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Arialdo Martini arialdomartini
Test infected • XP practictioner • Writes bugs in C# F# Haskell Lisp • Loves Emacs and Cherry MX Blue

Lost in Emacs - @[email protected]

Musaib bashir musaib88
Results-oriented Full Stack Developer with expertise in MERN Stack and hands-on experience in Java Stack gained through a half-year internship.

hebbal, Bangalore ,RT nagar

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


ebwood ebwood
Flutter + NextJS

Wood Tech

luna haskell-monad

China Beijing

Andrii Maliuta ahndmal
Developing custom staff for @atlassian 's Confluence/Jira @Sumy-Coding

AC Ukraine

Logyi, hajnalvédő lojikil
Former DIR of OffSec & former Unix Curmudgeon. Totally available for discussions of phantom types. Dad, PLT Philosopher, Tolstoy, Epictetus, Jun Tsuji, & Camus
Jean-Luc Jox jljox
Senior Software Engineer