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Timothée Souris TimSouris
Computer Science student learning blockchain technology and smart contract auditing. Web designer

Reunion Island

Eren Aslan erenaslandev

@VirtualMetric Türkiye

Alex | Interchain Labs aljo242
Developer @ Interchain Labs

Interchain Labs

Alexandre GV. alexandregv
IT Lead @42paris, Alumni @42paris @42school

@42Paris Paris, France

Romain Testard TestardR
Software engineer, opensource advocate, and tech lover.

In the clouds above France

Nikos Zois nikoszoisse

Hellas Direct Athens

Vihanga kulasekara kulasekara02
currently integrating PL/SQL with Java and PHP to develop web applications that can interact with an Oracle database.

Ceylinco General Insurance Limited Europe

Hari Prasanth M M hariprasanthmath
Aspiring MERN stack engineer, I am passionate about staying up to date with the latest technologies and best practices in web development.


Nathan Appere nathan-appere
I build & lead data-driven teams that ship quickly and iterate constantly.

@volemonde Paris

Sohel Mia mdsohelmia
Senior Software engineer at Gotipath. Golang, PHP,Laravel,TypeScript,Javascript,Vue,React HTML, CSS. 🇧🇩

@gotipath Dhaka, Bangladesh

Cemal cmlonder
"Jack of all trades, master of SOME"

Heetch İstanbul

Data Scientist


David Guyon gyndav
"Hands-On" Engineering Leader • BUILD, TEST, DEPLOY. 🔁 #DeveloperExperience

@Heetch Montpellier, France