 {
     /// # Panics
     /// Panics if `position` is beyond the end of the string.
+    #[cfg(test)]
     pub fn ascii_byte_at(&self, position: usize) -> u8 {
         match self.bytes[position] {
@@ -518,12 +582,6 @@ impl Wtf8 {
-    /// Returns an iterator for the string’s code points.
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn code_points(&self) -> Wtf8CodePoints<'_> {
-        Wtf8CodePoints { bytes: self.bytes.iter() }
-    }
     /// Tries to convert the string to UTF-8 and return a `&str` slice.
     /// Returns `None` if the string contains surrogates.
@@ -578,89 +636,143 @@ impl Wtf8 {
     /// would always return the original WTF-8 string.
     pub fn encode_wide(&self) -> EncodeWide<'_> {
-        EncodeWide { code_points: self.code_points(), extra: 0 }
+        let ptr = self.bytes.as_ptr();
+        let end = unsafe { ptr.add(self.bytes.len()) };
+        EncodeWide { ptr, end, _marker: PhantomData }
     fn next_surrogate(&self, mut pos: usize) -> Option<(usize, u16)> {
-        let mut iter = self.bytes[pos..].iter();
         loop {
-            let b = *iter.next()?;
-            if b < 0x80 {
-                pos += 1;
-            } else if b < 0xE0 {
-                iter.next();
-                pos += 2;
-            } else if b == 0xED {
-                match (iter.next(), iter.next()) {
-                    (Some(&b2), Some(&b3)) if b2 >= 0xA0 => {
-                        return Some((pos, decode_surrogate(b2, b3)))
-                    }
-                    _ => pos += 3
-                }
-            } else if b < 0xF0 {
-                iter.next();
-                iter.next();
-                pos += 3;
-            } else {
-                iter.next();
-                iter.next();
-                iter.next();
-                pos += 4;
-            }
+            let inc = match *self.bytes.get(pos)? {
+                0..=0x7f => 1,
+                0x80..=0xbf => break,
+                0xc0..=0xdf => 2,
+                b @ 0xe0..=0xef => if b == 0xed && self.bytes[pos + 1] >= 0xa0 { break } else { 3 },
+                0xf0..=0xff => if self.len() == pos + 3 { break } else { 4 },
+            };
+            pos += inc;
+        Some((pos, ThreeByteSeq::new(&self.bytes[pos..]).as_code_unit()))
-    #[inline]
-    fn final_lead_surrogate(&self) -> Option<u16> {
-        let len = self.len();
-        if len < 3 {
-            return None
-        }
-        match &self.bytes[(len - 3)..] {
-            &[0xED, b2 @ 0xA0..=0xAF, b3] => Some(decode_surrogate(b2, b3)),
-            _ => None
-        }
+    /// Splits-off the first low surrogate from the string.
+    fn split_off_first_low_surrogate(self: &mut &Self) -> Option<LowSurrogate> {
+        let input = self.bytes.get(..3)?;
+        let res = ThreeByteSeq::new(input).to_low_surrogate()?;
+        *self = unsafe { Self::from_bytes_unchecked(&self.bytes[3..]) };
+        Some(res)
-    #[inline]
-    fn initial_trail_surrogate(&self) -> Option<u16> {
-        let len = self.len();
+    /// Splits-off the last high surrogate from the string.
+    fn split_off_last_high_surrogate(self: &mut &Self) -> Option<HighSurrogate> {
+        let e = self.len().checked_sub(3)?;
+        let res = ThreeByteSeq::new(&self.bytes[e..]).to_high_surrogate()?;
+        *self = unsafe { Self::from_bytes_unchecked(&self.bytes[..e]) };
+        Some(res)
+    }
+    /// Split the string into three parts: the beginning low surrogate, the
+    /// well-formed WTF-8 string in the middle, and the ending high surrogate.
+    pub(super) fn canonicalize(&self) -> (Option<LowSurrogate>, &[u8], Option<HighSurrogate>) {
+        let mut s = self;
+        let low = s.split_off_first_low_surrogate();
+        let high = s.split_off_last_high_surrogate();
+        (low, &s.bytes, high)
+    }
+    fn canonicalize_in_place(bytes: &mut [u8]) {
+        let len = bytes.len();
         if len < 3 {
-            return None
+            return;
-        match &self.bytes[..3] {
-            &[0xED, b2 @ 0xB0..=0xBF, b3] => Some(decode_surrogate(b2, b3)),
-            _ => None
+        // first 3 bytes form a low surrogate
+        // (this check is a faster version of `(0x80..0xc0).contains(_)`).
+        if (bytes[0] as i8) < -0x40 {
+            bytes[0] = 0xed;
+            bytes[1] |= 0x30;
+        }
+        // last 3 bytes form a high surrogate
+        if bytes[len - 3] >= 0xf0 {
+            let cu = ThreeByteSeq::new(&bytes[(len - 3)..])
+                .to_high_surrogate_from_split_repr_unchecked();
+            bytes[len - 3] = 0xed;
+            bytes[len - 2] = (cu >> 8) as u8;
+            bytes[len - 1] = cu as u8;
-    }
-    /// Boxes this `Wtf8`.
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn into_box(&self) -> Box<Wtf8> {
-        let boxed: Box<[u8]> = self.bytes.into();
-        unsafe { mem::transmute(boxed) }
     /// Creates a boxed, empty `Wtf8`.
+    #[inline]
     pub fn empty_box() -> Box<Wtf8> {
         let boxed: Box<[u8]> = Default::default();
-        unsafe { mem::transmute(boxed) }
+        unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(boxed) as *mut Wtf8) }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn into_box(&self) -> Box<Wtf8> {
+        let mut boxed: Box<[u8]> = Box::from(&self.bytes);
+        Wtf8::canonicalize_in_place(&mut *boxed);
+        unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(boxed) as *mut Wtf8) }
     pub fn into_arc(&self) -> Arc<Wtf8> {
         let arc: Arc<[u8]> = Arc::from(&self.bytes);
-        unsafe { Arc::from_raw(Arc::into_raw(arc) as *const Wtf8) }
+        let raw = Arc::into_raw(arc);
+        unsafe {
+            Wtf8::canonicalize_in_place(&mut *(raw as *mut [u8]));
+            // safe, we haven't shared the Arc yet.
+            Arc::from_raw(raw as *mut Wtf8)
+        }
     pub fn into_rc(&self) -> Rc<Wtf8> {
         let rc: Rc<[u8]> = Rc::from(&self.bytes);
-        unsafe { Rc::from_raw(Rc::into_raw(rc) as *const Wtf8) }
+        let raw = Rc::into_raw(rc);
+        unsafe {
+            Wtf8::canonicalize_in_place(&mut *(raw as *mut [u8]));
+            // safe, we haven't shared the Rc yet.
+            Rc::from_raw(raw as *mut Wtf8)
+        }
+// FIXME: Comparing Option<Surrogate> is not fully optimized yet #49892.
+impl PartialEq for Wtf8 {
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        self.canonicalize() == other.canonicalize()
+    }
+    fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        self.canonicalize() != other.canonicalize()
+    }
+impl Eq for Wtf8 {}
+impl PartialOrd for Wtf8 {
+    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
+        self.canonicalize().partial_cmp(&other.canonicalize())
+    }
+    fn lt(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        self.canonicalize() < other.canonicalize()
+    }
+    fn le(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        self.canonicalize() <= other.canonicalize()
+    }
+    fn gt(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        self.canonicalize() > other.canonicalize()
+    }
+    fn ge(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        self.canonicalize() >= other.canonicalize()
+    }
+impl Ord for Wtf8 {
+    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
+        self.canonicalize().cmp(&other.canonicalize())
+    }
 /// Returns a slice of the given string for the byte range [`begin`..`end`).
@@ -672,15 +784,21 @@ impl ops::Index<ops::Range<usize>> for Wtf8 {
     type Output = Wtf8;
-    fn index(&self, range: ops::Range<usize>) -> &Wtf8 {
-        // is_code_point_boundary checks that the index is in [0, .len()]
-        if range.start <= range.end &&
-           is_code_point_boundary(self, range.start) &&
-           is_code_point_boundary(self, range.end) {
-            unsafe { slice_unchecked(self, range.start, range.end) }
-        } else {
-            slice_error_fail(self, range.start, range.end)
+    fn index(&self, mut range: ops::Range<usize>) -> &Wtf8 {
+        if range.start == range.end {
+            return Self::from_str("");
+        match classify_index(self, range.start) {
+            IndexType::FourByteSeq2 => range.start -= 1,
+            IndexType::CharBoundary => {}
+            _ => slice_error_fail(self, range.start, range.end),
+        };
+        match classify_index(self, range.end) {
+            IndexType::FourByteSeq2 => range.end += 1,
+            IndexType::CharBoundary => {}
+            _ => slice_error_fail(self, range.start, range.end),
+        };
+        unsafe { slice_unchecked(self, range.start, range.end) }
@@ -694,13 +812,13 @@ impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for Wtf8 {
     type Output = Wtf8;
-    fn index(&self, range: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &Wtf8 {
-        // is_code_point_boundary checks that the index is in [0, .len()]
-        if is_code_point_boundary(self, range.start) {
-            unsafe { slice_unchecked(self, range.start, self.len()) }
-        } else {
-            slice_error_fail(self, range.start, self.len())
-        }
+    fn index(&self, mut range: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &Wtf8 {
+        match classify_index(self, range.start) {
+            IndexType::FourByteSeq2 => range.start -= 1,
+            IndexType::CharBoundary => {}
+            _ => slice_error_fail(self, range.start, self.len()),
+        };
+        unsafe { slice_unchecked(self, range.start, self.len()) }
@@ -714,13 +832,13 @@ impl ops::Index<ops::RangeTo<usize>> for Wtf8 {
     type Output = Wtf8;
-    fn index(&self, range: ops::RangeTo<usize>) -> &Wtf8 {
-        // is_code_point_boundary checks that the index is in [0, .len()]
-        if is_code_point_boundary(self, range.end) {
-            unsafe { slice_unchecked(self, 0, range.end) }
-        } else {
-            slice_error_fail(self, 0, range.end)
-        }
+    fn index(&self, mut range: ops::RangeTo<usize>) -> &Wtf8 {
+        match classify_index(self, range.end) {
+            IndexType::FourByteSeq2 => range.end += 1,
+            IndexType::CharBoundary => {}
+            _ => slice_error_fail(self, 0, range.end),
+        };
+        unsafe { slice_unchecked(self, 0, range.end) }
@@ -733,25 +851,52 @@ impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFull> for Wtf8 {
-fn decode_surrogate(second_byte: u8, third_byte: u8) -> u16 {
-    // The first byte is assumed to be 0xED
-    0xD800 | (second_byte as u16 & 0x3F) << 6 | third_byte as u16 & 0x3F
+/// Type of an index in an OMG-WTF-8 string.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+enum IndexType {
+    /// Boundary of a WTF-8 character sequence.
+    CharBoundary = 0,
+    /// Byte 1 in a 4-byte sequence.
+    FourByteSeq1 = 1,
+    /// Byte 2 in a 4-byte sequence.
+    FourByteSeq2 = 2,
+    /// Byte 3 in a 4-byte sequence.
+    FourByteSeq3 = 3,
+    /// Pointing inside a 2- or 3-byte sequence.
+    Interior = 4,
+    /// Out of bounds.
+    OutOfBounds = 5,
-fn decode_surrogate_pair(lead: u16, trail: u16) -> char {
-    let code_point = 0x10000 + ((((lead - 0xD800) as u32) << 10) | (trail - 0xDC00) as u32);
-    unsafe { char::from_u32_unchecked(code_point) }
-/// Copied from core::str::StrPrelude::is_char_boundary
-pub fn is_code_point_boundary(slice: &Wtf8, index: usize) -> bool {
-    if index == slice.len() { return true; }
-    match slice.bytes.get(index) {
-        None => false,
-        Some(&b) => b < 128 || b >= 192,
+/// Classifies the kind of index in this string.
+fn classify_index(slice: &Wtf8, index: usize) -> IndexType {
+    let slice = &slice.bytes;
+    let len = slice.len();
+    if index == 0 || index == len {
+        return IndexType::CharBoundary;
+    }
+    match slice.get(index) {
+        Some(0x80..=0xbf) => {
+            let max_offset = index.min(3);
+            let min_offset = (index + 3).saturating_sub(len);
+            for offset in min_offset..max_offset {
+                let offset = offset + 1;
+                unsafe {
+                    if slice.get_unchecked(index - offset) >= &0xf0 {
+                        return match offset as u8 {
+                            1 => IndexType::FourByteSeq1,
+                            2 => IndexType::FourByteSeq2,
+                            3 => IndexType::FourByteSeq3,
+                            _ => crate::hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
+                        };
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            IndexType::Interior
+        }
+        Some(_) => IndexType::CharBoundary,
+        None => IndexType::OutOfBounds,
@@ -759,10 +904,8 @@ pub fn is_code_point_boundary(slice: &Wtf8, index: usize) -> bool {
 pub unsafe fn slice_unchecked(s: &Wtf8, begin: usize, end: usize) -> &Wtf8 {
     // memory layout of an &[u8] and &Wtf8 are the same
-    Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(slice::from_raw_parts(
-        s.bytes.as_ptr().add(begin),
-        end - begin
-    ))
+    assert!(begin <= end);
+    Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(s.bytes.get_unchecked(begin..end))
 /// Copied from core::str::raw::slice_error_fail
@@ -773,35 +916,18 @@ pub fn slice_error_fail(s: &Wtf8, begin: usize, end: usize) -> ! {
           begin, end, s);
-/// Iterator for the code points of a WTF-8 string.
-/// Created with the method `.code_points()`.
-pub struct Wtf8CodePoints<'a> {
-    bytes: slice::Iter<'a, u8>
-impl<'a> Iterator for Wtf8CodePoints<'a> {
-    type Item = CodePoint;
-    #[inline]
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<CodePoint> {
-        next_code_point(&mut self.bytes).map(|c| CodePoint { value: c })
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        let len = self.bytes.len();
-        (len.saturating_add(3) / 4, Some(len))
-    }
 /// Generates a wide character sequence for potentially ill-formed UTF-16.
 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
 pub struct EncodeWide<'a> {
-    code_points: Wtf8CodePoints<'a>,
-    extra: u16
+    ptr: *const u8,
+    end: *const u8,
+    _marker: PhantomData<&'a u8>,
+fn code_unit_from_two_byte_seq(c: u8, d: u8) -> u16 {
+    ((c as u16) & 0x1f) << 6 | ((d as u16) & 0x3f)
 // Copied from libunicode/u_str.rs
@@ -811,111 +937,122 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for EncodeWide<'a> {
     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u16> {
-        if self.extra != 0 {
-            let tmp = self.extra;
-            self.extra = 0;
-            return Some(tmp);
+        if self.ptr == self.end {
+            return None;
-        let mut buf = [0; 2];
-        self.code_points.next().map(|code_point| {
-            let c = unsafe {
-                char::from_u32_unchecked(code_point.value)
-            };
-            let n = c.encode_utf16(&mut buf).len();
-            if n == 2 {
-                self.extra = buf[1];
+        unsafe {
+            let c = *self.ptr;
+            match c {
+                0x00..=0x7f => {
+                    self.ptr = self.ptr.offset(1);
+                    Some(c as u16)
+                }
+                0x80..=0xbf | 0xe0..=0xff => {
+                    let tbs = ThreeByteSeq::new(slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr, 3));
+                    let mut new_ptr = self.ptr.offset(3);
+                    if c >= 0xf0 && new_ptr != self.end {
+                        new_ptr = self.ptr.offset(1);
+                    }
+                    self.ptr = new_ptr;
+                    Some(tbs.as_code_unit())
+                }
+                0xc0..=0xdf => {
+                    let d = *self.ptr.offset(1);
+                    self.ptr = self.ptr.offset(2);
+                    Some(code_unit_from_two_byte_seq(c, d))
+                }
-            buf[0]
-        })
+        }
     fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        let (low, high) = self.code_points.size_hint();
-        // every code point gets either one u16 or two u16,
-        // so this iterator is between 1 or 2 times as
-        // long as the underlying iterator.
-        (low, high.and_then(|n| n.checked_mul(2)))
+        // converting from WTF-8 to WTF-16:
+        //  1-byte seq => 1 code unit (1x)
+        //  2-byte seq => 1 code unit (0.5x)
+        //  3-byte seq => 1 code unit (0.33x)
+        //  4-byte seq => 2 code units (0.5x)
+        //
+        // thus the lower-limit is everything being a 3-byte seq (= ceil(len/3))
+        // and upper-limit is everything being 1-byte seq (= len).
+        let len = unsafe { self.end.offset_from(self.ptr) as usize };
+        (len.saturating_add(2) / 3, Some(len))
-impl Hash for CodePoint {
+#[stable(feature = "double_ended_encode_wide", since = "1.33.0")]
+impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for EncodeWide<'a> {
-    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
-        self.value.hash(state)
+    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<u16> {
+        if self.ptr == self.end {
+            return None;
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            let last = self.end.offset(-1);
+            let d = *last;
+            if d < 0x80 {
+                self.end = last;
+                return Some(d as u16);
+            }
+            let last_2 = self.end.offset(-2);
+            let c = *last_2;
+            if 0xc0 <= c && c < 0xe0 {
+                self.end = last_2;
+                return Some(code_unit_from_two_byte_seq(c, d));
+            }
+            let mut new_end = self.end.offset(-3);
+            let tbs = ThreeByteSeq::new(slice::from_raw_parts(new_end, 3));
+            if *new_end < 0xc0 && self.ptr != new_end {
+                new_end = last;
+            }
+            self.end = new_end;
+            Some(tbs.as_code_unit())
+        }
 impl Hash for Wtf8Buf {
     fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
-        state.write(&self.bytes);
-        0xfeu8.hash(state)
+        (**self).hash(state)
 impl Hash for Wtf8 {
     fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
-        state.write(&self.bytes);
+        let (left, middle, right) = self.canonicalize();
+        if let Some(low) = left {
+            state.write(&low.decode());
+        }
+        state.write(middle);
+        if let Some(high) = right {
+            state.write(&high.decode());
+        }
-impl Wtf8 {
-    pub fn make_ascii_uppercase(&mut self) { self.bytes.make_ascii_uppercase() }
+impl PartialEq for Wtf8Buf {
+    #[inline]
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        **self == **other
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        **self != **other
+    }
+impl Eq for Wtf8Buf {}
 mod tests {
-    use crate::borrow::Cow;
     use super::*;
-    #[test]
-    fn code_point_from_u32() {
-        assert!(CodePoint::from_u32(0).is_some());
-        assert!(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD800).is_some());
-        assert!(CodePoint::from_u32(0x10FFFF).is_some());
-        assert!(CodePoint::from_u32(0x110000).is_none());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn code_point_to_u32() {
-        fn c(value: u32) -> CodePoint { CodePoint::from_u32(value).unwrap() }
-        assert_eq!(c(0).to_u32(), 0);
-        assert_eq!(c(0xD800).to_u32(), 0xD800);
-        assert_eq!(c(0x10FFFF).to_u32(), 0x10FFFF);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn code_point_from_char() {
-        assert_eq!(CodePoint::from_char('a').to_u32(), 0x61);
-        assert_eq!(CodePoint::from_char('💩').to_u32(), 0x1F4A9);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn code_point_to_string() {
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", CodePoint::from_char('a')), "U+0061");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", CodePoint::from_char('💩')), "U+1F4A9");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn code_point_to_char() {
-        fn c(value: u32) -> CodePoint { CodePoint::from_u32(value).unwrap() }
-        assert_eq!(c(0x61).to_char(), Some('a'));
-        assert_eq!(c(0x1F4A9).to_char(), Some('💩'));
-        assert_eq!(c(0xD800).to_char(), None);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn code_point_to_char_lossy() {
-        fn c(value: u32) -> CodePoint { CodePoint::from_u32(value).unwrap() }
-        assert_eq!(c(0x61).to_char_lossy(), 'a');
-        assert_eq!(c(0x1F4A9).to_char_lossy(), '💩');
-        assert_eq!(c(0xD800).to_char_lossy(), '\u{FFFD}');
-    }
     fn wtf8buf_new() {
         assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::new().bytes, b"");
@@ -924,23 +1061,25 @@ mod tests {
     fn wtf8buf_from_str() {
         assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::from_str("").bytes, b"");
-        assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé 💩").bytes,
-                   b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
+        assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé 💩").bytes, b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
     fn wtf8buf_from_string() {
         assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::from_string(String::from("")).bytes, b"");
-        assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::from_string(String::from("aé 💩")).bytes,
-                   b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
+        assert_eq!(
+            Wtf8Buf::from_string(String::from("aé 💩")).bytes,
+            b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9",
+        );
     fn wtf8buf_from_wide() {
         assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::from_wide(&[]).bytes, b"");
-        assert_eq!(Wtf8Buf::from_wide(
-                      &[0x61, 0xE9, 0x20, 0xD83D, 0xD83D, 0xDCA9]).bytes,
-                   b"a\xC3\xA9 \xED\xA0\xBD\xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
+        assert_eq!(
+            Wtf8Buf::from_wide(&[0x61, 0xE9, 0x20, 0xD83D, 0xD83D, 0xDCA9]).bytes,
+            b"a\xC3\xA9 \xED\xA0\xBD\xF0\x9F\x92\xA9",
+        );
@@ -951,59 +1090,6 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
-    #[test]
-    fn wtf8buf_push_char() {
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé ");
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"a\xC3\xA9 ");
-        string.push_char('💩');
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn wtf8buf_push() {
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé ");
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"a\xC3\xA9 ");
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_char('💩'));
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
-        fn c(value: u32) -> CodePoint { CodePoint::from_u32(value).unwrap() }
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(c(0xD83D));  // lead
-        string.push(c(0xDCA9));  // trail
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"\xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");  // Magic!
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(c(0xD83D));  // lead
-        string.push(c(0x20));  // not surrogate
-        string.push(c(0xDCA9));  // trail
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"\xED\xA0\xBD \xED\xB2\xA9");
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(c(0xD800));  // lead
-        string.push(c(0xDBFF));  // lead
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"\xED\xA0\x80\xED\xAF\xBF");
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(c(0xD800));  // lead
-        string.push(c(0xE000));  // not surrogate
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"\xED\xA0\x80\xEE\x80\x80");
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(c(0xD7FF));  // not surrogate
-        string.push(c(0xDC00));  // trail
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"\xED\x9F\xBF\xED\xB0\x80");
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(c(0x61));  // not surrogate, < 3 bytes
-        string.push(c(0xDC00));  // trail
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"\x61\xED\xB0\x80");
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(c(0xDC00));  // trail
-        assert_eq!(string.bytes, b"\xED\xB0\x80");
-    }
     fn wtf8buf_push_wtf8() {
         let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé");
@@ -1074,7 +1160,7 @@ mod tests {
     fn wtf8buf_into_string() {
         let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé 💩");
         assert_eq!(string.clone().into_string(), Ok(String::from("aé 💩")));
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD800).unwrap());
+        string.push_wtf8(unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(&[0xed, 0xa0, 0x80]) });
         assert_eq!(string.clone().into_string(), Err(string));
@@ -1082,51 +1168,14 @@ mod tests {
     fn wtf8buf_into_string_lossy() {
         let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé 💩");
         assert_eq!(string.clone().into_string_lossy(), String::from("aé 💩"));
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD800).unwrap());
+        string.push_wtf8(unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(&[0xed, 0xa0, 0x80]) });
         assert_eq!(string.clone().into_string_lossy(), String::from("aé 💩�"));
-    #[test]
-    fn wtf8buf_from_iterator() {
-        fn f(values: &[u32]) -> Wtf8Buf {
-            values.iter().map(|&c| CodePoint::from_u32(c).unwrap()).collect::<Wtf8Buf>()
-        }
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0x61, 0xE9, 0x20, 0x1F4A9]).bytes, b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0xD83D, 0xDCA9]).bytes, b"\xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");  // Magic!
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0xD83D, 0x20, 0xDCA9]).bytes, b"\xED\xA0\xBD \xED\xB2\xA9");
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0xD800, 0xDBFF]).bytes, b"\xED\xA0\x80\xED\xAF\xBF");
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0xD800, 0xE000]).bytes, b"\xED\xA0\x80\xEE\x80\x80");
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0xD7FF, 0xDC00]).bytes, b"\xED\x9F\xBF\xED\xB0\x80");
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0x61, 0xDC00]).bytes, b"\x61\xED\xB0\x80");
-        assert_eq!(f(&[0xDC00]).bytes, b"\xED\xB0\x80");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn wtf8buf_extend() {
-        fn e(initial: &[u32], extended: &[u32]) -> Wtf8Buf {
-            fn c(value: &u32) -> CodePoint { CodePoint::from_u32(*value).unwrap() }
-            let mut string = initial.iter().map(c).collect::<Wtf8Buf>();
-            string.extend(extended.iter().map(c));
-            string
-        }
-        assert_eq!(e(&[0x61, 0xE9], &[0x20, 0x1F4A9]).bytes,
-                   b"a\xC3\xA9 \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");
-        assert_eq!(e(&[0xD83D], &[0xDCA9]).bytes, b"\xF0\x9F\x92\xA9");  // Magic!
-        assert_eq!(e(&[0xD83D, 0x20], &[0xDCA9]).bytes, b"\xED\xA0\xBD \xED\xB2\xA9");
-        assert_eq!(e(&[0xD800], &[0xDBFF]).bytes, b"\xED\xA0\x80\xED\xAF\xBF");
-        assert_eq!(e(&[0xD800], &[0xE000]).bytes, b"\xED\xA0\x80\xEE\x80\x80");
-        assert_eq!(e(&[0xD7FF], &[0xDC00]).bytes, b"\xED\x9F\xBF\xED\xB0\x80");
-        assert_eq!(e(&[0x61], &[0xDC00]).bytes, b"\x61\xED\xB0\x80");
-        assert_eq!(e(&[], &[0xDC00]).bytes, b"\xED\xB0\x80");
-    }
     fn wtf8buf_show() {
         let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("a\té \u{7f}💩\r");
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD800).unwrap());
+        string.push_wtf8(unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(&[0xed, 0xa0, 0x80]) });
         assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", string), "\"a\\té \\u{7f}\u{1f4a9}\\r\\u{d800}\"");
@@ -1159,6 +1208,22 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(&Wtf8::from_str("aé 💩")[1.. 4].bytes, b"\xC3\xA9 ");
+    #[test]
+    fn omgwtf8_slice() {
+        let s = Wtf8::from_str("😀😂😄");
+        assert_eq!(&s[..].bytes, b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x80\xf0\x9f\x98\x82\xf0\x9f\x98\x84");
+        assert_eq!(&s[2..].bytes, b"\x9f\x98\x80\xf0\x9f\x98\x82\xf0\x9f\x98\x84");
+        assert_eq!(&s[4..].bytes, b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x82\xf0\x9f\x98\x84");
+        assert_eq!(&s[..10].bytes, b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x80\xf0\x9f\x98\x82\xf0\x9f\x98");
+        assert_eq!(&s[..8].bytes, b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x80\xf0\x9f\x98\x82");
+        assert_eq!(&s[2..10].bytes, b"\x9f\x98\x80\xf0\x9f\x98\x82\xf0\x9f\x98");
+        assert_eq!(&s[4..8].bytes, b"\xf0\x9f\x98\x82");
+        assert_eq!(&s[2..4].bytes, b"\x9f\x98\x80");
+        assert_eq!(&s[2..2].bytes, b"");
+        assert_eq!(&s[0..2].bytes, b"\xf0\x9f\x98");
+        assert_eq!(&s[4..4].bytes, b"");
+    }
     fn wtf8_slice_not_code_point_boundary() {
@@ -1187,6 +1252,49 @@ mod tests {
         &Wtf8::from_str("aé 💩")[5..];
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_slice_into_invalid_index_split_begin_1() {
+        let s = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\x90\x80\x80\x7e") };
+        let _ = s[..1];
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_slice_into_invalid_index_split_begin_2() {
+        let s = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\x90\x80\x80\x7e") };
+        let _ = s[..2];
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_slice_into_invalid_index_split_end_1() {
+        let s = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\x7e\xf0\x90\x80") };
+        let _ = s[2..];
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_slice_into_invalid_index_split_end_2() {
+        let s = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\x7e\xf0\x90\x80") };
+        let _ = s[3..];
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_slice_into_invalid_index_canonical_1() {
+        let s = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\xed\xaf\xbf") };
+        let _ = s[1..];
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_slice_into_invalid_index_canonical_2() {
+        let s = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\xed\xaf\xbf") };
+        let _ = s[2..];
+    }
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn test_slice_into_invalid_index_wrong_order() {
+        let s = Wtf8::from_str("12345");
+        let _ = s[3..1];
+    }
     fn wtf8_ascii_byte_at() {
         let slice = Wtf8::from_str("aé 💩");
@@ -1197,35 +1305,27 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(slice.ascii_byte_at(4), b'\xFF');
-    #[test]
-    fn wtf8_code_points() {
-        fn c(value: u32) -> CodePoint { CodePoint::from_u32(value).unwrap() }
-        fn cp(string: &Wtf8Buf) -> Vec<Option<char>> {
-            string.code_points().map(|c| c.to_char()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+    macro_rules! check_encode_wide {
+        ($s:expr, $cu:expr) => {
+            let mut v = $cu;
+            assert_eq!($s.encode_wide().collect::<Vec<_>>(), v);
+            v.reverse();
+            assert_eq!($s.encode_wide().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), v);
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("é ");
-        assert_eq!(cp(&string), [Some('é'), Some(' ')]);
-        string.push(c(0xD83D));
-        assert_eq!(cp(&string), [Some('é'), Some(' '), None]);
-        string.push(c(0xDCA9));
-        assert_eq!(cp(&string), [Some('é'), Some(' '), Some('💩')]);
     fn wtf8_as_str() {
         assert_eq!(Wtf8::from_str("").as_str(), Some(""));
         assert_eq!(Wtf8::from_str("aé 💩").as_str(), Some("aé 💩"));
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::new();
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD800).unwrap());
-        assert_eq!(string.as_str(), None);
+        assert_eq!(unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\xed\xa0\x80") }.as_str(), None);
     fn wtf8_to_string_lossy() {
         assert_eq!(Wtf8::from_str("").to_string_lossy(), Cow::Borrowed(""));
         assert_eq!(Wtf8::from_str("aé 💩").to_string_lossy(), Cow::Borrowed("aé 💩"));
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé 💩");
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD800).unwrap());
+        let string = &Wtf8::from_str("aé 💩💩")[..10];
         let expected: Cow<'_, str> = Cow::Owned(String::from("aé 💩�"));
         assert_eq!(string.to_string_lossy(), expected);
@@ -1238,18 +1338,442 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!("", d("".as_bytes()));
         assert_eq!("aé 💩", d("aé 💩".as_bytes()));
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé 💩");
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD800).unwrap());
-        assert_eq!("aé 💩�", d(string.as_inner()));
+        assert_eq!("aé 💩�", d(b"a\xc3\xa9 \xf0\x9f\x92\xa9\xf0\x9f\x92"));
     fn wtf8_encode_wide() {
-        let mut string = Wtf8Buf::from_str("aé ");
-        string.push(CodePoint::from_u32(0xD83D).unwrap());
-        string.push_char('💩');
-        assert_eq!(string.encode_wide().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-                   vec![0x61, 0xE9, 0x20, 0xD83D, 0xD83D, 0xDCA9]);
+        let string = unsafe {
+            Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"a\xc3\xa9 \xed\xa0\xbd\xf0\x9f\x92\xa9")
+        };
+        check_encode_wide!(string, vec![0x61, 0xE9, 0x20, 0xD83D, 0xD83D, 0xDCA9]);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn omgwtf8_encode_wide() {
+        let s = Wtf8::from_str("😀😂😄");
+        check_encode_wide!(s, vec![0xd83d, 0xde00, 0xd83d, 0xde02, 0xd83d, 0xde04]);
+        check_encode_wide!(s[2..], vec![0xde00, 0xd83d, 0xde02, 0xd83d, 0xde04]);
+        check_encode_wide!(s[..10], vec![0xd83d, 0xde00, 0xd83d, 0xde02, 0xd83d]);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn omgwtf8_eq_hash() {
+        use crate::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
+        let a = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\x90\x8b\xae~\xf0\x90\x80") };
+        let b = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\xed\xbb\xae~\xf0\x90\x80") };
+        let c = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\x90\x8b\xae~\xed\xa0\x80") };
+        let d = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\xed\xbb\xae~\xed\xa0\x80") };
+        assert_eq!(a, b);
+        assert_eq!(b, c);
+        assert_eq!(c, d);
+        fn hash<H: Hash>(a: H) -> u64 {
+            let mut h = DefaultHasher::new();
+            a.hash(&mut h);
+            h.finish()
+        }
+        assert_eq!(hash(a), hash(b));
+        assert_eq!(hash(b), hash(c));
+        assert_eq!(hash(c), hash(d));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn omgwtf8_classify_index() {
+        use super::IndexType::*;
+        fn consume(input: &Wtf8, expected: &[IndexType]) {
+            let actual = (0..expected.len()).map(|i| classify_index(input, i)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+            assert_eq!(&*actual, expected);
+        }
+        consume(
+            Wtf8::from_str(""),
+            &[CharBoundary, OutOfBounds, OutOfBounds],
+        );
+        consume(
+            Wtf8::from_str("aa"),
+            &[CharBoundary, CharBoundary, CharBoundary, OutOfBounds],
+        );
+        consume(
+            Wtf8::from_str("á"),
+            &[CharBoundary, Interior, CharBoundary, OutOfBounds],
+        );
+        consume(
+            Wtf8::from_str("\u{3000}"),
+            &[CharBoundary, Interior, Interior, CharBoundary, OutOfBounds],
+        );
+        consume(
+            Wtf8::from_str("\u{30000}"),
+            &[CharBoundary, FourByteSeq1, FourByteSeq2, FourByteSeq3, CharBoundary, OutOfBounds],
+        );
+        consume(
+            unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\xed\xbf\xbf\xed\xa0\x80") },
+            &[
+                CharBoundary, Interior, Interior,
+                CharBoundary, Interior, Interior,
+                CharBoundary, OutOfBounds,
+            ],
+        );
+        consume(
+            unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"\x90\x80\x80\xf0\x90\x80\x80\xf0\x90\x80") },
+            &[
+                CharBoundary, Interior, Interior,
+                CharBoundary, FourByteSeq1, FourByteSeq2, FourByteSeq3,
+                CharBoundary, Interior, Interior,
+                CharBoundary, OutOfBounds,
+            ],
+        );
+    }
+unsafe impl Hay for Wtf8 {
+    type Index = usize;
+    #[inline]
+    fn empty<'a>() -> &'a Self {
+        Wtf8::from_str("")
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn start_index(&self) -> usize {
+        0
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn end_index(&self) -> usize {
+        self.len()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> &Self {
+        &self[range]
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        let offset = match *self.as_inner().get_unchecked(index) {
+            0x00..=0x7f => 1,
+            0x80..=0xbf => if index == 0 { 3 } else { 2 },
+            0xc0..=0xdf => 2,
+            0xe0..=0xef => 3,
+            0xf0..=0xff => if index + 3 == self.len() { 3 } else { 2 },
+        };
+        index + offset
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
+        let bytes = self.as_inner();
+        let mut e = index - 1;
+        let mut c = *bytes.get_unchecked(e);
+        if c < 0x80 {
+            return e;
+        }
+        e -= 1;
+        c = *bytes.get_unchecked(e);
+        if c >= 0xc0 {
+            return e;
+        }
+        e -= 1;
+        c = *bytes.get_unchecked(e);
+        if c < 0xc0 && e != 0 {
+            e += 1;
+        }
+        e
+    }
+fn test_wtf8_next_last_index() {
+    let string = unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(b"a\xc3\xa9 \xed\xa0\xbd\xf0\x9f\x92\xa9") };
+    unsafe {
+        for w in [0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11].windows(2) {
+            let i = w[0];
+            let j = w[1];
+            assert_eq!(string.next_index(i), j);
+            assert_eq!(string.prev_index(j), i);
+        }
+    }
+enum SurrogateType {
+    Split,
+    Canonical,
+    Empty,
+fn extend_subrange(
+    range: Range<usize>,
+    mut subrange: Range<usize>,
+    low_type: SurrogateType,
+    high_type: SurrogateType,
+) -> Range<usize> {
+    subrange.start -= match low_type {
+        SurrogateType::Empty => 0,
+        SurrogateType::Split if subrange.start != range.start + 3 => 2,
+        _ => 3,
+    };
+    subrange.end += match high_type {
+        SurrogateType::Empty => 0,
+        SurrogateType::Split if subrange.end + 3 != range.end => 2,
+        _ => 3,
+    };
+    subrange
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct LowSurrogateSearcher {
+    canonical: u16,
+impl LowSurrogateSearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn new(ls: LowSurrogate) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            canonical: ls.value() & 0xcfff,
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_match(&self, tbs: ThreeByteSeq) -> Option<SurrogateType> {
+        let tbs = tbs.value();
+        if (tbs & 0xcfff) as u16 != self.canonical {
+            return None;
+        }
+        match tbs >> 12 {
+            0xedb => Some(SurrogateType::Canonical),
+            0x800..=0xbff => Some(SurrogateType::Split),
+            _ => None,
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct HighSurrogateSearcher {
+    canonical: u32,
+    split: u32,
+impl HighSurrogateSearcher {
+    #[inline]
+    fn new(hs: HighSurrogate) -> Self {
+        // the canonical representation
+        //
+        //          c = 1010 jihg 10fe dcba
+        //
+        // rearrange
+        //
+        //  c & 0xf03 = 0000 jihg 0000 00ba
+        //   c & 0xfc = 0000 0000 00fe dc00
+        // ...|...<<2 = 0000 jihg fedc 00ba
+        //  ...+0x100 = 000K JIHG fedc 00ba
+        //
+        // rearrange again
+        //
+        //  s & 0x3ff = 0000 00HG fedc 00ba
+        // s & 0xfc00 = 000K JI00 0000 0000
+        // ...|...<<2 = 0KJI 00HG fedc 00ba
+        //  ...|0x808 = 0KJI 10HG fedc 10ba
+        //
+        // this will be the split representation shifted right by 4 bits.
+        let c = hs.value();
+        let s = ((c & 0xf03) | (c & 0x3c) << 2) + 0x100;
+        let s = (s & 0x3ff) | (s & 0xfc00) << 2 | 0x808;
+        Self {
+            canonical: c as u32 | 0xed0000,
+            split: s as u32 | 0xf0000,
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_match(&self, tbs: ThreeByteSeq) -> Option<SurrogateType> {
+        let tbs = tbs.value();
+        if tbs == self.canonical {
+            Some(SurrogateType::Canonical)
+        } else if tbs >> 4 == self.split {
+            Some(SurrogateType::Split)
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+#[unstable(feature = "needle", issue = "56345")]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct Wtf8Searcher<S> {
+    low: Option<LowSurrogateSearcher>,
+    middle: S,
+    high: Option<HighSurrogateSearcher>,
+pub fn new_wtf8_searcher(needle: &Wtf8) -> Wtf8Searcher<SliceSearcher<'_, u8>> {
+    let (low, middle, high) = needle.canonicalize();
+    Wtf8Searcher {
+        low: low.map(LowSurrogateSearcher::new),
+        middle: SliceSearcher::new(middle),
+        high: high.map(HighSurrogateSearcher::new),
+    }
+pub fn new_wtf8_consumer(needle: &Wtf8) -> Wtf8Searcher<NaiveSearcher<'_, u8>> {
+    let (low, middle, high) = needle.canonicalize();
+    Wtf8Searcher {
+        low: low.map(LowSurrogateSearcher::new),
+        middle: NaiveSearcher::new(middle),
+        high: high.map(HighSurrogateSearcher::new),
+    }
+fn compare_boundary_surrogates(
+    low: &Option<LowSurrogateSearcher>,
+    high: &Option<HighSurrogateSearcher>,
+    bytes: &[u8],
+    range: Range<usize>,
+    subrange: Range<usize>,
+) -> Option<(SurrogateType, SurrogateType)> {
+    let low_type = if let Some(low) = low {
+        if subrange.start - range.start < 3 {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let tbs = unsafe { bytes.get_unchecked((subrange.start - 3)..subrange.start) };
+        low.is_match(ThreeByteSeq::new(tbs))?
+    } else {
+        SurrogateType::Empty
+    };
+    let high_type = if let Some(high) = high {
+        if range.end - subrange.end < 3 {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let tbs = unsafe { bytes.get_unchecked(subrange.end..(subrange.end + 3)) };
+        high.is_match(ThreeByteSeq::new(tbs))?
+    } else {
+        SurrogateType::Empty
+    };
+    Some((low_type, high_type))
+fn span_as_inner(span: Span<&Wtf8>) -> Span<&[u8]> {
+    let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+    unsafe { Span::from_parts(hay.as_inner(), range) }
+unsafe impl<'p> Searcher<Wtf8> for Wtf8Searcher<SliceSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn search(&mut self, mut span: Span<&Wtf8>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.clone().into_parts();
+        while let Some(subrange) = self.middle.search(span_as_inner(span.clone())) {
+            if let Some((low_type, high_type)) = compare_boundary_surrogates(
+                &self.low,
+                &self.high,
+                hay.as_inner(),
+                range.clone(),
+                subrange.clone(),
+            ) {
+                return Some(extend_subrange(range, subrange, low_type, high_type));
+            } else {
+                span = unsafe { Span::from_parts(hay, subrange.end..range.end) };
+            }
+        }
+        None
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p> Consumer<Wtf8> for Wtf8Searcher<NaiveSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&Wtf8>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let bytes = hay[range.clone()].as_inner();
+        let low_len = if self.low.is_some() { 3 } else { 0 };
+        let high_len = if self.high.is_some() { 3 } else { 0 };
+        let middle = self.middle.needle();
+        let mut match_len = low_len + middle.len() + high_len;
+        if bytes.len() < match_len {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let middle_start = low_len;
+        let middle_end = match_len - high_len;
+        if &bytes[middle_start..middle_end] != middle {
+            return None;
+        }
+        if let Some(high) = &self.high {
+            if let SurrogateType::Split = high.is_match(ThreeByteSeq::new(&bytes[middle_end..]))? {
+                if bytes.len() != match_len {
+                    match_len -= 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(low) = &self.low {
+            if let SurrogateType::Split = low.is_match(ThreeByteSeq::new(bytes))? {
+                if range.start != 0 {
+                    match_len -= 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(range.start + match_len)
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseSearcher<Wtf8> for Wtf8Searcher<SliceSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rsearch(&mut self, mut span: Span<&Wtf8>) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.clone().into_parts();
+        while let Some(subrange) = self.middle.rsearch(span_as_inner(span.clone())) {
+            if let Some((low_type, high_type)) = compare_boundary_surrogates(
+                &self.low,
+                &self.high,
+                hay.as_inner(),
+                range.clone(),
+                subrange.clone(),
+            ) {
+                return Some(extend_subrange(range, subrange, low_type, high_type));
+            } else {
+                span = unsafe { Span::from_parts(hay, range.start..subrange.start) };
+            }
+        }
+        None
+    }
+unsafe impl<'p> ReverseConsumer<Wtf8> for Wtf8Searcher<NaiveSearcher<'p, u8>> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&Wtf8>) -> Option<usize> {
+        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
+        let bytes = hay[range.clone()].as_inner();
+        let low_len = if self.low.is_some() { 3 } else { 0 };
+        let high_len = if self.high.is_some() { 3 } else { 0 };
+        let middle = self.middle.needle();
+        let mut match_len = low_len + middle.len() + high_len;
+        if bytes.len() < match_len {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let middle_end = bytes.len() - high_len;
+        let middle_start = middle_end - middle.len();
+        if &bytes[middle_start..middle_end] != middle {
+            return None;
+        }
+        if let Some(low) = &self.low {
+            let start_index = bytes.len() - match_len;
+            if let SurrogateType::Split = low.is_match(ThreeByteSeq::new(&bytes[start_index..]))? {
+                if start_index != 0 {
+                    match_len -= 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(high) = &self.high {
+            if let SurrogateType::Split = high.is_match(ThreeByteSeq::new(&bytes[middle_end..]))? {
+                if bytes.len() != range.end {
+                    match_len -= 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(range.end - match_len)
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-2149.stderr b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-2149.stderr
index 1df32aafa79c8..6097ed6339d63 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-2149.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-2149.stderr
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ error[E0599]: no method named `bind` found for type `[&str; 1]` in the current s
   --> $DIR/issue-2149.rs:13:12
 LL |     ["hi"].bind(|x| [x] );
-   |            ^^^^
+   |            ^^^^ help: there is a method with a similar name: `find`
    = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
    = note: the following trait defines an item `bind`, perhaps you need to implement it:
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.rs b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.rs
index 14ee75e7c9cb6..c348320fd2897 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.rs
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 fn foo() -> bool {
-    b"".starts_with(stringify!(foo))
+    b"".eq_ignore_ascii_case(stringify!(foo))
     //~^ ERROR mismatched types
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.stderr b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.stderr
index 7a1ba5bb19361..e05f87294e872 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-48364.stderr
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/issue-48364.rs:2:21
+  --> $DIR/issue-48364.rs:2:30
-LL |     b"".starts_with(stringify!(foo))
-   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected slice, found str
+LL |     b"".eq_ignore_ascii_case(stringify!(foo))
+   |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected slice, found str
    = note: expected type `&[u8]`
               found type `&'static str`