// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Pion community <https://pion.ly>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package dtls

import (


func flight0Parse(
	_ context.Context,
	_ flightConn,
	state *State,
	cache *handshakeCache,
	cfg *handshakeConfig,
) (flightVal, *alert.Alert, error) {
	seq, msgs, ok := cache.fullPullMap(0, state.cipherSuite,
		handshakeCachePullRule{handshake.TypeClientHello, cfg.initialEpoch, true, false},
	if !ok {
		// No valid message received. Keep reading
		return 0, nil, nil

	// Connection Identifiers must be negotiated afresh on session resumption.
	// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9146#name-the-connection_id-extension
	state.remoteConnectionID = nil

	state.handshakeRecvSequence = seq

	var clientHello *handshake.MessageClientHello

	// Validate type
	if clientHello, ok = msgs[handshake.TypeClientHello].(*handshake.MessageClientHello); !ok {
		return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.InternalError}, nil

	if !clientHello.Version.Equal(protocol.Version1_2) {
		return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.ProtocolVersion}, errUnsupportedProtocolVersion

	state.remoteRandom = clientHello.Random

	cipherSuites := []CipherSuite{}
	for _, id := range clientHello.CipherSuiteIDs {
		if c := cipherSuiteForID(CipherSuiteID(id), cfg.customCipherSuites); c != nil {
			cipherSuites = append(cipherSuites, c)

	if state.cipherSuite, ok = findMatchingCipherSuite(cipherSuites, cfg.localCipherSuites); !ok {
		return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.InsufficientSecurity}, errCipherSuiteNoIntersection

	for _, val := range clientHello.Extensions {
		switch ext := val.(type) {
		case *extension.SupportedEllipticCurves:
			if len(ext.EllipticCurves) == 0 {
				return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.InsufficientSecurity}, errNoSupportedEllipticCurves
			state.namedCurve = ext.EllipticCurves[0]
		case *extension.UseSRTP:
			profile, ok := findMatchingSRTPProfile(ext.ProtectionProfiles, cfg.localSRTPProtectionProfiles)
			if !ok {
				return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.InsufficientSecurity}, errServerNoMatchingSRTPProfile
			state.remoteSRTPMasterKeyIdentifier = ext.MasterKeyIdentifier
		case *extension.UseExtendedMasterSecret:
			if cfg.extendedMasterSecret != DisableExtendedMasterSecret {
				state.extendedMasterSecret = true
		case *extension.ServerName:
			state.serverName = ext.ServerName // remote server name
		case *extension.ALPN:
			state.peerSupportedProtocols = ext.ProtocolNameList
		case *extension.ConnectionID:
			// Only set connection ID to be sent if server supports connection
			// IDs.
			if cfg.connectionIDGenerator != nil {
				state.remoteConnectionID = ext.CID

	// If the client doesn't support connection IDs, the server should not
	// expect one to be sent.
	if state.remoteConnectionID == nil {

	if cfg.extendedMasterSecret == RequireExtendedMasterSecret && !state.extendedMasterSecret {
		return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.InsufficientSecurity}, errServerRequiredButNoClientEMS

	if state.localKeypair == nil {
		var err error
		state.localKeypair, err = elliptic.GenerateKeypair(state.namedCurve)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.IllegalParameter}, err

	nextFlight := flight2

	if cfg.insecureSkipHelloVerify {
		nextFlight = flight4

	return handleHelloResume(clientHello.SessionID, state, cfg, nextFlight)

func handleHelloResume(
	sessionID []byte,
	state *State,
	cfg *handshakeConfig,
	next flightVal,
) (flightVal, *alert.Alert, error) {
	if len(sessionID) > 0 && cfg.sessionStore != nil {
		if s, err := cfg.sessionStore.Get(sessionID); err != nil {
			return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.InternalError}, err
		} else if s.ID != nil {
			cfg.log.Tracef("[handshake] resume session: %x", sessionID)

			state.SessionID = sessionID
			state.masterSecret = s.Secret

			if err := state.initCipherSuite(); err != nil {
				return 0, &alert.Alert{Level: alert.Fatal, Description: alert.InternalError}, err

			clientRandom := state.localRandom.MarshalFixed()
			cfg.writeKeyLog(keyLogLabelTLS12, clientRandom[:], state.masterSecret)

			return flight4b, nil, nil

	return next, nil, nil

func flight0Generate(
	_ flightConn,
	state *State,
	_ *handshakeCache,
	cfg *handshakeConfig,
) ([]*packet, *alert.Alert, error) {
	// Initialize
	if !cfg.insecureSkipHelloVerify {
		state.cookie = make([]byte, cookieLength)
		if _, err := rand.Read(state.cookie); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

	var zeroEpoch uint16
	state.namedCurve = defaultNamedCurve

	if err := state.localRandom.Populate(); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	return nil, nil, nil