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Chris cjohnsoniit

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Suciu Aksza aksza
Hi. My name is Aksza Suciu. I am a first year student at Sapientia University working on my Masters's Degree in the field of Software development.

Tg Mures

Oleh Collins olehcollins
Apprentice Software Engineer

Wolverhampton, UK

Ahmed Shazly Rumbustious
Computer & Systems Engineering Student at Aswan University

Aswan Egypt

Ahmed Hemeda A-Hemeda
Software Engineer | .NET Developer

Route Cairo, Egypt

Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Shubham Bhati Shubh2-0
Dedicated to Innovating with Technology | Exploring the Boundaries of Tech | Passionate about Creating Elegant Code

Masai School Banglore

phillipmiller Lightlightingstorm

home gaming Valley stream ny

Fahad AL Dalleel FahadProgrammer
Linguist & Programmer.

Sanomah Ltd UK

Eduardo Giannini EduardoGiannini
💻 Desenvolvedor Backend | Último período de ADS 🚀 Apaixonado por tecnologia e aprendizado contínuo 📫 Contato: [email protected]
Hrishikesh Kadam hrishikesh-kadam
Flutter | Android | Google Cloud Certified x 2 | aka 'HRK'

Pune, India

Vladislav Pavlyuk VladislavPavlyuk
I'm the person who gets excited about things that no one else cares about.


Apurv Ghai (MSFT) apurvghai
Dynamics 365 Developer Support Program

Microsoft Texas

Laender Oliveira laenderoliveira
Desenvolvedor .Net

Grupo Autoglass Brazil

Adric adricl

Melbourne, Australia

Dave Black udlose
I solve difficult problems

Black Box Solutions, Inc. Austin, TX

Niloy Datta niloydatta000
Got stuck in between Ctrl+Z & Ctrl+Y

Dhaka, Bangladesh