Simple gmail multiple accounts CLI mail checker.
Uses atom feed to get the unread emails. The user/passwords are kept in an encrypted configuration file. Developed and tested on linux.
go get
rif@grace:~$ gmail2go -help
Usage of gmail2go:
-color=false: use terminal output colors
-config="$HOME/.gmail2gorc": the user account file
-account="": adds/updates/deletes to user:password to the accounts file (leave password empty to delete)
-notify=false: send libnotify message
gmail2go -account user:secret - to create an account
gmail2go -account user:changed_secret - to change password to an account
gmail2go -account user: - to delete an account
add a google apps account:
gmail2go -account [email protected]:password
use terminal colors and libnotify messages:
gmail2go -color -notify
run it every 10 minutes with sound notification and libnotify message:
watch -cn 600 "gmail2go -color -notify && ogg123 -q /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/drip.ogg"