Real time financial data streaming and resampling with Rust.
This crate is composed of two tasks continuously executing in parallel:
- Obtains Finnhub's realtime data and saves it to a PostgreSQL database in the table
. - Resamples data from
into a predefined interval (by default, 100 milliseconds) and saves it on the tableresampled_trades
. Resampling is done by taking the lastest trade that happened prior to that instant.
Additionally an API to query the data is provided.
See k8s folder:
Create a file called
in the root directory (same folder thatLICENSE
is) with Finnhub API token, the Postgresql database url:FINNHUB_TOKEN=your_token_here POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_postgresql_password_here DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@postgres/rfplatform [email protected] PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=your_password_for_postgres_webadmin_here
docker compose up
. -
The API should became available at while the API documentation will be at and Postgres webadmin will be at
Create a file called
as explained in the previous sections (you will need to provide your own PostgreSQL server setup). -
If you don't have
installed, see
Create the database with:
cargo install sqlx-cli && sqlx database create && sqlx migrate run
Start the data pipeline with
cargo run --bin rust-financial-platform-pipeline
Start the API with
cargo run --bin rust-financial-platform-api