In terms of PsiTurk, Speriment only records trial data, not unstructured data. PsiTurk records event data automatically, but only for a few kinds of events.
Speriment records the following trial data and speriment-output
gives it these column names:
- PageID: ID given or automatically generated for the page.
- PageText: Text displayed on the page.
- PageResources: Resources displayed on the page.
- ItemID: ID of the item that contains this page.
- BlockIDs: IDs of all blocks that enclose this page.
- StartTime: The time when the page displayed. This is in milliseconds since 1/1/1970, which makes it easy to do math on.
- EndTime: The time when the participant clicked Next.
- ReactionTime: The difference between StartTime and EndTime.
- Iteration: The number of times, counting from 1, that this page was displayed. Will always be 1 unless the page is in a block with a criterion.
- Condition: The experimental condition supplied or sampled for the page.
- OptionOrder: The option IDs in the order in which they were displayed. Options are shuffled and you may want to look at how they appeared on the page.
- OptionTexts: The text of each option displayed on this page in the order in which it displayed.
- OptionResources: Resources displayed with the options on this page, grouped by option in the order in which the options displayed.
- SelectedID: The IDs of any options that the participant selected.
- SelectedPosition: The position, left-to-right starting from 0 at the left, of any selected options.
- SelectedText: The text of any options that the participant selected.
- Correct: The information you supplied about whether the option is correct or what a correct text answer will match.
also returns the following columns from PsiTurk data:
- UniqueID: The HIT ID and Worker ID
- TrialNumber: Starting from 0, the number of this trial. Every page gets a number, including instructions and feedback.
- Version: If you set the
variable in config.txt, this is the version of the experiment that the participant saw. Used in Latin Square designs. - Permutation: If you set the
variable in config.txt, this determines the ordering of the blocks you counterbalanced. - HIT: HIT ID
- WorkerID: Worker ID of the participant
Finally, it returns the tags you included in your Python script:
- User-defined columns: There will then be a column for each page tag, item tag, and option tag you supplied. Option tag values will be grouped by option and giving in the order in which the options were displayed.
PsiTurk provides information about the version of the experiment (which they call condition) that was used for the purpose of Latin squares, the worker ID, and the trial number. Note that it also supplies, with each trial, a field called "datetime", which is the time the trial was saved. All trials are saved at the end of the experiment, so this number is not informative for reaction times and does not reliably show trial order.