Electron Cross Platform Desktop app
---> Work in progress <--
For a ready to use release of the desktop application, checkout the user manual for more details on how to get started.
See here for overall project architecture info
Github project board (for my forks) - across linked repos
git clone git@github.com:bbc/digital-paper-edit-electron.git
cd digital-paper-edit-electron
Optional step to setup nvm to use node version 10, otherwise just use node version 10
nvm use || nvm install`
in root of project
npm install
npm start
Electron Cross platform desktop app
- npm >
- node v 10 - lts/dubnium
- see
in the various packages for linting rules
Node version is set in node version manager .nvmrc
We use Travis CI to build. And add new versions to github releases.
However if you want to run a build and package the app locally you can use the npm scripts
To build for mac, windows, and linux
npm run build:mwl
To build for mac only
npm run build:m
To build for windows only
npm run build:w
To build for linux only
npm run build:l
The build, packaged app will be in the /dist