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The playground is a web-based interface to experiment with Dejavu's GML interpreter.

It is currently hosted here:


The playground requires Rust's wasm32-unknown-unknown target. When Rust is installed using rustup, the rust-toolchain.toml file will ensure it is installed, and the .cargo/config.toml will select it automatically.

In addition to the Rust toolchain needed to build Dejavu itself, the playground requires Binaryen (optionally) and Node.js.

To build the playground locally, run these commands from this directory:

# Build the playground crate to WebAssembly:
# (The wasm-opt step can be replaced with a simple file copy.)
cargo build --release
wasm-opt -Os -o src/playground.wasm ../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/playground.wasm

# Build the user interface:
npm install
npm run build

During development, launch a live-reloading server on http://localhost:10001/ with this command instead of npm run build:

npm run start

(Changes to the Rust code will only be picked up after re-running cargo build and wasm-opt.)