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Md Sabbir Ahammed infosabbir
Flutter App Developer.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


KCK kckarnige
Making shit for the internet, for years to come.

Orlando, FL

Wrexik wrexik
Future Pen Tester, I hope 👈 HTML / Java / C# / Python ♥

Wrexik Prague

James SleepyPeko
I just like staring repos that i like n such. That's basically it. If im not lazy i might get into coding. I'm currently busy with running my own archive

Northern Bay Area

Luis Alférez LurchingDart
☝️🤓 Information Technology Student 😸💻 Cat and Code Lover

@LunanStudio México City, México

Alex Swift ajjswift
Director @wardrobe-gg 17 y/o Fullstack Developer.

@wardrobe-gg UK

EDM115 EDM115
Random french dev, student, music producer, gamer, happy husband, programming enthusiast who likes to try and play with anything 🥰

IUT Vannes Vannes, France

BachErik BachErik
Others: "Your program has many bugs." Me: "My program only has many features."


HyScript7 HyScript7

Shrek's Swarp 69

Amy amycatgirl
I make stuff. I also design stuff, sometimes.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

StroepWafel NIDNHU

Southern Australia


The Netherlands

Debargha Chattaraj DebarghaXD
I am a newbie, or you can say NOOBIE.


Filip "botafi" Botai botafi
Working as a lead software engineer. Experienced with JS+TS (node+browser), PHP, C#, Dart w. Flutter, a bit of Kotlin/Java. Now writing stuff in Rust & Go

@gentlecodes Prague, Czech Republic

kay phant0m2290
A 17y/o programming things

ArcünisMC Netherlands

Iván Villagrasa ivvil
I write da lisp code

Zaragoza, Spain

Oliver oliverbowp
Software developer and game designer working on Minecraft projects.

Leeds, United Kingdom

Damir Modyarov otomir23

@elytrium Moscow, Russia

Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

Aaron yeetaaron1
Me trying to code bois


One isnt-one

New Orleans, Louisiana

Anthony antoninvf
20 year old student learning C#, Java and web dev.

Prague, Czech Republic

HU_JA_JA hu-ja-ja
プログラミングできません。 最近はREADMEばっかり書いてます。


Philipp Fehr TheFehr
Developer at I-CV AG 👨‍💻

@independent-creditview Switzerland

Marc Mogdanz MarcMogdanz
Backend Dev @instantcommerce

Instant Commerce Amsterdam, Netherlands

ふらまりん Flamarine

@Nova-Committee @Prismwork Sichuan, China

stdpi hUwUtao
how to have koobernetes friend

random ossin @Team-Fuho @LangDuaMC @ThiccMC Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Sven Neddoo
I create cool stuff i guess.

The Netherlands

Liam shackhorn
Hi! I'm a Software Engineering student at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I enjoy working in NodeJS, and I program things under @PencilFoxStudios.

Pencil Fox Studios Henrietta, NY