My first idea for a moonshot project was a Shazam but for movie. When you have a moment of a movie but you don't know the name of the movie you can upload the video on ShaMovie(name of this idea)and ShaMovie return you all the things about this movie with an AI but this idea was rejected so i find another ideas
Drag and Website it’s a developer tool that permits you to do a website in Drag and Drop. When you have finished your website you will export it in code to can create your domain name in the future
The problem I want to solve is a website like WIX it’s a website where you can create your website with some videos, images, and text like a real website in HTML/CSS but you can’t have your domain name and you need to use the domain name of WIX and the hosting service of WIX. With Drag and Web, you will be able to create your website but also export the code of this website to add your Domain Name and choose the best hosting service for you
This project will be for the developer or for people who create a lot of websites with WIX but they want their Domain name and
Today we have a lot of websites to create other websites but with this one you can’t have your domain name, it’s a real problem when you want a website for your company. For that, Drag and Web will be equally efficient to create the website but more efficient for the company because they will be able to create their Domain Name.
The project will be a success if it’s simple to export the code of the website and if it’s user-friendly to create their Domain Name and add the website on this Domain Name.
For this project I’m alone and I need one year and a half.
In scope, I have the liberty for the users to create the website they want, also the users need to export their website easily.
The most important constraint is the different browsers(Safari, Mozilla, Chrome,...) with the previous constraint we have the constraint of the version you have for Apple and Windows.
Also this idea was rejected
Nowaday the accessibility for everyone it's very important. Nowaday all websites are accessible because it's mandatory but not the mobile app it's for that i want to create an app in the subject of accessibility I haven't precise idea about the app but I think about it. The most important thing it's about the health app because they are most important application for blind or disabled people.