You are given with two arrays. Your task is to merge the array such that first array is in ascending order and second one in descending order. Input Description: First line contains two integer ‘n’ and ‘m’. ‘n’ denotes length of array 1 and ‘m’ of array 2.Next line contains n space separated numbers and third line contains ‘m’ space separated numbers Output Description: Print a single array in desired order Sample Input : 3 3 23 15 16 357 65 10 Sample Output : 15 16 23 357 65 10 n,m=(int(no) for no in input().split()) l1=[int(x) for x in input().split()] l2=[int(x) for x in input().split()] l1.sort() #print(l1) l2.sort(reverse=True) #print(l2) l1.extend(l2) print(*l1)