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File metadata and controls

154 lines (110 loc) · 9.35 KB



  • Updated lodash to 4.17.21
  • Addressed formatting issues in the README
  • Went a bit crazy in the .npmignore (even though this package uses the files option in the package.json)
  • Added an nvmrc to run local examples in node 11, since the examples are broken in later versions (does not affect postal's ability to run in later node versions!)


  • Fixed caching when resolverNoCache is set to true
  • Allowed resolverNoCache config option to be passed to envelope headers


  • Conditionally calling .noConflict (only if previous global. was truthy and not equal to postal's lodash version)


  • Fixed lodash isEqual file name casing.


  • Thanks to @jcreamer898:
    • Fixed lodash paths, removed unnecesary _.noConflict() call.
    • Added travis.yml.


  • Added call to lodash's noConflict.


  • Merged #151 (breaking change, requires function.prototype.bind polyfill in older browsers)
  • Removed deprecated SubscriptionDefinition methods (breaking change)
    • Removed method names: withConstraint, withConstraints, withContext, withDebounce, withDelay, withThrottle
    • Correct/current method names: constraint, constraints, context, debounce, delay, throttle



  • Fixed even more issues I missed with lodash 4
  • Made note-to-self to be extra careful cutting new tags while sick.


  • Fixed issue where removed lodash alias was still in use
  • Fixed issue this context issue in postal.subscribe


  • Merged #148 - Updated to lodash 4.x
  • Merged #128 - Remove unused bower.json version prop


  • Fixed #136, where global was undefined when setting prevPostal for noConflict situations.


  • Included @derickbailey's awesome logo addition!
  • Updated gulp build setup to run formatting on src and lib.
  • Added a throw when ChannelDefinition.prototype.publish is not passed a valid first argument.


  • Fixed issue where JSCS's formatting fix put a line break before catch on the SubscriptionDefinition prototype.
  • Added additional comment directive removal (covering jshint, jscs & istanbul).


  • Fixed issue (referred to in #124) related to the custom lodash build not pulling in necessary behavior for _.each.
  • Added deprecation warnings to istanbul ignore.


  • Fixed issue where a subscriber lookup cache (postal's internal cache) was failing to update when new subscribers were added after a publish matching the cache had occurred.


  • Fixed memory leak issue referred to here. Postal will not place subscriptions in the lookup cache if the resolverNoCache header is present on the published envelope.


  • Updated lodash dependency to 3.x.


  • 3.5 years in the making, 1.0 finally arrives! :-)
  • Updated lodash dependency to ~3.1.0
  • Customized lodash build option added (lib/postal.lodash.js) - containing only the lodash bits needed for postal (special thanks to @jdalton for making that happen!).
  • Updated gulpfile to produce standard and custom-lodash builds.
  • Updated package.json scripts to allow for testing both standard and lodash builds
  • Added an .editorconfig file to normalize indentation and whitespace concerns.



  • Added support for publish metadata callback (thanks @arobson).
  • Removing minified output from bower.json's main array (thanks @iam-merlin).


  • Merged in @efurmantt's PR to support toggling resolver cache on and off.


  • Fixed bug with resolverNoCache option where matches would fail if caching was disabled.


  • Added support for an envelope header value called resolverNoCache. If present in enveloper.headers and set to true, it will prevent the resolver from caching topic/binding matches for that message instance.


  • Added the purge method to the default bindings resolver
  • Added the autoCompactResolver option to postal.configuration - it can be set to true (which auto-compacts the resolver cache on every unsubscribe, false (the default) which never automatically compacts the resolver cache or set to an integer > 0, which will auto-compact the resolver cache ever n number of unsubscribes (so setting it to 5 will auto-compact every 5th unsubscribe). "Auto compacting" basically purges any resolver comparison results that do not have subscribers active on those topics (i.e. - nothing it listening to those topics, don't keep the cached comparison results any more).
  • Added the cacheKeyDelimiter option to postal.configuration, which defaults to the pipe (|) symbol. This is primarily to give anyone implementing their own resolver a different way to delimit topics and bindings when they're using to compose a resolver cache key.
  • Added a third argument to the method, which allows you to pass an options object to take into consideration while performing the comparison between topic and binding. Currently, the only supported option is preventCache - which tells the resolver to not cache the result of the comparison.


  • Two ES5 .bind calls snuck in - we're not officially on ES5 syntax yet (but will be soon). Converting those to use lodash's _.bind call for now.


  • Fixing an npm publishing goof, which requires a version bump. :-(


  • ConduitJS is no longer a dependency.
  • invokeSubscriber has been added to the SubscriptionDefinition prototype. This method is called during publish cycles. The postal.publish method no longer does the heavy lifting of determining if a subscriber callback should be invoked, the subscriber now handles that via this new method.
  • The SubscriptionDefinition prototype methods withContext, withThrottle, withDebounce, withDelay, withConstraint, withConstraints have been deprecated and replaced with context, throttle, debounce, delay, constraint and constraints (respectively). They will continue to work in v0.11, but will warn of the deprecation.
  • postal has been optimized for publishing (subscriptions matched to a topic via the resolver are cached).


  • Wiretaps now get a third argument, the nesting (or publishDepth) argument, which is a number to indicate the 'nested' publish depth for the message being passed to the wiretap. Thanks to @avanderhoorn for this addition. 😄


  • Empty topic subscriptions arrays (on postal.subscriptions.whateverChannel) will be removed during unsubscription if the subscriber being removed is the last subscriber.
  • Empty channel objects (on postal.susbcriptions) will be removed during unsubscription if no topic binding properties exist on the channel any longer.
  • Special thanks to @sergiopereiraTT for adding these features. 😄


  • Apparently IE 8 doesn't allow "catch" to be used as a method/prop name, unless you utilize bracket notation. (Seriously - With IE6 now a distant memory, I long for the day that IE 8 is dead.) @swaff was kind enough to catch this and submit a patch to take care of it.


  • (Breaking) Removed the "basic" build of postal. The conclusion was the best (and least confusing) option was to focus on a customized build of lodash - rather than risk fragmentation of postal's features...
  • Added logError and catch to the SubscriptionDefinition courtesy of @arobson.


  • Replaced underscore dependency with lodash. (You can still use underscore if you need to - but you'll have to replace the lib's references to "lodash" with "underscore")
  • ConduitJS has been an embedded dependency since v0.9.0. I've promoted it to an external dependency because it's clear that Conduit will be useful in add-ons as well. No need to force consumers of postal and its add-ons to double the Conduit line count.


  • Merged localBus with postal namespace. Postal originally supported the idea of swappable bus implementations. This gold plating has been ripped out finally.
  • Added a noConflict method to allow for side by side instances of different postal versions (for testing/benchmarking).
  • Refactored SubscriptionDefinition significantly to allow for ConduitJS integration into the subscription callback method as well as the ChannelDefinition publish method.
  • Top-level postal.unsubscribe call has been added.
  • Top-level postal.unsubscribeFor call has been added.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed postal.utils namespace. Any methods under utils are now under postal itself.
  • Changed signature of getSubscribersFor to take either an options object or a predicate function.
  • The CommonJS wrapper no longer provides a factory function that has to be invoked. Instead it now simply exports postal itself.
  • Subscriptions are now stored under postal.subscriptions.
  • postal now produces two different builds: a full and minimal build. The minimal build lacks ConduitJS as an embedded dependency, and the only SubscriptionDefinition prototype methods in the minimal build are subscribe, unsubscribe, and withContext. The minimal build is relevant if you do not need to additional features (like defer, withDebounce, etc.) and lib size is a concern.
  • postal.publish and ChannelDefinition.prototype.publish no longer return the envelope.