BUGFIX NOTES https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=895309 - Fix simplelist
- Home page content is loaded
- Single topic id is found and displayed
- Multiple topic ids are found
- Text search works
- Enter key works in quick search box
- Search tiles update as tags are included or excluded
- All search fields work
- Make sure id only fields only accept numbers and commas
- Create topic that falls within search results
- Create topic that does not fall within search results
- Update title for topic in results list, and make sure change is reflected in results
- do diff in revisions
- make sure revisions are read only
- Topic without title should not save
- Add and remove tags
- Add, remove and edit property tags
- Change locale
- Edit description and title
- Test invalid XML
- make sure shortcut keys work
- check help links for all views
- make sure all search fields work
- create image that falls in search
- create image that falls outside of search
- add and remove locales
- upload mismatches image types (png, jpg etc), make sure it fails
- find topics that include the image
- check that unsaved changes to the description results in a prompt
- make sure all search fields work
- add and remove projects
- add, remove and reorder child categories, tags and projects
- make sure unsaved changes work
7 Feb 2013 End create and edit dates not working Need way to regenerate lucene index Need to reload topic list when tags are edited.