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RFC 0000 introduces traits which are generic over an effect, but implementers have to pick whether they want to implement the base version or the effectful version of the trait. This RFC extends that system further by removing that limitation, and enabling authors to write functions which themselves are generic over effects. For example, here is a function io::copy which would be able to operate either synchronously or asynchronously, depending on which types are passed to it.

/// This defines a trait `Read` which may or may not
/// be async, using the design introduced in RFC 0000.
pub trait Read {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize>;

/// This defines a trait `Write` which may or may not
/// be async, using the design introduced in RFC 0000.
pub trait Write {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize>;
    fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()>;

/// This defines a function `copy` which copies bytes from a
/// reader into a writer. This RFC enables this function to
/// operate either synchronously or asynchronously. Where if
/// operating synchronously, the `.await` operator becomes a
/// no-op.
pub fn copy<R, W>(reader: &mut R, writer: &mut W) -> Result<()>
    R: #[maybe(async)] Read + ?Sized,
    W: #[maybe(async)] Write + ?Sized,
    let mut buf = vec![0; 1024];
    loop {
        match buf).await? {
            0 => return Ok(()),
            n => writer.write(&mut buf[0..n]).await?,


RFC 0000 introduced effect-generic trait definitions: traits which are generic over effects, but implementors of the trait have to pick which version they implement. This works fine when authors know which effects they will be working with, like in applications. But library authors will often want to write code which not only works with one effect, but any number of effects. And for that effect-generic functions and bounds would greatly help reduce the amount of code duplication.

The blog post: "The bane of my existence: Supporting both async and sync code in Rust" documents the negative experience of one of the rspotify authors maintaining both sync and async versions of a crate. With ecosystem crates such as maybe_async and async-generic attempting to provide mitigations via the macro system. But these crates are limited in what they can provide when it comes to integrating with Rust's libraries, diagnostics, tooling, and inference systems.

rspotify is a thoroughly documented example of an author wanting to be generic over an effect, but there are others. Specifically for the async effect, the mongodb crate has both sync and async variants. So does the postgres crate [sync, async], as well as the reqwest crate [sync, async], and both the tokio and async-std crates duplicate large swaths of the stdlib's functionality. Other effects are also covered, such as fallible-iterator for a version of the stdlib's Iterator trait which short-circuits on error. And fallible_vec for a Vec type with methods which may returns errors rather than panics if an allocation fails.

Guide-level explanation

Effect-generic functions

Effects such as async, try, or gen define a superset of the language. With some minor exceptions, they provide access to more features than functions which don't have the effect. However, to ensure the effect forwards correctly through function bodies, we require some degree of annotations. In the case of the async effect, we require function calls to be suffixed with .await. In the case of try, we require function calls to be suffixed with ?. This is called "effect forwarding".

Say we wanted to write a function sum which takes an impl Iterator<Item = u32> and sums all numbers together. If we included the trait definition, we could write it like so:

/// The `Iterator` trait
pub trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

/// Iterate over all numbers in the
/// iterator and sum them together
pub fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = u32>>(iter: I) -> u32 {
    let mut total = 0;
    while let Some(n) = {
        total += n;

This works fine for non-async code. In fact: this is almost exactly how the stdlib versions of Iterator::sum is defined. But this code has a limitation: the underlying iterator will always block between calls to next. To resolve that, next should add support for async/.await, which we can do by adding the #[maybe(async)] notation.

/// The `Iterator` trait with optional
/// support for the `async` effect
pub trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

Nothing too exciting is going on yet. This is all uses the mechanisms we defined in RFC 0000, and adding support for async/.await just required some extra #[maybe(async)] annotations. This becomes more interesting once we start looking to not only allow traits to be generic over the async effect, but functions and trait bounds as well. The way we can do that is fairly mechanical: all we have to do is add some extra #[maybe(async)] notations to the function signature, and some extra .awaits inside the function body.

/// Iterate over all numbers in the
/// iterator and sum them together
#[maybe(async)]                                // 1. async
pub fn sum<I>(iter: I) -> u32
    I: #[maybe(async)] Iterator<Item = u32>    // 2. async
    let mut total = 0;
    while let Some(n) = {    // 3. .await
        total += n;

In this example we've added additional #[maybe(async)] notations at comments 1, and 2. And in the function body added additional .await points at comment 3. What's key here is that if we remove the async and await notations, we end up back with a perfectly valid non-async code. And that's basically the way the system works under the hood: when compiled as async, the .await points signal suspension points. While when the function is compiled as non-async, you can think of the .await points as immediately returning if they suspend.

In order to make this system work though, we have to apply some rules. The first rule is that #[maybe(async)] functions can't directly call async functions. Remember: our function needs to be able to strip away the .await points and still compile. If a function is always async, then removing the .await points would leave us with an invalid function, so that's not allowed.

The second rules is: maybe-async functions may or may not return futures. So we can't treat the return type like a concrete future which we can freely pass around. That means that in #[maybe(async)] contexts, the only valid thing to do with futures is to .await immediately them.

Using effect-specific behavior

Not being able to treat futures as first-class items in #[maybe(async)] functions might seem like a pretty big restriction: half the reason to use async/.await in the first place is to be able to concurrently execute computations. But there is a direct way out for us here: intrinsic-based specialization.

fn runtime() -> i32 { 1 }
const fn compiletime() -> i32 { 1 }
unsafe { const_eval_select((), compiletime, runtime) }

const functions can specialize their behavior using the const_eval_select intrinsic. Depending on whether execution is occurring during compilation or at runtime, different code will be run. For async and other effects, we'll be providing a similar intrinsic. Depending on whether a function is compiled as async or not, different code will be run.

fn not_async() { println!("hello sync"); }
async fn yes_async() { println!("hello async"); }
unsafe { async_eval_select((), not_async, yes_async) }

Within the async function it would be possible to freely operate on futures as first-class items: freely applying concepts such as concurrency, cancellation, and combinations of the two. In the future we may choose to expose similar functionality via a first-class language feature instead. See the future possibilities section for a discussion of this.

Effect selection and inference

While functions can be written as generic over effects, when they're finally compiled the compiler needs to know which variant to use. In most cases the compiler should be able to infer this unambiguously from the context. When a #[maybe(async)] function is called from an async context, and the is then .awaited - the compiler can be pretty certain we're interested in the async version of the function.

fn meow() {

async fn main() {
    meow().await; // `fn meow` can be inferred to be `async`

If the presence - or absence - of .await calls isn't enough to inform the compiler, it will look at whether the enclosing context is async or not. And if that's not enough to unambiguously figure out which variant to select, it will always be possible to explicitly tell the compiler which variant we expected using turbofish notation.

fn meow() {

async fn main() {
    let fut = meow::<async>();   // `fn meow` is async
    meow::<#[not(async)]>();     // `fn meow` is not async

Effect generic provided trait methods

This RFC not just enables free functions to be generic over effects: it also enables provided trait methods to work with effect generics. Take for example our maybe-async trait Read again. By default it provides a number of methods, including read_to_end. With effect generic trait definitions, those provided functions can be generic over effects, meaning they can be made available to the effectful and base variants of the trait alike.

pub trait Read {
    // Using RFC 0000 required trait methods gained
    // support for `#[maybe(effect)]` annotations.
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize>;

    // With this RFC, entire functions can be made
    // generic over effects, meaning provided functions
    // in traits now also work with `#[maybe(effect)]`.
    fn read_to_end(&mut self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize> { .. }

Reference-level explanation

TODO: Lowering

NOTE: this section is incomplete and in-progress. While we know it is possible because we have implemented a working version of this outside of the compiler, there are changes in the compiler happening which means this section may change. Once those changes have landed, this section should be rewritten to match that. Until that time please consider this section incomplete and subject to change.

Let's continue with our earlier example of the trait Iterator and the function sum which both have conditional support for the async effect via #[maybe(async)]. In its base form the trait Iterator looks like this:

/// The `Iterator` trait
pub trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

Which using the desugaring proposed in RFC 0000, would desugar to a trait with a const-generic bool which determines whether it is async or not:

// Lowered trait definition
pub trait Iterator<const IS_ASYNC: bool = false> {
    type Item;
    type Ret = Option<Self::Item>;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Ret;

We've seen how when maybe-async traits are implemented as sync they return their base type, and when implemented as async they wrap that up in an impl Future - see RFC 0000's section on "Lowering" for more details. Now for our function body, the base definition looks like this:

pub fn sum<I>(iter: I) -> u32
    I: #[maybe(async)] Iterator<Item = u32>
    let mut total = 0;
    while let Some(n) = {
        total += n;

TODO: ask oli for more details about the desugaring. Ref is:

Carried effects as non-destructive code transformations

The reason why this RFC is able to write function bodies which are generic over effects is because effects such as async are non-destructive. Adding the async notation to a function does not lose any information - meaning you can arrive at the function signature and body you might had had before simply by removing the async and .await notation.

Take this simple async function. It calls the method meow on some type cat, returning String.

/// 1. Our base `meow` function
fn meow() -> String {

Say cat.meow was async instead. We could change our function to support it simply by adding the necessary async and .await notations.

/// 2. The async version of `meow`
async fn meow() -> String {

Because adding async and .await does not erase any information from the base function, it is non-destructive. Meaning we can always reverse it by removing all the calls to async and .await, arriving back at the function we initially had.

/// 3. Stripping the `async/.await` notations
/// yields our base function again
fn meow() -> String {

Uncarried effects such as const don't require any forwarding notations, and so are by definition non-destructive in their transformation. In addition to async, Rust has two other carried effects: gen and try. Parts of both of these effects are unstable or undecided, but there is no reason we should require their notation to be destructive. Given the unstable nature of these effects, we'll cover them in more detail in the "future possibilities" section of this RFC.

effect name forwarding notation desugaring logical return type carried type
async .await impl Future<Output = T> T !
try ? impl Try<Output = T, Residual = R> T R
gen yield from impl Iterator<Item = U> () U

† These items exist in Rust, but are unstable.

‡ These items have been discussed for inclusion, but have not yet been included on nightly.

"logical return type" in this context means: the type the function returns after the function has been evaluated and any forwarding notation has been applied. The "carried type" here refers to the additional types end-users need to be aware of when the effect is introduced. For example, when using the try effect, users will be exposed to additional Result<_, E> or Option types.

TODO: Unambiguous variant selection

  • copy::<async>(read, writer).await?;

TODO: Effect-generic bodies logic

caller does not have effect caller may have an effect caller always has effect
callee does not have effect ✅ allowed to evaluate ✅ allowed to evaluate ✅ allowed to evaluate
callee may have effect ✅ allowed to evaluate ✅ allowed to evaluate ✅ allowed to evaluate
callee always has effect ❌ not allowed to evaluate ❌ not allowed to evaluate ✅ allowed to evaluate

Evaluating an async function in a non-async context is not possible.

//! Caller context does not have an effect,
//! callee always has an effect

async fn callee() {}
fn caller() {
    callee().await // ❌ cannot call `.await` in non-async context

The caller's context may be evaluated as synchronous, but the callee is guaranteed to always be asynchronous. Because as we've seen it's not possible to evaluate async functions in non-async contexts.

//! Caller context may have an effect,
//! callee always has an effect

async fn callee() {}
fn caller() {
    callee().await // ❌ cannot call `.await` in maybe-async context

TODO: effect-row polymorphism

  • the effect for all members in a function is the same bound
  • if you mix async + non-async, both have to be async to work
  • but that's generally ok: there's a subtyping relationship possible, so even if we don't do it automatically we can just do it ourselves

TODO: Prerequisites

  • ask oli about which compiler features we're missing to implement this


Limits the future effects we can add

  • Being able to add N new carried effects for various different purposes is out of the cards
  • But we're specifically fine with the carried effects we have, uncarried effects are more interesting as they provide more features by constraining the design space
  • Arbitrary user-defined effects can likely be defined by contexts/capabilities + yield

Rationale and alternatives

TODO: Don't require forwarding notation

  • important though; as that's where control flow may happen
  • the possibility of something happening is the entire point of annotating it

TODO: Flattened compositional hierarchy

  • requires a do notation / .await? / ?.await become a single operation
  • ends up with a single Coroutine uber trait from which all other traits are derived
  • only covers carried effects, not uncarried ones
  • unclear how it would enable effect-generic functions to be authored
  • results in a system of trait aliases

TODO: sans-io

  • yeah sans-io is cool
  • but it depends on passing things like impl Read rather than directly calling File::open
  • this means taking maybe-async interfaces, and so we need maybe-async logic
  • ergo: while a good idea, it's not an alternative

TODO: TLS-preserving closures

  • unclear how we would combine scope escapes with the borrow checker
  • threading through effects + forwarding notations through all call sites achieves the same effect
  • main challenge is backwards-compat, but effect generics address that

Prior art

const fn

Using the const keyword this is already possible in Rust: a single const fn function can both be evaluated during compilation and at runtime. Contrast this to const {} blocks, which can only be evaluated at compile-time. And using the const_eval_select intrinsic it will even be possible to provide different implementations depending on whether the function is evaluated at runtime or during compilation. This enables the runtime variant of a function to provide more optimized implementations, for example by leveraging platform-specific SIMD capabilities.

Unresolved questions

Future possibilities

TODO: try/? contexts

  • is already non-destructive
  • just unstable right now

TODO: gen/yield from contexts

  • Recognize that the return type is not the yield type
  • An additional yield from-alike syntax would be helpful here
    • preferred notation: for expr;

TODO: Composition of gen/yield from, async/.await and try/?

  • 2/3 of these effects have unstable components
  • but they would compose Just Fine
  • this should be its own RFC though

TODO: Arbitrary user-defined carried effects

  • composition of yield, contexts/capabilities, and concrete types
  • a handler can be expressed as a context or capability
  • we can yield N values to it by passing it a generator function
  • See also: "capabilities: effects for free" which applies this idea
  • Removes the need for arbitrary built-in control-flow effects