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Loukas Sakellaridis loukic77
Computer Science Student at Athens University of Economics and Business

AUEB Athens, Greece

Katerina Kanellopoulou akanellop
Computer engineering graduate. Here are some projects and collaborations.
Spyros Panagiotopoulos spanagiot

Skroutz S.A. Athens, Greece

Panagiotis Marinos Spokazzoni
CS Undergrad student @ Aspiring Software Engineer!
Artemis Leonardou artemisln
Junior SWE & IT student from Greece. Constantly learning and evolving.

Athens, Greece

Markus Noordsestern
Originated in Germany, Swedish at heart, worked in Argentina for a bit. I am a pragmatist, gardener and automation engineer.

@marketsquare Germany

Dimitris Stylianou dimitrisstyl7
MSc student in Advanced Informatics and Computing Systems – Software Development and Artificial Intelligence | University of Piraeus

Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus Athens, Greece

Apostolis Siampanis ApostolisSiampanis
MSc student in Advanced Informatics and Computing Systems – Software Development and Artificial Intelligence | University of Piraeus

Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus Athens, Greece

Theodoros Koxanoglou thkox

Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus Greece

Panagiotis Karamolegkos karamolegkos
"First solve the problem, then write the code"

University of Piraeus Pireas, Greece

Andreas Karabetian adreaskar
God is a computer scientist

University of Piraeus Research Center Greece

George Bisbas georgebisbas
Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London. Research on HPC, DSLs, compiler IRs and cache-blocking optimizations for stencil computations

Imperial College of London London/Thessaloniki/Livadi