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Mike Mosher mike-mosher

Colorado Springs, CO

Mohamed Radwan maradwan

Teodor Janez Podobnik dorkamotorka
Software Developer with a focus on: Kubernetes, eBPF and Cloud ☁️

Prewave Ljubljana, Slovenia

Aam aamkye
The best way to predict the future, is to invent it.

@Inetum-Poland Wrocław, Poland

Cristian B. taabrcr
🥷 Tech Lead with Passion to Innovate ! 💻 Implementing Ideas in the Cloud ☁️☁️ 🕵️‍♀️ Web App | Data Science | AI and ML ✍ Always Learning and Practicing

@NinjaArch World

Fabian ABCFabian

Alice&Bob.Company Berlin

Yusuf Mayet jojo786
Muslim in IT

AWS South Africa

Sam samyerkes
Graduate of GSHU (that's Go So Hard U for you non-alums).


Christopher cjbischoff
creativity lazy - pragmatic - slight misanthrope
Michael Ullrich michael-ullrich-1010

@acai-consulting Switzerland

Frank frankpengau

Sydney, Australia

Francisco Cabrita include
Automates galaxies, stars and clouds.

@tarbase Porto, Portugal

Gent Bina gentbina

Interactive Brokers New York

Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Pedro Lourenço pfilourenco

@tentwentyone @nosportugal Lisbon

layzhi layzhi

Marqeta New York

Razvan Cranganu rcranganu
Solution Architect, Cloud & DevOps Engineer

United Kingdom

Victor GRENU z0ph
Just another Cloud Consultant. Ex @microsoft @google. Let’s connect @zoph_io.

@zoph-io Paris, France

Jenna Sprattler jksprattler
SRE @kentik | Multi-Cloud Infrastructure, Network & Security


Houston houey
cloudy, threaty, attacky stuff
sp//dr Geeblack


Bharath 0xbharath

Disruptive Labs Bangalore