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Parcel produces an invalid bundle in watch mode when importing a script of type="module" on a manifest version 2 extension page. The bundle works fine when building and using manifest version 3.
The bundle produced has an empty entry array and a null main entry. If I manually add those, the bundle works fine.
💁 Possible Solution
🔦 Context
💻 Code Sample
This is the bundled produced:
// modules are defined as an array// [ module function, map of requires ]//// map of requires is short require name -> numeric require//// anything defined in a previous bundle is accessed via the// orig method which is the require for previous bundles(function(modules,entry,mainEntry,parcelRequireName,globalName){/* eslint-disable no-undef */varglobalObject=typeofglobalThis!=="undefined"
? globalThis
: typeofself!=="undefined"
? self
: typeofwindow!=="undefined"
? window
: typeofglobal!=="undefined"
? global
: {};/* eslint-enable no-undef */// Save the require from previous bundle to this closure if anyvarpreviousRequire=typeofglobalObject[parcelRequireName]==="function"&&globalObject[parcelRequireName];varcache=previousRequire.cache||{};// Do not use `require` to prevent Webpack from trying to bundle this callvarnodeRequire=typeofmodule!=="undefined"&&typeofmodule.require==="function"&&module.require.bind(module);functionnewRequire(name,jumped){if(!cache[name]){if(!modules[name]){// if we cannot find the module within our internal map or// cache jump to the current global require ie. the last bundle// that was added to the page.varcurrentRequire=typeofglobalObject[parcelRequireName]==="function"&&globalObject[parcelRequireName];if(!jumped&¤tRequire){returncurrentRequire(name,true);}// If there are other bundles on this page the require from the// previous one is saved to 'previousRequire'. Repeat this as// many times as there are bundles until the module is found or// we exhaust the require chain.if(previousRequire){returnpreviousRequire(name,true);}// Try the node require function if it exists.if(nodeRequire&&typeofname==="string"){returnnodeRequire(name);}varerr=newError("Cannot find module '"+name+"'");err.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND";throwerr;}localRequire.resolve=resolve;localRequire.cache={};varmodule=(cache[name]=newnewRequire.Module(name));modules[name][0].call(module.exports,localRequire,module,module.exports,globalObject);}returncache[name].exports;functionlocalRequire(x){varres=localRequire.resolve(x);returnres===false ? {} : newRequire(res);}functionresolve(x){varid=modules[name][1][x];returnid!=null ? id : x;}}functionModule(moduleName){;this.bundle=newRequire;this.exports={};}newRequire.isParcelRequire=true;newRequire.Module=Module;newRequire.modules=modules;newRequire.cache=cache;newRequire.parent=previousRequire;newRequire.register=function(id,exports){modules[id]=[function(require,module){module.exports=exports;},{},];};Object.defineProperty(newRequire,"root",{get: function(){returnglobalObject[parcelRequireName];},});globalObject[parcelRequireName]=newRequire;for(vari=0;i<entry.length;i++){newRequire(entry[i]);}if(mainEntry){// Expose entry point to Node, AMD or browser globals// Based on;// CommonJSif(typeofexports==="object"&&typeofmodule!=="undefined"){module.exports=mainExports;// RequireJS}elseif(typeofdefine==="function"&&define.amd){define(function(){returnmainExports;});// <script>}elseif(globalName){this[globalName]=mainExports;}}})({lmBGF: [function(require,module,exports,__globalThis){console.log("Hello world");},{},],},[],null,"parcelRequire94c2");
🌍 Your Environment
npm 10.8.2
Operating System
macOS 15.3
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
I already had "extends": "@parcel/config-webextension". Your configuration gives me an error @parcel/packager-ts: TS bundles must only contain one asset.
The extension itself builds fine. The problem is not with the background or content script. It is with a page that is included in the extension in which I import a script.
🐛 bug report
Parcel produces an invalid bundle in watch mode when importing a script of type="module" on a manifest version 2 extension page. The bundle works fine when building and using manifest version 3.
🎛 Configuration (.babelrc, package.json, cli command)
And the command used:
🤔 Expected Behavior
The bundle should work fine in watch mode.
😯 Current Behavior
The bundle produced has an empty entry array and a null main entry. If I manually add those, the bundle works fine.
💁 Possible Solution
🔦 Context
💻 Code Sample
This is the bundled produced:
🌍 Your Environment
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: