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Kiều Huynh kieuhuynhdev
Front-end Developer Passionate about building responsive and user-friendly web applications with React and Next.js. Constantly learning and exploring new techs

Ha Noi, Vietnam

Marwen marwenbk
Business Oriented Development, With UX in mind

@Arev-tn Djerba

Mario marioAmauta
Frontend Developer. I like technology, science and music. In my free time I like to play the Saxophone.

Mario Programador Chile

J Loots Nova-ZA
Dev + that Ops thing

@prisma Cape Town

daniyal abbaszadeh dnyall
Front-End developer


Pavel Fomchenkov nawok

Qoniac GmbH Dresden, Germany

ZHS copyrighthero
Adept at full-stack development, fluent in JavaScript, Python, and SQL; can occasionally converse in Bash, PHP, and C.

Austin, TX

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

Erkhes N rexes-ND
Trying to become solid SWE :)


Deniz Cakiroglu DBC201

Everywhere, not always

Lasse SlickYeet
Hi, I'm Lasse! You can reach me at [email protected]


Adham Akmal Azmi adhamaa
playing with codes, sleep on codes and dream about code
Ryan Scherler ryanscherler
Web designer & developer residing in the Pacific Northwest. I thrive on collaborating with start-ups, non-profits, creative agencies and independent designers.

@eastslopestudio Seattle / Twisp, WA

oxomoto 0x0m0t0
designer + dev


Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Gizem Ulubayam Ulubayam
Software Engineer


Sekamatte Soul Solomon SoulSolomon21
I am a software developer who is in love with the web. I am currently working on Asianzu, looking to make a positive impact on the mental health landscape.
Sam Huynh samhwang
Senior Software Engineer at @Lyka-Pet-Food . Contributes to @viet-aus-it and @bifrostlab.

@Lyka-Pet-Food || VAIT @viet-aus-it || @bifrostlab Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Onur Önder onderonur
Senior Frontend Developer @Nesine · Ege University Computer Engineering · Ege University Civil Engineering

Nesine İzmir, Turkey

Christophe S stophecom
Frontend x Design. Privacy matters.

@creadi @denkmal @paxch Switzerland

Illia Sukhostavskyi Syxou
JavaScript Developer

eeedo Warsaw, Poland

Daniel Mateos Carballares danim47c

@kashin-dev Valladolid, Spain

Jerrick littleplato
Just some nut


Meer Bahadin meerbahadin
Lead Front End Developer at @netspot-solutions

Netspot Solutions Sulaymaniyah

Muhammad Mustafa muhammad4dev
Front End Web developer


Rahul Bansal rahulbansal3005

Siemens Bengaluru, Karnataka

Don dongumayagay
Software Engineer @ LegalDex AI

LegalDex AI Philippines

Juan Andrés Albarrán jalbarrang

Personal Concepción, Chile

Bánh Mì Ốp La banhmioopla
I am a man loving php.Codeigniter, javascript.[NextJs, jQuery]
NeverEngineLabs cristianvogel
Cristián Vogel

NeverEngine Labs Copenhagen

Kovács Bálint Hunor MemerGamer
Full Stack Developer and Software Engineering Student (MSc) at Sapientia EMTE Interested in DevSecOps, CVE & open source development. Creator of @AniMathIO

LynxSolutions Romania, Covasna, Sf.Gheorghe

free software enthusiast, typescript enjoyer, aspiring security wizard

maintainer @regresado the internet