- alert
- analyze
- angular
- animation
- animations
- apollo-ios
- apollographql
- app
- apple
- apple-swift
- apple-tv
- apple-watch
- architecture
- arkit
- article
- artificial-intelligence
- audio
- augmented-reality
- auto
- autolayout
- automation
- avfoundation
- awesome
- awesome-list
- banner
- books
- c-plus-plus
- c-sharp
- cache
- calendar
- camera
- capture
- card
- cards
- carthage
- chat
- cli
- cmake
- cnn
- cocoa-touch
- cocoapod
- cocoapods
- code-generator
- commandline
- component
- constraints
- convolutional-neural-networks
- cordova
- coredata
- cplusplus
- crop
- cropping
- cross-platform
- csharp
- css
- custom
- custom-fonts
- custom-layout
- custom-transitions
- customizable
- customization
- dart
- database
- debug
- debugging
- deep-learning
- deeplink
- demo
- demo-app
- design
- device
- dotnet
- drag
- drawer
- dylib
- electron
- emscripten
- encryption
- exponent
- extensions
- fcm
- ffmpeg
- firebase
- flowlayout
- framework
- functional-reactive-programming
- game
- game-engine
- gesture-driven-animations
- github
- github-client
- golang
- graphics
- graphql
- html
- html5
- hud
- hybrid-apps
- ibdesignable
- icons
- image
- image-processing
- inspect
- interactive
- interface
- interface-builder
- intro
- ipa
- ipad
- iphone
- iphone-x
- java
- javascript
- js
- keychain
- kotlin
- layout
- layout-engine
- library
- linux
- list
- logging
- mac
- machine-learning
- macos
- macosx
- mapbox-gl
- markdown
- material
- material-components
- material-design
- media
- memory-leaks
- menu
- message
- messaging
- messenger
- metal
- mit
- mobile
- mobile-app
- mobile-database
- mobile-development
- modal
- motion
- music
- mvc
- mvvm
- nativescript
- navigation
- network
- network-monitoring
- night-mode
- nodejs
- notifications
- objective-c-library
- observer
- ocr
- open-source
- opengl
- osx
- otr
- pages
- photography
- photos
- player
- playground
- plugin
- pod
- popup
- presentation
- progress
- protocol
- push-notifications
- pwa
- python
- qt
- raspberry-pi
- react
- react-native
- react-native-app
- reactive
- reactive-programming
- reactiveswift
- redux
- retain-cycles
- reverse-engineering
- routing
- rtmp
- rtmp-client
- rtsp
- ruby
- rxswift
- scrollview
- security
- side-menu
- sidemenu
- snackbar
- snapchat
- spreadsheet
- sqlcipher
- storage
- storyboard
- svg
- swift-3
- swift-extensions
- swift-framework
- swift-language
- swift-library
- swift-package-manager
- swift-programming
- swift3
- swift4
- tabbar
- tabbarcontroller
- tableview
- templates
- tensorflow
- testing
- testing-tools
- theos
- tool
- transition
- transition-animation
- transitions
- tutorials
- tvos
- typescript
- ui
- ui-components
- ui-kit
- uicollectionview
- uicollectionviewlayout
- uicolor
- uidynamics
- uifont
- uiimage
- uiimageview
- uikit
- uiscrollview
- uistoryboard
- uitableview
- uitableviewcell
- uiview
- uiviewcontroller
- uwp
- ux
- video
- video-player
- view
- viewcontroller
- vine
- vue
- watchos
- web
- webgl
- weex
- windows
- wpf
- xamarin
- xamarin-forms
- xcode
- yalantis
- SCLAlertView. Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Objective-C
- Presentr. Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
- analyze. Draveness's Blog
- Halfrost-Field. ✍️ 这里是写博客的地方 —— Halfrost-Field 冰霜之地
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
- ShapeShifter. SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
- lottie-ios. An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- Hero. Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- animated-tab-bar.
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- folding-cell.
📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper card material design. Swift UI Library by @Ramotion
- IBAnimatable. Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- NVActivityIndicatorView. A collection of awesome loading animations
- SkeletonView. An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting
- Koloda. KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- Macaw. Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
- FoldingTabBar.iOS. Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
- fantastic-ios-animation. ☔ A collection of iOS animation repos
- StarWars.iOS. This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- AnimatedCollectionViewLayout. A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- GuillotineMenu. Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- Side-Menu.iOS. Animated side menu with customizable UI
- Stellar. A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
- spruce-ios. Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.
- ZFDragableModalTransition. Custom animation transition for present modal view controller
- Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS. This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis
- Transition. Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- Presentr. Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
- Context-Menu.iOS. You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
- YapAnimator. Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- RequestPermission. simple permission request with beautiful UI
- PullToMakeSoup. Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- VegaScroll.
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9. - DisplaySwitcher. Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- Segmentio. Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
- Interpolate. Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
- Quick-Chat. Real time chat app written in Swift 3 using Firebase
- material-motion-swift. A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.
- IGLDropDownMenu. An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation and easy to customize.
- SwiftTweaks. Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
- react-native-modal. An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal
- ViewAnimator. ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- Hyperion-iOS. In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- apollo-ios. 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- apollo-ios. 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- kivy. Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- ioctocat. iOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
- UniversalProject. 基于MVC架构的iOS轻量级框架,封装了基类、基于猿题库YTKNetwork的网络服务、工具库,NavigationController转场动画/瀑布流/粒子动画/小demo,已适配iOS11 & iPhone X。欢迎Star🌟
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- ios-good-practices. Good ideas for iOS development, by Futurice developers.
- SwiftyStoreKit. Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+
- Awesome-CoreML-Models. Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
- XHLaunchAd. 🔥The screen opening advertising solutions - 开屏广告、启动广告解决方案-支持静态/动态图片广告,mp4视频广告,全屏/半屏广告、兼容iPhone/iPad.
- Bender. Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- iOS-Swift-Demos. 精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。QQ交流群 32958950 申请请注明开发经验
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- SwiftyBeaver. Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2, 3 & 4
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- HiBeacons. An iBeacons example app for iOS 10, with Apple Watch (watchOS 3.0) support, written in Swift 3.
- ios-good-practices. Good ideas for iOS development, by Futurice developers.
- RIBs. Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
- fantastic-ios-architecture. 🏯 Better ways to structure iOS apps
- iOS-Developer-Roadmap. Roadmap to becoming an iOS developer in 2018.
- CleanArchitectureRxSwift. Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- Awesome-ARKit. A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- ARTetris. Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- analyze. Draveness's Blog
- Halfrost-Field. ✍️ 这里是写博客的地方 —— Halfrost-Field 冰霜之地
- Swift-AI. The Swift machine learning library.
- ncnn. ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- AudioKit. Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- Awesome-ARKit. A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- PureLayout. The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.
- MyLinearLayout. MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- AutoLayout. Auto Layout 秘境
- fastlane. 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
- appium. 📱 Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps.
- EarlGrey. 🍵 iOS UI Automation Test Framework
- macaca. Automation test solution for native, hybrid, mobile web and web application on mobile and desktop platforms.多端自动化测试解决方案
- AppIcon. AppIcon generates *.appiconset contains each resolution image for iOS
- LicensePlist. A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- Player.
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- my-mac-os. 💻 List of applications, alfred workflows and various tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- Awesome_APIs.
A collection of APIs
- Awesome-CoreML-Models. Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
- awesome-flutter. A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares
- awesome-resources. Awesome resources for coding and learning: open source projects, websites, books e.g.
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- Awesome-CoreML-Models. Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
- awesome-flutter. A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares
- SwiftMessages. A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- FSPagerView. FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- awesome-resources. Awesome resources for coding and learning: open source projects, websites, books e.g.
- mapbox-gl-native. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- PINCache. Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS, tvOS and OS X
- EGOCache. Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)
- Cache. 📦 Nothing but Cache.
- PPNetworkHelper. AFNetworking 3.x 与YYCache封装
- FSCalendar. A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
- JTAppleCalendar. The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. iOS calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable
- CVCalendar. A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (4.0).
- JTCalendar. A customizable calendar view for iOS.
- react-native-calendars. React Native Calendar Components 📆
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- RequestPermission. simple permission request with beautiful UI
- ALCameraViewController. A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- BulletinBoard. General-purpose contextual cards for iOS
- Koloda. KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- Cards. Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 4.
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- SVProgressHUD. A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- Eureka. Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
- NVActivityIndicatorView. A collection of awesome loading animations
- FSCalendar. A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- JLRoutes. URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
- FoldingTabBar.iOS. Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
- Coding-iOS. CODING iOS 客户端源代码
- SCLAlertView. Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Objective-C
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- XLActionController. Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift
- Gemini. Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- JGProgressHUD. An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS.
- Fusuma. Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- PINCache. Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS, tvOS and OS X
- PullToMakeSoup. Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- HeapInspector-for-iOS. Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
- SFFocusViewLayout. UICollectionViewLayout with focused content
- Segmentio. Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
- LGSideMenuController. iOS view controller, shows left and right views by pressing button or gesture
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- TKRubberIndicator. A rubber animation pagecontrol
- ChatSecure-iOS. ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- Quick-Chat. Real time chat app written in Swift 3 using Firebase
- AppIcon. AppIcon generates *.appiconset contains each resolution image for iOS
- LicensePlist. A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
- MasterPassword. A stateless password management solution.
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- paddle-mobile. This research aims at simply deploying CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) on mobile devices, with low complexity and high speed.
- iOS-10-Sampler. Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.
- Swift-30-Projects. 30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
- LNPopupController. LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
- Fusuma. Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- JVFloatingDrawer. An easy to use floating drawer view controller.
- DownloadButton. Customizable App Store style download button
- PHFComposeBarView. Compose bar from iOS 7 Messages.app
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- SVProgressHUD. A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- CocoaPods. The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
- Eureka. Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
- NVActivityIndicatorView. A collection of awesome loading animations
- nimbus. The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation
- FSCalendar. A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- TSMessages. 💌 Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS à la Tweetbot
- JLRoutes. URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
- Koloda. KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- TLYShyNavBar. Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!
- FoldingTabBar.iOS. Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
- Coding-iOS. CODING iOS 客户端源代码
- AnimatedCollectionViewLayout. A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
- SCLAlertView. Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Objective-C
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- PYSearch. 🔍 An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad) .
- GuillotineMenu. Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- Side-Menu.iOS. Animated side menu with customizable UI
- XLActionController. Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift
- mobileplayer-ios. 📱 🎥 A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
- Gemini. Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
- FaceAware. An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
- WordPress-iOS. WordPress for iOS - Official repository
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- JGProgressHUD. An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS.
- Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS. This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis
- TOCropViewController. A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects.
- Fusuma. Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- PINCache. Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS, tvOS and OS X
- MonkeyDev. CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
- DisplaySwitcher. Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- HeapInspector-for-iOS. Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
- SFFocusViewLayout. UICollectionViewLayout with focused content
- Segmentio. Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
- LGSideMenuController. iOS view controller, shows left and right views by pressing button or gesture
- TOWebViewController. A view controller class for iOS that allows users to view web pages directly within an app.
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- Sharaku. [This repo is not maintained currently 🙏] Image filtering UI library like Instagram.
- PocketSVG. Easily convert your SVG files into CGPaths, CAShapeLayers, and UIBezierPaths
- PPNetworkHelper. AFNetworking 3.x 与YYCache封装
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- TKRubberIndicator. A rubber animation pagecontrol
- R.swift. Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- SwiftGen. The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- Iconic. Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
- AppIcon. AppIcon generates *.appiconset contains each resolution image for iOS
- LicensePlist. A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
- circle-menu.
⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- paper-switch.
🎚 RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on. iOS library by @Ramotion
- paper-onboarding.
PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider. Swift UI library by @Ramotion
- reel-search.
🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- navigation-stack.
NavigationStack is a stack-modeled UI navigation controller. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- PHFComposeBarView. Compose bar from iOS 7 Messages.app
- MyLinearLayout. MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- EasyPeasy. Auto Layout made easy
- iOS-10-Sampler. Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.
- Bender. Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- framework7. Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- CleanArchitectureRxSwift. Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
- iOS-Hierarchy-Viewer. iOS Hierarchy viewer - View and Coredata debugging made easy
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- Fusuma. Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- react-native-image-crop-picker. iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- react-native-image-crop-picker. iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- ALCameraViewController. A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
- Small. A small framework to split app into small parts
- LuaViewSDK. A cross-platform framework to build native, dynamic and swift user interface - 强大轻巧灵活的客户端动态化解决方案
- titanium_mobile. 🚀 Native iOS-, Android- and Windows Apps with JavaScript
- awesome-flutter. A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares
- detox. Gray Box End-to-End Testing and Automation Framework for Mobile Apps
- anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource. RTMP 推流器,RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器,跨平台(Win,IOS,Android)开源代码
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- mono. Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
- MyLinearLayout. MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- Transition. Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- R.swift. Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- FolioReaderKit. 📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
- Koloda. KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- DisplaySwitcher. Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- lottie-ios. An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- Hero. Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- DisplaySwitcher. Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS. This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis
- DownloadButton. Customizable App Store style download button
- Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS. This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis
- Context-Menu.iOS. You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
- flutter. Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
- awesome-flutter. A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares
- realm-cocoa. Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- wcdb. WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- Hyperion-iOS. In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- ResponseDetective. Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. 🕵️♂️
- Watchdog. Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread
- Swift-AI. The Swift machine learning library.
- paddle-mobile. This research aims at simply deploying CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) on mobile devices, with low complexity and high speed.
- ncnn. ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
- Bender. Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- JLRoutes. URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
- URLNavigator. ⛵️ Elegant URL Routing for Swift
- EAIntroView. Highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views.
- iOS-10-Sampler. Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.
- kittenTricks. 🐈 A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support
- ESTMusicPlayer. An elegant and simple iOS music player.
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- spruce-ios. Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.
- ESTMusicPlayer. An elegant and simple iOS music player.
- YapAnimator. Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- Hyperion-iOS. In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- SwiftTweaks. Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
- DeviceKit. DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
- FCUUID. iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.
- mono. Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- SwipeCellKit. Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- Hyperion-iOS. In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- JVFloatingDrawer. An easy to use floating drawer view controller.
- iOSAppHook. 专注于非越狱环境下iOS应用逆向研究,从dylib注入,应用重签名到App Hook
- WeChatPlugin-iOS. iOS 版微信小助手(防撤回、修改微信运动、游戏作弊、群管理、好友请求管理)
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- ChatSecure-iOS. ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- OpenSSL-for-iPhone. A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV)
- create-react-native-app. Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- JKCategories. JKCategories(iOS-Categories,Category), a collection of useful Objective-C Categories extending iOS Frameworks such as Foundation,UIKit,CoreData,QuartzCore,CoreLocation,MapKit Etc.
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- react-native-fcm. react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
- ijkplayer. Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
- FFmpeg-iOS-build-script. Shell scripts to build FFmpeg for iOS and tvOS
- SGPlayer. A powerful media player framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. Support 360° panorama video, VR video. RTMP streaming.
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- react-native-starter-kit. 🚀 A React Native + React (web) & Firebase (optional) boilerplate app to get you up and running very, very quickly 🚀
- react-native-fcm. react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
- Quick-Chat. Real time chat app written in Swift 3 using Firebase
- HackerNews. A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.
- MyLinearLayout. MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- VegaScroll.
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- framework7. Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- spruce-ios. Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- Hyperion-iOS. In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- ios-oss. Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- Interpolate. Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
- material-motion-swift. A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.
- git-point. GitHub in your pocket 📱
- ioctocat. iOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
- Monkey. Monkey is a GitHub third party client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.
- git-point. GitHub in your pocket 📱
- Monkey. Monkey is a GitHub third party client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.
- qt. Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch
- gorush. A push notification server written in Go (Golang).
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- Macaw. Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
- apollo-ios. 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- Coding-iOS. CODING iOS 客户端源代码
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- SVProgressHUD. A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- JGProgressHUD. An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS.
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- macaca. Automation test solution for native, hybrid, mobile web and web application on mobile and desktop platforms.多端自动化测试解决方案
- Cards. Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 4.
- CHIPageControl. A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
- material-design-icons. Material Design icons by Google
- FlagKit. Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
- PINRemoteImage. A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
- TOCropViewController. A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects.
- react-native-image-crop-picker. iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- NYXImagesKit. A set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more.
- TOCropViewController. A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects.
- Peek. All new design. Inspect your iOS application at runtime.
- Hyperion-iOS. In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- IGListKit. A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
- Fusuma. Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- Sharaku. [This repo is not maintained currently 🙏] Image filtering UI library like Instagram.
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- Transition. Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- Interpolate. Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- RequestPermission. simple permission request with beautiful UI
- IBAnimatable. Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- Iconic. Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
- GSKStretchyHeaderView. A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
- EAIntroView. Highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views.
- react-native-app-intro. react-native-app-intro is a react native component implementing a parallax effect welcome page using base on react-native-swiper , similar to the one found in Google's app like Sheet, Drive, Docs...
- IPAPatch. Patch iOS Apps, The Easy Way, Without Jailbreak.
- MonkeyDev. CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- panelkit. A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
- ChatSecure-iOS. ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- STPopup. STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.
- XHLaunchAd. 🔥The screen opening advertising solutions - 开屏广告、启动广告解决方案-支持静态/动态图片广告,mp4视频广告,全屏/半屏广告、兼容iPhone/iPad.
- CHIPageControl. A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
- ioctocat. iOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- ChatSecure-iOS. ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- STPopup. STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.
- XHLaunchAd. 🔥The screen opening advertising solutions - 开屏广告、启动广告解决方案-支持静态/动态图片广告,mp4视频广告,全屏/半屏广告、兼容iPhone/iPad.
- CHIPageControl. A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
- ioctocat. iOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
- OpenSSL-for-iPhone. A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV)
- Bender. Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- Sol. ☀️ Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly. Check the weather in your current location or any city around the world. Implemented in Objective-C.
- HiBeacons. An iBeacons example app for iOS 10, with Apple Watch (watchOS 3.0) support, written in Swift 3.
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- Swift-30-Projects. 30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
- SwiftMessages. A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- NotchKit. A simple way to hide the notch on the iPhone X
- VegaScroll.
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- buck. A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages.
- mapbox-gl-native. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- MasterPassword. A stateless password management solution.
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- create-react-native-app. Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- LuaViewSDK. A cross-platform framework to build native, dynamic and swift user interface - 强大轻巧灵活的客户端动态化解决方案
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
- titanium_mobile. 🚀 Native iOS-, Android- and Windows Apps with JavaScript
- detox. Gray Box End-to-End Testing and Automation Framework for Mobile Apps
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- Halfrost-Field. ✍️ 这里是写博客的地方 —— Halfrost-Field 冰霜之地
- awesome-resources. Awesome resources for coding and learning: open source projects, websites, books e.g.
- react-native-wechat. 🚀 WeChat login, share, favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms (QQ: 336021910)
- react-native-starter-kit. 🚀 A React Native + React (web) & Firebase (optional) boilerplate app to get you up and running very, very quickly 🚀
- Valet. Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
- FCUUID. iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- LayoutKit. LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
- Render. Swift and UIKit a la React.
- framework7. Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
- animated-tab-bar.
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- folding-cell.
📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper card material design. Swift UI Library by @Ramotion
- FSCalendar. A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
- TSMessages. 💌 Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS à la Tweetbot
- circle-menu.
⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- spruce-ios. Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.
- paper-switch.
🎚 RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on. iOS library by @Ramotion
- paper-onboarding.
PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider. Swift UI library by @Ramotion
- reel-search.
🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- navigation-stack.
NavigationStack is a stack-modeled UI navigation controller. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- adaptive-tab-bar.
AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift UI module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements. Swift UI component by @Ramotion
- preview-transition.
PreviewTransition is a simple preview gallery UI controller with animated tranisitions. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- Hyperion-iOS. In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- JVFloatingDrawer. An easy to use floating drawer view controller.
- gliding-collection.
Gliding Collection is a smooth, flowing, customizable decision for a UICollectionView Swift Controller. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- kivy. Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- qt. Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch
- brook. Brook is a cross-platform(Linux/MacOS/Windows/Android/iOS) proxy software
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- theos. A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms.
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- SwiftyBeaver. Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2, 3 & 4
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- Dotzu. 📱👀 In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
- CocoaPods. The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
- YapAnimator. Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- Swift-AI. The Swift machine learning library.
- Awesome-CoreML-Models. Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
- Bender. Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- my-mac-os. 💻 List of applications, alfred workflows and various tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
- kivy. Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
- Swift-AI. The Swift machine learning library.
- AudioKit. Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- SAMKeychain. Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
- qt. Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch
- brook. Brook is a cross-platform(Linux/MacOS/Windows/Android/iOS) proxy software
- SwiftyBeaver. Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2, 3 & 4
- SwiftOCR. Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift
- SwiftyStoreKit. Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+
- Valet. Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- EFQRCode. A better way to operate quick response code in Swift.
- mapbox-gl-native. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- LayoutKit. LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
- FlagKit. Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- theos. A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms.
- YapAnimator. Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- ResponseDetective. Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. 🕵️♂️
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
- Watchdog. Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- EGOCache. Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)
- SGPlayer. A powerful media player framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. Support 360° panorama video, VR video. RTMP streaming.
- PocketSVG. Easily convert your SVG files into CGPaths, CAShapeLayers, and UIBezierPaths
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- MasterPassword. A stateless password management solution.
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- YapAnimator. Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- mapbox-gl-native. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- react-native-mapbox-gl. A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
- MMMarkdown. An Objective-C framework for converting Markdown to HTML.
- MarkdownView. Markdown View for iOS.
- material-design-icons. Material Design icons by Google
- framework7. Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- material-components-ios. Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for iOS
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- material-components-ios. Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for iOS
- material-design-icons. Material Design icons by Google
- flutter. Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
- Hero. Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- framework7. Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- animated-tab-bar.
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- folding-cell.
📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper card material design. Swift UI Library by @Ramotion
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- awesome-flutter. A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares
- material-components-ios. Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for iOS
- react-native-material-ui. Highly customizable material design components for React Native
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- Player.
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
- HeapInspector-for-iOS. Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
- LifetimeTracker. Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- Side-Menu.iOS. Animated side menu with customizable UI
- Context-Menu.iOS. You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
- IGLDropDownMenu. An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation and easy to customize.
- JSQMessagesViewController. [DEPRECATED] An elegant messages UI library for iOS
- Whisper. 📣 Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple. It has three different views inside
- JSQMessagesViewController. [DEPRECATED] An elegant messages UI library for iOS
- ChatSecure-iOS. ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- JSQMessagesViewController. [DEPRECATED] An elegant messages UI library for iOS
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
- iOS-10-Sampler. Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.
- Bender. Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- react-native-wechat. 🚀 WeChat login, share, favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms (QQ: 336021910)
- flutter. Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
- fastlane. 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
- weex. A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
- NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
- framework7. Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
- realm-cocoa. Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- wcdb. WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
- paddle-mobile. This research aims at simply deploying CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) on mobile devices, with low complexity and high speed.
- RIBs. Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
- LuaViewSDK. A cross-platform framework to build native, dynamic and swift user interface - 强大轻巧灵活的客户端动态化解决方案
- reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
- mobileplayer-ios. 📱 🎥 A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
- status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- react-native-open-project. 可能是目前最用心收集的 React Native 优秀开源项目大全,公众号【aMarno】www.marno.cn
- RIBs. Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- react-native-open-project. 可能是目前最用心收集的 React Native 优秀开源项目大全,公众号【aMarno】www.marno.cn
- realm-cocoa. Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- wcdb. WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
- RIBs. Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
- awesome-flutter. A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares
- Presentr. Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
- react-native-modal. An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal
- YapAnimator. Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- material-motion-swift. A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.
- AudioKit. Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- ESTMusicPlayer. An elegant and simple iOS music player.
- RIBs. Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
- Swift-30-Projects. 30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- RIBs. Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- fantastic-ios-architecture. 🏯 Better ways to structure iOS apps
- Monkey. Monkey is a GitHub third party client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.
- CleanArchitectureRxSwift. Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
- NativeScript. NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- LuaViewSDK. A cross-platform framework to build native, dynamic and swift user interface - 强大轻巧灵活的客户端动态化解决方案
- angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
- TLYShyNavBar. Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!
- Side-Menu.iOS. Animated side menu with customizable UI
- JVFloatingDrawer. An easy to use floating drawer view controller.
- OHHTTPStubs. Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
- react-native-fetch-blob. A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
- Dotzu. 📱👀 In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
- NetworkEye. a iOS network debug library ,It can monitor HTTP requests within the App and displays information related to the request.
- Dotzu. 📱👀 In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
- NetworkEye. a iOS network debug library ,It can monitor HTTP requests within the App and displays information related to the request.
- FolioReaderKit. 📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
- SwiftTheme. 🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 8+ 主题/换肤, 夜间模式
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- mapbox-gl-native. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- titanium_mobile. 🚀 Native iOS-, Android- and Windows Apps with JavaScript
- awesome-resources. Awesome resources for coding and learning: open source projects, websites, books e.g.
- TSMessages. 💌 Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS à la Tweetbot
- Whisper. 📣 Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple. It has three different views inside
- react-native-fcm. react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- RxSwift. Reactive Programming in Swift
- siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
- Swift-AI. The Swift machine learning library.
- SwiftOCR. Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- react-native-dribbble-app. Dribbble app built with React Native
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- StarWars.iOS. This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- mapbox-gl-native. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- ChatSecure-iOS. ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- FSPagerView. FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
- Presentation. 📑 Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- ALCameraViewController. A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.
- ijkplayer. Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
- SmarterStreaming. 大牛直播SDK,跨平台(windows/android/iOS)推送(rtmp)、直播播放器(rtmp/rtsp),支持录像、导播、转发、动态视频合成、实时快照、水印、音频混音、互动等,国内外为数不多不依赖开源框架,业界真正靠谱的超低延迟(通常1秒左右,低延迟模式下200~400ms)。
- mobileplayer-ios. 📱 🎥 A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
- SGPlayer. A powerful media player framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. Support 360° panorama video, VR video. RTMP streaming.
- Player.
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
- AudioKit. Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- LuaViewSDK. A cross-platform framework to build native, dynamic and swift user interface - 强大轻巧灵活的客户端动态化解决方案
- Small. A small framework to split app into small parts
- BeeHive. 🐝 BeeHive is a solution for iOS Application module programs, it absorbed the Spring Framework API service concept to avoid coupling between modules.
- PYSearch. 🔍 An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad) .
- XHLaunchAd. 🔥The screen opening advertising solutions - 开屏广告、启动广告解决方案-支持静态/动态图片广告,mp4视频广告,全屏/半屏广告、兼容iPhone/iPad.
- FCUUID. iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.
- LNPopupController. LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
- STPopup. STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.
- Presentation. 📑 Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
- Presentr. Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
- SVProgressHUD. A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- HGCircularSlider. A custom reusable circular / progress slider control for iOS application.
- FoldingTabBar.iOS. Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
- GuillotineMenu. Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- react-native-push-notification. React Native Local and Remote Notifications
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- kivy. Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
- buck. A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages.
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- qt. Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch
- mapbox-gl-native. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- qt. Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- gold-miner. 🥇掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中技术社区,最懂读者和译者的翻译平台:
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
- fantastic-ios-architecture. 🏯 Better ways to structure iOS apps
- react-native-image-crop-picker. iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- react-native-dribbble-app. Dribbble app built with React Native
- react-native-typography. Pixel–perfect, native–looking typographic styles for React Native ✒️
- Render. Swift and UIKit a la React.
- react-native-open-project. 可能是目前最用心收集的 React Native 优秀开源项目大全,公众号【aMarno】www.marno.cn
- react-native-modal. An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal
- react-native-share. Share Social , Sending Simple Data to Other Apps
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- react-native-elements. Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit
- create-react-native-app. Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
- NativeBase. Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- kittenTricks. 🐈 A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support
- git-point. GitHub in your pocket 📱
- ui. Customizable set of components for React Native applications
- react-native-push-notification. React Native Local and Remote Notifications
- LuaViewSDK. A cross-platform framework to build native, dynamic and swift user interface - 强大轻巧灵活的客户端动态化解决方案
- reading. iReading App Write In React-Native
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
- react-native-calendars. React Native Calendar Components 📆
- detox. Gray Box End-to-End Testing and Automation Framework for Mobile Apps
- status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
- react-native-fetch-blob. A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
- react-native-app-intro. react-native-app-intro is a react native component implementing a parallax effect welcome page using base on react-native-swiper , similar to the one found in Google's app like Sheet, Drive, Docs...
- react-native-image-crop-picker. iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- react-native-dribbble-app. Dribbble app built with React Native
- react-native-typography. Pixel–perfect, native–looking typographic styles for React Native ✒️
- react-native-splash-screen. A splash screen for react-native, hide when application loaded ,it works on iOS and Android.
- react-native-material-ui. Highly customizable material design components for React Native
- react-native-wechat. 🚀 WeChat login, share, favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms (QQ: 336021910)
- react-native-starter-kit. 🚀 A React Native + React (web) & Firebase (optional) boilerplate app to get you up and running very, very quickly 🚀
- FinanceReactNative. iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android).
- react-native-mapbox-gl. A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
- react-native-open-project. 可能是目前最用心收集的 React Native 优秀开源项目大全,公众号【aMarno】www.marno.cn
- react-native-modal. An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal
- react-native-share. Share Social , Sending Simple Data to Other Apps
- create-react-native-app. Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
- RxSwift. Reactive Programming in Swift
- siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
- material-motion-swift. A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- awesome-flutter. A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares
- CleanArchitectureRxSwift. Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
- open-source-ios-apps. 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- ios-oss. Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
- reading. iReading App Write In React-Native
- reactjs101. 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
- katana-swift. Swift Apps in a Swoosh! A modern framework for creating iOS apps, inspired by Redux.
- HeapInspector-for-iOS. Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
- LifetimeTracker. Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
- IPAPatch. Patch iOS Apps, The Easy Way, Without Jailbreak.
- MonkeyDev. CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
- JLRoutes. URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
- URLNavigator. ⛵️ Elegant URL Routing for Swift
- SmarterStreaming. 大牛直播SDK,跨平台(windows/android/iOS)推送(rtmp)、直播播放器(rtmp/rtsp),支持录像、导播、转发、动态视频合成、实时快照、水印、音频混音、互动等,国内外为数不多不依赖开源框架,业界真正靠谱的超低延迟(通常1秒左右,低延迟模式下200~400ms)。
- anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource. RTMP 推流器,RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器,跨平台(Win,IOS,Android)开源代码
- SmarterStreaming. 大牛直播SDK,跨平台(windows/android/iOS)推送(rtmp)、直播播放器(rtmp/rtsp),支持录像、导播、转发、动态视频合成、实时快照、水印、音频混音、互动等,国内外为数不多不依赖开源框架,业界真正靠谱的超低延迟(通常1秒左右,低延迟模式下200~400ms)。
- anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource. RTMP 推流器,RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器,跨平台(Win,IOS,Android)开源代码
- SmarterStreaming. 大牛直播SDK,跨平台(windows/android/iOS)推送(rtmp)、直播播放器(rtmp/rtsp),支持录像、导播、转发、动态视频合成、实时快照、水印、音频混音、互动等,国内外为数不多不依赖开源框架,业界真正靠谱的超低延迟(通常1秒左右,低延迟模式下200~400ms)。
- anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource. RTMP 推流器,RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器,跨平台(Win,IOS,Android)开源代码
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- awesome-resources. Awesome resources for coding and learning: open source projects, websites, books e.g.
- RxSwift. Reactive Programming in Swift
- CleanArchitectureRxSwift. Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
- TLYShyNavBar. Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!
- overscroll-decor. Android: iOS-like over-scrolling effect applicable over almost all scrollable Android views.
- LazyScrollView. An iOS ScrollView to resolve the problem of reusability in views.
- Valet. Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- Side-Menu.iOS. Animated side menu with customizable UI
- iOS-Slide-Menu. iOS Slide Menu with ability to add both left and right menu, and built in gesture recognizer. Similar to Path and Facebook
- LGSideMenuController. iOS view controller, shows left and right views by pressing button or gesture
- Side-Menu.iOS. Animated side menu with customizable UI
- LGSideMenuController. iOS view controller, shows left and right views by pressing button or gesture
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- SwiftMessages. A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- SpreadsheetView. Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS applications. With this framework, you can easily create complex layouts like schedule, gantt chart or timetable as if you are using Excel.
- wcdb. WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
- ChatSecure-iOS. ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
- react-native-firebase. A well tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 12+ Firebase modules (including a feature rich Notifications implementation) 🔥
- react-native-fetch-blob. A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
- Cards. Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 4.
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- CHIPageControl. A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
- Macaw. Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
- ShapeShifter. SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
- PocketSVG. Easily convert your SVG files into CGPaths, CAShapeLayers, and UIBezierPaths
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- iOS-10-Sampler. Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.
- SwiftyStoreKit. Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- Stellar. A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- FaceAware. An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
- SwiftCharts. Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
- Sharaku. [This repo is not maintained currently 🙏] Image filtering UI library like Instagram.
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- SwiftyBeaver. Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2, 3 & 4
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- ios-oss. Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
- SwiftyStoreKit. Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+
- iOS-Swift-Demos. 精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。QQ交流群 32958950 申请请注明开发经验
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- awesome-swift. A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- Eureka. Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- NVActivityIndicatorView. A collection of awesome loading animations
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- XLActionController. Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift
- iOS-Swift-Demos. 精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。QQ交流群 32958950 申请请注明开发经验
- Gemini. Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
- Sharaku. [This repo is not maintained currently 🙏] Image filtering UI library like Instagram.
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- AppIcon. AppIcon generates *.appiconset contains each resolution image for iOS
- LicensePlist. A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
- awesome-ios. A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- iOS-Swift-Demos. 精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。QQ交流群 32958950 申请请注明开发经验
- CVCalendar. A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (4.0).
- Gemini. Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
- NotificationBanner. The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS
- CHIPageControl. A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
- Dotzu. 📱👀 In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
- SkeletonView. An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting
- SwiftyBeaver. Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2, 3 & 4
- Swift-30-Projects. 30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
- SwiftMessages. A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- CVCalendar. A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (4.0).
- Cards. Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 4.
- Disk. Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
- FoldingTabBar.iOS. Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
- RDVTabBarController. Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS
- youtube-iOS. youtube iOS app template written in swift 3
- FoldingTabBar.iOS. Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
- RDVTabBarController. Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS
- youtube-iOS. youtube iOS app template written in swift 3
- SwipeCellKit. Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- TDBadgedCell. TDBadgedCell is a table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps
- SwiftGen. The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- Sourcery. Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
- gold-miner. 🥇掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中技术社区,最懂读者和译者的翻译平台:
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- macaca. Automation test solution for native, hybrid, mobile web and web application on mobile and desktop platforms.多端自动化测试解决方案
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- EarlGrey. 🍵 iOS UI Automation Test Framework
- awesome-test-automation. A curated list of awesome test automation frameworks, tools, libraries, and software for different programming languages. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com
- theos. A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms.
- MonkeyDev. CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
- WeChatPlugin-iOS. iOS 版微信小助手(防撤回、修改微信运动、游戏作弊、群管理、好友请求管理)
- TinyConsole. 🚦📱 A tiny log console to display information while using your iOS app. Written in Swift 3.
- LifetimeTracker. Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
- Macaw. Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
- AnimatedCollectionViewLayout. A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
- ZFDragableModalTransition. Custom animation transition for present modal view controller
- Transition. Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- Presentr. Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
- DeckTransition. A library to recreate the iOS Apple Music now playing transition
- lottie-ios. An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- Hero. Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- IBAnimatable. Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- StarWars.iOS. This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- GuillotineMenu. Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- Transition. Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- material-motion-swift. A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.
- gold-miner. 🥇掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中技术社区,最懂读者和译者的翻译平台:
- Presentation. 📑 Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
- SVProgressHUD. A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- AudioKit. Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- SAMKeychain. Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
- Provenance. An iOS/tvOS Frontend for multiple emulators, currently supporting various Sega, Nintendo, Atari, Sony, NEC, SNK and Bandai systems. Get Started: https://git.io/vxA4Q |
- SwiftyStoreKit. Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+
- Valet. Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- EFQRCode. A better way to operate quick response code in Swift.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- LayoutKit. LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
- JGProgressHUD. An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS.
- FlagKit. Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
- DeviceKit. DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
- FFmpeg-iOS-build-script. Shell scripts to build FFmpeg for iOS and tvOS
- ResponseDetective. Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. 🕵️♂️
- OpenSSL-for-iPhone. A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV)
- Iconic. Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
- EGOCache. Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)
- SGPlayer. A powerful media player framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. Support 360° panorama video, VR video. RTMP streaming.
- ios-samples. Xamarin.iOS sample apps
- Player.
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
- angular-seed-advanced. Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
- ShapeShifter. SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- animated-tab-bar.
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- folding-cell.
📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper card material design. Swift UI Library by @Ramotion
- kivy. Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
- nimbus. The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation
- ViewAnimator. ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- nui. Style iOS apps with a stylesheet, similar to CSS
- kittenTricks. 🐈 A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support
- TLYShyNavBar. Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!
- Macaw. Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
- panelkit. A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
- SwiftMessages. A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- PYSearch. 🔍 An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad) .
- Cards. Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 4.
- Presentation. 📑 Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
- LayoutKit. LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- STPopup. STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.
- BEMCheckBox. Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box)
- ESTMusicPlayer. An elegant and simple iOS music player.
- HubFramework. DEPRECATED – Spotify’s component-driven UI framework for iOS
- CHIPageControl. A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
- RequestPermission. simple permission request with beautiful UI
- katana-swift. Swift Apps in a Swoosh! A modern framework for creating iOS apps, inspired by Redux.
- JVFloatingDrawer. An easy to use floating drawer view controller.
- TDBadgedCell. TDBadgedCell is a table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps
- SwiftTheme. 🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 8+ 主题/换肤, 夜间模式
- TKRubberIndicator. A rubber animation pagecontrol
- react-native-elements. Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit
- NativeBase. Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native
- IBAnimatable. Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- SwiftMessages. A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- react-native-calendars. React Native Calendar Components 📆
- STPopup. STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.
- nui. Style iOS apps with a stylesheet, similar to CSS
- react-native-material-ui. Highly customizable material design components for React Native
- IGListKit. A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
- SkeletonView. An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting
- ViewAnimator. ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- AnimatedCollectionViewLayout. A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- FSPagerView. FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
- MyLinearLayout. MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- CollectionKit. Reimagining UICollectionView
- Gemini. Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
- VegaScroll.
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9. - GSKStretchyHeaderView. A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
- FSPagerView. FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
- CollectionKit. Reimagining UICollectionView
- SFFocusViewLayout. UICollectionViewLayout with focused content
- SwiftGen. The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- UIImageColors. Fetches the most dominant and prominent colors from an image.
- StarWars.iOS. This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- Stellar. A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
- R.swift. Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- SwiftGen. The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- R.swift. Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- SwiftGen. The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- NYXImagesKit. A set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more.
- UIImageColors. Fetches the most dominant and prominent colors from an image.
- FaceAware. An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
- LKImageKit. A high-performance image framework, including a series of capabilities such as image views, image downloader, memory caches, disk caches, image decoders and image processors.
- IBAnimatable. Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- ViewAnimator. ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- TLYShyNavBar. Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!
- panelkit. A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
- SwipeCellKit. Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- StarWars.iOS. This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- Cards. Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 4.
- Render. Swift and UIKit a la React.
- DownloadButton. Customizable App Store style download button
- MessageViewController. A SlackTextViewController replacement written in Swift for the iPhone X.
- GSKStretchyHeaderView. A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
- TKRubberIndicator. A rubber animation pagecontrol
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- PullToMakeSoup. Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- GSKStretchyHeaderView. A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
- R.swift. Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- SwiftGen. The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- Eureka. Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
- SkeletonView. An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting
- ViewAnimator. ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- SwipeCellKit. Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- Persei. Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- MyLinearLayout. MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- TDBadgedCell. TDBadgedCell is a table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps
- GSKStretchyHeaderView. A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
- SwipeCellKit. Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- TDBadgedCell. TDBadgedCell is a table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps
- ViewAnimator. ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- MyLinearLayout. MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
- Render. Swift and UIKit a la React.
- iOS-Hierarchy-Viewer. iOS Hierarchy viewer - View and Coredata debugging made easy
- PHFComposeBarView. Compose bar from iOS 7 Messages.app
- GSKStretchyHeaderView. A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
- LNPopupController. LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
- TOWebViewController. A view controller class for iOS that allows users to view web pages directly within an app.
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- react-native-share. Share Social , Sending Simple Data to Other Apps
- Material. A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- panelkit. A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
- ijkplayer. Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- mobileplayer-ios. 📱 🎥 A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
- wire-ios. 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- Fusuma. Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- react-native-image-crop-picker. iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- mobileplayer-ios. 📱 🎥 A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
- Player.
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- Transition. Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- JSQMessagesViewController. [DEPRECATED] An elegant messages UI library for iOS
- TOCropViewController. A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects.
- Transition. Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- PBJVision. 📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
- NextLevel. ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- better-scroll. 📜 inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- SAMKeychain. Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
- Valet. Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
- XCGLogger. A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- Iconic. Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
- RandomKit. Random data generation in Swift
- EGOCache. Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)
- ios-samples. Xamarin.iOS sample apps
- material-design-icons. Material Design icons by Google
- weex. A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
- Awesome_APIs.
A collection of APIs
- TOWebViewController. A view controller class for iOS that allows users to view web pages directly within an app.
- react-native-open-project. 可能是目前最用心收集的 React Native 优秀开源项目大全,公众号【aMarno】www.marno.cn
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- wcdb. WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
- react-native-wechat. 🚀 WeChat login, share, favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms (QQ: 336021910)
- WeChatPlugin-iOS. iOS 版微信小助手(防撤回、修改微信运动、游戏作弊、群管理、好友请求管理)
- weex. A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
- LuaViewSDK. A cross-platform framework to build native, dynamic and swift user interface - 强大轻巧灵活的客户端动态化解决方案
- libgdx. Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- kivy. Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
- appium. 📱 Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps.
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- SmarterStreaming. 大牛直播SDK,跨平台(windows/android/iOS)推送(rtmp)、直播播放器(rtmp/rtsp),支持录像、导播、转发、动态视频合成、实时快照、水印、音频混音、互动等,国内外为数不多不依赖开源框架,业界真正靠谱的超低延迟(通常1秒左右,低延迟模式下200~400ms)。
- Awesome_APIs.
A collection of APIs
- qt. Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch
- brook. Brook is a cross-platform(Linux/MacOS/Windows/Android/iOS) proxy software
- anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource. RTMP 推流器,RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器,跨平台(Win,IOS,Android)开源代码
- AtomicGameEngine. The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
- theos. A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms.
- magnum. Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- mono. Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- ios-samples. Xamarin.iOS sample apps
- ReactiveUI. An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- MvvmCross. The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.
- TimLiu-iOS. iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- ios-good-practices. Good ideas for iOS development, by Futurice developers.
- SwifterSwift. A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- R.swift. Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- bluepill. Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine
- IPAPatch. Patch iOS Apps, The Easy Way, Without Jailbreak.
- WordPress-iOS. WordPress for iOS - Official repository
- Stevia. 🍃 Healthy Autolayout Sugar
- LNPopupController. LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
- Disk. Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
- MonkeyDev. CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
- RequestPermission. simple permission request with beautiful UI
- VegaScroll.
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9. - OpenSSL-for-iPhone. A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV)
- AppIcon. AppIcon generates *.appiconset contains each resolution image for iOS
- LicensePlist. A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- Koloda. KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- StarWars.iOS. This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- GuillotineMenu. Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS. This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis
- Context-Menu.iOS. You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
- PullToMakeSoup. Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- DisplaySwitcher. Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- Segmentio. Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.