Read metadata for EDL such as camera timecode, video file name, card name/reel name, fps from a video file, using ffmpeg/ffprobe
Reads metadata available from video and audio file using ffprobe.
var metadataReader = require('./index.js');
var sampleVideo = "/Users/pietropassarelli/INCOMING_FILES/autoEdit_demo_videos/RecodeLiveEditing_test/";
//optional link to ffprobe
var exampleFfprobePath = "/Users/pietropassarelli/Dropbox/CODE/Vox/SubtitleBurner_project/SubtitleBurner/bin/ffprobe";{
file: sampleVideo,
ffprobePath: exampleFfprobePath,
callback: function(resp){
Given a video it returns a json with metadata info needed for EDL.
"filePathName": "/Users/pietropassarelli/INCOMING_FILES/autoEdit_demo_videos/RecodeLiveEditing_test/",
"fileName": "",
"date": "2016-02-18 16:38:20",
"reelName": "time",
"timecode": "00:01:18:56",
"fps": "1/60000",
"duration": 2287.285
See ./index_example.js for example usage. And example folder for example of output.
Use readMetadata
to get a json containing all available metadata.